Last Chance: A Bridgerton Ta...

By MinaGodiva

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Anthony Bridgerton has snubbed so many marriage candidates his mother is at a loss and thinks her son will ne... More

Chapter 1: An unfortunate meeting
Chapter 2: The tables turn
Chapter 3: The Aftermath
Chapter 4: Living with the consequences
Chapter 5: The Ball
Chapter 7: No way back
Chapter 8: A Promise
Chapter 9: The past is not so easily forgotten
Chapter 10: No honour among men
Chapter 11: Wrong choices
Chapter 12: Remorse
Chapter 13: Distance
Chapter 14: What once was is now lost
Chapter 15: Repentance
Chapter 16: Conclusion

Chapter 6: A lover's quarrel

6.7K 182 57
By MinaGodiva

Writer's note;

As per usual this took forever to write, my apologies for shitty grammar and stuff. Two things I wanted to remind you/say; this is not canon-compliant for anyone you might argue "OOOH Anthony would not do that" and you would be right but this is my story and I have a tendency to write my male characters as I don't know, annoying at first for they come around so I am going with it.

Secondly: This story has gotten so much love from people and I just wanted to say as I am tearing up writing this.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate it so, so much. Check out my other story "A SEA BETWEEN" if you guys are interested. Different forced marriage, same Mara but in this one her last name is 'Malfoy' for she marries PRINCE Draco Malfoy.


The next day she did not come down for breakfast... Nor to lunch, and he consumed both in solitude for a day. It was clear she was avoiding up by preferring to stay in her room yet he had seen the servant taking things up on a tray to her so she must have felt hungry at one point.

In any case this just wasn't going to do. Nope. He wasn't going to ALLOW her to sulk in solitude and he wasn't on board with letting things linger on for longer than needed. So, when he saw the butler intending to go upstairs again, a thought entered his mind, an idea and he acted on it immediately by nearly sprinting over to him.

"Charleston... I'll take this upstairs, thank you". Charleston looked at him bewildered as he had known Anthony for years and he had never done this before but who was he to say anything? No, after twenty years of working for the Bridgertons, he had realised that sometimes it was better not to say anything.

"Of course," he said and handed him the tray.

"Thank you" said Anthony with a smile before walking slowly upstairs. Pff, he thought. How did people do this? The tray was heavy, and Anthony was already struggling to keep his balance, but luckily he made it to the second floor, but with difficulty and then barely knocked on the door with one hand, nearly dropping everything.

She opened the door unsuspectingly and was startled by his presence and took a step back. He grinned at her, partly to put her on ease, partly because he thought he thought he was hilarious and deftly stated "Your supper, madam".

She did not look at him with amusement, but somewhere she had to confess... It was kind of funny, yet she wasn't keen on letting him know that.

"Can I come in?" but she frowned a tad at that suggestion, so he changed tactics.

"Or perhaps you would wish to consume your meal downstairs in the presence of, well me, perhaps?".

"No worries, I'll eat here. Thank you" and with that she took the tray away from him and closed the door in front of him. Damn, thought Anthony, he had hoped his plan would work but he didn't want to give up yet, so he started knocking on the door.

"Mara" he sighed. "You can't avoid me forever.... I just want to talk" but she didn't open, and he sighed.

" I'll be in the drawing room later. I would like it if you'd come and join me at one point he said to a closed door, hoping she would hear him.

Anthony was busy reading the newspaper, which he had forgotten to do in the morning but paid no attention to. Every few sentences he looked at the exit, wondering if she would come by or not. Unfortunately, she did not, and he was about to get up and go to bed, admit his loss, when he saw her enter.

"Oh hello" he said a tad awkwardly and surprised she had come.

"I was about to leave; I didn't expect you to -"

"Oh sorry. I'll go back to-", she mumbled shyly but he quickly realised his error and therefore interrupted her.

"No, no. Please, sit down" he said while he took a seat himself. She slowly walked over to the opposite chair and sat down, inwardly kicking herself because this had been a stupid idea because now... now they had to talk and yes... a minute later he started.

