New Beginnings: A Hessa Story...

By danicostlin117

386K 11.2K 2.1K

It's been a crazy few months for Hardin and Tessa. It's finally time for them to say I do, and they couldn't... More

Chapter 1: Hardin
Chapter 2: Tessa
Chapter 3: Hardin
Chapter 4: Tessa
Chapter 5: Hardin
Chapter 6: Hardin
Chapter 7: Tessa
Chapter 8: Hardin
Chapter 9: Tessa
Chapter 10: Tessa
Chapter 11: Hardin
Chapter 12: Tessa
Chapter 13: Landon (BONUS)
Chapter 14: Tessa
Chapter 15: Hardin
Chapter 16: Hardin
Chapter 17: Tessa
Chapter 18: Hardin
Chapter 19: Tessa
Chapter 20: Hardin
Chapter 21: Hardin
Chapter 22: Tessa
Chapter 23: Tessa
Chapter 24: Hardin
Chapter 25: Tessa
Chapter 26: Hardin
Chapter 27: Tessa
Chapter 28: Hardin
Chapter 29: Tessa
Chapter 30: Hardin
Chapter 31: Hardin
Chapter 32: Tessa
Chapter 33: Hardin
Chapter 34: Tessa
Chapter 35: Hardin
Chapter 36: Tessa
Chapter 37: Hardin
Chapter 38: Hardin
Chapter 39: Tessa
Chapter 40: Tessa
Chapter 41: Hardin
Chapter 42: Tessa
Chapter 43: Hardin
Chapter 44: Tessa
Chapter 45: Hardin
Chapter 46: Tessa
Chapter 47: Hardin
Chapter 48: Hardin
Chapter 49: Tessa
Chapter 50: Hardin
Chapter 51: Tessa
Chapter 52: Hardin
Chapter 53: Tessa
Chapter 54: Tessa
Chapter 55: Hardin
Chapter 56: Hardin
Chapter 57: Tessa
Chapter 58: Nora (BONUS)
Chapter 59: Hardin
Chapter 60: Tessa
Chapter 61: Hardin
Chapter 62: Tessa
Chapter 63: Hardin
Chapter 64: Tessa
Chapter 65: Tessa
Chapter 66: Hardin
Chapter 67: Tessa
Chapter 68: Hardin
Chapter 69: Tessa
Chapter 70: Hardin
Chapter 71: Tessa
Chapter 72: Hardin
Chapter 73: Hardin
Chapter 74: Tessa
Chapter 75: Hardin
Chapter 76: Tessa
Chapter 77: Hardin
Chapter 78: Tessa
Chapter 79: Tessa
Chapter 80: Hardin
Chapter 81: Tessa
Chapter 82: Hardin
Chapter 83: Tessa
Chapter 84: Hardin
Chapter 85: Tessa
Chapter 86: Hardin
Chapter 87: Tessa
Chapter 88: Hardin
Chapter 90: Hardin
Chapter 91: Tessa
Chapter 92: Hardin
Chapter 93: Tessa
Chapter 94: Hardin
Chapter 95: Tessa
Chapter 96: Hardin
Chapter 97: Tessa
Chapter 98: Hardin
Chapter 99: Tessa
Chapter 100: Tessa

Chapter 89: Tessa

2.8K 122 54
By danicostlin117

He forgot.

Hardin forgot about our special day that we were supposed to be having today. Not going to lie, it fucking hurts. I was so excited when I woke up this morning. I was going to make some breakfast for us, then maybe cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, or go for a walk, or paint, or read.... I don't even know. Instead, I sit here in some random venue with a plate of hors d'oeuvres by myself while Hardin is off with Stacy. I should've known that this was going to be how today would go. I have to stop expecting that things will be different. Hardin is in that work mode at a very inconvenient time. I need to stop thinking that days can be like they used to.

It's crazy to think that this could've been my life if I didn't switch careers. I always had the dream of becoming an author since I was a little girl and picked up my first book. I knew I wanted to inspire people with my writing, and I still feel that way. I do miss this, but I don't regret changing to planning because I love that career too. Being back in this environment does inspire me to get back into writing. Maybe I could do that as a side project of some sort... I could probably write a whole book before Hardin comes to 'check on me'.

