The Girl with Purple Eyes..

By webbpaige

3K 17 13

Violet Emorie isn't your everyday teenage girl that's obsessed with pop music, and is friends with everybody... More

The Girl with Purple Eyes..

3K 17 13
By webbpaige

Swallowing my pride, I walked through the rusty doors of Carter High School. I could tell by the outside structure of the building, that this place was old. I walked in, and already noticed a few people noticing that there was a new girl at school I already stood out from most of the people but I knew that some how I would find people to hang out with.

I walked to the office, with strange glances from a few people. "Er, hello. I'm Violet Emorie. The new girl." I said awkwardly. The secretary looked up and her eyes widened. "I see where you got your name," she said smiling, "I'm Mrs.Kelly. Nice to meet you Violet." She had referred to my unusually colored eyes. When I was born, I had been born with purple eyes. Which was extremely weird. No one, had ever had purple eyes, and there's no possible way any human could have purple eyes, yet out of no where, I did. "Here we are," Mrs. Kelly said, clicking away at her computers mouse, "it should be printing off now. " And as soon as she said that, a small slip of paper came out of the printer. She picked it up and handed it to me. "Your schedule. Your first class is down the hall to the left." and with that, I thanked her and headed to first period.

First period was social studies, a pretty boring subject in my opinion. I sat down in an empty seat in the back, where i could easily get away with not paying attention. Another girl came and sat next to me. She had jet black hair that covered her face, similar to mine, yet she had neon green and pink streaks. My hair just had a few tiny purple streaks here and there, complimenting my eyes. She smiled and said "You must be the new girl. I'm Ash. Well Ashley, but I like being called Ash. It sounds cooler." she laughed, and i laughed along with her, although I didn't know her. "Rumors had been circulating throughout school that there was a new girl that had purple eyes, turns out they were right." She had on a Black Veil Brides shirt, one that I also owned. Apparently we already had something in common. "Yeah. Weird right?" I said. I had just got here and already was making friends. "Nah, i think its cool. Id give anything to have abstract colored eyes." she said. I smiled. At least some one didn't think i was a freak. A boy with shaggy jet black hair came and sat in front of her. "Hey Andy!" Ash said to him. He turned around and greeted her with a smile and a warm "Hello". "This is Andy Black. One of my best friends. And, Andy, this is Violet. The new girl everyone has been talking about." Ash introduced us to each other. "Hey." I said sheepishly. He had icy blue eyes, that seemed as if they could freeze an entire ocean. "Hi.." he said awkwardly. He had a stunned look on his face. I figured it was because my purple eyes. "Whats wrong?" Ash asked. "Nothing, its just, she looks extremely familiar." Andy said. Looking at Ash as if he was trying to hint at something. She immediately understood and nodded. She turned towards me and smiled. "I'm glad you moved to our school. Were gonna be great friends." Was I missing something?

Social studies went by pretty fast. And it turned out that i had most of my classes with Ash, and the few I didn't have, I still had with Andy. So at least I had people that I somewhat knew in my classes. After three more agonizing classes, it was time for lunch. I headed to my locker to grab my lunch box and put my books away, when some one knocked my books out of my hands. "Freak" they muttered. I didn't get a good look at them, but everyone stared. I hurriedly picked my stuff up before I collected allot of attention. I looked up, seeing Andy helping me. "Thanks." I said, thankful. "Don't mention it." he said kindly, handing me my books. Apparently he had already put his stuff away so he walked with me to my locker and showed me to the lunch room. I was surprised to see how many people the lunch table had consisted of, just Ash, Andy, another one of their friends, and I. "So, where did you move here from?" Andy's friend asked. By what i had heard, his name was Matt. "Toronto, Ohio." Ash answered before i could say anything. "Yeah, there." i said under my breath. Ash laughed and told Matt "I already know allot about her. I sat and questioned her all morning." Andy smiled and said "More like talked her ear off." I smiled at his comment. Andy told Matt something in what seemed like gibberish. "What was that?" I asked laughing. "Secret code. You'll learn it soon enough, if you continue to hang out with us." Andy answered. "Oh. Um okay. " i said, wondering what he told Matt, but figuring it had to do with me. Matt's eyes widened, then he looked at me. I gave him a confused look in return and he smiled and answered Andy in their little 'secret code'.

The rest of the school day went by slowly. At the end of the day, i walked to my house in silence. Fortunately, my house was close enough to the school so I didn't have to ride the bus. From previous experiences, the bus wasn't fun. Or at least the one in my old town wasn't. It had always been chaotic, people screaming, food being thrown on the floor, people moving from seat to seat, etc. As I walked home, I felt eyes on me. I stopped, and observed my surroundings. It felt as though i was being followed, yet there was no one in sight. I stopped every so often to check behind me for any one, yet every time, there was no one there. 'You're imagining things stupid!' I thought silently to myself.

Eventually I got home, and dropped my book bag on the couch beside me. Considering I had just arrived at Carter High School, the teachers didn't give me homework. "How was school?" my dad said loudly from the kitchen. The aroma of taco meat filled the house, so I figured he was making taco salad, as usual. "It was good. I made a few friends already." I said back, loudly enough that he could hear me. "That's cool honey!" he said, apparently ignoring me. He had iTunes pulled up on the computer and was blaring The Misfits all through the house. "Oh, only you dad." I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" he yelled. "Nothing!" I yelled back. I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed some cookie dough out of the fridge. "Can I has some?" I pleaded. "Sure. Wanna make some later?" he asked. "Yeah! Hey do you know where i put my skateboard? I wanna go skating later." i said. "Um, i think its in my room. Go check." he said, his back to me. "Dad! Quit riding my skateboard! What are you? 37? Your not 16 anymore." i said. I walked out of the kitchen before he could come up with a smart aleck come-back and went to get my skate board.

