Melody of Love

By Raviox

166K 4.7K 1.7K

What if Kyouka met Izuku as a kid after he defends her from bullies? And just how much will this meeting affe... More

The Unofficial Meeting
The Obsession Begins
The Notebook
Just to Get Closer
The First Day
The Official Meeting
Having a Friend
Progression of Friendship
Learning About Bakugo
What to Do for Izuku
The Calm Before the Storm
That Fateful Day
Can I Be a Hero?
One For All
Progress in Training
It's Time
Practice Makes Perfect
The UA Entrance Exam
The Results
Preparation for UA
First Day at UA
Battle Trials Begin
Izuku Vs Bakugo
Class Rep
Attack on the USJ
The Terror of Villains
All Might Vs Nomu
To Protect Each Other
The Aftermath
Announcement of the Festival
Return to the USJ
Training for the Sports Festival
Controlling Your Power
The Sports Festival Begins
The Obstacle Race
The Cavalry Battle
Cheering for Todoroki
Battle on
Battle for Love and Glory
Izuku Vs Todoroki
Lighting a Fire
Festival's End
Moving Forward
Names and Internships
First Step
Rising Shield Hero
A Fateful Encounter
The Truth
Exam Prep
Study Buddies
Gravitational Frequency
A Start
Setting Up
Two Idiots in Love
The Midoriyas and the Jirous
Operation Summer Romance: Start
Trouble at Camp
A Deadly Trigger
Messy Situations
An Explosion of Emotions
Success in Failure
The Desired Night

What to Do for Kyouka

3.6K 111 113
By Raviox

The day was July 31st, with now 7 months to go until the U.A entrance exam. All of the students were now on summer break, waiting for the 2nd term of school to start.

The moon was currently out tonight as the waves of Dagobah Municipal Beach Park were calmly hitting the beach shores.

A green haired boy stood near the shores of the beach, twiddling his fingers around as he had something on his mind. 'How could I make it work? There has to be a solution to this.'

By now Izuku would usually be thinking about the upcoming entrance exam, but tonight was different for a certain reason.

He usually wouldn't be out this late at night, but this was an important occasion and he didn't want his best friend around for this specific occasion.

"I AM HERE! COMING OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE A HERO!" All Might shouted as he appeared out of nowhere in his muscular form.

"Ahh!" The boy screamed, surprised by All Might before breathing out. "O-Oh I'm sorry, All Might. I didn't expect you so suddenly."

"No worries, young Midoriya!" The number one hero said as he put his hands on his hips. "Now may I ask why you texted me to meet you here tonight?! Is it about your training?!"

The quirkless boy shook his head as he looked up at his idol. "No that's not it, it's about Kyou-"

He was then cut off by the hero as he heard a booming laughter. "Oh, I see! It's about young Jirou! Well, young love is a mysterious thing, but I think I can give some great advice! HA HA HA HA!"

The teen's face became a bright red as he shook his head quickly, looking away. "N-No! T-That's not it at all All Might! I-I swear it's something completely different!"

"Really? Oh my bad for assuming that! Well, it is about young Jirou right?!" The muscular man asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Izuku nodded and sighed as he looked back at the man. "Yeah, it is... You see her birthday is tomorrow and I want to do something good for her this year. Last year all I did was give her a keychain of you outside her house. But both this year and last year, she came over to my house to celebrate my birthday with me and my mom."

"Ah I see, so you feel like you haven't done enough for young Jirou! Is that right young Midoriya?!" All Might asked as he looked at his successor.

"That's right, of course I don't want to do anything too big, but I don't want to just copy what I did last year and give her a gift outside of her house. There's also the gift, I doubt I can just get her another keychain this year. This year she managed to get me some limited edition figurines of you so I need something good." The young boy said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Don't sweat it, young Midoriya! Young Jirou seems like a good friend who wouldn't care what you got her! You'll be fine!" The hero said as she put his large hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Well that may be the case, but that still doesn't solve what I'll do for her birthday. Of course, I can always take her out to have lunch. But what if she accidentally misinterprets it and thinks of it as a date?!" The boy's face became red at the idea as he cupped his chin. "That would certainly lead to a huge misunderstanding and a disaster. What if she hates the idea of a date and feels disgusted? Maybe she'll think I'll have some ulterior motive. But she's known me for over 2 years, she wouldn't think that right? But maybe-"

He was then cut off by a large puff of smoke surrounding his hero.