"About yesterday..." he began uneasily. He looked at her and saw that she was just as uncomfortable as she was but decided to continue anyway.

"I was enjoying the evening with.. with you"," he said, and Mara looked at him to see if his statement was true and it seemed to be.

"You should know that I didn't know anything... about.. I didn't know she was coming, or I would never have... I would never have gone there with you, don't get me wrong, we've been a little negligent in attending events, but I would have chosen another ball to make our introduction if I had been.. informed".

Mara didn't speak for a little while on purpose perhaps, having to gauge her words, thinking or it was adamant that what she was going to say had to be clearly and precisely understood.

"I get that you were not aware of her being present at the ball. I may not have given you an opportunity to explain things yesterday and I want to apologise for that."

"It's okay... I understand, really. I-", Anthony tried to say, feeling relieved that the matter would be closed soon.. or so he thought.

"If I, if I could just finish my words without you interrupting me, please" she pleaded a tad unsurely and awkwardly.

"Seeing you reacting to her.. that way.. It was.. It told me a lot about you and her. I doubt that you will change your disposition towards Miss Rosso, and it would be foolish to hope you would. If I may be so bold, I can tell that you are still infatuated with your.. previous girlfriend. Don't, don't get me wrong. I am not judging you. I have no right to.. I know what I was get getting myself into and I understand your predicament, completely, as you must know..", she argued.

Anthony frowned in confusion. Where was all this going? She paused a moment for she continued to speak.

"WE both KNOW we entered this union on an ill-advised whim so maybe we should be honest with each other. I know you must feel the same way, I am certain you do.. I therefore think it would be wise to end things right now before we both end up unhappy. " she concluded.

What? No. He did his best to ignore the awful notion of divorcing her that suddenly arose in him, but it thundered on in his heart and mind.

"I think it's inevitable that our paths will separate so I think it's best not to carry on too long", she concluded.

After this statement, she stood up and walked towards him but looked down at her hands to be specific and started fidgeting with her finger to take off her wedding ring. Mara didn't know why she wanted to at that moment, maybe to proof that she was serious to him, but her plan backfired on her because the stupid thing would NOT budge!

"It doesn't want to come off I think," he stated with a smirk, finding her so endearing at this moment as she clumsily tried to remove the ring.

She tried again and again but at some point gave up because for some inexplicable reason she had started to cry, and it was too much for her. Mara didn't want him to see her crying, so she turned and headed towards the door, but he did not hesitate for a moment.

He walked up to her, gently grabbed her but and put his hands on her arms and then stood in front of her, effectively but inadvertently blocking her way out. The sudden contact with him startled her briefly but she didn't move or somehow didn't dare to.

"Will you please stop doing this?" he asked softly.

She knew what he was referring to, so she was clever enough not to ask what he meant. Slowly, very slowly, he moved his hand to her face, where he placed it very gently and wiped away the tears with his thumb.

"Why are you looking for reasons to ignore me? To avoid me. To not trust me. To doubt me. To doubt us," he said with a tone of exhaustion to his voice for he felt a tad exhausted.

"I don't like it, Mara. I don't want you to run from me, to treat me as if I am a ghost as if we don't live in the same house. I hate that we avoid each other for there is no need to. I understand where you are coming from, we are practically strangers but you're not giving us a chance to get acquainted. and I wish you would.", he sighed, quickly pausing for getting on with his train of thought.

"I.. I don't want a divorce, not at this moment for I think it is too soon. We have barely tried working on our marriage and I, I want us to try a little longer. Just to see where this goes so I'll make you a proposition... if you still feel the same in a few months I'll give you what you want, and we'll separate. But right now, it's too early to throw in the towel... Isn't it?" he asked, and he had tilted her face upwards with his finger, so she could look at him.

Mara met his gaze and oh no there it was again, that elusive but essential moment, that point of connection which they both couldn't avoid. Neither of them could ignore the fact that they were attracted to each other, although Mara had tried to fool herself she didn't. Her mind said this man had no effect on her being, yet her gut feeling and heart argued something entirely else.

