Ruined (Iaka story)

By Drift_Kai

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This is the story of Iaka Diaka, a boy who soon learns his elementals power and meets his other elements alli... More

Chapter 2: Earth's kindness to Fire's wrathful flame.

Chapter one: Beginning

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By Drift_Kai

AN: Hey, I should explain what this is This story focus on Iaka's part of my story RUINED GHOST since reading over it is extremely confusing when I read it, and I got new ideas and things for his part so I decided to just make a new one for you guys (Also thanks for the 49 views as well the 27 people who read my first other stories) Hope you enjoy! :)
Also, I need to warn you guys about mature language just to let you know it brief segment but that's all I will warn you about the mature language if a chapter has some. Thank you for understanding! :)

A sound blared through his ears, going on repeat on and on until he grew tired of hearing the annoying sound. He tried to stop it by moving his pillow to cover his ears. It worked for not a minute but a second before he aggressively pushed the snooze button on his alarm. The silence was given, however, the alarm clock did not give up this time was louder than the sound of an ambulance rushing to save its patient. But, that is what he felt like when hearing it. So he refused to get up. He moved his arm to this nightstand then he pulls the cord of the alarm clock. Finally, he felt as if he had won the lottery. He was just happy to sleep. Minutes passed of peace until he heard walking until his door was slammed open.
"Iaka! Wake up you, little prick! Mom is going to kill me if she finds out you're not at school!" A female voice said angrily and ticked off.
(Gonna swap to first-person real quick)
Iaka POV 
As I moved on the other side of my bed, I thought to myself
Well... Maybe she's right I should get up... Kuro has been doing so much for our mother, and she doesn't even know it's her... I have been a little too rude to her these past couple of months
So I turn around to see, Kuro again she usually has her hair in a ponytail or bun but, she has her hair straight down. I never realized how long her hair is it goes down to her knees and how white it was. I asked mom why her hair is so white, mom said she dyed it through her teen years but it looks too natural to be dyed. But then I noticed She surprisingly isn't wearing make-up, so I can see her bags from being sleep-deprived. Her eyes are a very dark blackish-red. Her face looked annoyed and she constantly swings her car keys around frantically.

AN: For those people who like a more visual thing than just reading about it :).

(Tail and animal ears are not there)

-Back to third-person-

Sadly it did not phase our Hero instead I guess we should call him by his name Iaka, he just groaned and flipped to the other side of his bed, which annoyed this woman, and then she spoke again.
"How am I supposed to prove to mom that I can be an older sibling... When you are not even Caring? How even are your mom's favorite? "
Iaka half-asleep then moved his arm out from under his covers and lazily a "shoo" motion like when a dog is in your yard, nobody wants a dirty dog in the yard. It made Iaka's older sister more furious and ever, she then punched Iaka in the gut which woke him up quickly. Iaka's now in pain and awake said
Iaka jumped out of bed
"NO YOU WERNT STOP LYING, I KNOW YOU WERE JUST GOING TO IGNORE ME," Kuro said pointing her car keys violently in front of Iaka, then he swatted away her hand.
Then suddenly a voice louder both of them shouted through the house "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU BEFORE I GROUND YOU BOTH" another female voice
Iaka and Kuro looked at each other and both looked away
"Sorry, mom! We will be quieter" Kuro said to their mother.
"Go and get changed Iaka," Kuro asked him
Iaka was about to sigh loudly but then she said
"Please... not for me for her" Kuro said
Iaka then nodded and apologized to her
"Here's your clothing, go change and I'll see if I can cook you something-" Kuro said before she was cut off by Iaka.
"I'll change and I'll make our breakfast sandwiches or something," Iaka said more calmly which surprised Kuro so she smiled and nodded. Iaka then went to the bathroom and then looked himself in the mirror. 


Naw jk but you can if you want.

(But if you  dont its the guy in the middle with the glasses he is mixed with brown eyes and hair is Black. Also, hair is EXTREMELY CURLY so he struggles to keep it like that.)