I headed over to the skate park, not only to skate, but it would give me an opportunity to think. I headed to the top of the half pipe, and started my skating. I landed a couple kick flips then took a short break. I sat down on one of the rails, since the skatepark was empty. What was i missing? And how on Earth could i look even the smallest bit of familiar? I was probably the only person in the whole universe with purple eyes! There was no way, that Andy could have known me before, because he didn't look familiar to me, and his name wasnt familiar either....and what had he said to Matt? My phones ring tone had interrupted my thoughts. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and flipped it open. Alice's sky blue eyes and long blond hair showed up on my screen. I smiled. My old best friend, Alice. I quickly hit the answer button and said "Hello?". Alice was my best friend from my ol school. Luckily we didn't move so far away that she couldn't come visit. "Whats up best friend?" she said. I laughed. This is how every single one of our conversations started out. We didn't have alot in common, yet we were extremely close. "Oh nothing. Just sitting at the skate park." I answered. "Hows your new school?" she asked. "Any cute boys?". I laughed once again. "Only you would ask that. Well, its okay....ish. Kinda confusing. And old." I replied. I looked up at my surroundings. Nothing unusual. But then, out of no where, Andy appeared....

"Hey i gotta go...." I said. I shut my phone and stood up. "Hey. Did you come to skate too?" I asked in a friendly manner. "Yeahh. Thats why I'm here. " he said, with a half smile on his lips. "Ohh. Cool." I said. "Yeah, I didnt know that you skate." he said, trying to change the subject. "Yepp. Well thats because you just met me today. There-for you dont know that much about me." I implied. "Yeah. But I'm sure that Ash knows that. " he said jokingly. "Haha. Yeah" I replied. I could see him studying me. I crossed my arms, and shifted my weight to my other leg. What was with him? He had a strange look in his eye, and I knew he was hiding something....

I went home half an hour later, just in time for dinner. When i walked in the door, dad STILL had music blaring, but he was my dad, so when was he not? I was greeted at the door by Panzer, my German shepherd. He at one time had been one of the police dogs, but now he was just old and lazy. "Hi Panzer!" I cooed, while rubbing his furry black head. He licked me in return, and headed into the kitchen, knowing there was food about to be eaten. This time dad was playing Three Days Grace and i headed into the computer room to turn it off. He was gonna end up going deaf if he didnt stop playing his music that loud, and i had told him that about 20 times, yet he was worse than me. I had always been obsessed with music, i must have gotten it from my dad. "Why did you turn it off?!" dad yelled from the kitchen. "Cause its time to eat! Not start a mosh pit!" I yelled in return. So with that being said, we sat down and ate. "Wheres Max?" I asked. "Hes at his friends house. Turns out one of his friends that moved away a long time ago, moved here. He should be home in an hour." he said. Max was my little brother. He was 8. He had hazel eyes and light brown hair, unlike my dad. My dad, well now bald, at one point had dark brown hair. Which caused mine to be really dark, so i just went ahead and dyed it black. "Mmmm. I see." i said, stuffing my face with taco meat. I glanced up at the window, seeing something. I could have sworn I saw a human figure, but what ever it was, had vanished before i could even really know if it was there or not.  "What?" Dad asked, knowing I had noticed something that he didn't. "I thought I saw something. Guess not. " I replied. "Hold on." I got up from the table and headed over to the window to check things out. There was nothing there though. I went and sat back down, to finish my dinner. "Just imagining things." I mumbled to myself. "Maybe the house is haunted." Dad said laughing. I laughed along with him. "You of all people would think that. But who knows, maybe you're right." I answered.

The next few days were, pretty predicting. Nothing very big happened. I became closer friends with Ash and Andy, and he was still as suspicious as always. I sate at lunch with them day after day. One day, a girl I didn't know showed up at the table with us. They called her Skylar. She had hair kinda similar to Ash's. Her black hair contained only green streaks, and  she had green eyes to compliment that. She had a book in her hand and was wearing a  Van's t-shirt. "Skylar! Where were you?" Ash said surprised. "I was sick, like really sick. Sorry, for projectile vomiting all week." She replied. "Guys! We are eating lunch here!" Andy interrupted. "You're right Andy. So, who's this?" Skylar asked, referring to me. "Violet Emorie. Anything you need to know about her, ask her or Ash. Ash sat and questioned her alllllllll day on Monday." Andy answered her with a smile. "Yeah. I just moved here from Toledo." I said, speaking for myself for once. "Do you have contacts?" she asked. "No. I was born with purple eyes. That's why I was named 'Violet'." I noted. "Cool. I'm guessing you're going to be hanging with us from here on out." she observed. I nodded and replied with "Guess so." She smiled, "Good. You seem like someone that would be fun to hang out with." Andy slid a note across the table to her. She opened it and read whatever it said, and gave him a strange look in return. "Are you serious?" she said, a small smile on her face. He nodded his head. Now, this was starting to get annoying. "What?" I said, not trying to sound mad, but also not being able to control it. "Nothing. He was just filling me in on what I had missed. Says we have a test coming up." Skylar said, with a comforting smile, trying to hide what ever it was that wasn't being told to me. "And  that had to be written on a note?" I smirked. "No. It did not have to be. But that's how we communicate sometimes. Is there a problem with that?" Andy interrupted, clearly irritated. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so nosy. I just don't like being left out of things. That's all." I apologized. Although I knew they were keeping something from me, and that note had absolutely NOTHING to do with tests or school work. And i was going to get my hands on that note.

The next day, was a little stranger. "Great job. Next week we will be moving on to square roots and such." Mr. Macin, the math teacher declared from the front to the room. Sixth period, almost the end of the day. After this class we went to what was called 'intervention' which was basically study hall. I sat beside Andy impatiently waiting for class to let out. "Untill we leave, you can talk at a low volume amongst your selves." Mr. Macin concluded. And we did just that. Andy and I sat in awkward silence for a few moments. Then, he slid a note over onto my desk and said nothing. The note of course was addressed to me, so I opened it. Ths note read: "We need to talk about something later. It's not anything bad. Just something I need to get off my chest and tell you. We should go grab something to eat later so I can explain everything. Sound good?" Then below his writing, it said "Yes    or      No?" I grabbed my pencil and circled 'yes'. I chuckled quietly and handed the note back to him. He opened it and smiled, "Good." He said, his blue eyes twinkling.

