Stella & The Playboy

By AuggiePooh_

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"How about we stop with the games Stella? You want me just as much as I want you." His voice was low as he c... More

Stella & The Gnocchi
Stella & The Pretty Boy
Stella & The Socialite
Stella & The Proposal
Stella & The Coffee Shop
Stella & The Peace Offering
Stella & The Spotlight
Stella & The Truth
Playboy & The Double
Stella & The Shoplifter
Stella & The Family
Stella & The Nacho Thief
Stella & The Bonfire
Stella & The Yacht
Stella & The Brawl
Stella & The Scandal
Stella & The Meltdown
Stella & The New Plan
Stella & The Birthday Boy
Stella & The Monthly Visitor
Stella & The Commercial
Stella & The Surprise
Stella & The Tease
Stella & The Slumber Party
Playboy & The Garden
Stella & The Gelato
Stella & The Prick
Stella & The Termination
Stella & The Blue Plate
Stella & The Secret
Stella & The Call Off
Stella & The Liar
Playboy & The Truth
Stella & The Letter
Stella & The Interview
Stella & The Co-worker
Stella & The Nice Guy
Playboy & The Meeting
Stella & The Acquaintance
Bonus Chapter

Stella & The Stalker

355 21 4
By AuggiePooh_

Chapter 32

Julius had been acting extra suspicious lately. This could be because my birthday was tomorrow. Or it could be about the thing that needed fixing that he won't tell me about.

Regardless, it was driving me crazy.

Nothing much had happened after our big announcement. Julius was still the acting CEO, and I was still unemployed. But the press was having a field day with our news.

Wall Streets Favorite Couple Split for good?

Julius Ashford Heartbroken After Broken Engagement

Stella Harris Calls off Wedding After Cheating Scandal

None of it was true, but it was too late to stop them. I sigh as the headlines keep popping up on my computer screen.

"Welcome home." I mutter as I hear the front door open. I don't bother looking, he had come home every evening at this time.

I was partially mad that I was slowly turning into a stay-at-home wife. I spent most of my days cleaning the house and searching for jobs online. I was pretty sure my dad had blackballed me and that's why nobody was interested in hiring me.

"I brought dinner." He says as he places a bag on the counter. I look up to see him holding a bag of Chinese food in his hands. I smile at him as he shrugs off his suit jacket and grabs two forks for us.

"How's the job search going?" He asks as he hands me a food carton and fork.

I shake my head, "Still no luck."

"I'm sure you'll get something soon. You're Stella Harris."

I chuckle, "Yeah exactly, that's the problem. They know my name and they know my father."

"You really think he'd interfere with your job hunt?"

I sigh as I take a forkful of chow mein. "I don't doubt he would."

"Well look on the bright side, tomorrow's your birthday. Maybe you'll get some good fortune." He smirks as he hands me a fortune cookie.

"You are so cheesy." I laugh as I take the cookie from him. I crack it open and read the piece of paper. "Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time." I read aloud.

Julius quirks his brow, "Well then. Let me see mine." He opens his cookie and reads the note aloud. "An acquaintance of the past will affect you in the near future." He stares at the paper for a moment before furrowing his eyebrows and crumbling it up, "These fortunes are phony anyway."

"Says the man who believes in horoscopes." I chuckle as I put mine down on the coffee table.

"Horoscopes have never failed me." He takes a drink of his soda before speaking again, "Aren't you curious about what I have planned for your birthday tomorrow?"

I shrug, "You know I'm not really a big fan of my birthday."

"That's because you've never got to spend it with me. Be dressed by 6 pm tomorrow."

"Oh really? Where are we going?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head, "It's a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see."


The next morning I woke up to something tickling my shoulder. "Julius." I say softly as I feel his lips trailing on my skin.

"Happy birthday baby." He says as his arms wrap around me. I giggle as he pulls me closer toward him.

"Thank you. Aren't you late for work?" I ask as I notice the time on the alarm clock beside me.

"The boss is never late. I made you breakfast." He says as he sits up, picking up a tray of food from the bedside table. I rub my eyes before sitting up as well.

"You didn't have to do all this." I smile as I look down at the breakfast. Pancakes and eggs, the only meal he could confidently make himself.

"I didn't have to, I wanted to. Now I'm going to go get ready for work, don't forget I will be back at 6 pm to pick you up." He reminds me before giving me a short kiss.

"I won't." I say once my lips depart from his.

He gets up from the bed and heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I take a bite as I lay against the headboard tiredly. My phone beeps while I eat and I pick it up to see who it was. I had a couple of text messages from people telling me happy birthday, but one stuck out in particular.


This wasn't the first time she contacted me since our fall off. She had recently been calling a lot, and texting asking if we could meet up and talk things over. I ignore her every time of course, but this message was different.

J: happy birthday girl! I know we're not on good terms, but I really need to talk to you. Plus I need to give you your birthday gift. Please call me back!

I roll my eyes, I didn't want anything from that two-headed snake. Especially a birthday present. Just the thought of being in the same room with her made me mad. Whatever she wanted to tell me she could keep to herself for all I cared.

Julius had finally finished getting ready for work by the time I had finished my breakfast. "I'll see you this evening." He says as he kisses my forehead.

"I'll see you then." I say with a small smile.

He walks out of the room, leaving me alone in the condo. I turn on the tv, not seeing anything else to do at the time. Spongebob appears on the screen and I rest back and decide to relax.

It was my birthday, I deserved to do nothing right? Not think about the fact that my dad hates me, or that I'm unemployed. I'll just watch Spongebob.

