Demon slayer x stand user rea...


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This story starts of with Y/n L/n our protagonist, one day the 21 year old decided to visit Japan and surpris... More

Get isekai'd thot
Harry potter, peppa pig and dorito chip
to find my missing luggage
Please train me!
Uh no? Yes?
I'll make a man out of you

Y/n is big and stronk

2.5K 64 56

(I just realized there were mistakes in the second chapter and the trio were only supposed to call you by your last name and not the first one. Oh yeha and Y/n calls Inosuke by his first name since he butchers her name so she could care less if she calls him by his last name)

The next morning, you woke up early. It was a habit you got from your old life and job. Wake up early, threaten some people for not paying their debt. Doing some jobs for the boss, and jobs some people can't do. And since you had nothing to do, why not just work out?

The old lady greeted you good morning and you greeted back. She gave you your old cloths and you smiled in delight. "Thank you" you thanked, "And also" she grabbed something from behind and handed it to you.

Your heart sunk to the ground and stomach we churned. That was your missing phone. "I saw this while I was washing the cloths, I believe it's yours." Thoughts raced through your head, 'Is she going to tell someone? Am going to have to kill her? Kill an old lady? Again? Wait she might have dementia or something or like Alzheimers. Well in that case it would be fine, but she remembered to give my cloths back so I doubt she has it...' you continued to think as you both stood in the halls. "Lady, you don't have to worry I didn't do anything to it. But I do have to ask, what is it?" The old lady says.

"It's an invention in Germany, my grandpa gave it to me before I went here. I'm not really supposed to show it to anyone else since it's really important to him and me. So can you please keep it a secret" you quickly made up. You were pretty sure the lady didn't understand at all but she just nodded and walked away. 'Crap'

Time skip after some thinking and worrying

The sun was bright and shining. "Ahhhh fresh vitamin D" you sat on on the porch thingy and soaked in the sun for a bit. After that you went on and began doing your daily work out routine.

100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

And did 10 km of running

Of course that's not all that you did, your body always healed faster than a normal human being. You did one handed pushups, you tested your flexibility and pushed it into its new limits, and basically a full body training.

You only had baggy pants and tank top on, but your sweat was glistening and made your muscles pop out. "AHHHHHHH! FIGHT ME FIGHT ME!" A familiar voice spoke. You dodged without looking and grabbed the boy by his boar mask. "Sure. But let's put some rules here shall we?"

You forced the boy to sit down in front of you. "No weapons. No bitting. No scratching. Oh and more importantly, you can't use total concentration breathing. And that's all." You said. Tanjiro had taught you about the techniques that the demon slayers used to kill demons. Which you made the conclusion that hamon will work on demons. It was basically just like hamon.

"That's all? Haha! I can do that!"

"Mhm okay now lets get started"

Getting into a fighting position, you closed your eyes. You were blind for a year and a half, but during that time, your spatial sense and your sense of smell became more better. Excluding your hearing though, it's always been bad. "Huh? Why are you closing your eyes??? Are you afraid? Huh? Huh?" Inosuke screams.

(Idk how to write our fights properly so bear with me)

Ignoring what he was saying you made your first blow, you did a round house kick but missed. He charged to the opposite side and tried to kick your leg and make you lose your balance. However, you bended your back to the kick before it could hit and swiftly used his leg to help you do a back handspring.

Inosuke grunts and regains his stance. Right before his eyes, you jab his his face. Strong enough for his mask to fall off and reveal his gorgeous bloody face.

He yells and goes after you again. Inosuke kept launching punches and kicks and you kept dodging them, 'His attacks are really low' you inwardly said.

Your attacks were high, so it was difficult trying to get a hit at him when he's going to try and break your legs. You kept of dodging while trying to figure out what to do. Inosuke began to attack higher now, he throws a punch and you nearly got attacked. Fist clenching, you have him a upper cut.

His head flies back but he immediately grabs your arm and swung himself around you and kicked your head powerfully. You were pretty sure you got a concussion and lost a tooth too. 'Crap... I held back on the uppercut' you hated yourself for holding back that uppercut and now you you're in pain.

You spit out blood and saw a tooth being spat out too, you smirked. "Es ist Zeit, etwas ernster zu werden" (its time to get a little more serious. btw did you know Y/n used to be had a robotic prosthetic hand?)

You licked your lips and increased the speed and strength of attacks. Inosuke wanting to keep up, he did the same. But,

Y/n liked to finish things I bit faster this time

Y/n was one of the bosses elite guards, but of course things changed.

Tears in heaven

Precision: B

Potential: A

Durability: C

Range: A

Speed: B

Power: A

Tears in heaven's appearance is a tall and lean humanoid being, it has short flowing hair and it's not the same as their user Y/n L/n though. It has a long skirt that is similar to star platinum's but it's longer and covers more. The stand has armour on its chest, it reveals some of its chest and a little bit of the stomach but it still covers. The armour is a bright gold colour and all the other body parts are pasty white. Gold like streaks on its arms stoping on the collar bones. Stands match their user's appearance, so before, Tears in heaven had pure white eyes but changed when the user became blind but stayed when the user got new eyes. Currently it's eyes is pitch black and the stand appears to cry blood like red tears all the time. It has dark purple lips and there are lines coming from the ends of her lips to it ears. One of the most noticeable things about the stand is the halo surrounding it's head which is also the colour black.