Man, I look terrible, why is my hair so curly? Well, that went not the way I wanted if only I got up sooner I wouldn't have gotten punched in the gut... enough about that I got to get ready and don't want to make Sis angrier... Wait when did she get so strong? I'll think about it later or ask her.
Iaka thought while staring at the mirror, He looked at himself and checked his hair, it was extremely curly so he brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and finally combed his hair to look presentable. Then he exited the bathroom to see where Kuro was she was sitting in the kitchen looking at her phone, so he went back to his room and put deodorant on. Then Iaka rushed to the kitchen and quickly grabbed a pan, got three eggs, and sprayed the pan, and pre-heated the stove at 144-158° F. He then put the eggs on the pan.
"Hey, Kuro? could you get me six slices of bread in the pantry?" Iaka asked in a nice tone
Kuro nodded and went to the pantry while she was doing that Iaka got a cutting board walked to the fridge got the lettuce and tomato in the fridge drawer. Then Iaka went to the sink and washed them, dried them then cut three slices of tomato and got some pieces of lettuce and put each of them on plastic plates he had set then Kuro returned with the bread and put each of them of the plates then one of the eggs are done so he grabs a spatula then put the egg that is finished on top of the slice of bread put lettuce and one of the slices of tomato on there as well.
-30 min Time skip by chibi Iaka and Kuro arguing at each other :)-
"Okay, that was pretty fast I have to admit Iaka," Kuro said eating her sandwich
Iaka then put one of the sandwiches in the microwave and looked at Kuro
"Yeah, I can cook pretty good, it was fast because it's eggs and they're easy to cook but let's go or we're going to be late!" Iaka said taking his sandwich
"Wait Iaka!" Kuro said Iaka stopped and turned around to look at her.
"Your backpack?"
Iaka looks shocked and quickly rushed to his room and grabbed his bag. 

Iaka then rushed quickly back to Kuro and they both left in a hurry.
-First-person yay :)-
Iaka POV
As Kuro was walking to her car, she walked past it so I stopped and she realized it and looked at me?
"What?" Kuro said to me

"Aren't we taking your car?" I said

Kuro looked confused at Iaka
"What do you mean? That's, not my car" Kuro said

"NO that's YOUR car! I remember we took it last time to go pick up the groceries mom ordered" I said

"HEY watch your tone, Iaka! Don't make me even more pissed than I should be!" Kuro said with more anger than before

Goddammit it, I did the opposite of what I wanted to ask not rudely more of a concerned question... umm I can't think of the words umm well maybe if I say this?

"Sorry Kuro, I didn't mean it like that what I meant to say was why we're not taking your car you walked past it and I got concerned and I-" I said before I was cut off by her

"It's okay Iaka I know what you were trying to say, I get it," Kuro said but her tone was more forgiving

"You do?" I said

"Iaka in your big-sis I'm supposed to know this stuff, you are a smart-kid. You overthink and sometimes you let your emotions take control of your tone. He had the same problem too..." Kuro said but she strings mumble at the last sentence

"What do you mean?" I said confused

Kuro paused but took a breath and spoke again
"Dad had the same problem, He and mom told me about their past they were in the debate class they always argue but after awhile mom understood his problem and she taught me how to solve it as well just in case you develop it as well."

"Oh..." I said looking down at the ground
"What was dad like?" I asked Kuro

"That's a conversation for you and mom but back to your question your school starts at 8:00 and it currently 7:30, it takes me 20 minutes to get to your school so I thought of a faster way," Kuro said

I looked confused, she walked to Dad's old garage
Wait... that not her keys it the garage keys!
I thought as she opened the door and hit the button for the garage door and moved something covered by a sheet.
"A memory I remembered about him when you still were inside your mother as a baby... He would work on this every day he would either fail or something else would break, one day I asked him why he said "Well one day this would be yours, and then when you get tired of it you can give this position to your brother but remember you need to teach how the value of this and if that doesn't work just punch him in the gut and say "That what dad told me to do!" Okay?" It was his joy and he wanted us to enjoy this" Kuro said as she looked down sad so I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me wiping a tear away then yanked the dusty cover we were both coughing because of the amount of the dust on it and no words could describe how amazing this is... 

"Kuro this..." I said at a loss of words
Kuro then went to the garage to grab a gas can and filled it up, then rushed to and grabbed two cool-looking helmets and the key for the cycle and threw one of the helmets at me.
"Come on! Let's see what dad loved this beauty!" Kuro said putting on her helmet and turning the cycle on the cycle starting sound sounded fierce but calming at the same time. I sat on the back with my helmet on.
And I yelled at the top of my lungs "Wooooooooooo!".
Alright I'm going to end it here

Pixel: No

Why? it a good place to stop

Pixel: they want more! You have been inactive for like three months! 