It's been about forty five minutes since I saw Hardin last. This venue space is huge with at least five hundred people. Stacy's probably dragging him around the entire place introducing him to every Tom, Dick and Harry in this place. He's probably too busy to check on me.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I ask the woman sitting across from me at this large table who's scrolling on her phone. "Do you know how much longer this event is supposed to last?"

"Probably another six hours at the rate it's going."

"I've been here for forty five minutes and I'm already so done." I say more to myself than to her, but she hears and laughs at my comment.

"Forty five minutes? Try since 11 AM." She shakes her head. "I don't know how much longer of the event I can take as well. I'm Miranda." She reaches her hand across the table, but I just stand and take the seat next to her so it's less awkward.

"I'm Tessa. It's nice to meet you."I shake her hand.

"So, are you an author? What have you written?" She questions me.

"I'm not actually, my husband is. That's why I'm here."

"You're here to sit and eat fancy appetizers all day?" She jokes, and for the first time all day, I genuinely laugh. It feels good.

"I suppose so. He was supposed to come check on me, but I haven't seen him since we got here. According to his publicist, walking around with a pregnant wife won't score him any brownie points with a sponsor."

"Oh congratulations! That's wonderful! My wife and I have a three year old." She pulls out her phone to show a picture. "This is me, my wife Jessica, our daughter Hazel and our dog Ronnie. We adopted Hazel last year, and it's been wonderful."

"Wow, what a beautiful family." It's rare to find one of those these days.

"Thank you. It's nice that you came to support your husband. I could never get my wife to come to one of these events."

"I actually forced him to take me."

Her mouth slightly opens with a surprised smile. "Wow. These events are so boring. If I weren't an author trying to promote my work then I wouldn't even think to come."

"I just wanted to spend more time with my husband, but look what happened with that." I throw my hands in the air in frustration. "He's just been working so much, and we were supposed to have a special day today on his day off where he wouldn't work and we would just spend time together, but he forgot."

I realize I'm completely rambling to a random person I just met. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spring all my complaints on you."

She chuckles once more, "It's alright. Who better to rant to about issues than a complete stranger?"

I've heard the expression before... haven't I?

"Anyway, I'm just excited to go home. I don't think I can eat another appetizer."

"I get that. I've been sitting here for about ten minutes, so it's only a matter of time before my publicist comes looking for me to force me back in the crowd." Her phone buzzes in his pocket. She holds up her finger to me and quickly answers it. "Hey babe, what's up?"

I assume she's talking to her wife.

".... Yes.... Sure.... Yeah I'll tell my publicist, I've been here long enough... See you soon.... Love you." She hangs up and shoves her phone back into her pocket. "Duty calls. I have to go find my publicist. Wife wants me home, so that's where I'll be. It was nice to meet you." She waves goodbye and disappears into the crowd leaving me alone, once again.

This fucking sucks. I can't even sit here and sugar coat it anymore. This is worse than being alone. I'm surrounded by so many people, yet am all by myself. I feel tears forming in my eyes, and now I want nothing more than to just go home, eat a shit ton of ice cream and listen to Taylor Swift to make me feel better. I just need to find a way home. Getting an Uber from here back home will be extremely expensive, especially at this time of day. Maybe Nora is working and can pick me up.

T: SOS. Venues NYC.

I send Nora a text message that I need saving. Thankfully, the bubbles pop up indicating that she's typing back. Nora and I have this system where if one of us texts SOS and a location, she will pick up the girl in need of saving. It started way back before Hardin and I got back together and even before Nora and Landon got together. Nora was at some guy's apartment and needed a ride back to her place, so she texted me SOS and the address and I came as quickly as I could. I was with Robert at time time in his place, so we used his roommate's car to get her.

Robert! That's where I heard that phrase from. When I first met Robert, I was telling him all my Hardin troubles, and he said 'Who better to talk about your problems with than a stranger.'