"Come on kid it's simple! Just go to her house!" All Might shouted as he transformed into his scrawny form, spitting out blood.

Izuku widened his eyes and was obviously a little concerned for his idol's health. "G-Go to her house? Are you serious?"

The number one hero sighed as he wiped the blood off of his chin and nodded. "Of course, young Midoriya, she's been to your house and celebrated your birthday with your family twice already. The simplest thing to do is return the favor for her birthday."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, it's nice and simple, perfect. And I could probably get a gift right before I go there anyways." The young boy said with a smile, feeling the worry starting to leave him.

'This kid is so smart when it comes to quirks and heroes, but he's completely clueless when it comes to the most simple social situation.' The scrawny man thought as he looked down at the boy.

All Might then laughed a little, wondering how hopeless this boy will be in future situations like these. "Alright, is that all you need young Midoriya?"

Izuku nodded as he was feeling more confident about tomorrow. "Yes, All Might. Thank you for all of your help tonight."

"No need to mention it, kid. I need to make sure my successor gets through life in one piece. But maybe next time cool it with the text messages unless it's a life threatening emergency." The number one hero sighed as he took out his phone, showing the 20 text messages Izuku sent to come to the beach as soon as possible.

"S-Sorry I was just so nervous about it... I wanted to make sure you got here before it got too late out." The quirkless boy said as he rubbed the back of his head.

All Might sighed as he facepalmed before smiling. "No problem young Midoriya. You just wanted to make sure you gave your best friend a great birthday."

The hero gave a thumbs up as the green haired boy smiled back, knowing what to do now. 'I swear I'll give Kyouka a great birthday like she's done for me these past 2 years.'


The Next Day

It was now August 1st, early in the afternoon with it now being the birthday of a certain girl.

Kyouka was currently standing in her room, practicing throwing darts with her earphone jacks. Unfortunately, she was still pretty far from the center, but she's slowly getting closer. "I think that's enough for the day."

The teen girl then put the darts back and smiled as she looked at the calendar on her wall. Today was her 15th birthday and she had to admit she was very excited for today.

Not just because it was her birthday or the presents her parents would give her. But it was because of her anticipation for what Izuku would get her this year. She really couldn't care less if it was anything expensive or something that barely cost him anything. All that mattered was that it came from him.

The All Might keychain he got for her last year was still one of her most treasured possessions and it was something she would always treasure for the rest of her life even though she herself isn't the biggest All Might fan.

The purple haired girl then sat on her bed and sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. 'I can't wait to see him. He'll make another birthday great just like last year.'

She pulled out her phone, looking at her messages, expecting one to appear from Izuku saying that he was outside or that he was on his way.

As she looked at her phone, she started to remember what happened when she went over to his house for his 15th birthday when she wanted to take a peek inside of the boy's room.



"N-No please don't go in there, Kyouka! T-There's nothing to see I swear!" Izuku shouted as she stood in front of his door with some sweat running down his face.

Kyouka couldn't help but give a small smirk as she crossed her arms, looking at the boy. "Well if there's nothing to see then it shouldn't be a problem right?"

The teen boy widened his eyes and gulped, not knowing how to argue with that logic. "W-Well it's just that I don't think it's a good idea for you to see... it's a little embarrassing."

"Come on. Izuku, it can't be anything that bad. I won't laugh no matter what it is, honest." The purple haired girl said as she gave him a small smile.

"Promise?" The young boy asked before getting a nod from his best friend. "O-Okay then..."

He then started to reluctantly open his door, slowly revealing all of the All Might merchandise that filled the room.

Kyouka widened her eyes a little at all of the merchandise around the room. She knew he must've had some merchandise, but this was much more than she expected. But she was glad that he's able to express his admiration for All Might this much. It was adorable really.

"I-I know it's a lot... it's just that I admire him so much." The green haired boy muttered as he looked away.

"Hey, I don't know why you have to be embarrassed. This room is pretty cool actually, you should be proud. I bet any fanboy would kill to have a room like this." The teen girl said as she put her hands on her hips.

"R-Really? You think it's cool?" Izuku asked with a slightly red face as he started to smile.