We met up later at Arby's. Not exactly a place to eat a dinner, but more of a quick snack or small meal. When he eventually showed up, we went up to the counter to order our food. I ordered popcorn chicken, mozzerela sticks and a mountain dew. We walked back to the table after Andy ordered hid food and they finally gave it to us. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked while settling into my seat. "Remember how he first day we met, I mentioned to Ash that you looked familiar?" he asked, popping a curly fry into his mouth. "Yeah. I don't really know how I could se-" I started, but Andy cut me off before I could finish. "Yeah, I know. Although I haven't seen you in person, I've seen you somewhere else." He started to explain, "No not a picture either. I've had dreams for a few months of a, undescribable girl, with purple eyes, black and purple hair, and is really tall. Just like you. Well, no. She is identical to you.  It is mainly just one dream but I've had others. Like, there is this one, and its reoccuring. So I described it to my friends, because I thought it was weird, or maybe it meant something. I'm still trying to find out though. So thats what I've been talking to my friends about that you didn't know. Any more questions?" I was stunned. Was he serious? Or was this just some long extended pick up line? "Well a few actually. First off how do I know that this isn't just a lie or a way to hook up with me?" I questioned. "Well, first why would I lie to one of my basically best friends and second, I don't use pick up lines. They are stupid and cheesy." he answered, a sly smile on his face. "So what exactly are the dreams about?" I asked. Why would someone be having dreams about me? What did all this mean?! "Um, well, they are kind of...hard to explain." He answered awkwardly. "Oh." I said, taking a drink of my mountain dew. My phone vibrated in my pocket, meaning I had a new text. I took my phonr out to see what it was. I opened my phone up to see my sisters face. She had curly brown hair with green eyes. She was pretty crazy sometimes, but she was also one of the nicest people I knew. She was in college right now but she would be home soon. I hit "open now" to see what she wanted. The text message said: "Hey sis! Just wanted to check on ya! Call me sometime. I'll be in town soon. Love ya!" I smiled and texted her back. "Thats awesome! You should see our new house! Cant wait to see ya. Love u!" then shut my phone and returned it to my pocket. I had a feeling this was going to be a awesome, yet confusing year.

The next week, I continued to sit with Ash, Andy, Matt and Skye. I basically became one of their best friends, and accepted that. "I think you and Andy would look cute together." Ash said, smiling ear to ear. It was Thursday so I figured something weird would happen, just like every other Thursday. Andy spit chocolate milk every where and I looked up, stunned, with spagetti hanging out of my mouth, and my face turning blood red, the same as Andy's.

"What?!" Andy exclaimed.

"Its just a suggestion. But its true." Ash replied.

"Uhhh, I don't exactly know how to reply to that." I said confusingly, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. Skye and Matt giggled from the corner of the table. "Shut up!" Andy said to Matt. Matt still didn't listen. He continued to laugh, and Andy glared at him.

"How did this even come up? Like were you just sitting there thinking, 'Hmm. Maybe I should get Andy and Violet together, cause they look cute together. Even if they think I'm psyco for saying it.'?" I said, kind of wanting to yell at her, although after thinking for a few moments, she was right. But I would not admit that to her. I ecspecially wouldn't admit it to Andy.

"Maybe you are right. But its not like just because you say that, that we are actually going to agree with you." Andy added.  Finally Skye and Matt stopped laughing. "Well, I kinda agree with her." Skye said, finally speaking up. Her tan skin was looking even darker today. She must have been out in the sun yesterday. Andy's eyes lit up, although he claimed to be totally against this.

"I mean, you would be. Ecspecially since what you described in your dream, what if its a sign!" Skye's face lit up with wonder as she spoke.

"What was in the dream?!" I begged. Maybe he would tell me finally.

"Skye!!!!! Violet, it was nothing. Don't listen to her." Andy said, his voice full of anger and emberassment.

"You said you told her!" Skye said in defense. "I didn't tell her everything!" Andy replied, flustered. "Well, Violet, if you must know. He said that in the dream-" Ash started. But she couldn't finish, because Andy basically jumped across the table and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Nothing. Happened. In. The dream." Andy said sternly, directing the sentence more towards Ash than me. Matt howled with laughter, and people started to stare. "Get off the table! People are staring!" I hissed through clenched teeth. I did not, under any circumstances like to be the center of attention. Andy finally sat down, shooting Ash a warning glare, to not open her mouth about it again.

"Fine. But I still think you guys would looo cute together. And I have Skye to back me up!" Ash finished, standing up to go throw her tray away. Andy smirked "Whatever."

After lunch, I walked to 5th block, English. On my way down the hallway, I was to consumed by my thoughts from lunch to watch where I was going. I accidently ran into some girl, and quickly picked up my things, and helped her pick up hers. "I am sooo sorry. I'm kinda out of it today." I apoligized and handed her things to her. "Its fine." She said, giving me a kind smile. "You must be Violet. Ive heard people talking about you. You have really pretty eyes by the way. I'm Tamara." I grabbed the rest of my books, and stood up.

"Oh hi. And I guess I don't need to tell you who I am, since you already know. It seems to be that things travel around the whole school pretty fast." I laughed. "Yeah. Well I better head to science. I'll catch ya later." She said, flashing me another toothy smile.

"Bye!" I said, walking off. I headed into english and sat next to Andy. This was one of my classes without Ash, yet I had every class with Andy. Except 6th block.

"Pretty hectic lunch huh?" Andy said in a snarky tone.

"Mhm." I replied, not exactly knowing what to say. "Well, will you at least tell me what part of the dream was about?"

"Fine." he sighed "Well, in the reoccuring dream, we were outside somewhere. And it was raining, and there was absolutely no shelter. And, we kissed. Thats  basically the dream." Andy said, blushing.

