Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

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A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Ten

311 13 5
By ElenaAlexandra10

Ronald looked out the window. There was a chance for rain, or snow. Ronald wasn't sure.

It was the third time today that he wondered what Bethany was doing today. Today was her birthday. Was she celebrating it? Or was she forced to work on her birthday?

Ronald was stuck here, finishing his studies. All he wanted to do was be with her. And wish her happy birthday.

He hasn't seen her much lately because his father made sure he was busy all day, every day. He went to events and celebrations. Dinners and meetings. And last but not least, he was finishing up schooling for the final year.

He was coming of age to start ruling, so his father saw it as important to let the kingdom know he was fit to rule.

Honestly, he didn't feel ready. He wanted Bethany at his side, as his friend and companion. She always knew how to help him.

There was another thing that gave him great distress. He was set to wed princess Kathrine in the upcoming year. He hasn't told Bethany of the news yet. He knew it would change everything between them. She would be serving his soon-to-be wife, in a year's time. And he hated the aspect in every way.

Why couldn't their friendship be public? Why couldn't they have a chance to be together?

His heart skipped a beat. He never...thought of Bethany in that way. But what if he did want to be with her? He wouldn't be allowed to.

It angered him. The injustice that was shown to the both of them.

He wanted to run to her, and give the gift he's been hiding in his bedside drawer. Combing through his short hair, he leaned against his hand. What if she never showed up? He hasn't seen her in two weeks. What if she didn't want to see him? What if she thought he was ignoring her?

"Focus, your majesty." The teacher brought him back to the studies. Grudgingly, the prince listened. For the past hour he learned how to strategize for war. Then he would finish up learning how to make his country a fortress. Strong and powerful.

The prince jerked his head up. "Sorry," he gave a lopsided smile. "I was just lost in my thoughts."

"That's understandable, but you have to finish up with your final lesson. Testing will be tomorrow and then you're free. Then I don't have to torment you with study any longer." The teacher cracked a joke. Which was unusual for his serious teacher.

But the prince smiled anyways. "I've waited for this day a long time." Ronald said.

"I know." The teacher replied with a smile.

Ronald was drawn to boredom each lesson they did. The teacher struggled with the lessons, to keep him on track and focused. Ronald's father would ask the teacher how he was doing and when he would find out that Ronald was doing poorly, he would punish him by forcing him to stay in the study room all day, and do his lesson's with the teacher until he improved.

Both the teacher and Ronald suffered. So he learned to try his best. The prince felt a slight tinge of pity. He had tortured the teacher throughout the years.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me, Mr. Longmont. I'm sorry for any pain or grievances I've caused you in the-"

"Woah, you did nothing of the sort." The man has aged since teaching him. And Ronald was sure it was because of him.

"On a serious note, you did a lot for me." Ronald said with deep appreciation. "I learned a lot from you."

The teacher studied Ronald for a moment and nodded. "Your welcome, it's been my pleasure to serve you and the king. Although, I hope that you don't forget what we've learned together." He said in a jesting manner.

When they finished up with the lesson Ronald rode his horse to the spot where he might find Bethany. She wasn't there.

Prince Ronald sat down hard on the cold stone bench. The view of the sea was breathtaking, but not without Bethany by his side.

He gave a sigh of surrender.

He watched the waves lap the shore. He remembered the times before this bench came along, when they used to sit right on the sand. Then the prince asked his father to have a bench made there. He didn't tell him why, and his father surprisingly gave him his wish.

They came so often, it only seemed reasonable.

The prince shivered. It was cold outside, maybe that's why she wasn't out here.

Just when he was about to get up and leave he heard a soft crunch of frozen branches beneath someone's shoes, approaching him. On alert, he whirled around. He was pleasantly surprised to find Bethany coming.

She was dressed in the most fitting dress for her hair color. It was an emerald green dress. Simple yet so exquisite on her. Her eyes and hair stood out in contrast to the dress.

"Bethany, happy birthday!" He jumped up and hugged her. "I know we haven't seen each other as often but I promise that will change." He smiled wide.

A smile peaked out, making her rosy cheeks stand out. "It's okay, I understand you're busy. After all you're going to be a king soon enough!" She reminded him.

"Well I won't be so busy, not anymore. I'm finishing studying tomorrow!" He exclaimed. "I'll have more time for myself. Time to spend with you."

"Really?" Hope shone in her eyes. He missed her cheerfulness. Missed having his best friend make jokes that only the two of them understood.

"Yes, really, truly." He was gleeful at the thought of spending more time with her.

He missed looking over the dinner table to where she stood in her uniform waiting upon the lady's that came to stay at the palace. Catching a knowing look. And then they would share a secret smile when no one was looking.

"I got you a present." He smiled. Holding the box out to her. "Open it!" He couldn't wait. She didn't have one of her own, and he thought what better gift to give then what she loves so dearly?

"Oh my goodness." She took out the leather bound book that he had given to her. "For me?" Tears sparkled in her eyes. It was her favorite book, the first book she ever read. It was back before she could read, and the first time they met, they read this book together.

