Falling For Asher

By totallysteph

210K 6.2K 499

Zoey Collins found herself siding with someone she just met over one of her best friends since elementary sch... More



5.1K 176 5
By totallysteph


Our lunch table feels different with only three of us. It doesn't feel complete, and it actually reminds me of when Melissa was here. That thought leads to me wondering how she's doing. Only to dismiss the small amount of pity that arises.

"I finally don't feel like a third wheel." Paige beams. She's right, James and I are solos today.

Asher had to make up a test for his first-period class. Meanwhile, Scarlett was busy with a play she's helping out in.

"You have Brody." James teases, ignoring the glare he receives.

I hide my amusement behind my sandwich. Not wanting to annoy her further. She has admitted to liking him, although she's not planning on ever telling him that. In her words, Brody isn't someone who would want to be in a relationship.

I disagree completely, he seems to be interested.

Paige rolls her eyes, stabbing her fruit with a fork. "I'm over him." She grumbles.

"Are you now?" I tilt my head to look at her. James also stares at her curiously.

She keeps her head down. "Why is that?" He questions.

Paige shrugs, finally lifting her head up. "He's not the type of guy I would normally go for."

Honest and caring? "Which part?"

She hesitates, her gaze flickering behind me. I hear his voice before I see him. Brody walks around the table to sit beside Paige. Giving us his infectious smile. I look around to see if Asher is done as well.

"I doubt that he will finish before lunch ends." I slump down, nodding.

It suddenly feels like James and I are third wheels. With the way that Brody keeps looking at Paige.

He nudges her arm playfully. "What happened to me driving you to school this morning?"

She bites her lip, glancing at us for help. James pretends to be busy with his food, while I shrug in helplessness.

"My dad went into work late so he wanted to bring me." She nods to herself, proud of her quick lie.

Brody doesn't notice, "That's fine, are you going to the party at least?"

We are, but I start up a conversation about movies with James. I definitely feel the kick to my leg, but choose to ignore her. If she gave him a chance or even a legitimate reason as to why they wouldn't work out, then I would have helped her.

Paige has always been terrible at relationships. I'm not one to judge, and I don't blame her. Boys in high school are either too immature or want what they can't have only to brag and lose interest afterward.

When lunch ends, Brody surprises me by asking if we can talk. I share a look with Paige, who looks as confused as I am. We say bye to them and start towards my classroom.

"What's up?" I ask, having a feeling this is about a certain blonde.

He runs a hand through his hair nervously before responding. "Is Paige in a relationship? Or is it just me, I don't mean to make her feel weird.." Brody trails off, his eyes widening. "Shit, should I back off?"

I laugh at his rambling, amused, but also not sure on what to say. If I could lock the two of them in a room until they figure things out, I would.

"She's not seeing anyone, no. I would suggest asking her those questions."

We stop at my class while he takes in my words with a small smile. "Okay, I will, see you later Zoey." He waves.

I ignore Mandy's stare and go to my usual seat. The next hour and a half are painful. Instead of taking it easy, most of the teachers try to fill our brains up with material before Christmas break. I don't think that any of us will remember it when we get back.

On my way to my locker, I see Asher speaking to the art teacher. She waves me over, my brows furrowed as I walk to them. Asher notices me when I stand beside him, his smile, causes my knees to go weak.


"You're his girlfriend, right?" She directs at me.

I nod, lifting my head to catch his gaze. Asher rolls his eyes, "Zoey is on my side."

Still confused, I turn to hear her explanation. "Asher got nominated for a drawing contest and a chance to win a scholarship. He won't accept because he doesn't think that he's good enough."

I pull back to stare at him in shock. "Are you insane? Babe, you're talented!" His lip curls up and I realize what I said.

"Yeah?" He questions, shrugging. "We'll see."

He won second place in the last contest. Sometimes Asher doesn't see how talented he is. But I have also noticed that most talented people think the same way. Almost like they put themselves down if something isn't perfect.

We walk to his car hand in hand. I have to work tonight which is a bummer. I have been contemplating on quitting, but I'm so close to my goal to buy a car. My dad and Candice have offered to pay for half, I guess I'll push through as much as I can.

"How did you do on your test?" I randomly ask.

We get in the car, the heat blasting immediately. "Doesn't matter, you called me babe." He beams, my heart flutters at his adorable smile.

I nod, my cheeks heating up. "Yes, shut up." Asher pokes my cheek with a laugh.

"You hate pet names?" He reminds me.

I just find them weird coming from my mouth. He calls me cute names all the time and my stomach fills up with butterflies.

I change the subject, which he shakes his head at but doesn't complain. The drive to the mall is always way too short. On days that I work, of course.

We find a parking spot and I turn to face Asher in displeasure. "Oh wait, is the dinner tonight?" I gasp, remembering that his parents invited me over for dinner.

The realization hits him too, "I guess it is." He chuckles, checking the date to make sure. "Yup, right after your shift."

"Good, my dad wanted to cook tonight." I was struggling to find a way out of eating his burnt chicken and rice.

I mean forward to give him a quick kiss, leaving before I convince myself to call in sick. I'll see him when he picks me up from work.

Working at the mall sounds a lot more interesting than it is. Especially because I mainly work on weekdays, when no one but adults shop here. Candle shops aren't the most exciting, to begin with.

My co-worker is a twenty-two-year-old girl who walks around smelling every single candle. She mutters to herself about the scent, and she's overly hyper all the time.

I enjoy her company.

I watch as she skips to the counter, our shift nearly over. The store closes in ten minutes, so we start cleaning up, I let Asher know that I'll be out shortly.

The bell rings, signaling a customer. I sigh, walking out of the back room. My annoyance fades when I see my boyfriend looking around the store.

"What are you doing here?" I ask giddily, pressing my lips against his.

Amy coos, telling us to go ahead and leave. I was hesitant, but it didn't look like anyone would be coming in. The mall is dead at this time.

"I got bored outside." He admits, pulling me closer as we make it outside.

I hum, inhaling his scent. The air became colder the later it got. I have to wrap my sweater tighter around my body, eager to get in the car.

Some nights are just like this, with no excitement at all but I don't mind. I can't wait for after graduation when we get to spend more time together without worrying about having to go to school that next day.

Thinking about the future still scares me, although I find myself wanting to know what it will be like. As long as I'm still with Asher, I don't see why I wouldn't be happy.

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