Lestrange Jewel

By HSCloud

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What if The Dark Lord had a son? What if Belitrix Lestrange had a Daughter? Current Rewrite Underway (3k word... More

Prolouge and Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14-I Swear Draco
Chapter 15~What?!
Chapter 16~ An Anger Duel
Chapter 17 ~ Eve of Christmas
Chapter 18~ Teddy...
Chapter 19~ Dreams
Chapter 20~ Voices
Chapter 21~Love
Chapter 22~back to Hogwarts
Chapter 23~Plans
Chapter 24~ Cast the Stone
Chapter 25~ Step 1
Chapter 27- Stir the Cauldron

Chapter 26~ Step 2

339 13 0
By HSCloud

"Why does my mother want us to scare Potter into thinking Sirius Black is in danger?" I ask Teddy as I read the third letter from my mother telling me to make Potter worry.

"He's Harry's God Father," Teddy says looking up from his book on Grindelwald.

"I know that. Wait, Teddy, that's our way into Potter," this catches Teddy's attention as he looks up at me to continue.

"Peter Pettigrew is the reason why they say Sirius Black is innocent. So we turn Pettigrew in Black goes free and Potter is indebted."

"That won't make him trust us,"

"I think we need to keep helping little Gryffindors, maybe mess with Umbridge more," I said grimacing at the thought of playing nanny to little Gryffindor's who believe they are amazing because of their house.

"Did Umbridge ever address your fake quill wand?"

"yes, she was fuming the next day but she couldn't say for sure it was me, because the Quill I left was one of her Dark Quills, so to prove I did something, she would have to expose her medieval methods,"

"I hope she slips up," I nod in agreement, if Umbridge returns next year I think I will make her disappear to somewhere remote like, Antarctica. Draco walks past us his arms full of books.

"Are you going to study?" I ask Draco as he walks by.

"Yes, you can join us if you want," he says "were studying for our OWLS"

"Sure, sounds fun" I grab my satchel which has all my essays in it and kiss Teddy check goodbye. He frowns

"you missed," I laugh before walking to catch up with Draco.

"Did you bust the Gryffindor's hideout?" I ask wondering about the mysterious student meetings that the Gryffindors and some students from other houses are having.

"Not really, I told Hermione not to tell me anything about it, but I know somethings up," Draco says as we round the corner to the Library. "Why do you ask?"

"I want to get into the meetings," I tell him nonchalantly.

"Why, to warn the Dark Lord?"

"No, to recruit them to our side,"

"It's our side now?"

"It is when it benefits everyone, no war, more equality, happiness, and no secrecy needed" I explain quieting down as we near the table with Hermione. We each pull out a chair and sit down across from her. She's revising her Defense Against the Dark Arts Essay. I scan the page and notice she has miscategorized the defensive spell for blocking stronger curses.

"Uh, Granger, you want to use Fortis Scandalum when trying to block darker spells not stupefy, while they may be equally effective Fortis Scandalum will stop the spell from possibly bouncing around," I explain watching her brows furrow,

"Isn't stupefy easier?" I shake my head.

"Stupefy is less efficient, plus the want movement for Fortis Scandalum is much better for turning onto an offensive attack rather than Stupefy because it only leads into defensive spells,"

"But wouldn't I want to stay on the defensive," she had a good point.

"You make a fair point and most unskilled wizards would stay defensive, but with a little practice the offensive was much better because Death Eaters only expected defensive magic so if you turn offensive you are more likely to win," I explained and her eyes narrowed.

"You would know," she said her words venomous. I shrug pulling out my own essay.

"It's just a counterargument to your essay, take it or leave it I don't care, I just wanted to point it out," I said watching as Draco tried to hide a smile behind his hand. We had both learned dueling before Hogwarts but while I had always wanted to learn ahead he had chosen to stay with our year.

"When do you suggest using stupefy?" Hermione asks a few minutes later.

"When you know you are not going to be able to get the jump on your opponent say, you were dueling 3-1 and you don't have anyone with you, stupefy Is great because some spells bounce back," I said before continuing to revise. I notice Hermione look more interested.

"If you want to learn more about dueling Granger you only have to ask," I tell her as I finish the last sentence of my third essay. I had chosen to take all 12 classes but because I had done accelerated work half of my exams had already been taken.

"Would you really teach me?"

"Yes," I said sincerely.

"What about my friends?" she asked.

"If they're not idiots Granger, I will teach them, a war is coming, and I really don't want to see students die," I said rolling up my parchment and standing up. "I'm hungry, I'm going to sneak into the kitchens".

As I walk down the hall I see Filch walking down the hall blocking my path so I slip into a classroom only to bump into someone else. I turn around to find Fred and George Weasley staring bake at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask

"We were here first," they say in unison, its Erie

"I'm waiting for Filch to leave,"

"He won't," George says.

"He's determined to keep students out of the kitchens" Fred finished.

"Then we make him move," I said cracking the door open a little bit before pulling out my wand focusing on lifting up a torch a little ways down and making it fall to the ground causing Filch to run down the hall. Slipping out of the room we slip into the kitchen portrait hole. Sitting down at one of the tables I pull out a pumpkin pie and a glass of milk. While the twins both grab some chicken. We eat in silence.

"How did you get Umbridge to believe the Quill was your wand?" Fred Asks.


"No, really I've never seen anything like it, like you took something she thought was happening and made her see it," Fred persists.

"I did exactly that, getting into heads is rather easy," I said quietly before continuing to eat my pie.

"So, if you can do that, what else can you do,"

"Know that you want to know if I can get dirty secrets from people's heads," I said turning to look at George whose eyes widen in shock as I vocalized his thoughts. I smile "I hear everything."

"Your good at legilimency," George said his voice filled with awe.

"Yes, I try to stay out if I can though, because there are some very weird rabbit holes," I said as I savored my last bite of pie.

"So that's how you are able to steal the Quaffle," Fred says his face lighting up as if he discovered a giant pot of gold.

"No, I know that because you use the same three moves, since your brother Charlie was here, and your chasers use the same pattern," I tell "but don't say anything or I might have to change my strategy when we play you all next Saturday, I know Umbridge kicked you off but, Katie Bell and Angelia are still there," I tell them conspiratorially before I get up to go back to my common room. I had planted enough clues for the day.

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