It became her most beloved book. She had reread it so many times, it practically belonged to her, but he knew the book keeper would notice. So instead he had it copied. "It's all yours to keep." He beamed with joy.

"Thank you so much Ron!" Upon hearing his nickname being used, Ronald got a slight butterfly feeling. He loved when she called him that. "Are you sure no one will notice it's gone from the library?"

"No, because it's not that book. I had an exact copy made."

"I can't believe it, it looks just like it!" She examined the book with excitement shining on her face.

Astonished, she touched it lightly, as if scared to touch it for fear of getting in trouble. But it wasn't the royal family's. It was a copy. Her copy.

Just before they could speak another word, rain began pouring from the heavens with vengeance. Prince Ronald took the book and put it inside the box before it would be ruined.

"Come on, we got to get inside!" He screamed above the rain that had quickly become louder than the both of them.

Pitter patter. The rain fell against the stony bench.

He heard Bethany scream with glee. He smiled. Well at least she's happy about the rain. I thought it ruined the moment! Ronald thought to himself.

He swung her on his horse. Did she walk all this way? He looked back at the castle in the distance. Yes, she did.

He urged his horse to a gallop, though they were still getting soaked. As they reached the castle, Ronald could see two men standing at the gates. The guards, oh no, trouble up ahead! Ronald thought.

They seemed to be starting straight at Ronald and his horse. Oh no. Maybe he could sneak on the other side of the castle. But he knew he risked both their lives. The other side was a cliff leading down to a rocky shore below.

He would just have to make up another excuse. And hopefully they wouldn't tell the King.

He slowed to a trot and whispered to Bethany from behind her hood, "Bring the hood lower so they can't see your face." He commanded.

She did so.

"Your majesty! Out on a ride in such troubling weather?" They asked, taunting him.

"Yes, I saw this poor girl in distress, I had to help."

"There are servants for that, your majesty." They bowed. Ronald kept himself from giving them a tongue lashing. How dare they mock him?

"I can do things myself, your good sir." He said curtly. Making his horse walk on.

They passed the gate, and he heard them call out, "Let us take care of her from here." Irritated even more, Ronald ignored them.

He got off the horse and helped her down quickly. "Go, quickly." But it was too late. Bethany had taken her hood off and turned around when they came in. Greeted by the guards, they recognized her immediately.

"Ahh servant girl. Come here, you have some explaining to do." They walked up to her to snatch her.

"No, she is not going anywhere with you." Ronald stood in front of her.

The guards raised their eyebrows simultaneously. "But your majesty, it is against King's rules to have anything to do with a servant. Besides, why would you?" They said in a disgusting tone, as they looked her up and down. As though she was some leper.

"I would keep your tongue if I were you." They back down. He pulled Bethany with him into the castle grounds. He walked up to the servants' doors with her.

She hasn't said a word since the whole fiasco.

"Don't forget this." He held up the gift to her.

"I couldn't. It's yours, keep it." She gave it back to him and walked into the door swiftly, before he could think about what transpired.

He blinked a few times. He still stood there, numb from the cold, and hurt. Why didn't she accept it? He had planned months ahead so the publisher could get the book done in time. Disheartened, he walked to the entryway of the palace. He came not caring that he was soaking head to toe.

Servants ran up to him and began taking his soaking wet coat and shoes.

He soon found himself in his room, a bath being prepared for him. After he bathed he walked out to the family room, and found his father red with rage.

His heart skipped a beat. He looked for his mother, she always protected him. But she wasn't there.

"Why do I hear talk of you being in the company of a peasant?" He spat. "Have I not taught you that you are the face of this kingdom? What does that say when my own son befriends a lowly servant girl? Soon we will be inviting paupers to our ball!" He raged on.

Ronald hasn't moved a single bit. He was too shocked. Who told him?

The guards.

"I am not to see you probing around the servants quarters, you hear me?" The king had huffed a breath in anger, and Ronald still hadn't said a word. For he was too stunned.

"Go to your room." It seemed his father didn't care that he didn't speak up.

Ronald was on his way, when his fathers voice commanded him to stop. "I tried my hardest to make you presentable, and distinguished amongst the court. To make a good future for you. Instead you ignore your class and people, and decide to waste your time with those kinds of people." He pointed to a servant standing by. The servant lowered his head. "Do you wish to make a mockery out of me? You should be ashamed of yourself."

This bothered Ronald to no end.  "She has more kindness and love than anyone in this kingdom. It's all of you who should be ashamed, all you care about is how people see you. You care about money, about power. You didn't care enough about me to raise me or spend time with me! All you want from me is to be like you. I'll never be like you. You are all crooks, I am ashamed of you, not Bethany." Ronald spat at his father.

Ronald saw his father boiling with rage. "How dare you!" Ronald walked off not waiting to hear the rest of the sentence. He wasn't afraid of his father anymore. He could care less if he was angry. He knew by the guard following him, he wouldn't be leaving his room for a while.

Ronald spent most of his life waiting for his fathers approval, and for once in his life he didn't want it. He didn't want to end up like his father.

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