okay jeez don't go Anakin on me

Pixel: yeah what I thought
Pixel: time skip
As Iaka and Kuro are enjoying the ride, they see their city from a different angle it was beautiful Until Iaka saw city entrance sign
"Welcome to Angel city! The city of angels."
"Hey, Kuro we just passed the welcome sign slow down a little bit," Iaka said
"Yeah, I understand your school is around here in the corner I think I see the sign for it..." Kuro said
She was right she could see the sign that fabled sign "Welcome to Angel High School!".
"Didn't you go to this high school?" Iaka asked

"Yeah, I di... Iaka why are you concerned?" Kuro asked Iaka

"How did..." Iaka shocked

"Remember I know you, What on your mind?" Kuro asked

She soon took the entrance and went to the front doors while Iaka was thinking she sees three people at the front door, two females and one male.

"I'm scared, what if I can live up to your legacy? You were so popular in this school" Iaka said scared

"Iaka... I wasn't that popular, I just had a lot of friends. Who knows? You might leave a legacy here one day as well." Kuro said trying to encourage him

"Now go!" Kuro said taking off his helmet and fluffed his hair a little bit.

Iaka POV
As Kuro waves and leaves on the motorcycle, I walked up to the door and saw a boy. I decided to check him out...
He is black-skin, he has buzz-cut or short hair. His clothing was a mix of casual and "If I was a main-protagonist but I want people not to think I'm the main-protagonist" look. He had two bags both Black and Purple one was a normal trapper-keeper, the strap around his left shoulder and holding a duffle bag with the same design except his grip looks tight like he doesn't want anybody touching it... hmm I should avoid this guy
As I got out of my thoughts I looked at him and he looked at me we both had stone-cold faces. I stopped looking at him and went through the door.
As I walk inside this place it looked like your generic public high school except with more private school things. The walls were generic white but almost at the bottom light blue lines were passing through it, it went through the building.
"Excuse me, sir name and grade?" A voice said
I was so focused on my surrounding my brain answered the question without me realizing it.
"Iaka Ito th grade," I said.
Wait... I did it again! I responded without even knowing it. Why ADHD why are you so weird on me!
"Here you go," a person said I realized it sounded more feminine.
Before I could get a glimpse of her she already left and I realized I had the paper in my hand. So I looked at the paper to see my first-period class.
"8:00–8:10 Homeroom Miss Lorraine Neumann Room 3719"
After I looked at the schedule, I looked around for room number 3719, I walked around the first floor and I found the strains so I walked up as I was in my thoughts.
Well, this is fine... I mean the name Miss Lorraine Neumann sounds nice... I think?  Wait...  3719 isn't that  November 25, 2019? Not it's just a number and wait why does this school have 4000 rooms? I guess I can ask Miss Lorraine Well, I could see this day going pretty good plus my Kuro encouraged me what could go wrong?

Pixel: yeah what could happen?
You'll see Pixel
Pixel: okay Kai
As I finished walking up the stairs and enter a door, I was amazed by the color scheme instead of the white with a blue line it is now Black with red lines.
Huh, who knew the two most basic colors look so cool?
I was so admired by the colors I didn't realize that a person was walking in the same direction as me, We collided and I fell to the floor as well I heard another sound but I can't tell what it was...
Ow... who is stupid enough to not see where there is going? Well me but the other person...
I looked up to see a female with extremely long hair and the sound I heard was a drink I looked at it better it was more like a smoothie spilled all over her clothing.
Great job Iaka, Great job first day here and you ruin someone else day let's hope they understand this was an accident. Wait does this milkshake taste like a mixture of vanilla and hmm... Chocolate? I think...
I couldn't see a full glimpse of her, suddenly she moved up her head first it was confusion then she looked at her clothing ruined by a milkshake she shook her arms off to get rid of some of the mess. She then looked to her left quickly then to her right and finally her back, her face was full of pure anger wanting to get rid of it anyway. Then she noticed me her eyes were blue but something was off... Is it just me or is there something weird with her eyes? Like if there was a slash in the middle of the eye I wonder what could-
I was cut off with my thoughts when she pinned me in a chokehold, I tried to fight back but I was too weak.
"What the fuck is wrong with you little piece of shit!" She said her angriness more and more in the tone.
I tried to fight back again but I couldn't get out because I was too weak. 
          Dammit! The more I try the more  she puts force on it! I'm too weak... no matter what happens, i lose... I might as well accept my fate...