"Come on, there had to be more to it than that!" I urged. "Oh, there was. I'm just not going to tell you." Andy replied, a small smile dancing upon his lips. Before I could annoy him about it more, Ms. Layne started her lesson, so we had to shut up, unless we wanted a white card.

After 5th period, I headed to gym. This week, was my gym week unfourtuanately. After changing in the locker rooms, we had to sit in the floor untill further instruction. "Ok class. Today, we are going to do some teamwork activities. So pair up in groups of two!" the gym teacher yelled. I still hadn't learned her name yet. Everyone had chosen their partners, except me and one other girl. She walked over to me and said, "I guess we are gonna be gym buddies for today. I'm Alison." She smiled. She had red hair, and I could already tell that this was her favorite class. She was very entergetic. She reminded me alot, of my sister Colleen.

"Oh, well I am Violet Emorie. Or also known as 'the new girl with purple eyes.' To most people around here." I laughed. She laughed along with me and we started gym class like everybody else. We did basketball passes, and unlike me, Alison did it with grace. She must have been an athlete or something, but compared to her, I could have killed somebody with my throwing skills. Once, I even nailed her in the face by accident. "Oh my God! I am sooooo sorry!" I apoligized. 'I'm such an idiot!' I thougt silently to myself.

"Ow," she held her nose, and I prayed that it wasn't bleeding, "it's fine." She smiled. Covering up the fact that I might have broken her nose. She took her hand down, and I breathed a sigh of relief. No blood. So we continued on with our passes, and I tried to be less clumsy.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't quit thinking about everything that happened today. "You guys would look cute together!" those words rang in my head over and over. She was right and I knew it. Was I falling for Andy? Or was this just a small crush? It was almost as if he knew I had been thinking about him, because that moment, my phone lit up. I grabbed it off my dresser, and opened it. It was from Andy.



A:what up

V:oh, nothin. Just attempting to sleep

A:oh im sry. I didnt want to deprive u of sleep :)

V:haha. No its fine i cant sleep anyway.

A:y not

V:just. Thinkin i guess.

A:bout wat



V:no. I gtg n e way. Ttyl

A:w.e ttyl

Wow. What a short conversation. I sighed. How was this happeneing?!

The next day, I went through my first through classes just like everyday and walked off to lunch, just like everyday. I walked down the hallway with Andy, smiling the whole time, while Andy on the other hand, looked utterly p'd off. And I only knew the reason why. In 3rd period, Andy had been drawing the whole class, instead of listening to the lesson. So I, bein the nosy person I am, stole the paper off his desk when he wasn't looking. And of course, he had been really mad. The drawing was more writing than anything, but was completely drawn out and fancy. It said "I <3" but it hadn't been finished. It was made of gothic alphabet lettering, and was really nice, but he was mad that I had almost found out who he liked. And I was kind of hoping it was me.

We walked to lunch in silence, mostly because Andy was too embarressed/mad to talk to me. But I figured he'd start talking at lunch. We were almost to the lunch room, when Alison walked up. "Hey. Is your nose broken?" I laughed. She shook her head and smiled, replying with, "No. Ohh, are you dating Andy?"

"Er....noo. He's just a good friend." I replied. Why did everyone either think we were together, or should be? "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Andy asked, looking even more ticked off.

"I probably should go," Alison said, glaring at Andy, "I'll see you in gym." I was stunned. What just happened?! Did Andy scare off Alison? And why didn't he like her?

"What was that all about?! Shes one of my friends!" I exclaimed at Andy. "Why do you not like her?" Andy gave me a blank look as we headed into the lunch room. "Reasons. And rumors." he mumbled, sitting down into his seat. I sat down beside him, as always. And, out of no where, Tamara sat down beside me, filling Ash's place. "Hey! Is it okay if I sit with you guys today?" she asked. Before I could answer, Andy replied. "Sure." he gave her a knowing smile, and I was completely confused. He had just yelled at Alison, but Tamara could be my friend. Oh well, at least he wasn't yelling. And I was glad she was sitting with us. She was a cool friend. Ash sat down on the opposite side of me.

"We got a new lunch friend today?" she said smiling. "Yeah, I didn't know where to sit, plus my friends, well I'm not sure. I think they are mad at me. Oh well." she replied, taking a swig of milk.

"Well you can sit with us everyday if ya want." I assured. "Okay." She replied with a smile.

"Hey want to come over after school today?" I asked Andy. In hope that maybe I could get some answers out of him.

"Yeah. Sure." he replied, a half smile on his face. We went through the rest of the day, slowly but steadily. At the end of the day, he followed me out the doors and we walked home. Eventually, grey clouds started coming in, and it rained. We kept going on our way, and playing in the rain. We stopped, for no reason at all, when we were almost home. I think we were in a parking lot, but I couldn't tell. The rain didn't allow us to see very far. We stood there, staring into to eachothers eyes. I was mesmorized. Then, all the sudden....he crushed his mouth against mine. His lips were warm, and I was speechless. Butterflies were going psyco in my stomach. The moment seemed to last for eternity. It seemed as if we were the only two people in the world. He pulled back and murmered "That. Was what was in my dream." I could feel myself blushing like crazy, and I wanted to scream. But in a good way. I wanted to scream to the world, that I like Andy, and maybe, just possibly loved him..Or at least I felt like it. I'd barely known him a week, and I was falling for him. "So the paper, that said 'I heart' it was about me?" I asked..Well, basically studdered. He nodded and smiled.

"After having those dreams for so long, I-I kind of fell in love with you. Even though I didn't know you. But when you finally came to our school, my dreams came true, no pun intended." He explained. His eyes were glowing, and I knew he was as happy as I was.

"This means, that you can see the future! HOLY CRAP!" I explained.

"If the dreams are true, then theres alot of weird things that are going to happen." he said, staring off out into the rain.

"We better get home. Or we are going to get sick. And my dad will be looking for me." my heart was still pounding. I wouldn't have been surprised it it would have just pounded right out of my chest.

We continued home, and about half way there, I felt Andy loop his fingers through mine. I didn't resist, and simply smiled. But I knew that by the time we got to the house, we would have to let go, and act like none of that happened.

