I'm Sorry Mate (Completed)

By AnnaSheilaWilliams

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Rejection stings and Clarista knows all about it, it seems that life is flipping her off. Like it's a complet... More

I'm Sorry Mate
The Celebration
Soul Mates
The dorms
Full moons are over rated
The hunters are trying to kill us
All alone, except for Osuin
Christmas and afterwards
We have Bella
She's just a trade
The Official Rejection and New Promises
An awkward kiss and New found romance
Past and present
Sleep overs and secrets
Planning the final move
Final moves and a full moon
Love is in the air
Mates and Dates
Everything crumbles
The End


3.6K 76 10
By AnnaSheilaWilliams

I kissed him, I kissed Osuin. He pushed me away, I thought the rejection was over, but I was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this. It doesn't feel right." Osuin said, "I'll hurt you if I find my soul mate. I can't crush you like your mate did."

Tears started to slowly fall from my eyes. "But Osuin it's not fair, you say you don't want to hurt me but you're doing it right now." I whimpered. "I thought you wanted this, I thought you wanted me."

"I do but now you're broken and I'd feel like I used you if I did it." He said looking at anything but my eyes. "I like you Clarista but what if my soul mate comes and I have to hurt you. We would never work out."

"Way to have a positive mind Osuin. I know we'd never work that's what I like about us we'd do it anyway." I said. "But you're right it wouldn't be fair on you. Goodbye Osuin have a great day."

I sauntered passed him and cried. I hate my life everything was great until the hunters took everything."

-* Acantha *-

I don't know why I flipped at Clarista she's nice I just wasn't me I guess. I was struggling I have a lot on my mind. Damien and I being mates, Danica going all freakish-like, Bella going missing and my brother wallowing in his loneliness. He really needs a girlfriend.

Right now I'm trying to master a charming spell, but sometimes I get too caught up in the moment and set the table on fire, I occasionally shock myself but that's only when I'm really excited for something.

"Allacha Raghad Opa." I said waving my wand frantically. The table changed into a cow. "Oh crap."

"Hi, you look as if you need some help." A stranger asked.

His voice startled me and I turned around screaming, "ISAK GAVOTIES!" Thankfully he put up a shield of magic before the charm hit him, you see if it had of worked he would have been trapped in a never ending wormhole. "Sorry I'm kinda new at this so I'd appreciate if you had of given me some kind of warning."

"How? I couldn't knock there's no door." He said waving his hand at the broken remains of a door.

Well at first I was trying to make the charm a big prank because this charm makes things transparent but in my error I blew the door off its hinges.

"Listen I don't have time to deal with anybody right now maybe you could annoy me later?" I asked my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"What if I said no?" The stranger replied smirking.

"I would turn you into a... COW!" I said lamely.

"A cow, really? Why a cow?" He asked.

"Well as you can see I was just practising a charm and if you look over there. You'll see a cow." I replied, "Don't push me!"

"I'm Aaron, you're funny ya know. We have to hang out sometime, like soon." He said laughing. "I mean it!"

Is surprized myself by smiling and laughing with him. "Yeah, why not?" I looked at him dead in the eyes he didn't look like he would hurt a butterfly. "When and where?"

"I was thinking we could go to the café, now." He said looking hopeful.

"Okay." I said picking up my bag I stuck my wand down the side of my boot. I headed toward the exit, "Well mister big shot are we going or not?"

^^Belladonna's P.O.V^^

I woke up to the blank wall that had inhabited my dreams for the past night. I wish I could get out of here, I wish someone would find me. In a weird way I wanted Xavier. I needed him to comfort me.

I'll be gone for Christmas today is the Eve of Christmas Eve. I won't be there for Christmas; I won't be with my soul mate on Christmas.

"Belladonna are you ready. It's time." A horrid voice sang out.

I pressed myself into the wall hoping that today he wouldn't do it. Yesterday he poked me with a hot Iron and slit me open in various places, he said yesterday that he was going to brand me.

I tried to remove my hands from the chains that were holding me. I looked into his eyes, they held traces of misery, hurt and accomplishment. He held out a branding stick that had the words Blood Spite on it. I then realised where I was, I was being held by a bunch of crazed super natural hunters. He put the stick into the fire and watched as it began to heat up.