After blankly staring at the tv for five minutes I hopped out of bed. Maybe I should go shopping, who better to buy me a birthday gift than myself?

I get into the bathroom and look at my appearance in the mirror. I looked okay but I needed a thorough shower, shave, and all for tonight. I was curious about what Julius had planned, but I was very sure it would end with birthday sex.

I smirk to myself before grabbing my razor and hopping into the shower. After about 30 minutes I was out and as smooth as a little Isaiah's butt. I wrap the robe around my body before beginning to moisturize.

I pick up my phone as I sit in front of my vanity, looking for someone to call. Because it was Friday afternoon, I didn't have many options. Everyone was at work and I was bored. I guess that means I'll be shopping solo.

After throwing on some leggings and a t-shirt I grab my things and head out of the house. My Tesla was parked out front and I got in swiftly before starting the engine.

It had been a while since I had gone shopping alone and I wasn't completely sure if it was a good idea. I hadn't had any major problems with the paparazzi but I haven't gone out much since we made the announcement.

I slid my sunglasses on before entering the busy shopping mall. I went through a couple of stores with ease, as they were all high-end stores.

"Stella?" A voice asks from behind me as I observe a purse. I turn around to see a familiar man standing before me. I tilt my sunglasses down to get a better look, "Gregg?" I ask in surprise.

He smiles, "It's been so long. How are you?"

"I'm fine! I haven't seen you in a while."

He chuckles, "Yeah ever since I was transferred things have been different."

I quirk my brow, "You were transferred? To where?"

"Philadelphia, but it's not too bad. I'm surprised you didn't notice, I've been gone for about two months."

I bite my inner cheek. I hadn't noticed his absence, and I kind of felt bad. "Of course I noticed! I just forgot." I lied. I was pretty bad at lying sometimes.

"Yeah, but I heard you and Julius split? How are you holding up?" He asks, the joy clear in his eyes as he tried to act sad.

I chuckled, "We're still together. Just decided to hold off on marriage."

He nods, the look of disappointment clear on his face. "That's good to hear. But if that's the case, why are you out shopping alone on your birthday?" He asks.

"I'm surprised you remembered. Julius is at work but we have plans when he gets home." I reply.

He chuckles, "I would've taken off work if I was lucky enough to be your boyfriend. How about I treat you to something in the mall? Just as friends of course."

I shake my head, "That's sweet Gregg, but I'm about to head back home."

He frowns slightly, "It'll be really quick, promise. I can just buy you a coffee or something."

I shake my head once again at his offer, "I'm good, seriously."

"Maybe I-"

"She said she's not interested stalker!" A voice exclaims from behind me. Just the person I didn't want to see.


She walks up to Gregg with her hand on her hip. "What are you even doing here? Stalking her? We both know nothing in this mall is in your price range. Leave." Her eyes were narrowed at him as I watched the two in shock.

He grits his teeth but didn't say anything before retreating. I quirk my brow at her as she turns to me with a bright smile. "Stella! Happy birthday!"

"That was mean Josie!"

Her face shows a puzzled expression, "I only said the truth? But anyway, I'm so happy to see you! You haven't been answering my messages." She says with a pout.

"Because I don't want to talk to you." I reply as I pick up my shopping bags and proceed to walk away.

"Stell, come on! It's your birthday. And I need to tell you something. Why don't we come over back to my place to talk?" She says sincerely.

"Whatever you want to tell me you can tell me right here because I promise we will not be seeing each other again."

She grabs my arm to stop me from walking away, "Stella! I'm serious. It's about Julius."

I hesitate for a moment before turning to her. "What is it?" I ask calmly.

"I can't tell you here, come over to my place." She insists again.

I shake my head, as I yank my arm from her grasp. "Then I guess it's not important." And with that, I walked away.

What the hell could Josephine want to tell me about Julius. Regardless of what it was, I couldn't trust her. If it was so important she wouldn't need to only tell me at her house. For all I know she has her reality show cameras there waiting for me. She couldn't be trusted.

And then what the hell was that with Gregg? Sure he was being a bit persistent but she didn't have to be that harsh. But I was kind of grateful she did because I didn't have the heart to do it myself. I had gone soft.

When I got home, Julius wasn't back yet. I set my shopping bags down in my room and proceeded to get dressed for whatever we were doing tonight. As I cleansed my face in front of the mirror I heard the front door open.

"Honey I'm home!" Julius calls out playfully.

I smile before getting up from my seat and heading toward the door in my robe. He smiles once he sees me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?"

I laugh, "I haven't even gotten ready yet. My hair is in a bun and I'm makeup-less."

"Exactly." He says before leaning in and passionately kissing me softly.

"You're in a good mood, and you're early." I observe once we pull away from the kiss. The time was only 5 pm.

"I finished up early so I could rush back to you." He sees with a cheeky smile. I depart from his embrace with a laugh before heading toward the kitchen.

"Oh sure you did. Guess who I saw today?" I ask as I open the fridge for a drink.



"Gregg who?" He asks as he pulls off his suit jacket.

"The Gregg you apparently transferred to Philadelphia." I ask with a hand on my hip as I hand him a water bottle.

He chuckles nervously, "Oh that Gregg."

I laugh, "I can't believe you transferred him!"

"I had to eliminate any potential competition!"

I snort, "Gregg is no competition. I only have eyes for you."

"I hope so. Now, why don't you finish getting ready so we can start your best birthday ever?"

I chuckle, "We'll see about that." I kiss him before heading back to my bedroom to finish getting dressed.


Everyone's favorite character is back. I wonder what trouble she'll cause this time?

See you next Wednesday!

      - AuggiePooh_

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