Back to the fight

You caught Inosuke in a choke hold, he tired using his elbow and hit your abdomen but you didn't budge one bit. He tried to use his legs to try and help him escape, however you threw both yours his body to the ground and use your legs to hold down his legs. 'What is this power?' He was losing his breath and couldn't breathe in anymore.

Soon enough, he passed out from the choke, you immediately let go of his neck since you didn't want to kill him. Squatting down to his level you poked his cheek, "Completely out" you murmured.

Dragging his body, you cleaned the blood on his nose and laid his body on the porch. You quietly walked away and began testing how long you can stay upside down.

An hour later

Tanjiro had woken up to Zenitsu trying to talk to nezuko. He rolls his eyes and said "Zenitsu leave nezuko alone!" He looks around and doesn't see Inosuke. "Zenitsu, have you seen Inosuke?" He asked the blonde. "Hmm? Him? I don't know he's probably outside or something." Zenitsu answers without looking.

Tanjiro gets up and changed to his demon slayer cloths, he then got outside to see a passed out Inosuke on the porch. "What happened?"

He looked around for any answers and called out Y/n's name. "L/n-chan? L/n-chan? Where are-"

"Right behind you"

He slowly turns behind him and see an upside down red Y/n. There were veins popping on her forehead and she was puffing her cheeks. "L/n-chan! What are you doing!"

"Letting all the blood flow through my head and unlock 100% of my brain"

"I don't think it works like that..."

"Yeah it might not work I don't have enough forehead like you Kamado-kun"

"I don't think that matters..."


"Kamado-kun. Inosuke-chan. I want you two to fight me" Y/n says as she gets down from the tree. "Huh?" They both said "2 vs 1. I want you two to fight me." She reluctantly said. "Right here?" Tanjiro sweat dropped. "Right here right now"

Inosuke still not understanding "Huh?" She groaned. "You Inosuke-chan and you Kamado-kun. Fight. Me." She pointed at the two of them then to herself. "Wait a second, you're already in a first name basis with a Inosuke?!" Another voice piped up. "Yeah" she replied in a monotone voice. "But why him?" He cried. "Is there anything wrong with that? I mean if you want me to call you buy your first name then sure, I can do that." She simply shrugged. "What- me too!" Tanjiro says.

"But you can't call me by my first name I'm older then you"

"Okay! Tanjiro-chan! Zenitsu-chan! Inosuke-chan! Fight me." Her voice went deep and raspy at the end as if she really didn't want to waste time. (Also Y/n thinks of the trio as pretty cute boys so she would switch up the kun as a chan sometimes)

Tanjiro and Zenitsu got shivers down there spine as Inosuke asked a question "Wait a second here!" He points at Y/n. "Do you think I'm not strong enough for a 1 vs 1 ?!!??"

"Yeah that's like the entire point of me asking the three of you to fight me" she deadpanned, "Look. Do you wanna fight? Or not? It's either you get no fights, or a fight with two extra people."

"Ugh... fine then."

She smiled and ruffles his hair. "Great!"

"Wait I didn't even agree!" Zenitsu cried out

Y/n sat down on the ground. "So Inosuke has already heard of the rules, so I'll just repeat it for the two of you. No weapons. No bitting. No scratching. No breathing techniques or whatever you call them I already forgot. And more importantly an extra rule, no backing out. Okay you got that? Nice! Let's go"

She goes into a fighting stance and prepares herself. Inosuke being Inosuke, he attacked first. 'He sure has a lot of energy' she thought. Y/n dodged each kick and punch, "I don't want to hurt a girl!" Zenitsu bawled. "Haha! Weak"Y/n laughed. Zenitsu sulks from what she said and sat on the ground bringing his knees up to his chest.

Tanjiro observed at how Y/n dodged flawlessly, your eyes were closed! He smelt determination from Inosuke and Y/n. Tanjiro wanted to fight too!

While Inosuke from the back spins using his hands and his legs kicked yours, making you lose balance and fall, Tanjiro charges towards Y/n with immense speed and tries to land a kick on her chin. This was all happening at the same time and it was overwhelming. 'Ah hell no not another concussion' Y/n thought.

Her legs were out of balance, Tanjiro was attacking from the front, if she tried to do another hand spring she would face Inosuke and he would try to attack her and Tanjiro would still be able to attack her too.

Making a quick decision, she spread her legs while she was falling and used her ankles to balance her out, making it into an extremely low DIO pose.

(Kinda like the one the dio cosplayer was doing)

Her eyes met with Inosuke's, she was really fast when she did that. Tanjiro was already about to hit when she did that, making him miss her entirely. His kick was strong and fast, so when he missed the target, he went over Y/n and Inosuke. Resulting in him having to land with a few minor injuries.

Y/n smiles to herself and brings her legs back as quick as she can. Inosuke clicks his tongue and does the same milliseconds after Y/n.

She did a tornado kick which landed perfectly, after the attack she jumped back. She stares at the two boys, she steps back a bit more but trips backwards because of a certain yellow gremlin.

She did a back hand spring and glared at Zenitsu, but quickly moved her vision to Inosuke and-


Where the hell are they?

'Crap I wasted time' She thought while looking.


Right before her eyes the two teens where right above her. 'What should I do? What should I do?' As the closer they approached the slower in her vision they get, but she still couldn't move fast.

(Guys I know this is random but I want to peg Sanemi. Like it's not even a joke anymore this is becoming a serious problem)


To be continued

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