Chapter 12: Remorse

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Writer's note:

As predicted updates have suffered due to me finding a job but also life has run amok due to sickness in my family. I did not feel like writing for a while but I am happy to do it again.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. I am taking, as described in the tags, some historical liberties. Apparently back then people did not divorce but you could annul the marriage on certain grounds, but the criteria were oddly specific, so most people stayed together in misery till they died. I also made it seem like divorced women in that era are practically stained and unweddable which might not be accurate but just roll with please.

Second liberty I have taken. I looked for places relatively close to London but in the country and in the list the town/city/ Abersham was mentioned. Mind you, I have never been, in fact it has been 20 plus years since I have been to the UK so if I am describing Abersham wrong do not sue me please.

Also, as mentioned in the writers note of the previous chapter. Can you tell that I love Ben? I CAN NOT WAIT to start on his fic, where I intend for him to fall in love with a poor seamstress, but I must finish this fic and another one I am writing, first. But still. So excited!

As per usual it is nearing midnight where I live so if there are any stupid grammatical errors I will fix them later.


"What have you done?" his mother asked again, and he could only look at her in bewilderment.

"I ran into Henrietta Kensington at the modiste this morning and she acted like she saw a ghost, barely talked to me.... Out of concern I just went to the Kensington's where I was let in by the butler but then let out again as I was told that the 'family' was indisposed now, but I heard Mara crying in the background in one of the rooms"...

"Oh mother. I did something really foolish..." said Anthony feeling very guilty.

"Tell me" and he explained to her briefly...

"Are you out of your mind?" exclaimed Violet when her son had finished. "What were you thinking? Someone must have seen you and told your wife. Good God, Anthony! Never thought you, of all people, would do such a stupid thing."

"I have to go now. I..." Anthony stammered.

"Yes... YES go quickly" Violet said, gesturing her hands in the direction of the door.

"Try to make it up to her.... For God's sake, do your best or you will lose her".

He grabbed his coat and ran like mad to his wife's parents' house and started pressing the doorbell. The butler opened and Anthony wanted to go in but was stopped.

"I'm sorry Mr Bridgerton but I have strict orders to keep you out" said Mr Tennison while blocking the entrance for Anthony.

"Please... Let me through! I need to speak to her!" said Anthony as he tried to push the butler out of the way, but the man would not budge.

"Let him in" he heard her say and he investigated the distance and saw her standing with her mother.

"Mara... Darling I... I am so- ", Anthony began before getting interrupted by Henrietta Kensington.

"Are you sure you want to speak to him?" her mother asked.

"Yes, mother. Mr. Tennison, would you please escort Mr. Bridgerton to the drawing room... I'll be right there."

The next few minutes were the longest of his life as he waited for her, he felt restless and uncertain and vehemently wished she would appear already. He was risking losing control of his nerves at any moment, and he did not want that to happen for he had to stay calm so he could convince her.

Last Chance:  A Bridgerton Tale about Anthony (AU NON-COMPLIANT)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat