Bahadur (Watties 2022)

By HavvaTheAuthor

201K 9.7K 5.3K

Previously known as Hiraeth! "Your trapped, we will find you" the man on the other end seethed. A sinister... More

Needs to be known
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Bonus chapter
10 years later

Chapter 47

2.6K 146 91
By HavvaTheAuthor

That one week became a month, I was unable to gather more information so they gave me more time but now it's up.

My final deadline is tomorrow and  we still don't have enough information to take him down. The stress of has not only affected me mentally I'm now feeling physically sick. Ya Allah, help me.

The only good thing that has happened is 2 weeks ago Vadim came to help, I couldn't believe it was him and not Vladimir.

He still hasn't called or even asked about me, stop it Inaya! I need to forget about him.

I'm already unwell so I can't allow my mental health to fall further. There's still things to do.

Pushing the thoughts away I turned to Vadim, we've been sat in this small living room for hours now trying to find more evidence.

"We need to call Vladimir" Vadim mumbled frustratedly, I immediately nodded no. I don't want to speak to him or hear his voice, it's going to hurt to much.

"No, we don't"

"Zolovka we don't have enough evidence and I can bet Vladimir has something he's forgotten about" he sighed flicking through the pages of documents we've gone over so many times.

The memory stick with all the video footage on it was not enough, the USA claimed they were trying to help like always  and Pakistan said the same.

Apparently they were attempting to protect us from the Taliban. Lying asses!

"Ok but I'm not here" I said quickly taking a seat closer to him, l know hearing his voice is going to break me but I need to, I need to know he's ok. He nodded his head dialled the number.

"Hello" Vladimir mumbled tiredly. Ya Allah, my heart beat escalated upon just hearing his voice.

"Vladimir we need help"

"What happened, is she-"

"No we need more evidence by tomorrow if we don't go to court with some evidence they're going to kick the case" Vadim said, we really don't have time.

" I gave her everything" he growled frustratedly, I can hear him pacing through the phone.

"There must be something else"

The line went silent for a few minutes, the only thing being heard through the line is the rustling of paper. Suddenly he gasped.

"Fuck yes, I have messages with him and a damn contract, how could I have forgotten" he chuckled, oh thank Allah.

"Thank God, we're going to need that" Vadim sighed in relief, over the past month his face has become more sunken and he looks weaker. I feel so guilty for dragging him into this situation.

"I'll take a picture"

"No no we need it here physically by tomorrow morning" Vadim hurried shaking his head, we don't have time and I doubt the judge will accept a picture. Vladimir hung up. Ya Allah. What if he can't send it over in time.

Hearing his voice has made me weak once again, don't you dare cry Inaya, I reprimanded. I want him to be with me again, I want everything to go back to the way it was on the boat.

I felt loved and cared for, I felt as if he would stay with me forever.

I leaned back on the sofa as Vadim stood up, he grabbed his wallet and headed towards the door "I'll go get some dinner"

"I want a McFlurry and fries please"

Dopamine instantly rushed into my brain, I quickly sat up excitedly. I've been craving this for ages. Vadims lip lifted mock disgust before he left and locked the door.

This past month has been extremely difficult, I miss Khawlah and my family. I just want to go home to them.

I called Ziraar bhai a week ago and he said everything is going ok, the UN is helping him protect the villagers. I didn't have it in me to tell him what happened with Vladimir so I just told him he has other work to do.

When in fact he left me, left me all alone in an unknown country to fight this case. Ya Allah I know he cares, he told me he loves me but he still left.

Just as I tidied up the papers a knock resonated through the room, I always forget McDonalds is right outside.


I opened the door for him and snatched the McFlurry out of his hands instantly.

"Here's everything you wanted" he smiled placing the rest of the food on the small 2 person dining table.

"Thank you"

He took a seat opposite me and began eating to. We've been working for a few hours non stop and what I've learnt about Vadim over the past few weeks is that he needs a meal every 2 hours to stay alive.

I immediately dipped a chip into the McFlurry, the savoury sweet taste enticing my taste buds. Vadim's face scrunched in disgust.

