Life as a Pierce

By kaits215

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Faith Pierce was just a normal girl, went to school, had friends, and was happy living with her mother. The o... More

Life as a Pierce
Meeting Faith Pierce
Meeting -A
Damon Salvatore
The truth
The Best Friend
Looks like my life had been turned upside down
The Hospital
Is she ready?
We're going to Mystic Falls
Ice bucket challenge 2.0
Auntie Agnes
Family Reunion
You again?
Mama Claire
Mother like Daughter
Being there for her
Sweet revenge
I'm here baby, I'm here
Coming Back
Mrs. Flowers
Losing Faith
Your not my mom, she is.
The bloody dress
What's next?
Stop blamming yourself
Excuse me?
I'm so sorry, Mom.
I didn't listen
The first kill
Happy Birthday, Faith!
Have a nice human Life, Katherine
The Past Hurts
This isn't goodbye


623 13 11
By kaits215






The next morning, I woke up in my bed somehow after not remembering what happened. The last thing I remember was entering the shower and that's it. Darkness. That's it. I touched the side of my head and felt nothing. What the hell? I tried to left up my arm but it was really heavy. I pulled the covers off me, and I saw my arm was wrapped. What happened?

I got off the bed, but I felt dizzy. The world was spinning around me. It wouldn't stay still. I took one step forward and it didn't feel right, "Mom!" I screamed, because I started to lose my balance.

In seconds, I felt someone wrap their arms around me. "It's okay, I got you." I heard my mother whispered. She pulled me to the bed and laid me down. She pulled the covers over me and looked at me, "Did you not see my note?" She asked me.

"What-" I looked over at the nightstand, and saw a piece of paper. I grabbed it and began to read it.


You probably don't remember much, but you crack your head open and broke your arm when you fell down. You lost a lot of blood, and you might feel dizzy for a few days. Also for the doctors to fix your head, they had to shave half of your head. Under no circumstance are you to get up, or anything. If you need me, just call out.

Love, Mom.'

I sighed and put down the paper, "No, I didn't see it. I'm sorry."

My mother smiled at me and pushed a piece of my hair out of my face, "It's fine. You've been out for a couple days, but I was able to bring you home."

I tried to lift myself up, but I was too weak and it hurt my arm. Katherine quickly saw I was struggling and helped me. She lifted me up, and placed some pillows behind me. "What do you want to eat? The doctors said you needed to get something in your system." She looked at me confused and placed the back of her hand on my forehead. "Wait here."

I looked at her confused as she left the room. What the hell happened while I was knocked out? I looked over at the wall and saw my phone in pieces. My jaw drop, what the hell! I was about to get up again, but Katherine enter the room. She walked over to me and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Open up," She demanded. I looked at her confused, but looked down at her hands and saw she had a thermometer. I sighed and opened my mouth. She place the thermometer under my tongue. I closed my mouth and crossed my arms. Mom signed, "What did I do?"

I pointed at my shatter phone against the wall. Katherine's eyes widen, and I knew I caught her in something. Something I didn't know. Then the thermometer went off. My mother quickly snapped out of it and grabbed it. "You've got to be kidding me." She whispered to herself.

"What?" I asked.

She held the thermometer out in front of me and I saw it said 106. My eyes widen at the sight of the numbers. "Now, I'm think you might have the flu. Which we don't need right now." She sighed and put down the thermometer. "I wish you didn't get sick easily." She stood up, "I'm going to get you some soup, maybe that will make the fever go down and put some color in your face." She told me before she left the room.

Seriously, what happened to me? I threw the covers off of me again, and was about to get up but didn't. It was like I couldn't. Katherine said not to. Soon, Katherine came back with a large cup. When she came closer, I saw it was tomato soup. My favorite. I started to act like a little kid, by reaching out trying to grab the cup.

Katherine chuckled, "Let me get it to you, Faith." Once she reached me, I quickly grabbed the cup and began to slip it. "Your lucky, that's Mrs. Flowers' last tomato soup."

I ignored her and continued to drink my tomato soup. Until I felt really sick. I put down the cup, and brought my hand up my mouth. I felt like I was about to throw up my whole stomach, because how sick I felt.

My mother looked at me confused, "Faith are you okay? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" I quickly nodded and got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I quickly went over to the toilet and soon I threw up, but not vomit. It was blood.