N: I'm at work, but Landon is home. I will tell him to come get you. He should be there in twenty.

Thank goodness. I guess I'm going to have to spend this next twenty minutes searching for Hardin to tell him that I'm leaving. I don't want to talk to him at this point, but I should tell him that I'm leaving so he doesn't panic when he can't find me. I try to call him, but he hasn't been answering any of the last eight times I've called.


Fifteen minutes pass and no sign of Hardin. This venue is a fucking maze, and I have no idea where I came from or am even going. I can't imagine how I'm going to find the exit out of this place, let alone Hardin. Just as I lose hope, I spot Stacy's sleek black pony tail and red dress from a mile fucking away. I quickly walk towards her hoping to see Hardin standing next to her, but he's not there. She's laughing with a tall, gray-bearded gentleman. It's weird seeing her laugh considering she is usually a stone cold witch 99% of the time.

"Excuse me, Stacy." I tap her shoulder, and she turns around.

Her smile fades once she sees me."Oh, Tessa. Hello."

"Have you seen Hardin?"

"He just left to go look for you about five minutes ago." She informs me. Oh, great.

"Did he say where that was?"

She shakes her head, but points her finger in the direction I just came from."He just started walking that way. We agreed to meet at the huge ice sculpture in fifteen minutes." She whips her arm around and points in the opposite direction at the large ice sculpture against the wall.

"Can you just tell him that I'm going to head home? A friend is coming to pick me up."

"Oh, you're going home? Okay, I'll make sure he knows."

"Do you know how much longer you'll be here?"

"Probably not too long. We only have a few more people to speak to."

Unsure of what to say next, I just silently nod.

"I'm sorry that you have had nothing to do here. Hardin told me he told you the reason why I said you shouldn't be at his side. I hope you understand that I'm only looking out for his career."

Sure you are... "Oh, I understand. Tell him I'll see him when he gets home." I walk away before I unleash my inner bitch on this woman. Everything she says is so backhanded and confusing, so I know she's not genuine with her apology. I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"Elizabeth! Hey, Elizabeth!" Some man grabs my arm and turns me quickly. I raise my hand quickly in response and throw a punch towards whoever is grabbing my arm. After everything that happened with that Uber driver, I'm always on high alert for aggressive men. He quickly dodges my punch.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." He lifts his hands up in the air.

"I'm so sorry about that." I apologize for nearly socking him in the face.

"A little shiner never killed nobody." He laughs. "You throw one hell of a punch."

"I've been told." I nervously put a loose strand of hair that's dangling in my face behind my ear. I might as well ask this gentleman if he's seen Hardin. "Have you seen a young man? Tall, dark, curly-ish hair, tattoos, British accent... his name is Hardin Scott."

"Oh, Mr. Scott. I was just speaking with him about possibly sponsoring his book. He's a fine young man, and a great author. Are you an author as well?"

"No actually, I'm his wife."

"Oh." He steps back with a surprised expression. "He didn't mention having a wife."

Of course he didn't.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why are you here if you aren't with him? Do you work for him?"

I shake my head. "I'm wondering the same question." I whisper to myself before answering his question. "I'm here to support him. He's the most intelligent and incredible author I know. His talent for writing is truly God given, and I'm so incredibly proud of him..." I blush after complimenting Hardin immensely.

"...I'm Tessa Young." I hold out my hand for him to shake, and he does so.

"Nice to meet you. Congratulations on your pregnancy."

"Thank you. It's going to be our first child together after many years of trying. We're very excited! I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Mitchell Wayne." He introduces himself.

"Mitchell Wayne? Of Wayne Publishing!?" I nearly pass out again. This man is considered the biggest in the business. Not only is he one of the most successful authors of the 21st century, but he's also the CEO of a massive publishing company.

"That would be me." He shrugs like it's no big deal he's a multimillionaire. Dammit, did I just make him uncomfortable by freaking out like some crazed fan?

"I'm sorry for freaking out, I'm just a huge fan. Your novel about your father's battle with addiction was truly a literary masterpiece. I wrote a whole thesis paper about it in college!"