"Oh... I expected you to be stronger but just wow your extremely weak... Let's see how long you can last~" She said as she started to grip tighter.
Okay, Iaka think! Diffuse the situation, say you're sorry it that simple! Just say sorry and you'll pay for it yeah! I'm losing my breath I mean all this for a drink commonly just a drink-
She made her grip even tighter than before so I couldn't breathe so I just blurted out
"Okay! I'm sorry i'll pay for the drink-" I said before i was cut off
"I don't really care about the drink I stole it off some random person. You intrigued my interest, I never had someone pinned that this weak... hmm" She paused to sniff me? then continued "Maybe i'll have some fun." She said
Suddenly she released me and pushed me to the ground. I was gasping for air and I started to get up then she then put her foot on my back and started to push down. Then I saw her fully...

(As before ears and tail are not there)

I got to think of something!But I...can't I should just give up no matter what i do...
"Please... stop" I said before water fell down my cheek. I was crying, she then stopped for a second then she kicked me in the stomach to roll me over. She then sat on top of me.
"Aww... Is baby man crying because he's never been hurt like this?" She said in a mocking tone when she said something as well "You can cry your heart out none will show it only me and you...".
She then started to lick my tears and she enjoyed them and then continued as for me every bit of me suffering.
I don't know how long she did it for it felt like minutes or hours but it was only two minutes. I stopped crying and she got up and licked her fingers
"That was fun... Now be a good boy and go clean yourself up and if you tell anyone I will do this again... okay?" She said with victory in her eyes.
She then picked up my backpack, which plunged off when she attacked me. She then looked at my bag and opened it to see a name card...
"Iaka Ito... huh I remember your sister telling her I said hi" She said putting it back in the bag and throwing it at me.
"The bathroom is down the hall, next to the mural that was made by a toddler, Bye Kaisy~" She said walking away and entering one of the rooms.
As I got up and grabbed my bag and since I don't know this place I followed her directions I went down the hall to see the mural that was supposed to be Martin Luther king but the toddler had some fun with it. I entered the bathroom and went to the stall with disabilities, I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror there were bruises on my neck and my eyes were extremely dry I had a moment to myself.
So that happened, It was that painful... I kind of liked it... what am I thinking?! She tortured me! It was emotional abuse... but I guess I'm used to that one.
I looked at the mirror with the water on it and started to fill it. I looked at myself with anger in my mind, body, and soul. Until the mirror fogged up? I put the water on cold. I looked down to see my hands touching the water and creating the steam, I put my hands out and the water disappeared in an instant. My hands then went on fire!
AAAAAA MY HANDS ARE ON FIRE LITTERAL FIRE AAAAA wait why doesn't it hurt? Shouldn't fire hurt? I'm pretty sure it hurts...
Then I looked up at the mirror my eyes changed to a more orange-red color? Like the color of fire huh that's fire I guess hahaha... man I make myself laugh... I need friends. Then it disappeared and my eyes then suddenly I heard a voice and they just disappeared.

"Hey Iaka, Im the receptionist who gave you that slip I was so busy on the phone I forgot to tell you there someone here to see you" She said
I turn off the sink and I pick up my bag and I walk out of the stall to see the receptionist. 

(You boys remember her? if you do you are a certified kool kid)
"My name is Miyeon follow me" Miyeon said as I followed her to the front office.
-Time skip to front office-
As I followed her to the front office, she went to the door by the office
"Hey! He is here!" Miyeon said.
Then another female appeared
Okay is it just me or I'm meeting a lot of females today? This is like the third one... am I... no... AM I AN ANIME PROTGANIST? YOOOOOOOO!
"Hello Iaka! I'm Autumn" she said eating a bag of chips.
"I come to save you from this place!" Autumn said with a cheerful smile
"What do you mean? Why?" I said confused and then continued
"Is there a reason I had the power of fire for a second, Am I-" I tried saying before Autumn put a chip in my mouth.
"Hmmm... Too many questions not enough chips, Just follow me and i'll give you some chips... Kay?" She said as she took my hand and she exited the building with me.
Now can I stop?

Pixel: yes you can, now sleep

BRO, you just made me write two chapters in one!

Pixel: Sleep


Pixel: Sleep


Pixel: Sleep


Pixel: Good night Kai

Kai: Good night Pixel

End 3984 words 

-Reference I used that are not mine- 

Kuro picture: 

Gaia picture 

I do not own them they have there own original creators I'll share a link with each of them 

Kuro picture i found on Pinterest. (I can't find it right now but I'll edit it later if I find it) 

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