When we reached the house, I walked in and yelled "I'm home dad!!!!!" I heard him yell something back, but I didn't quite hear him, so I shrugged my shoulders and headed upstairs. "I'm going upstairs with my friend Andy if you need me!" I yelled, knowing that would get a good response out of him. He ran into the kitchen where we were and said "boyfriend?" I shook my head. "No. Just a friend. We are going to study." I lied. And I figured he could read that all over my face.

"Uh huh, okay. But I can hear everything from down here..." he warned. I shrugged and indifferently said "Okay." He walked back into the living room and we headed upstairs. We were stopped half way up by my little brother Max. "Well what do we have here?" He asked suspiciously. I laughed. "My friend Andy." He looked over Andy and said "You her boyfriend?" Thats when I interupted "Uh no. Just my bestfriend. No boyfriend-girlfriend crap." Max was 8 so I was kind of confused on why he really cared. "Oh okay. Cool. I'm Max." he held his hand out to Andy and Andy shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya."

"Okay. Go watch Spongebob or something and leave us alone." I said, walking around him and up the stairs, being followed by Andy.

We walked into my room. I looked around my room, nothing had changed. Still had the same purple walls, that I had recently painted. The black bed sheets. The Black Veil Bride, The Devil Wears Prada, and Asking Alexandria posters on the walls. Same old, same old.

"Cool room." Andy said, plopping down into my big black fluffy chair. I sat down on the bed.

"Yeah." I replied. I leaned against my wall. Andy got up and came to sit beside me.

"Hand me that sharpie right there." I said. Andy did as I asked, and handed the purple sharpie to me. I thanked him and started doodling on wrist like I normally do. I drew a small heart, and layed it down beside me. "Who's that heart for?" Andy asked, although he obviously knew the answer.

"You." I smiled. He smiled back. His beautiful blue eyes poured into mine. He took the sharpie and drew a heart on his wrist also. Then, Max walked in. Always having to ruin everything.

"Whats goin on in here?" he asked.

"Well, if you really want to know, the history of China and how it has evolved. Did you know, that one of their emporers-" I started.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. You guys are to boring to hang out with." he moaned as he walked out, "Let me know when you are going to talk about cool stuff."

"Wait! You know Colleen is coming home soon? Just for a visit I think." I stopped him. His mouth grew into a huge smile. "Really?" he asked. I nodded, "Mhmm." He ran downstairs, I'm guessing to talk to Dad. I grabbed Andy's hand and wrote "A+V" then said, "If dad see's it and asks about it. Tell him you love ATV riding." He laughed. "Okay."

I fell asleep that night, thinking of nothing but Andy. Yet the dream I had, had absolutely nothing to do with Andy. I was alone, in what seemed to be an endless room. No lights, yet it was extremely bright. There were no walls, no floors, no anything. But out of nowhere, what seemed to be an angel appeared. She had large white feathered wings, and had a knee length dress on. "Soon you will  be like me. You shall protect him. Or all of them. Which every you prefer." She said. Her voice was very soothing. "What do you mean?!" I asked, almost exclaiming. She did nothing. SHe slowly dissolved, and I sat there alone. i looked down at my own clothing. I was wearing a dress similar to the angel's, only black, and more rugged. I swallowed. What did she mean? Where was I? Soon after, I woke up, out of breath. What the heck?! Her words rang like a bell in my mind: "Soon you will be like me." What did she mean? Or did the dream mean absolutely nothing? I layed back down to fall asleep once again, and had no other dreams of the weird angel, and was left with nothing but my normal nightmares that I have every night.

The next morning, I walked into to school searching for Andy. I wanted to tell him so badly about my dream, but I knew I couldn't, he would think I was a freaking psyco. i eventually found him, and he looped his fingers through mine, just as he did yesterday, which reminded me of something he had said. "If my dreams are true,  then theres alot of weird things that are going to happen." What if he had a dream similar to mine, or knew I was going to have a weird dream like that. "Hi." He said, a huge smile on his face, but soon faded after he took in my features. "Whats wrong?" He asked, worry written on his face. "Nothing. Just sleep deprived. As always." I weakly laughed. I was still basically asleep, but awake enough to get up and come to school. "So, are we like dating now?" I asked. He nodded, "I guess so." My mouth grew into a smile. "Good." Ash walked up, and as soon as she noticed us holding hands, she started smiling. "I knew it!" She happily exclaimed. "I told you that you guys are cute together. I guess Andy's dream came true? Like literatlly." She laughed. I nodded, "Yepp."We went on to first period, and I noticed a new girl among us. She had black hair, with red tips that was styled like Hayley Williams from Paramore. She had tan skin, and from where I was sitting it looked as if she had brown eyes. She was wearing black skinny jeans, and a blue and green flannel shirt. She was sitting in front of my seat, and beside Andy's, but I figured he would trade seats with Ash today.

I walked towards my seat and sat down, giving Andy a side glance. The girl turned around and looked at me. "Hey, I'm Violet. I'm somewhat new here myself." I said, hoping to start conversation.

"Oh, I'm Jenna Mason." She said, a kind smile on her face.

"Oh, cool. I'm sure you'll like it here. I only moved here last week and I love it." I assured. And just as I thought, Ash and Andy traded seats. Andy gave me a thoughtful smile, for no apparent reason. Then class started, and unfortunately we had to be quiet. "Sit with us at lunch, and we can talk later!" I whispered to Jenna.

Eventually lunch came around, and I sat by Andy as always, but it was different now. Andy sat back in his chair, and put his arm around my shoulders. I smiled.

Matt looked up, a surprised look on his face. Part of his shaggy blonde hair was in his eyes. "Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" he asked, utterly confused.

"They are dating now!" Ash squeeled. Skye almost spit out her food. "Really?" she asked, a smile lingering on her lips. I nodded. I had almost forgotten about Jenna. "Oh, guys, this is Jenna, shes new." I introduced her. She smiled sheepishly and waved. "Hi."