Katherine quickly grabbed my hair held it back, while I continued to throw up blood. Soon she notice what it was. "Oh. My. God." Was all I heard over the sound of me puking. Soon, I finally stopped. I dropped down to the floor and grabbed my stomach. It hurt so much.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" I cried.

She sighed and grabbed my hand, "I think your rejecting my blood. I put some in your soup."

A tear went down my cheek, "It hurts, Mom. It really hurts." I whispered.

Katherine put her arms under me, and picked me up. I groaned when she touched me. She moved me back into the bedroom and placed me in the bed. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." She told me and started to leave but I grabbed her arm.

She looked at me confused, and I cleared my throat. "What if I throw up again? Please don't leave me."

"Faith, I need to get a doctor. Something might not be right with you." She answered.

"Please, Mom, don't. I'm scared, especially after everything with Damon and Elena." I cried.

My mother placed her hand on my cheek, "I'll only be gone a minute, then I'll be right back. I promise, nothing will happen to you."

"Hurry, please." I begged her.

She nodded and then she was gone. Then I felt it again, pain in my stomach. It came up too fast before I could stop. Some of it landed on the cover. I placed my hand over my mouth, and quickly got up again from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I bent over at the toilet and threw up again. Except this time to was actually vomit, and even if this sounds gross, but I was glad it was vomit. Once it was over again, I fell to the floor again. I pushed myself against the wall and just stayed there.


About an hour later, Katherine still wasn't back. Supposedly one minute turn into a hour in her world. In case if you were wondering, I did throw up again. Another three goddamn times. When I think there's no more in my stomach, more just comes out. Except now it was black, but I couldn't remember eating anything black.

Just then I heard my door open, "Faith? Where are you?" I heard my mother call out.

"In here." I called back, but it came out like a whisper, but she heard me because soon she was in the bathroom.

Her eyes widen at the look at me, "Oh sweetheart." Did I forget to mention that I threw up on myself? Well, I did. I tried to reach the toilet but I hurt my arm. Next thing I knew, my vomit was covering me. Katherine came over to me and picked me up. I winched in pain as she touched me. My mother notice my pain, "Does it still hurt?"

I nodded, "Did you get a doctor?" I whispered.

She nodded, "Yes, after he took his sweet time trying to save person. Which I happily killed." She chuckled.

I groaned, "Mom, why did you kill that person?"

Katherine stopped moving and look at me, "I'm sorry, but I was trying to help my daughter." She snapped at me. I pushed myself into Katherine's body more, before she could scare me even more. "And people die all the time in hospitals. I just spread that person a few minutes of pain."

"I'm sorry," I cried.

She started to move again, "Let's just see what's the matter with you."


Katherine brought me downstairs into the living room, after she had changed me. Make a note that she, Katherine Pierce, changed a child. Even when I was little she had other people change me. The only time she did change me, was when she brought me home. Something was wrong with Katherine, or something happened while I was asleep.

Anyways, back to Katherine carrying me. She brought me downstairs and laid me down on the couch. My stomach started acting up again and I could feel the throw up slowly making its way to my throat, but just swallowed it down. I was tried of puking everywhere. Mom left the room for a second and then came back with a doctor. A doctor that looked familiar.

"Hello Faith, I'm Dr. King. I helped with your head when you came in earlier this week." He introduced.

Katherine rolled her eyes, "Just fix her already."

The doctor looked over at Katherine, "Mrs. Pierce, I hope you do realize that Faith might have to go to the hospital. Especially from what you have told me."

She took a step forward towards him, "Then do what ever you can, to prevent her from going to the hospital." She growled.

The throw up I swallowed started to come back up, and I knew I couldn't keep it down this time. "Mom," I cried and she knew exactly what I need. She was gone for a second and came back with a trash can. She handled it to me and I threw up in it. Like before, it was black.

Dr. King came over to me and looked at my throw up. Gross much, right? He sighed and looked Katherine, "Well, as of right now. That's bile throw up, which comes from the liver. In conclusion, she's dehydrated and sick." Dr. King then pulled something out of his pocket. I notice that was a thermometer but the ones you put in your ear. He placed it in my ear, and left it in there until it beeped. He pulled it out and looked at, "I also think she has the flu."

He paused and looked at me, "And didn't you say your stomach hurt?" He asked me. I nodded, "I will have to look at your stomach. Will that be okay with you?" I nodded and lifted up my shirt. My eyes widen when I saw something pointing out. How the hell did I not see that!

