Lead Me On.

By gooberlanes13

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| Hogwarts Fan Fiction || Better Off's Sequel | Here we are, on opposite ends of the wand, what now? More

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By gooberlanes13


Spell after spell.

Image after image.

Our lips clashing.

Dodge a spell, throw a spell.

Our bodies as one.

Throw a spell, dodge a spell.

Our fights.

His eyes.

His touch.

His smile.

I frowned as I finally threw a paralyzing spell and the spell throwing stopped.

"Why?!" I choked, feeling my heart burst out of my eyes.

I glanced to my Mother's lifeless body, and glared over at Voldemort as I made my way over to Draco.

"Why play so much pretend, Draco?" I asked, watching him fall to the ground, but his eyes were able to move still.

"Baie - don't do this!" called Star, then her voice was muffled by the Deatheater that had her by the throat.

"Come Malfoy, get up!" barked Harry, as he, too, was muffled by the Deatheater that had him.

Voldemort stood silently by, not in the line of Deatheaters, but not in the center of the clearing either.

I looked down at Draco and kneeled by his side.

"Draco," I stated, through tears, struggling to breath. "you killed my Father. You took my innocence, that much Voldemort had correct...but there is one thing you did that wasn't fake or even a lie..."

Voldemort moved forward to hear me speak as I leaned down to Draco's almost, not-so-paralyzed body at this point.

"...you loved me." I whispered, kissing his forehead. "And I you." I stated, rising slowly. "And for that, you'll pay."

Draco's eyes darted around as the spell wore off and he slowly rose to meet my eyes.

He looked as if he had so much to say.

So many questions.

So many feelings to express.

But...nothing came out.

I eyed him through my tears and turned to Voldemort, who drew his wand as I stared him down.

"As for you, Voldemort," I stated, as he grinned and moved more into the clearing. "you murdered my Mother."

"Yes, and Allen is next." He smiled, playing with his wand. "Or should we save him for you?

"No, there will be no need..." I grinned, gripping my wand. "...because you'll be dead before that could happen -"

"- No Baie, I need to do that!" Called Harry, as I glanced behind me - Voldemort took his shot.

I was hit with a hot, stinging ball of light and was slammed a good 10 yard backwards and I felt the hardness of a tree and my head bounce as I landed on the ground.

I blinked at the scene in front of me.

Some of the Deatheaters that surrounded us had parted so I could hit the tree and remained parted, as I watched Star out smart the Deatheater that had her by the neck.

Harry threw the Deatheater that had him by the neck back, just as Voldemort had done me, and the fight began.

Draco, Harry and Star verses Voldemort.

He still refused to call on his Deatheaters.

I blinked a few times at the fight.

I couldn't feel anything.

An aching numbness.

My vision was getting blurrier and blurrier, and darker, the more I fought to stay awake.

Eventually, everything went black...

"...come on Baie, let's get you out of here..." came Draco's voice.

"...you got her?" came Star's voice.

"...don't drop her!" demanded Harry's voice.

"I won't." barked back Draco.


Noises slowly flood into my ears.

The ache of my head shot to my eyes and I could feel them starting to water.

I slowly opened my eyes to flinch at the sunlight that poured in from, what I found out was, the Hospital Wing windows.

I had my head leaned to the left, and as I slowly turned to my right, there sat Draco.

His right knee bouncing at about 60MPH.

"D-Draco?" came my voice, so soft and vulnerable sounding.

"Baie, how are you feeling?" He asked, even more gentle than I spoke.

He rose from the chair and moved to my side and took my hand.

"Stuffed." I stated, blinking up at him. "My head feels like it's full of pressure and there is a heavy pain back here..." I stated pointing at the back of my head. "...what happened?"

"Voldemort threw you against a tree, pretty fucking hard too...the Nurse said you're lucky to not be in a coma." Draco explained, taking my hand, but I purposely pulled it out of his grip. "Still?"

"Still?" I growled, as much as I could without having my own voice echo in my head. "This is the way it has to be, Draco."

"But Baie -"

"- But Draco." I smirked, softly, but attempting to mimic him. "Listen, I meant what I said out there."

Draco's eyes dropped into a deep pain.

"That I'd pay?" He inquired for clarification.

"Yes," I stated, and giving into the temptation of holding his hand. I took his hand as gently as I could as I attempted to lean up a little, that was when I realized my head was wrapped in bandages. "I also meant," I flinched at the pain as I just gently laid back down. "that I loved you."

"And I you..." He stated, almost begging. "...you have to understand, everything I did was for you...to protect you, or my family...under different circumstances -"

"- you wouldn't have been looked my way." I smiled gently, feeling as if I was in a scene in a soap where I was on my death bed.

I felt like death.

"Draco," I stated, after a few moments of silent. "I love you...and we were good at one point, but not now." I could feel tears building up again. "We're not forever, you're not the one...but you and I were the best thing ever."

He smiled up at me at this point.

"We don't have what it takes..." I stated, frowning. "...now."

He rose an eyebrow and I smiled at the hope that glistened in his eyes.

"I know you're sorry for everything," I stated, as his face dropped a little more. "that's why you're still alive..." I winked as he grinned up at me. "...I have to plan a funeral."

"Why not two?" Draco asked, looking confused.

I sighed and looked up from my sheets. "Blaise said that they 'disposed of his body' after you left." I frowned at his heartbreak, then pushed it away by asking,"...where is Star?"

"I'll go get her..." He stated, rising to my forehead and kissing it then pausing. I looked up into his eyes and took his face gently. "...I love you, Baie."

I pressed my lips together tightly and felt that knot forming in my throat again.

"I love you too." I whimpered as he quickly jerked out of my grip and motioned for Star to come in, but it wasn't just her.

Star, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Blaise came in - all grins, no smiles.

Everyone was dressed in black and they were talking about Dumbledore's funeral that I had missed, being unconscious for three days will do that apparently.

As they were all talking and bickering, I caught Draco's eyes standing back at the curtain.

I just smiled.

He smiled back.

What we had was real, but it wasn't right, not for right now.


"I've got you!" smiled Draco, catching me as I stumbled a little after handing my luggage to Star who tossed it into the train. "So, I guess this is it?"

"Well, I'd say see you next year...but..." I smirked, as Draco's face darkened. "...I'll see you when I see you?" I asked, reaching out my hand for him to shake.

He took it and shook it a little, but suddenly pulled me into one of the deepest kisses I had ever experienced.

It was as if bombs were exploding through my body.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

I squinted at the pain.

I would imagine he did too.

That was it.

With that, he jerked away from me and pushed passed a waving Blaise as Star guided me on the train.

We went our separates after that.

"Until next year..." I whispered, looking down the hall that connected our carts, and Draco stood there for a moment locked eyes with me. "...until next year."

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