I had been really surprised about how the amount of people sitting at this table at lunch had grown since my arrival.

I glanced over at Jenna, noticing how much she was acting like I did, the first day I got here. She was clutching a shoulder bag, that was a bright but pastel pink, with a stereo design on it. It looked as if it really had speakers.

Andy stole one of my cookies. I playfully glared at him and snatched it back. 

I stuffed the delectable chocolate chip cookie into my mouth. I swallowed it, and smiled at Andy. "Meanie!" He pouted. I halfed my second cookie with him. Tamara looked up, making somewhat of a pouty face, "I want one too!". I sighed, "I don't have enough for everyone." Great, now everyone would want one. She sighed, and slumped into her chair. Skye looked up, a grin on her face, "Soo, how'd it happen?"

"How do you think?" Andy asked, smiling slyly. Skye's grin turned into an ear to ear smile. Jenna and Tamara had puzzeled looks on their faces. "It's a long story." I explained to them. Tamara nodded, and Jenna still had a puzzled look though, most likely because she just moved here today, and didn't know anything about any of our lunch topics. I smiled. For no reason really. I poked Jenna. "So how's Carter so far?" I asked her. "Err, its okay I guess. I just need to adjust a little bit." She responded, stuffing a tater tot into her mouth. Ash got up from her seat. She appereared behind me, leaning over to steal a cookie before I could protest or slap her hand for taking it. "Really?" I mumbled, my mouth full of another cookie. She nodded, a mischievious smile lingering on her lips. I rolled my eyes.

"You'll have to come hang out with me and Andy later. We will catch you up on everything going on with us so you won't have to be left out of the conversation." I told Jenna. She smiled, and thought for a moment, then slowly her smile faded.

"Can't. I'm kinda busy tonight. Tomarrow?" She said, a what seemed to look like a hopeful face.

I nodded, "Yeah. That'd be fine. Maybe we can all go out to eat and see a movie tomarrow night. We don't have school Wednesday. I think it's a teachers in-service day." Andy smiled, but when did he not?

"What?" I curiously asked him.

"I know a movie we can see." He replied, his smile getting bigger.

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Zombie Apocolypse." He replied.

I slightly chuckled. "Okay. I've been wanting to see a new horror movie anyway."

"Huh?" Skye said, looking up just as everyone else at our table.

"Zombie Apocolypse. Eat. Food. Movie. Tomarrow?" Andy stupidly said.

"Mmmm. I see."She replied. She started chatting with Ash, probably about what we were talking about, and they everyone else discussed it alomg with them.

I leaned my head on Andy's shoulder and sighed happily. Andy laid his head against me, and sighed also.

I ran. My eyes blinded  by tears. What was happening? I swallowed, my mind was consumed by my fear. I didn't dare look behind me. I slowed down my pace, not hearing my stalker anymore. But before I could look behind me, a sharp pain started in my back. The agonzing pain, it was unbearable. I fell to the ground, coughing up blood. I looked behind me one last time. "I told you. You were next. Its your turn now Violet."

I woke up, screaming. I was drenched in sweat. I leaned over and turned my bed table lamp on, and took my cup of water off the dresser. I swallowed the ice cold water, welcoming the cold soberness it brought, considering I did not want to go back to sleep. I sat up, putting my head into my hands. What the heck? What was with the nightmares. It was three weeks after our hangout/movie night with all the guys. (And by guys I mean us girls and Matt and Andy.) I explained everything to Jenna and she seemed to fit right in with us.

I looked down at my floor. I could barely see Panzer lying there, staring at me. Apparently woken up by my screaming. I heard footsteps in the hall way, growing louder each second. My door silently swung open, with my dad holding the door knob. "Whats wrong?" Dad asked, a worried look on hid face. "Nothing. Just a nightmare. Go back to bed." I told him, rubbing the corners of my eyes. He nodded "Alright. If you need anything come get me. Or just yell. Either one."

"Okay. Love you!" I told him, as he walked out of the door frame.

"Love you too sweety. Night!" He said, closing my door once again.

I sighed and grabbed my ipod off my bedside table. I pushed the pink Skelanimal head phones into my ears. I tried to find a soothing song, to help me get back to sleep. I searched my entire music library before finally settling with Louder Than Thunder by The Devil Wears Prada. I instantly fell asleep, with my ipod still playing.

I woke up the next day, once again at 11 am. Considering the night before I stayed up til 2 am watching Ghost Adventures, plus the nightmare. I walked down the stair way, following the smell of waffles into the kitchen. Even though it was eleven, I still ate breakfast. I grabbed a mountain dew out of the fridge. "Mornin!" I heard from the area around the stove. I looked up, my eyes still blurry from sleep. "Mornin, who ever you are." I mumbled, stumbling over to the barstool. "I'm your brother." Max was the voice I heard apparently. I woke up slightly more. "Of course you are." I mumbled, again. "Geeze. Grouch." Max said, walking somewhere else. I took a sip of mountain dew and I immeadiately woke up. Not completely, but enough to at least be aware of my surroundings. My stomach rumbled. I grabbed a waffle off the plate they were sitting on, not even bothering to get syrup, butter, silverware or even a plate to put it on. That just went to show how extremely tired I was. "Hungry much?" Dad asked, walking through the kitchen door. I gnawed on my waffle and sleepily nodded. "Wanna tell me what that dream was about?" He asked. "Not really. It ended kind of, er..morbid I guess you could say." I said.

"Mmm. Okay." He replied, dropping the subject.

I swallowed the rest of my waffle. I took another sip of mountain dew, and walked into the living room to sit on the couch.

The hour that went by seemed like minutes, and I eventually got up to grab a snack at around noon. I walked back into the kitchen, in desperate search for a snack cake. I eventually found one. "Hey! Violet! Andy's here!" I heard Dad yell from the door. "K!" I yelled, my mouth stuffed with chocolatey goodness. I walked into the living room, my hand under my mouth to keep crumbs from getting everywhere. I walked to the door, finding Andy standing out in the rain, his hair drenched. Water ran down his face. His blue eyes were bright and beautiful as always. He smiled. "Can I come in? I'm getting cold, and quite wet." He said. I nodded, "Sure. My mouf if full of foo, so.." I mumbled. Not being able to talk right, thanks to the *dang* lunch cake in my "mouf". He laughed and walked in. "Wanna go upstairs?" I asked after I swallowed my snack cake. "Sure."