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"See, my father also suffered from alcohol and drug addiction, so I related to your story so much. You released it right around the time he came back into my life."

"Wow." He's thrown off by my comments, I can tell. "I've never heard someone so passionate about my novel before."

"He wasn't in my life for too long. He died of an overdose though, so my father didn't make it out on the other side like yours did."

"Oh no. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks, but honestly that novel was incredible. The way you compared your father's addiction to trouble happening in your own life was genius. It made the readers feel like they really knew you."

He smiles shyly. "You are very knowledgable, Mrs. Scott. Why aren't you an author?"

"I was set out to be, but then I had a career shift pretty late into my life."

"How late?" He asks.

"I graduated from NYU with an English degree, but then switched my career to event planning a couple years after that."

He laughs so loud that we get a few stares from the people next to us. "That's not late! I went through medical school and was a third year resident when I decided to become an author. My parents wanted me to be a neurosurgeon, but obviously my talents lied elsewhere."

"Wow, that's incredible. You have a lot of accomplishments to your name, Mr. Wayne."

"You as well Mrs. Scott. Hardin is one lucky man."

"Thank you." If only he damn remembered it. I look around me and people are continuing to stare like I'm some kind of monster. I check my outfit to see if I have any food on my dress, but there's nothing. "Well I should get going, my friend is going to be picking me up."

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Scott."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine Mr. Wayne."

People are still looking at me as he walks away from me. One lady even has her mouth open in surprise. Okay, something is definitely wrong with me. Maybe my makeup is smeared, or I have food stuck in my teeth. I need to get out of here.


When I get outside, the cold air feels amazing on my clammy skin. I take off my jacket and wrap it around my stomach to try and cool down. These pregnancy hot flashes are not enjoyable and embarrassing when I nearly pass out multiple times.

A small honk sounds from the street corner, and I see Landon's hand wave from the car.

"My savior!" I yell from down the street and begin to walk towards the car. I'm a little lightheaded, but thankfully I make it to the car without an incident.

"You okay?" Landon looks me up and down. "You're pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really hot. Do you have any water?"

He pulls open the passenger seat front compartment and hands me a water bottle that is nearly ice since it's been so cold. It feels nice going down my throat into my stomach. I feel better and rejuvenated.

"So, Nora told me you sounded the SOS... what were you doing at this place anyway?"

I explain to Landon the whole story of how Hardin forgot about our day together, how Stacy made me angry on multiple occasions, and how I ultimately spent the whole day alone.

"I'm sorry, Tess." He shows me some empathy, which is greatly appreciated. It's nice to know someone feels sorry for me.

"He's been so busy, and with the baby coming so soon... I just miss him, and I need him. I get that he has a book coming out soon, but you would think that he would put me and the baby for sometimes."

"Have you talked to him about this?"

"What the hell am I supposed to tell him, Landon? That I don't want him to work so much just so he can hang out with me!? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!" I lash out. "Sorry, I don't mean to treat you like a bunching bag."

"I get it, Tessa. I'm used to being your emotional punching bag when Hardin does stupid stuff like this."

"I don't mean too! I'm-"

He puts his hand on my shoulder while keeping his other hand on the wheel. "Stop it. I was joking... kind of." He squeezes my shoulder before putting it back on the steering wheel.

"I'm not even mad at him, I'm just disappointed. I really thought he was better than this, but every single time he proves to me that he is, he does something stupid like two weeks later."

"That's Hardin for you."

I lean my head against the cold window. 'That's Hardin for you.' Landon said. That is Hardin, and continues to be Hardin for as long as I've known him. He claims I'm the most important thing in his life, yet he pulls this shit on me. If I were the most important thing in his life, he would remember that today was supposed to be our day. He's just so confusing. One moment he's refusing to go to a publishing conference in Atlanta with Vance because he doesn't want to leave me alone, and the next moment he's leaving me alone for his sleazy publicist. We haven't had a full day of alone time since our honeymoon which was over a month ago, and he's made no effort to change that.

"You can come hang with me if you want. Nora doesn't get home from work until 3:30. I could use the company."

Me too, Landon. Me too.

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