"Totally. Plus, it's perfect for my gift." The young girl stated as she pulled out the All Might limited edition figurines which made the fanboy in Izuku come out immediately.

"How'd you get those figurines?!"


She remembered how much he was crying after that and even gave the figurines their own special place in his collection.

Her face became a light tint of red as she thought of the fact that he had a special place for the gift she got for him.

Suddenly she heard a knock coming from downstairs and raised an eyebrow as she stood up with the redness on her face going away. "Are mom and dad back with the cake already?"

She then started to make her way downstairs, walking towards the door before opening it and widening her eyes. "I-Izuku?"

There stood the green haired boy as he held a pretty large, but poorly wrapped present in his arms before he smiled. "Happy Birthday, Kyouka. I hope you don't mind the sudden visit, I thought it would be a good idea for me to come over for your birthday. May I come in?"

"Y-Yeah of course, I just didn't expect you..." The young girl said as she stepped to the side as her hero walked past her before closing the door.

The boy put the present down before taking off his shoes, leaving them in front of the door. "I'm sorry for the surprise, I just thought that you deserved this since you've been over to my house twice already."

The teen girl's face started to become red as she realized that this is the first time he's been inside of her house before shaking her head. "I-It's no problem, you should know that you're welcome anytime."

"So where are your parents? Are they in the kitchen or something?" Izuku asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Her face became even more red as she heard the question, remembering that her parents weren't home right now. It was just her and Izuku, in her home, alone.

The shy girl kept facing away from the boy as she swallowed a little. "N-No they're not... they're out to buy the cake..."

The green haired boy's face also became red as his face went blank. 'Home alone... with a GIRL?! With no adult supervision!'

He knew that he shouldn't be panicking regarding how many times she's been over at his house, but this was the first time they've been absolutely alone with no adults around in a private area.

Sure, they always walked to and from school alone and sometimes trained alone when All Might would be busy with hero work, but those were public spaces. This was her home, one of the most private places of all time.

Kyouka's heart was beating at an alarming rate, she felt like she couldn't control her heartbeat even with all of her breathing exercises. With her heart beating this fast, she felt like she could destroy her entire house in an instant.

She could just imagine the types of things that can happen with two teenagers being home alone together. A part of her was excited though, just thinking of the possibilities, but right now this was too much to handle even for her.

Both teens were internally freaking out right now, not showing their faces to each other as they both thought the same thing.

'What do I say?'

After a couple minutes of silence, Izuku clenched his fists before slapping both of his cheeks, leaving them with red handprints.

It would always be Kyouka who started talking first whenever awkward situations like these came up, but he didn't want her to be the only one doing that anymore. He knew he had to take some initiative. A hero is brave and always steps up to the situation no matter what.

"K-Kyouka... how about I show you my gift?" The quirkless boy asked as he gave a wide smile, doing his best to hold in his panicking.

The purple haired girl widened her eyes before looking at him with a still slightly red face as she nodded. "Y-Yeah that sounds good."

He then grabbed the present and walked to the living room in a stiff way with his forced smile still plastered on his face. 'Just don't think about it and you'll be fine.'

He was followed by his friend before he gently laid his present on the coffee table. "There.. feel free to open it..."

Now Izuku was worried about two things now, the fact that they're home alone and if she'll like his gift or not.

He didn't bother taking a seat on the couch, still feeling all of his developing muscles tensing up like crazy.

The young girl wasn't faring too well either, not feeling as tense as the boy, but still tense enough to not move normally.

Thankfully she was able to sit down on the couch as she looked at the present. 'Alright, just try to stop thinking about the situation.'

She then took a deep breath and started to tear off the wrapping paper even though it was a bit of a mess already.

Soon Kyouka widened her eyes at what she saw when she finished unwrapping the present. "I-Izuku..."

The boy's face was a little red from embarrassment as he looked to the side, starting to slowly forget their home alone situation. "Y-Yeah I know it's not the greatest present, but I just thought it would be something you liked."

"N-No it's amazing... it's perfect..." The purple haired girl said as she looked at the now unwrapped present.

It was a purple electric guitar and she could tell just by looking at it that it was high quality. It seemed like a kind of guitar only rock stars would use.