He had an inescapable expression in his eyes, a look she wanted to classify as something else, affection maybe but she knew it was desire, coupled with the fact he had suddenly started to breathe faster was enough proof. Proof she ignored of course but while she was thinking, and thinking he once again acted. He slowly moved closer to her face and this time... this time he seemed to be aiming not at her neck but at her mouth. She looked at him as if she were watching an impending accident but there was nothing she could do, even if she had wanted to, she was too taken with the moment to let it happen.

Mara let it happen. She allowed his soft lips to land on hers for reasons beyond her, but she did. He pulled back briefly, and then with an exclamation of "hmm", as that hhm gave him the confirmation he wanted, and he captured her mouth once more with a smile.

She did not yet kiss him back straight away, but when she did so very shyly, he took the opportunity to act more insistently for a second later he grabbed her face with both hands and started kissing her move heavily. His hand had moved to her back and he pulled her tighter to him, much tighter and then started to stroke her with his fingers up and down and the sensation was maddening Mara but this time, purposely as to not spook her, his hands didn't stray which she was thankful for as she was barely holding on anyway.

Her kisses were still unsure, a bit withdrawn somehow, but he savoured those, every one of them and longed to draw them out, longed for more but then.. Be it common sense be it propriety (a dumb notion for she was married to the guy) she froze dislodged her mouth from his and stood back..

What was she doing? She didn't know him well she did but barely.. This was.. wrong. Too soon for this thing to happen or was it? She didn't know anymore, she genuinely didn't, all she knew was that she at this moment, needed more time, still.

He sighed and gave her a glimpse of disappointment, as much as he wanted to, he could not hide feeling disillusioned, once more.

She looked at him briefly and then took a few steps back, towards the door.

"Mara. What did I ask you just now? Stop running away from me. Please" but she looked at him exactly like the other day in the kitchen, turned and left, leaving Antony once more alone,

Bloody hell, he thought, that had been intense.. A moment after that thought a realisation hit him and it took him a few minutes to ponder on it. He had kissed someone else.. On the mouth nonetheless.. He had and here came the strange part, the thought of Sienna had not occurred once in his mind even if he had seen only yesterday. It was an odd realisation to have that brought upon many other ones, but the number one conclusion was..

Kissing Mara had been lovely and by God, did he want to do it again..

He was in a piss-poor mood the following day despite having had a great conclusion to his previous night.. He was happy they had had another breakthrough but frustrated that there seemed to be another roadblock, another one she put there, and he didn't understand why. If the attraction were one-sided he would completely understand but it wasn't, right? She kissed him as well so what was exactly the problem? And unfortunately try as he might, she wasn't intending to give him an answer for she had started hiding from him again and he felt rejected. He felt rejected and hurt she willingly chose to exclude herself from his company as much as possible.

Too bad for her that they were expected to go to brunch at the Bridgerton's today and he knew she would not refuse going nor would she fain an excuse as to not go. Therefore, he ventured once more to her room and knocked when the time was there to leave..

"We're should go soon.. Are you ready?" he asked curtly and immediately yet unwilling her heart sank. She had not seen him act like this to her before and she didn't know why but... it made her feel sad.

"I will be down shortly", she replied.

"Good. I'll be in the carriage" and he swiftly left and heard the door of the house open and then close with a slam.. When she sat down in the carriage, he looked out, deliberately, to get her attention. He did not speak to her either and before they knew it they had arrived at Anthony's parents' house. Violet greeted Mara first before

"Hi mum" said Anthony with a sigh and Violet Bridgerton looked at her son inquiringly, "I think something is going on". She then looked at Mara, but that one seemed to be eager to not face her.

The whole family was present to celebrate Francesca's return and soon everyone was chatting and enjoying their brunches as the cook had outdone himself today by putting together a lavish feast.

"It is lovely to have you back, Francesca. You've been missed," Mara said with a smile.

"Thank you... I'm glad to be back, missed everyone as well" Francesca replied, also smiling.

" So how is married life, brother?" Francesca asked Anthony unsuspectingly, and he looked up from his plate, which he had been staring at for some minutes, although he was unaware of it.

Violet Bridgerton looked worried, as did Mara, as they were both curious as to what he was going to say.