I walked up the steps, Andy trailing behind me. We walked into my room, and I plopped down on my bed. I hadn't cleaned since the last time Andy was here, so it was kind of a mess. I leaned against my wall, right beside Andy. He leaned over, his lips met my forehead, and I smiled. "I love you." He murmured. I happily sighed, and sat there. "I'm sure you do. But you missed." I told him, a smile on my face. A puzzled look came about his face, but after a few moments he got it. He leaned over again and our lips met. But, I heard Max walking down the hallway, so he quickly pulled away and snapped back into his former position. "Whats goin on?" Max asked, standing in the door frame. "Nothin' much." Andy said with a casual tone. "Yep. Nothing." I said. Max nodded then said "Cool. Anyone want to go play basket ball?" He asked. "Its raining!" I exclaimed humoruosly. "I know. Thats the point." He said matter-of-factly. Andy smiled. "Okay."

"Really?" I asked.

"Sure. Its probably only sprinkling now, so we might as well have fun in the rain, instead of staying inside all day." Andy proclaimed.

"He has a point!" Max chimed.

"Oh all right!" I said, pulling myself off my bed.

We raced downstairs, grabbing a basketball on our way out. We headed to the park, right down the street.

"You get first ball." Max said, bouncing the ball to Andy. Andy had been right about the rain. It was slightly raining, basically sprinkling now. The small rain drops were refreshing against my face, and gave the air that moist feeling, and that clean smell. I loved the rain for those few reasons.

"Alright." Andy said "Are we basically just shooting hoops?"

Max nodded, and Andy threw the ball at the hoop, making it.

We came back home after shooting hoops for an hour, because the rains started pouring. We ran through the rain, our hair drenched. Max hurried inside the house, while Andy and I danced in ths rain for a few minutes. We stood out of window sight, and just acted like our normal goofy selves. I hugged Andy, not letting go for a while. "Do you know what this rain reminds me of?" Andy asked. I lied my head against his chest, and he lied his chin against my forehead. "Hmm?" I mumbled. "Our first kiss." He replied. I smiled. "Then lets make this our third." I said, leaning up, touching my lips to his briefly. He pulled away and smiled, "We need to go inside now." I followed after him, laughing the whole way. We reached the house, our clothes insanely wet from the water. We headed back upstairs.

Weeks later, I sat on my Dads bed, watching him pace back and fourth in his room. I found amusement in it. "I don't exactly know how to explain this to you. If only your mother was here. Then it would be a crap load easier to explain this......your mother was, well a half angel. Yes this probably seems strange, and untrue, but, its not. I know she..passed away when you were only five, so you probably can't remember her very well, but she also had purple eyes. Thats why you have purple eyes. So, that also makes you half, or one quarter angel....but..well yeah.." He explained. This was a joke. This couldn't be true. No, this wasn't real..."Your'e joking...aren't you?" I asked. But, after I thought for a moment. That dream, the woman in it looked similar to the woman in the blurry memories of my childhood. The woman whos side I had been next to for five years, untill she died. No, disappeared is a better word, because may have just been returning to the angels, but thsi could all just be a joke. But, I trusted my dad, and knew he wouldn't lie. "No. No joke." He said, his face dead serious...."Soo..this means..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. I was stunned. What was I supposed to say? I was, angel? I would have rather been a vampire or something..."It would be cooler to be a vampire.." I said disappointed, but still shocked. "Err well..." Dad started, rubbing the back of his neck.."Err well... What?" I asked. "Umm...I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this, but you are also half vampire, on my side." Dad explained, a strange look on his face. He smiled and his fangs elongnated. Nope. Didn't need to ask if he was joking about that. I thought once again, and I was getting curious on why there were two blisters on the inside of my lips. And why people stared at me at lunch...oh crap...I'm a vampire angel..How freaking weirder could my life get? "Your mother and I, were forbidden to fall in love. A creature of the night, a murderer, and a guardian, one who protects mankind. But, I was never the blood sucking type. I mean, occasionally I would feed off of a homeless person, not enough to kill them, and then just erase their memory. Well, second thought, I guess I was. But, I've learned to live off human food...But at times, its not enough....." He admitted. "I guess that explains why every time I eat, I don't feel like I had eaten enough.." I mumbled to myself. Dad nodded knowingly, and I just noticed Max in the doorway. "WHAT?!" He exclaimed. "I'm a vampire?!" Oh gawd...

"Well er, adopted. I didn't want to tell you, but I have nothing else to tell you..."Dad started, although I knew he was lying. Max's face grew horrified. "What?" he whispered. Dad laughed "No son. I am merely joking. You are half vampire though. But, since you had a different mother than you sister, you aren't half angel too." Max felt his teeth. "Ow." He said, his fangs elongnating and poking his fingers. "Sweet!" He exclaimed happily. He licked the blood off his fingers. "Max! Don't start with that kind of crap! You will not become a monster. Try to stay as humanly as possible." Dad scolded him.