"That's disgusting zolovka"

"Try it please" I begged stuffing a chip into his face. He swatted it away and gagged.

" your cravings are getting weirder, yesterday you dipped your crisps into a vanilla milkshake"

No one can beat that I swear to God I will have that again and again because it's that good.
"That was amazing I'm telling you"

"It must be your time of the month" he chuckled, I almost laughed with him when my body froze. I haven't had my period yet, I'm never late, no Allah no.

Vadim noticed my frozen movements and placed his food back down worriedly.
"What happened"

"I-I missed my period" I stuttered standing up, this can't be right, maybe it's the food, maybe it's because I've eaten so much fried food. It has to be.

"Zolovka, don't lie to me"

I shook my head no still attempting to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Vadim jumped up in excitement, the biggest smile taking over his features. He was about to run around like crazy when he again noticed my worried state.

"Aren't you happy" he asked sitting next down on the sofa so I didn't collapse.

"He left me Vadim, I'm going to be a single mother of 2"

I can't do this Allah, I can't, I can barely look after myself right now. And when I go home it'll only be worse, even though mum and dad will help me rumours will spread. He impregnated me and left.

"He will come back" he said with certainty but I still don't believe him. If he can leave me after saying I love you why would he come back for our baby.

"I'm going to go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow please don't tell him" I mumbled throwing the rest of the food in the bin, I'm starting to feel sick.

Vadim grabbed his food and placed his hand on my head in pity "I'm here for you Inaya don't forget that ok"


I was awoken by a loud knocking on the door. I hurriedly wrapped a scarf around my head and opened the door to see Vadim. He still looks overly excited from yesterday's news. I don't even know how I feel anymore.

He threw a bag at me and took a seat on the sofa.

"There's a few tests in there Zolovka, we must make sure you are so you can take medicine and more care of yourself"

I nodded my head and ambled into the the small bathroom, Ya Allah I love children but I can't be pregnant, I don't have it in me to survive anymore.

No matter how much protection I receive from the UN and Vadim there's still a 99% chance I won't be leaving here alive. I'm fighting with the Pakistani government for Gods sakes, this isn't a Mcdonalds like the judge said.

After peeing on the stick I watched impatiently as the timer ticked down. I was about to take a seat on the bath edge when the result popped onto the small screen.

Smiley face.

I'm pregnant, my insides dropped immediately, I'm pregnant. Allah what am I supposed to do. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held the stick tigthtly

"Inaya! What's the result"

Slowly opening the door I handed him the test, a massive smile took over his features as he jumped up and down excitedly.

"I'm going to have another niece or nephew" he squealed like a little girl, if I wasn't so shocked I'd be laughing but I can't. I feel cloudy.

"I can't do this Vadim bhai"

Vadim gently placed me on the bed and squatted in front of me
"You can, after our last court session today I will make Vladimir understand"

"No I just want to go home" I immediately shot up, I don't want to go through another rejection. I just want to go home.

"You don't want to tell him? Inaya he will stay, he won't leave you then" he said confidently, I don't know how or why but a little spark of hope burned inside me. Maybe he will.

"Really" I mumbled in need of reassurance.

"He can't even seperate himself from Khawlah, you really think he will be able to do this once you tell him his child is growing inside you"

He's right, Inshallah he's right.
Vladimir won't leave me Allah he'll come back. I wiped my warm tears and took a seat on the bed, everything will go back to normal today.

He will love me and we will be ok.

"Now Zolovka I'm going to go get you a McFlurry and fries" He was about to leave when he noticed the time "shit we don't have enough time, get ready and I'll bring it for lunch"

I quickly grabbed my bag of clothes and ran into the bathroom, I have an overwhelming need to dress nice today.

Once I was clean I slipped on a satin ankle length emerald dress and a black hijab, this is it. My last day in court. After this I'll be happy, I have to be.

I rubbed my stomach gently, for my baby I have to be.

Vadim and I travelled to court the usual way, in a bullet proof SUV driven by UN officers. Once we arrived we were escorted to the courtroom.

My body was on edge the whole time. We still haven't received the contract and vadim told me he's got it sorted.