"This is going on your neck. Everyone will know you belong to us." He spat. He smelled of drink and it abused my senses.

He grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled my hair. "My son will like to use you. When I'm finished here he'll come down and make arrangements."

I was scared, this is the first time I have never been scared before. I knew what was coming. His son was a human/sorcerer/werewolf they wanted to add vampire to the chain so his son is going to mark me. The thought alone made me want to vomit it was disgusting. He was going to force himself on me.

"Belladonna it's time!" he said pushing my head to the ground, he moved closer to me. I winced in anticipation but the pain never came. I looked over and the vile man lay on his back. Dead.

I nearly got up and jumped in joy but I was chained up so that wouldn't end well.

"So you're the girl I'm marking." A sly voice called out in the darkness. "I took away your problem now you'll help me with mine."

-*Acantha's P.O.V *-

We were actually having a good time. I can't help but feel a bit guilty because Bella is out there somewhere. I'll call Clarista this evening to ask how the search is going.

"So how's your family back at home?" Aaron asked.

"My parents and little sister are dead, my brother and I were the only survivors." I looked down at my hands placed in my lap; the thought brought back painfully sad memories.

"Sorry that was rude of me. I didn't know." He said quickly.

"It's okay you didn't know." I said smiling slightly. From the corner of my eye I saw Clarista run into café, she looked flustered.

"Oh guys I didn't see you there!" She exclaimed. "Aaron you're roommates with Xavier, where is he?"

"He's in his room or he could be in the pub. Why do you need to know?" Aaron asked.

"Okay thanks. I have information that he could use." She said and turned. "Merry Nearly Christmas." She skipped off.

"I wonder what she had information for." I said.

"I think i'ts something for Xavier, he hasn't been good. He keeps on saying it was his entire fault." He explained. "He also mentioned something about Belladonna."

"Aaron I need to go. It was nice meeting you." I said grabbing my bag and leaving. I caught up to Clarista. "What information do you have?"

"I know who has Bella. The Blood Spite Hunter Pact has her." She said, she looked scared. "They need an Alpha Female and Bella is the girl. Acantha we need to find her... But I can't do it tomorrow."

"What why?" I asked.

"It's my heat tomorrow, I can't be around... People." She said, "But here's the location. I need to go and tell Xavier. Oh and could you tell your brother that I want to talk to him."

"Okay see you on Christmas." I said holding the piece of paper that held my best friends location.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

^> Clarista's P.O.V<^

I woke up feeling refreshed and slightly more mature. Today was my birthday I am eighteen years old. Today I'll meet my real mate. Well not today, maybe tomorrow because today every unmated male smells and feels like my mate.

I'll have to occupy myself with my make-up, my clothes, my sketch pad, my phone and my laptop.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I had twelve missed calls; three from Mark and six from Sean. I listened to my voicemail messages, and Mark was going on about how sorry he was and wanted me to get with him and Sean just said two words: I'm sorry. He said those words on every message.

I deleted all the messages. I looked at my texts and wasn't surprized that there was around seven texts from Sean. The last one stood out the most it said only five words: She's gone and I'm leaving. I can't believe it, Sean left because of me. I need to say something to him but I can't leave my room, ah well.

I ran out in my pyjamas and slippers. Every male scent hit my nose and I was overwhelmed by sweet scents, but my mind was on other things. I needed to say good bye I knew it would be best for us if he left. It wasn't even ten minutes since I got out of the dorm was I pushed against the wall.

"Well, well I think I've found my little mate." The cute guy said.

"Umm... No I'm on my heat maybe tomorrow meet me by the apple tree at four tomorrow." I reasoned. He let me slip by. "Merry Nearly Christmas!"

I got to Sean's dorm in one piece . I knocked on the door and found that it was unlocked. I saw two girls watching the notebook. They weren't crying they were laughing.

"Hi do you know where Sean is?" I asked.

"He's in his room." The girl with strawberry blonde hair said.

I walked in and saw Sean. His room disturbed me he wrote all over the walls the same thing over and over.

"You've been a naughty girl Clarista. Santa won't be coming to you."


I'm sorry you had to read that I didn't realise I was so messed up!

Hugs and Kisses!

Please Cote and fan!

New name competition still open!

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