"It is everything I had hoped for and more," Anthony said, but it came out unintentionally sarcastic and slightly snide which everyone noticed. Francesca's face contorted in confusion, for she thought she had asked an innocent question, but she was wise enough not to ask any more.

Anthony realised the awkwardness of the situation, so he changed the subject.

"Couldn't Daphne and Simon come today?", he inquired.

"No, they have guests, but they invited us for lunch tomorrow" Violet replied.

"Aah. I see", was all he said and then he almost didn't speak at all. No matter how many times Colin and Benedict tried to engage him in conversation later Anthony was in no mood for it. He gave short answers but didn't ask follow-up questions and... he did not engage with his wife. The two brothers exchanged worried looks with each other but decided the timing was wrong to corner Anthony about things.

With the Bridgerton's you could count on many things, but silence was not one of them. There were discussions going on as usual and the subject had somehow come up again of marriage, one of Eloise's heated topics that she was keen to discuss.

"If it's up to me I'm never going to get married or at least much later than planned," she indicated nonchalantly.

"Oh really, Eloise... So, you mean to live here until you're thirty," Violet admonished.

"Wouldn't that be nice mother? Think about it, the more you can enjoy my wonderful company" grinned Eloise, to which Violet shook her head.

"I mean... There are actually more advantages to marrying at a later age, aren't there Mara?" asked Eloise innocently. Mara was startled by the direct question and suddenly felt all eyes on her.

"I suppose so, Eloise but to tell you the truth.. I was intending to... um-" she began cautiously but didn't finish her sentence when she saw Anthony staring angrily.

"She meant that she was going to marry sooner and with a certain Mr. Carrington, had he not gone off with her cousin instead.," Mara's husband said suddenly, and at that moment the room fell into an extremely uncomfortable silence.

Colin and Benedict looked judgementally at their big brother and their mother did the same. Mara stared incredulously at her husband.

"What? I am not wrong here am I? I'm only stating the facts" and she had looked at him in disbelief and then on the others who were feeling just as uncomfortable as she was.

"Lady Bridgerton... I am sorry. I just remembered that I was going to help my brother Lucas study. He has a maths test tomorrow and he had asked me if could help with studying. So, I kindly ask your permission to leave", Mara argued. It was a blatant lie, Lucas had no test and if he had, he wouldn't ask his sister for help for he was a gifted student and generally performed well at school.

However, she vehemently hoped Violet Bridgerton would buy the lie. Violet smiled understandingly at Mara said of course she could go so therefore Mara abruptly got up immediately after. Anthony mimicked her movement and wanted to follow her, but she stopped him from doing so.

"No... Stay please, I'll go alone" Mara demanded sternly so Anthony sat back down and slowly realised what he had done how big of an error it had been. He had called her out on her previous relationship and simultaneously hurt her by reminding her she had been traded in for her cousin and therefore implied that her cousin was better. In front of his family, he had ridiculed her, and he regretted it because well he had giving her more ammunition to fire off the "divorce" gun.

Right now, he hated his impulsiveness, a trait that got him into trouble rather than solving things.

"Goodbye all," she said timidly before walking away without looking back at them and without looking back at her husband.

When she was gone, the blaming started, and it seemed that every member of his family had something to say. Colin started first.

"What was that about, Anthony?" Colin asked accusingly with a frown.

"I want to know as well. Seriously... What were you thinking to bring up her ex-fiancé like that in front of everyone and especially as brash and bluntly as you did? It is no wonder she couldn't leave the house fast enough" Benedict chided.

"I agree with your brothers, Anthony and I am disappointed in you. I thought I taught you better than to embarrass a lady, in company, nonetheless." Violet asserted.

They were right. All of them, he had acted like a complete ass.

"I shouldn't have.. brought it up. It was a foolish thing to do", Anthony admitted.

"Very, very foolish and.. to be frank quite mean but the important thing is.. How are you going to make amends with her? For, you are right?" Colin asked and Anthony nodded.

"What do you think I should do, should I go to the Kensington's?" and he glanced at his mother and his brothers. He avoided asking Eloise and Francesca for the two of them were glaring at him speechlessly and he didn't want them to go at him as well.

