Theres Darkness In Everyone

By PaNdaBeAr1813

416 13 34

destiny and desirea are 12 years old living a normal life until someone moves into the abandon mansion. thing... More

Theres Darkness In Everyone
Theres Darkness In Everyone chapter 2
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 3
Theres Darckness In Everyone Chapter 4
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 5
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 7
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 8
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 9
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 10
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 11
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 12
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 13
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 14
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 15
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 16
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 17
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 18
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 19
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 20
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 21
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 22
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 23
Theres Darkness In Everyone Chapter 24

Theres Darness In Everyone chapter 6

21 0 4
By PaNdaBeAr1813

I look at the door waiting for the person to walk in Was it jace? no he is like all the other people in this town im just a disease and he doesnt want nothin to do with me. My heart clenches at the thought of him not wanting anything to do with me. Wait why am i getting so worked up over this its not like i like the guy or anything we just met. the door opens and a person walks through it and the person is.......the guy from the grave yard no not jace the other guy.

''what do you want?" i said he looked at me and all the machines

''so the rumors are true" he said with a smile he sat in the chair mom was just in and starred at me

''what?" i spat he lost the smile and stood up he got in my face

''tell jace to come out and play or the past will come and get him" he growled he then inhaled ''nnnnn your scent is magnifecent" he said the smile back on his face i wanted to run his face over with a car just to wipe it off

''what do you mean the past will come and get him?" he laughed

''just give him the message he will understand" with that said he left what was he going to do to jace? should i break my promise to him and go see him just to tell him that? I decide after awhile that im not going to break my promise i lay back down and try to sleep but i cant cause of that threat whats his name just did. The door opens and doctor richard walks in

''ok your tests look good i think you just over did it try to stay relaxed and dont get to stressed out" i nodded not trusting my voice

''does she get to come home?" mom asked

''yeah she does" he said after they were done talking i got dressed and walked out of the hospital and went home

''are you hungry or thirsty or is there anything you want?" mom asked i shook my head still not trusting my voice dad was silent the whole entire time he looked like he was lost in thought ryan was always standing close by whenever we were around dad. I walked up to my room and shut the door the first thing i did was look out my window and saw a light on in the mansion i took a shower and went to bed.


summer break has just begun its been two weeks since iv been in the hospital which is awsome. I go home drop my things off and go for a run in the forest as im running i start to think back to what happened that day in the hospital i cant believe a guy i dont even know comes up and tells me to tell jace that why am i involved? And what am i involved in a family fued? or something. I stop running cause i cant think and run at the same time well i can but not like this. I sit on a log and stare at the floor my brain and heart are at war the brain is saying to keep the promise but yet the heart is saying go to him

''AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BEEN SO DIFFICULT?" i scream at the sky i noticed it was dark now i stand up and of course i have no idea where i am thats what i get for getting lost in my thoughts. I go to the right thinking its the right way but its to dark to tell.

''you havent told him have you?" i spun around and there he was again

''are you stalking me?" he walked up to me

''sort of. but now your stuck with me" he threw me over his shoulders and ran REALLY fast everything was a blur. He finally stopped and dropped me and i do mean DROPPED me

''OUCH!" i screamed i glared at him ''you ddidnt have to drop me"

''you could have told him" he snapped i looked around we were in some house

''where are we?" i asked

''dont worry about it soon it wont even matter where you are" he smiled which made me kind of nervous

''why do you want him?" i asked

''oh im sorry i didnt know we were playing twenty questions"

''my family will hunt you down" i said he just laughed

''no one will find you well maybe jace thats if he feeels like it" he walked out of the room and i was left alone i curled up on the floor i hope someone was going to come for me. I tried to fall asleep but for some reason i couldnt.

''lets go" i dont know how long iv been here with this maniac i still dont even know his name and what he wants with me. I didnt get up from the floor so hhe came and yanked me off the floor ''i said lets go" he said between clenched teeth i didnt say anything i mean really you get kidnapped and the guy says something to you would you want to say something back? No i rest my case. He puts me in a carand we take off i stare out the window not really paying attention to my surrounds i really should be doing that but lately iv been in zombie mode. he gets me out of the car and thats when i notice where we are, we are in the grave yard he yanks me along but i fight him but he is to strong for me so i give up and follow. I stare up ahead fog is forming just like the last time i was here there was a figure at a grave crouched down

''looky what i got" he said moving me infront of his body like a shield and he was holding me close so our bodies were touching which made my skin crawl the figure looked up

''destiny?" it was jace i didnt say a word to him i didnt want to but yet i did

''now the past will become the future" he yelled grabbed my throat and exposed my neck

''NO" jace growled and vanished i looked around as much as i could to find him but the next thing i knew i was on the ground horrible noises came out of the darkness i curled up covered my ears i saw jace fall from the sky how did that happen? i wondered he looked at me in horror wonder why he was looking at me like that. He got up and started to come towards me but the other guy knocked him down again

''stay away from her" he growled

''she is dying nate" i froze im dying? but how i had no wounds or anything i looked at my body nope nothing

''GET OFF" i looked to see jace throw nate off of him and ran he picked me up and started running super fast he had a knife in his hand and when nate caught up he stabbed him. we got to the mansion and we went up to his room he laid me on the bed

''im so sorry" he said iwas about to say something but he stopped me ''you wont be able to talk" he said ''he tore your throat open" he looked at his hands


''dont talk" he said ''i can save you but its up to you" i thought about it if i die then i wont have to deal with all this medical stuff but if i live i can probably see him again

''do you want me to save you?" he asked

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