Dr. King place his hand right at the pointing spot. I cried out in pain and Katherine took a step towards him. "Don't touch her there." She hissed at him.

Dr. King quickly pulled his hands away from my chest. I quickly pulled down my shirt so I wouldn't have to see the thing pointing out. He looked at Katherine, "It also looks like a rib isn't in the right place, she is very lucky it hasn't gone through her skin yet. But Mrs. Pierce, may I speak to outside?"

She nodded, "But I will like to speak to my daughter, alone." He nodded and left the living room. Katherine came over to me and sat down on the edge of the couch. "Are you okay? Is there-"

"Mom, how is my rib out of place! I'm sure, falling down didn't cause this! Anyways, the doctors would have notice it! What happened to me while I was asleep!" I screamed at her, but it hurt my stomach a little to much. Maybe screaming wasn't the best thing.

Katherine sighed and pushed a piece of hair out of my face, "Someone tried to take you away from me while you were sleeping. I guess when I slammed them into the wall, you hit it a little to hard." She pointed down at my wrapped arm, "That's how that happened."

My eyes started to water, "Is that how my phone broke?" She nodded. "Why couldn't you just tell me? I would've understand, but instead you lied to me."

My mother grabbed my other hand, "I was scared to tell you. Especially with the whole Damon thing, I thought it would be better if you did know. Except this happened." Katherine lifted up my shirt and revealed my pointing rib. My mother quickly got off the couch and was hovering over my stomach. She placed her hand over it and added a little pressure. I cried out in pain, and she looked at me. "Close your eyes, Faith."

I quickly shook my head, "No, please don't. It hurts too much."

Katherine stared down at me, "Faith, I need to. Your not going to the hospital, and I'll get medicines from Dr. King for the flu."

"Fine." I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my face. Soon I could feel her weight on my stomach. "Wait!" I pulled the pillow off my face and looked at her. "Can you count to three please?"

Katherine smiled, "Of course." I took a deep breath and covered my face with the pillow. "One... Two..." Next Katherine was pushing all of her weight down on my stomach. While I was screaming my lungs out.

Once I done screaming, I pulled the pillow off my face. I glared at my mother, "You didn't say three."

Mom smiled and tilted her head, "Would you have back out?" She asked me.

"Maybe." I answered.

"That's, what I thought." She looked back at the door that Dr. King went out of and looked back at me. "I'm going to get the medicines from Dr. King. You stay right here." Katherine pointed at me and then left the room to go meet Dr. King.

I held my hands up, "Where would I go?" I called out.


About ten minutes later, Katherine came back with a bag that most likely had medicine. My mother went into the kitchen and stayed in their for minute. She came back into the room with a glass of water, and in her hand was a pill bottle. Mom held the glass out in front of me, "Drink."

"But, Mom." I whined. "You know I don't like water."

Katherine rolled her eyes, "I don't care, Faith. Your dehydrated too much, and you don't want to continued throwing up black stuff do you?" She asked me.

"Fine." I took the glass from her and began to take small sips. My mother opened the pill bottle and she took a pill out of the bottle and handled it to me.

"Take this, too." She demanded.

"Mom.." I whined again.

Katherine's eyes narrowed, "Faith." I sighed and took the pill out her hand. I placed it in my mouth and took a large gulp of water. I swallowed the pill. "Open up." I rolled my eyes and opened up mouth. "Good."

"Can I go back to my bed now?" I asked her.

Katherine shook her head, "No, I have clean your sheets. Don't you remember you threw up on them?"

"Don't remind me."

Katherine then sat down on the edge of the seat, "I'm going to be gone for a while, but I'll be home tonight. Will you be okay with that?"

I smiled at her, "I don't care, have I ever cared?" I asked her.

She smiled, "No, but I was just making sure. Mrs. Flowers will help take care of you. I expect you to drink a lot of water and take your medicine, Faith." Katherine then glanced down at my naked wrist. Which should not be naked. "Do you know what could have happened to your bracelet?"

I shook my head, "No, the last time I saw it was when you put it on me." I answered.

She tilted her head, "The hospital might have taken it off for your surgery. I'll check on my way to the Salvatore's house." Katherine lend forward and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too." Katherine turned the smiled and got up from the couch. Until I grabbed her arm, "Promise that you'll be home tonight?"


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