"If I were you I wouldn't. I would wait for at home but.. would make sure I buy a big bunch of flowers to say sorry with. Maybe a ridiculously large box of chocolates as well", Colin suggested.

It was strange, Colin was much younger than him but somehow knew how to assess these situations and how best to react to them, he often admired his little brother for acting a lot older, responsible, for his age than his counterparts.

"Good plan, Colin. Will do exactly that" he replied. He left a short while later, he could see that his mother would have liked to talk to him, but fortunately he did not hear her asking for it.

When he arrived at home, the hours dragged by, but she never came back.. At 9 p.m. he received a message from the butler that Mrs. Bridgerton had decided to spend the night at the Kensington's. Suppose that was fair enough but then she didn't return on Monday.. and Tuesday and by now the flowers he had bought had started to wilt and he had started to eat the chocolates himself.

It was Wednesday evening around seven o'clock when he heard her come in and hurriedly try to take off her coat, as if she wanted to go upstairs as quickly as possible. However, he opened the dining room door just as she was planning to go up the stairs. She tried her best to appear indifferent, but her eyes were filled with pain, pain that he had caused.

"Hello... I am glad to see you.. Could we have a word ple-" but she didn't listen to him and started walking up the steps. He didn't follow her for he had no right to follow her, after what he had said so he left her alone but then..

Aah fuck it. He had to make it up to her. It had to be done or he would lose her for good and he absolutely did not want that to happen. Absolutely not, so he went to her room and knocked.

"Mara, let me aplogise.. Please open the door" and to his initial surprise she did so, and you could tell that she was still cross with him.

"Can we go downstairs to talk for a moment?", he asked her, a tad nervously.

"NO. Whatever you have to say to me you can do here," she replied angrily.

"Can I come in then? It would be better to talk inside than in the corridor." He didn't want to servants to listen in for one, and two, well... he wouldn't say no to being in her room so to speak.

"No. You cannot" she said bluntly.

"Okay then, then I'll go ahead and speak my mind here.. Mara, I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I have embarrassed you in front of my family. I am deeply regretful that I did and am deeply sorry to have hurt your feelings" as he was trying to convey how much he meant those words.

It had no effect on her, however, and she stared at him angrily for a moment longer.

"Was that all?" she asked."Well, no I also wanted to how you are doing. I-".

"Brilliant, thank you ever so much" she sneered sarcastically before slamming the door shut.

He did not knock on her door again..


Anthony could not sleep. Since he started to live with her this had become more of a habit than an exception for she ventured through his mind at every moment. She was so angry with him and he felt terrible, but he couldn't blame her. He had really misbehaved, and she was probably not going to speak to him for days, perhaps even weeks. Wonderful, Anthony, jusssst wonderful. Well done today, he thought to himself.

He got up from his bed where he had been looking at the ceiling for half an hour and thought perhaps a glass of milk would help in getting some sleep. Not that he believed that myth if he was honest but there was no harm in trying and besides the last time he went to the kitchen late at night she had been there. Maybe she would be.. again, and lo and behold.. she was.

She looked up, startled, to see him standing there, but wanted to leave immediately, and his hope faded, and hopelessness took its place.

"You don't have to leave. I just wanted to get some milk. I am not going to bother you". he said with a pained expression.

She looked at him for a long time in silence, then opened a cupboard, picked up some milk and reached out to him. He smiled briefly and accepted it.

"Thank you," he said, and she nodded. He took a sip and then let his eyes rest on her again but found anger lingering in them, suddenly, which made him weary.

"Do you think I wanted this?" she asked him and there was aggravation echoing in her voice.

"Wanted what?" and again, as in their earlier conversations, he didn't really know what she meant.

"Don't you think I would have preferred to be called Mrs. Carrington rather than Bridgerton?" she argued and then she had at him defiantly, as if to say that she stood behind her words.

"Pardon me?" he said, suddenly feeling really annoyed.

"What?" she said fearlessly, though she felt inside that she had opened a can of worms that would have been better left closed, but it was too late now.

