Always by your side

By Dlt87wayne

10.2K 227 45

Astrid is a widow who has a daughter and is struggling to pay the debt her husband left her. Their marriage w... More

It Will Be You And Me
No Way. We Have To Go
Leaving And On Our Way
Home Sweet Home
Catching Up
After All These Years
Awkward. This Could've Been Better
First Day But Feels Like Forever
Can We Be Friends Again?
She Is Still Here
You said it would be me and you
A Little Payback
Not Just Friends
An Interesting Summer
All For You
Little Dreams
Secrets Revealed
Time to be Away
Surprises and Memories
Jury (part 1)
Jury (part 2)
Unexpected or Unwanted
Money or Love
New Begining For All Of Us
Starting From the Beginning
Surprise! Surprise!
We Are A Family
Trying To Start A New Chapter
True Feelings For Home
It's over
Not A Chapter But A New Book
New Changes
Forever Now
I Do
Always By Your Side; Forever

Done With Bills, Fear Begins

528 11 0
By Dlt87wayne

Astrid POV

"Hey, time to wake up," I tell Zephyr as I shake her gently, "you have to go to school today."

I get a groan for a response until I opened the curtains to see those bright blue eyes open and she finally says, "fine."

As she gets ready I get a phone call, it is from the last person I wanted to hear from. 

"Still paying but yet still spending."

"What's going on now? Did your cat choke on a rat again?"

"Don't think I didn't see you at the pet store and then come out with an animal."

She was watching us? What kind of a woman is she? Most importantly: why? Oh, that's right, her son. I doubt she is doing this for Zephyr. If she were, she would come to visit and maybe be nice, not necessarily to me but to Zephyr.

"Don't think the bills are just piling up. Besides all I can say that I am successfully getting them done, despite not having your help. We all know how wealthy you are."

"Don't discuss my financial matters, young lady. You are just spoiling that little girl and her future does not seem to be promising."

"Stop talking, you are about to cross the line. You never cared for Zephyr and you never even have anything nice to say. Stay out of our lives because you made your point clear long ago. You hate us and we are not big fans of yours either, so stay out of our lives. Continue with your rich life and enjoy your champagne of every Sunday night." With that, I hang up and Zephyr looks at me scared. "Sorry baby, before we go can you check on Stormfly and see if she is alright."


Stormfly is our beautiful ring-necked parakeet. I got her after Zephyr brought me her report card. With those grades and with enough money to buy it, I thought it was good for her to have this kind of present. It was something she always wanted, more than a cat or a puppy.

Ingrid crossed the line, but today was pretty peculiar though. She has never shown concern for Zephyr and her behavior overall makes me want to keep her away from her. True we have struggled but we stuck together. I have been in contact with my friends back where I grew up in which is in a town called Henderson in Noth Carolina. After my mother died of cancer, her best friends took care of me and were there for me. When I met my husband, they were happy for me but concerned. They knew I wanted to start a new life somewhere else, but I didn't have clear that when you are married and make a move, your life will change completely. That was what they were worried about but I assured them I was ready. My life there is a long story and yes, I do tell Zephyr about it and I plan to show Zephyr at the right moment. 


It was a long day at work. I work as a librarian and the best part of my job is that I bring Zephyr with me. I am allowed to pick her up from school and then bring her here. This could probably explain why she is so smart. I began to notice that instead of drawing stick figures, she draws numbers and even shapes that I can't even draw, for a six-year-old, that is impressive. One co-worker told me she saw her drawings and that is just talent. I even saw her read a chemistry book that was mistakenly put in the kid section and she was making confused faces. I tell her to give herself time to be able to understand these things but she tells me that there are things she understands but not entirely. 

After work, I have an appointment with an accountant and that is where I can't have Zephyr with me. The landlord and his wife have been very good to us ever since we moved in and his wife, Wendy, is always happy to look after Zephyr. 

"Okay be good with them okay, I will be back shortly."

"Yes, mama."

"Don't worry about a thing, we will be right here."

"Thank you."

I arrive at the office and the news I get makes me forget everything that happened this morning. 