The door bell rang, and I went to answer it. I wanted just a few seconds away from this madness. I opened to the door to find Andy. Oh what would I tell him? "Hey beautiful." He said, a half smile on his lips. "Hey." I said, faking a smile. But Andy could see right through it. "Whats wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. "Nothing. It's just a bad time right now." I explained, hoping he wouldn't be mad. He gave me a knowing smile and nodded "Okay. Call me when things settle down. I want to talk to you. But wait, before I go, did your Dad just tell you? Y'know, about your 'history'? I had a dream about this." Andy said, knowing exactly what was going on. I nodded. "On second thought, come on in. I just didn't want you to over hear our well...conversation." I said, tugging at his elbow to come in. As we were walking inside, I heard my cell phone ringing. I retrieved it from my pocket and answered. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey whats up?" Tamara said on the other end. "Can I call you back later? I'm in the middle of a early mid-life crisis right now. But I will call you back later." I said, then hung up before she could protest further. I walked back into dad's room, followed by Andy. "What up my vampire peeps?" Andy asked. Dad had a shocked look on his face, then glared at me. "No! He has dreams about my future. So don't blame me.." I said, holding my hands up defensively. Dad's face was full of dought, untill Andy spoke. "No shes serious. Before you guys moved here I had dreams about you guys moving here, then becoming friends with Violet, and meeting you guys, and things that haven't happened yet." He explained. "And I know that you told her earlier that her mother was a half angel, that also had purple eyes. Believe me now? Or do I need to explain how I know that you and Violet watch reruns of Lost almost every night on dvd?" Dad had a puzzeled look on his face, then dropped the subject. "Anyways, children, NEVER feed off humans, and never drink blood. Is that clear? No matter how hungry and psyco you get, you can never ever drink blood." Dad instructed. We nodded, then walked out. "Goin to the skatepark with Andy! Be back later!" I yelled as I walked upstairs to get my board, then head out. "Okay!" He yelled back.

Andy and I headed off the skate, and talk things out. But, when we got there, there were already people there. They were both girls. I walked over to sit on the half pipe, to talk with Andy, when they came over. "Hey, I'm Annabelle." the girl with blonde hair said. She was wearing an Escape the Fate t-shirt. "Oh. I'm Violet." I greeted her. "This is just my neighbor." Annabelle said, refferring to the brown haired girl standing beside her. "Do you go to Carter High School?" Annabelle asked. "Yeah. Why?" I answered. "I'm transferring there tommarow. Dad says it'll be easier to go there than to drive half an hour every morning to get to my school. But I know a few people there." She answered. Andy moved from behind me. "Yeah. Like me." He said. "Dude! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said, giving him a quick friend hug then letting go. Apparently I had an utterly confused look on my face, because Annabelle quickly said "We used to be friends. Well, we still are, we just lost connection after a while.." she said, her eyes hiding something. Andy nodded, a smile on his face. "Ohh." I said, still confused.

I went to school the next day, and just as she had said, Annabelle was there. "Hey!" I said as she headed to the seat beside me at lunch. Ash, Skye and Matt looked up. "Oh my gawd!!" Skye said, getting up to hug Annabelle. Apparently they all knew her. Jenna wasn't there that day, apparently out sick, although I had been hoping she would have been there.


I walked home from school, taking a shortcut today. I felt eyes watching me. I looked behind, seeing some really irratating people behind me. They had said a few things to me in the past few weeks, that really ticked me off. They had pushed me, called me emo, etc. I ran down an alley, without thinking first. Dead end. I cursed under my breath, mentaly kicking my self in the *butt* for forgetting. They slowly entered the alley, crazed looks on their faces. They were the deliquents of the school. The ones that did drugs and bullied other people. Their pupils were dialated and I knew automattically that they were both as high as kites. "Hey little emo chick." One said. I still didn't know their names yet. I just knew their reputation. The other one cornered me. "*eff* off!" I yelled. They bothgot closer to me, and I pulled my elbow back, ready to punch. I hit one in the side of the jaw, and he stumbled backwards. I tried to run, but the one that I hadn't punched threw me on the ground. "Now what was that for you little emo *b-word*?" He asked, a crazed look on his face. I kicked him where most guys do not like being kicked, and ran out of the alley. One of them got up, and ran after me. He caught up with me and grabbed me from behind. I could feel my fangs starting to peek out of my gums. I bit down on the guys arm, making him release me. He did so, and cried out in pain. "What did you do to me?!" He exclaimed. I stopped dead in my tracks, watching what was happening to him. His veins popped out more, looking as if he had been smoking something,(which he had, of course) or doing steriods. They turned a purplish color as the sunlight hit them. He dropped to the ground in agony, and I sat there, doing nothing. The other guy stood there, apparently realizing what had just happened. He would be too stoned to remember though..

I rushed home as fast as possible, with my new found vampiric speeds. My stomach growled uncontrolably. Oh *eff*. Not this. Not now. My mind swirled with thougts of how his blood had tasted against my tounge.

Once I reached the house, I stormed straight up to my room. My mind was on hyperspeed and all I could think about was blood. And the fact that I had almost killed a guy. Even if I did hate him, I hadn't wanted him dead...

I swallowed my spit and thought for a temporary solution. "Why don't I just drink a small amount from myself? Can't harm me that much.." I thought. I slowly brought my wrist to my lips, kind of frightened that it might hurt. I bit into my wrist, ignoring the agonizing pain I had just caused myself. But, that pain slowly yet temporarily forget what was going on, and I sipped the blood. Yeah, this was strange, but I would have to go to extreme measures to stop myself from killing people. Once I was finished, I just kind of sat there. Doing nothing. I stared at the new bloody wound on my wrist. This whole vampire/angel thing was going to destroy me if I couldn't get a grip of myself.

A sudden bright light blinded me for a few seconds. I sheilded my eyes with the palms of my hands.  The room slowly dimmed back to normal almost, until I saw what was standing in front of me. My supposedly dead mother. She had a warm smile on her face, and although she was wearing normal clothes, feathery wings stretched behind her back.

"Mom," I whispered. "You're supposed to be dead..."

"Well, I'm not. Er, I mean, I am, but I didn't die, I just went to be with the rest of the guardian angels. What's on your wrist there?" She spoke, for the first time in a long time. My amazement from her voice distracted me from hiding my wrist, so at I wasn't startled at first, until I finally realized what she had asked me. And before I could reply, she snatched my wrist from my lap to examine it.

"Uh huh, I was right. I had been watching you and wanted to see if that's what you were doing, yep. You were. And you better not do it again or I'll tell your dad and you'll be grounded." She said, taking on a motherly tone.

"But Mom..." I whined just like a cranky teen, begging to go to a friends house.

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