"I'm just stating the facts," she said, using his words against him and he scoffed and at this point the hurt he was experiencing changed into anger.

"Thank you for confirming to me what I already knew but since we are being sincere.. Don't you think I would rather have married Sienna?" he snapped at her.

It felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice-cold water at her and it took her a while to respond

"Well, too bad Sienna didn't want you. When you think about it though.. She's a smart woman, who wants to marry someone who makes them look like a fool", she sneered.

"You are right, Sienna, she is a smart lady. You know who else is bright? Henry! No wonder he chose your cousin, who wants to marry someone with the personality of an icebox?", he bit at her.

It was out before he said it and as earlier today Anthony experienced instant regret. She looked so hurt, so hurt and he could tell she was trying not to cry.

Mara bit her lip to stop the tears from coming and then decided it was time to leave.

"Sorry. I am so sorry. I'm an awful bastard. I didn't mean it. I didn't. I am so sorry". He had quickly moved closer towards to her, knowing she wanted to exit as soon as possible but he couldn't let her leave like this. Leave things between them like this so he stepped in front of her, effectively blocking her

"Move out of my way. Now, Anthony" and he reluctantly stepped to the left.

She figured that this time she really ought to give back the ring, for it was clear that there was no more use in trying to uphold this relationship, so she started fidgeting with her ring again.

"Don't!" he said in a stern voice suddenly, pulling her out of her attempt to give back what was rightfully 'his'.

"Don't you dare take that off" he demanded with a glare. Oh really Mr. Bridgerton. She shouldn't? Well now she was going to and how was he going to stop her?

She glared at him and just continued but a second later he grabbed her right arm and pulled her towards him again, yet this time she broke free ahead of time and thankfully he didn't reach for her again and let his expression speak for itself.

"That ring is not leaving your finger, Anthony said through gritted teeth.. "I'll tell you when to remove it and it is not at this point in time" he added.

"Is that so? How dare you? Who are you to tell me what I should or should not do?", she demanded to know.

He took a few steps closer to her and entered her territory so to speak but she wanted to let him know that his presence didn't faze her, so she refused to step back.

"Your husband. I am your husband. That is who I am. And oh, to get back at to that certain gentleman you referred to just now. You are not to utter that man's name in my household again, is that clear?".

"Oh, my God! The amount of hypocrisy being shown right now is immeasurable. I suppose you can talk about Miss Rosso as much as you want?" and to that he couldn't come up with a reply for she had a point.

"It doesn't matter anyway. You cannot tell me what I should or should not say or what I should or should not DO" she shouted.

She was right of course; he couldn't tell her what to do and he realised that it would be fruitless to expect her to so and he suddenly felt tired. This entire conversation/argument had been fruitless, and they were once more absolutely getting nowhere.

"I think we argued enough for tonight" he said dejectedly, and his initial anger had now nearly almost faded.

"I think so too" she replied softly, feeling just as bad as him at that moment.

"I. Don't know what got into me.. If I scared you then I am -" he stated but she shook her head and he sighed and said something along the lines of "Good'.

'I'm going upstairs.... It's too late now to pack my suitcase so I'll do it tomorrow", Mara informed him.

"Not this again..." he sighed, and he threw his arms in the air in aggravation.

"What do you mean? I'm still planning to go, I have not changed my mind", she inquired, confused for she thought she had made her point clear.

"Why are you so intend on leaving?", he exclaimed in exasperation.

"Because.. because I must", she retorted, weakly.

"Give me a reason then as to why you should go" and at this moment, Mara had no more... to give and her patience had worn thin.

"Only one reason? There are a million reasons, a million perfectly plausible reasons. You don't love me Anthony. You don't! Don't you see? This relationship is doomed. You were right.. I have not given us a chance to get to know each other but look what happens when we do, we fight. This. This is not working- "she wanted to say but he interjected.

"I am so, very TIRED of you continuously bringing the same things up but since we're discussing this matter, the matter as to why this relationship is 'doomed' as you say. Can I please bring up one argument that will disprove your argument instantly? Allow me please" he asked.