How much did this cost him? She knew that he wasn't rich or anything so it would be practically impossible for him to get a gift like that. There was only one way for him to have gotten that much money.

"Izuku, you didn't sell any of your merchandise rights?!" The young girl asked as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Huh?! N-No I didn't! I-It's actually really embarrassing how I got this gift for you..." Izuku said as he fidgeted with his fingers a little. "This morning All Might decided to take me shopping and he offered to pay 90% of whatever gift I chose. I really didn't want to take his offer, but he threatened to not let me inherit his quirk if I didn't take it. I think he was bluffing, but at the moment I just fell for it and took the offer without thinking. So I decided to get you this guitar and I even had the shop owner engrave your name on the back of it."

Tears started to fall on the girl's lap as she looked down before she started to wipe her tears. "T-Thank you so much, Izuku... T-This is the best gift I've ever gotten..."

The green haired boy's smile was no longer forced as he looked at her with a small and more natural smile. "You deserve it, Kyouka. For being the most amazing friend anyone could ask for."

Both teens had now forgotten that they were home alone as Izuku sat next to Kyouka, feeling comfortable again. "Y-You really shouldn't get me such expensive things though..."

"I swear I wasn't planning to, but please don't let this be motivation for you to give me anything expensive for my next birthday. This isn't a competition." He said as he laughed, feeling the atmosphere lose all of its awkwardness from before.

He was glad that he was able to give his best friend a great present that she loved. Maybe today would go smooth after all. Maybe he was worried for nothing and should just enjoy the rest of the day with his friend.

However, both friends didn't hear a door being opened as two adults walked into the house. "Who do you think you are making my daughter cry?!"

Izuku widened his eyes as he looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a blonde man with a purple haired woman right behind him with a cake in hand. "W-Wait this is a misunderstanding sir! It's not what it looks like!"

"I think it is what it looks like you little punk! And what is a boy doing here in the first place?!" The man shouted as he stomped towards both teens and one of his sleeves rolled up.

"Dad, please it's not like that!" Kyouka shouted back as she stood up with her tears now stopping. "This is my friend Izuku and he got me this guitar here. I was just crying out of happiness."

"Oh is this the same Izuku Midoriya you talk about sometimes?" The purple haired woman asked as she tilted her head.

The teen girl sighed and nodded. "Yes it is, he decided to come over for my birthday to surprise me."

Her dad's face looked even angrier somehow as he glared at the green haired boy. "Is that so?! Were you planning on trying something with my daughter?!"

The boy immediately shook his head as he waved his hands frantically. "N-No that's not how it is at all! I swear I had no idea that she was home alone! I really thought that her parents were home!"

"I think he's telling the truth Kyoutoko. I mean, look how innocent he looks. I bet he wouldn't hurt a fly." The woman said as she gave him a small smile.

The man named Kyoutoko started to calm down at his wife's smile and sighed as he crossed his arms. "Maybe, but I still don't appreciate him being here without my knowledge."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jirou, all I wanted to do was to celebrate your daughter's birthday with her. I hope you don't mind my intrusion into your house." Izuku said as he bowed to the man.

Kyoutoko shook his head and walked towards the boy. "Lift your head up, kid, I guess I should apologize for assuming you were trying something."

The green haired boy lifted his head and gave a small smile. "No it's fine, you were just concerned for your daughter. I'm sure any protective father would act like that."

The blonde man then looked at him straight in the eyes as he raised an eyebrow. "But for future reference, I better not see a situation like this again. You don't want to see me when I get really angry."

This threat made the young boy widen his eyes, fearing Kyouka's father more than he does Bakugo right now. He's heard of overprotective fathers and how violent they can get with boys who mess with their daughters.

"Oh no need to worry too much about him. My husband may act all tough, but he's really a big softie." The woman said with a giggle.

"Mika, what the heck! I'm trying to make sure the kid knows who's boss! Come on!" The man shouted as he looked back at his wife, his entire threatening demeanor disappearing in an instant.

Mika giggled some more as she put the cake down on the table. "Well, I'd prefer if he wouldn't be so scared of you the whole time. Now we have a guest to celebrate with us."

"You don't have a problem with me staying over, Mrs. Jirou?" Izuku asked, not wanting to be rude in any way.

"Of course not. A friend of Kyouka is always welcome in our home. Don't worry, my softie of a husband will show his true colors over time." The purple haired woman said with a smile.