"Well, Ms. Hofferson they are all done. Not to mention that the last few bills were the biggest ones yet. Have you had help?"

"Financially no, but emotional yes. I have dear friends that have helped me out with saving and that has helped me save up to pay those bills and be able to one day, move on."

"Well, I am glad to hear that. Here's my card and I wish you and your child the best."

"Thank you, sir." With that, I leave the building with a smile on my face and am excited to tell my smart six-year-old the good news.


I arrive at the Darlings and Peter answers. I see Zephyr play with Stormfly and the first thing I do is hug her and pick her up. "Mom are you okay?"

 "Better than okay, baby."

"What's going on?" Wendy says as she comes to the living room.

"We are done, we have no more bills. It is all done."

"Oh my gosh that is amazing, stay for dinner you must be exhausted."

"Oh, it's okay..." 

"No, I will not take that as an answer I insist."


"This is something to celebrate," Peter happily exclaimed and all I could do is not stop smiling. 

After that delicious dinner, Wendy took me to a side while Peter was teaching Zephyr how to play chess.  She had a worried expression on her face. 

"When I took Zephyr to your apartment to get Stormfly, I found this in the mail.

It was a pamphlet for a private school. One of the prestigious schools in the city. They might have been aware of Zephyr's grades. "Maybe the school gave them her records and are interested in having her."

"I don't think it was the school. Zephyr opened it out of curiosity and what I read doesn't seem like the school had something to do with it."

I open the letter that came with the pamphlet and I saw what she meant.

        "Dear Ms. Hofferson,

                          It has come to our attention that you are interested in applying your child to this school. With the records, you have given us and the teacher's evaluations, we see that there is no problem admitting your child and having her be a part of our family. We hope you can schedule an appointment and we can meet in person and have her attend next fall. He hope to meet you and offer your child a promising future. 


                                                                                        Superintendent of Arendelle Private Schools of Art.

"I never contacted them for this and I am not interested in Zephyr going to a school like this for now. I can't afford that."

"Yeah, but they offer scholarships."

"I know but the thing is, I have suspicions on this. I have a feeling it was Ingrid. I know the benefits of private schools and I have a feeling she is using them to her advantage. You know, I got a call this morning from her and she talked about her future. She has never shown interest in Zephyr."

"Until now."

"After all she has done to us, the things she said. Recently I found out she watches us and started criticizing me as always. She saw me get Stormfly at the pet store. That is just creepy for someone her age to do."

"Well you know, money just keeps people walking."

'Yeah, that is true on so many levels,' I thought. I know exactly what I am going to do. I would do anything to not allow Ingrid to take my child away from me. She might have been her son's, but not even he wanted her. It is up to me now.


As we left the Darling's, Zephyr was getting ready for bed as I was in the living room preparing to have a huge and nasty argument with Ingrid. "Hi, mom."

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey, ready for bed?"


"Okay," we go to her room and she picks out a book, I read it to her and before I leave she asks me something unexpected.

"Mom, we learned about the ocean today and I know where you grew up there was one. Will we go one day?

"Of course, one day. I really do miss my old home."

"I saw something else too. Sam told me that her daddy is the best man in the world and many said the same thing. I told them I don't have one. My teacher says if I remember him, but all I know is that he is not here. Was he ever here?"

I couldn't lie to her and it hurts that her own father did not even want her, not even before she came to this world. "All I can say is that he left before even getting to know you. You know he is gone in a way he won't come back."

"Do you miss him? Or was he mean like Ingrid?"

"At first I did but remembering why he was gone and seeing how mean his own mother is, I just forgot about him. Don't think you are alone, you have me, Peter, Wendy, Stormfly, your school friends, and teachers who love you so much. That is more than those who are mean. Never forget that." With that, she hopped on me and we hugged very tightly. After that, she was tucked in and the lights were out. 

Now I was ready for the disaster. Funny how my day started with Ingrid on the phone and now I have to end my day with that. Only this time, I am starting the call and will put my foot down. She will not be involved with Zephyr, not now not ever. 


Picture or 'Stormfly': 

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