"Please do. I am curious to hear this argument of yours".

"Well then.. Brace yourself Mrs. Bridgerton. The truth of the matter is, whether you want to admit or not, yes while we just fought and yes while we perhaps should not have wed the point is.. I am attracted to you and you "and he pointed at her "are attracted to me", he concluded, laying the truth bare between them.

She had no other choice but lie for she could not admit it to him.

'I am not attracted to you ", she said with indignance even though he was right.

"Oh, you're full of it. Do not lie" he accused.

"I am not! And I would like to note I truly resent the accusation ".

"All right. Then, prove that you're not attracted to me." he said as she stepped closer.

"What do you mean?" by that and her brows quirked up in confusion.

"Let me kiss you again", he bluntly suggested.


"YOU HEARD ME. Let me kiss you for longer than five minutes" and he pointed to the clock "OR let me hold you for longer than 5 minutes. You can choose one of those options but mind you I prefer option one if I am being honest".

"I should not have to admit or proof anything. You should trust a lady on her word", she scolded him.

"Not if the lady is withholding the truth" he retorted.

He had gotten an apple from the table and started to eat without a care in the world and shrugged when he saw the murderous glare in her eyes, but he just shrugged.

"Don't shoot the messenger for reminding you what is obvious to everyone to see" he nonchalantly stated.

"Good God, you are so FULL of yourself aren't you?" she accused but he merely shrugged again.

"Perhaps, I have never been one with lack of confidence" he smirked.

"So, what's it going to be, an embrace or kiss?", Anthony wanted to know.

"Neither. I am going to bed. Goodnight".

"Alright.. Pity you are too much of a coward to take on my challenge.".

That, that stubborn ARRRRHGGGH *insert curse word her*. Oh no, this was not going to happen. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of beating her in this silly game he had begun playing.

"If .. if we embrace for five minutes and, I somehow, oh will I ever", she stated sardonically, "manage to resist you will that be enough to convince you that I am not attracted to you?", Mara offered.

"It will be", Anthony answered.

"Good. Now first of all.. I will say that I do not like being pressured into this".

"Fair enough.. This will be the first and the last time I ask you to do this but for now.. please go ahead" and he opened his arms to her and smirked again. Mara had half a mind to slap the smirk off his beautif-, of his face but she resisted.

She neared him even though her feet had trouble moving and shyly positioned herself in his arms and nervously put her hands on his back and he placed his on hers but.. they didn't they there for long. He couldn't help it. He couldn't help wanting to feel her once more, so he started caressing her, ever so slowly, ever so hesitant.

Mara reckoned this were probably the longest five minutes of her life, but she held still even though it was difficult not to react to his ministrations on her body, ministrations she allowed for she couldn't deny that him touching her.. it did things to her.. it sparked a reaction and as he prolonged those touches more fuel was added to the fire.

Both starting to breathe heavily at around two minutes, and they both could hear one's heart beating faster. His fingers had grown a bit more eager and now he was practically venturing with them on all over her back..

"Has it been five minutes yet?", she barely managed to get out..

"No" he said, his voice a tad shakily.

"Are, are you sure?", she inquired.

"I am. We still have time", he remarked trying to not let on how affected he was. He was on an edge as if, he could combust at any moment for he was restraining the urge to touch her all over her body and needed to feel her lips on his.


"HHm?", her diction had just flown out the window there was use in trying to come with words..

"Can I kiss you?".

She waited a little while to answer and he had to listen carefully, but it was a clear 'yes' she had spoken into his chest. He didn't hesitate and practically lunged at her mouth, eager to taste her, eager to claim her and it was wild.. It was a wild all-consuming kiss, desperate and all the while, comforting... Comforting for it established what both knew to be true, the attraction was there, and they couldn't deny it.

The kiss seemed to go on and on, but eventually this time Anthony was the one that withdrew, and she felt gutted, absolutely gutted, but then to her shock, he took her hand and started to walk away with her. Out of the kitchen. Into the corridor.

"Where are we going?", she asked timidly even though she kind of suspected where he was taking her.

"Where do you think?" he answered before walking slowly up the stairs with her.

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