"Vadim we don't have much time, we need the papers" I whispered slowing down.

"They should be here in time" he nodded reassuringly but I can see a little doubt, if it doesn't come were finished.

We entered the scarce room and took at seat in our usual seats, Vadim on the row behind the main table where I'm sat. Haider Ahmed is sat on the opposite end of the courtroom, just like every other day he looks confident.

As if he'll be able to get out of this one, we have him trapped and there's no way out. I can bet he's still trying to have me killed but I'm still living and I'm in this courtroom, he's ran out of time.

The judge still wasn't in, I was about to grab a glass of water when one of the UN officers came up to me, he leaned over.

"Miss Raani there's a private swearing in ceremony in the judges quarter as there's going to be media here today" he said, I nodded my head and stood up. Finally. Vadim immediately stopped us worriedly. He stood in front of the officer.

"There's media I need to be sworn in in private" I said reassuringly.
Vadim seemed a little confused but nodded nevertheless. This is the UN they probably do things differently than in normal courts.
My law degree is somehow paying of.

As we got out the agent began leading me towards the back door, I thought the judges quaters was up front?

"Isn't it.." the agent interrupted me quickly as he stomped around a corner on edge.

"The media is that way we must avoid them" he said quickly, gosh we must really be late.

Nodding my head I continued to follow him, we were just about to enter a room when my body was thrown against the door, I gasped in shock and attempted to move but suddenly it was lights out

Vladimir's POV

"Where can I take you?" The Dutch man spoke with a smile.

"Peace palace"

I held Khawlah's sleeping body close to mine and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She's going to see her mum again.

"Aba" she spoke grabbing onto my beard, reminds me I need to shave. Gently pulling her hands away I squeezed her cheeks.

"Yes my princess"

I wasn't planning on coming back here but I had no other choice, my whole team is working on other important buisness and I wouldn't dare trust them to take it anyways.

Once this is all over I'll go home and forget about her, leaving Khawlah will be the hardest but what am I to do. There's no other way and this whole being soft thing is to much, she can't be my weakness.

I need to bring the Italians down within the next few months and that's all I must concentrate on, if I don't my Mafia is going to be fucked. I'm not letting all my fucking hardworking go to waste.

"We've arrived"

Handing him the money I headed up the staircase, I already called the judge yesterday informing him that I'll be coming down with evidence.

I held Khawlah close as the security guards patted me down, he attempted to touch Khawlah but my got stopped him. There's to many pedophiles in this world, like hell am I going to allow a random man to touch her.

The security guard led me to the courtroom, as the doors opened I searched it for her but came up with no one, where is she.

"Vladimir!" Vadim ran towards me, worry lacing his features.

"Where is she" I growled, lord of anything has happened to her I'm going to go ballistic, I can already feel the fury coursing through my veins.

"An officer said she needs to sworn in in private but the judge just came in"

Before I could yell at him the judge banged the gavel snatching my attention away from Vadim.
"If Miss Raani is not here within 30 minutes we will proceed without her"

Haider smirked, that motherfucker. He did something!

Handing Khawlah to Vadim I stormed towards Haider and grabbed his dirty suit collar furiously.

"Where the fuck is she!" I growled  pulling him over the wooden desk. He tried to struggle but I wouldn't let go. The security tried to get involved when the judge motioned for them to stop. I'm not fucking scared.

"Mr Yahontov let go of Mr Ahmed!" The judge ordered loudly but I ignored him, Haider smirked again. Motherfucker.

"I did nothing, don't try to be a hero Vladimir" Haider spat still trying to get away from him. Who does he think he is! He knows nothing about me.

Pulling him closer by his tacky tie scoffed "Not in your story I'm not, I'm the fucking villain and I'll set this entire world on fire if only the hijab on her head is touched"

Slamming his head against the desk I sprinted out of the courtroom, they've fucking taken her, I should have been here!



Random thought

Last night my ceramic large mantle piece fell and shattered, I was taking a shit and my soul left my body.

Moral of the story don't take shits because something scary always happens when your halfway through

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