"Come on, you're not helping my reputation here!" Kyoutoko whined as Kyouka laughed at her father.

"She's not wrong, you always cry whenever we watch a sad movie or something." The young girl teased as her dad's head went down in defeat.

Izuku couldn't help but laugh a little as well before smiling back. "Thank you for having me, I also hope you don't mind the gift I got her."

The green haired boy gestured to the gift before parents widened their eyes, seeing the guitar.

The blonde man went over to it and picked it up as he examined the guitar. "Whoa, this is a killer guitar! You got this, kid?!"

"Umm, yeah, but I got a lot of help paying for it from a... friend." The quirkless boy said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, I guess this is gonna be added to the collection, right, Kyouka?" Kyoutoko asked as he looked at his daughter, making her eyes widen.

"Collection? What does he mean by that?" Izuku asked as he looked at his friend.

Kyouka felt her face start to heat up as she looked to the side. "I-It's nothing... my old man doesn't know what he's talking about..."

"What are you talking about Kyouka? Your room is filled with different types of instruments." The man said, not fully reading the situation.

"Oh dear, this'll be interesting." The purple haired woman whispered to herself as she smiled.

"Y-You really don't have to worry about it Izuku. W-We can just forget about my room." The teen girl said, feeling more and more embarrassed.

"How about I show you Midoriya, I'm sure Kyouka won't mind." Mika said with a sweet smile as she looked at both teens.

"W-Wait mom are you serious?!" Kyouka asked as she looked up at her mom.

"A-Are you?" Izuku asked as well, realizing that he's being offered to look inside of a girl's room.

He didn't fully realize what he got himself into. But maybe it'll be alright since they have adult supervision. 'There's an adult here. There's an adult here. There's an adult here.'

However, he remembered the fact that she looked into his room a couple of weeks ago for his birthday when he was so embarrassed about it so this could be his own little way of getting revenge. Right now that was the only way he could think about it so he wouldn't get too red from embarrassment. Thinking about it as payback could help him be calmer.

The purple haired woman then nodded as she started to walk upstairs. "Of course, follow me."

The blonde man crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he looked at his wife. "You better know what you're doing Mika."

Both teens followed Mika upstairs as Izuku looked down at his feet, reminding himself of one thing. 'This is payback, nothing more.'

Unfortunately, Kyouka was internally freaking out as she hid her face from everyone at the moment. 'Shit! What is he going to think when he sees my room? Will he think I'm a weirdo for all of my instruments?'

She started to tap her earphone jacks together, already feeling embarrassed as they all approached her door.

The green haired boy couldn't help but peek inside of the room before widening his eyes as he saw all of the instruments. "Wow...Kyouka, I didn't know you had so many instruments. I know you love music, but I didn't expect this."

The girl's face went a dark red as she continued to tap her earphone jacks together. "I know, it's kind of la-"

"It's amazing! Do you know how to play all of these?!" Izuku asked as he stepped inside and looked around the room with a wide smile on his face.

The teen girl widened her eyes as she looked at her hero and felt her face get red for a different reason now as she stopped messing with her earphone jacks. "Well, only the basics... I'm more of a guitar person to be honest..."

Kyouka having such a larger passion for music than he was aware of made him happy. It made him feel like he wasn't the only one who had such a strong passion for something even if it wasn't heroes. In a strange way, it made him feel more connected with her even if he knew almost nothing about music compared to her.

The teen boy looked back at his friend and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you can play for me one day? But only if you want of course."

The purple haired girl couldn't believe what was happening. Izuku was in HER room of all places and actually liked her passion for music. She had to admit that a part of her wishes this was under a different situation with her mom not being nearby and the two of them alone. But maybe it was for the best that an adult was here so neither of them would be too embarrassed. Maybe one day she can manage being home alone with the boy without being embarrassed and see where that could take them.

As the young girl daydreamed with a blissful smile on her face, Izuku noticed a green notebook laying on her bed and raised an eyebrow. "Oh is that a notebook you write songs in?"

Kyouka was taken out of her daydream as he asked the question and tilted her head. "Eh?"

She then looked at the notebook and widened her eyes as fear immediately overtook her. It was one of the many notebooks she's been writing in since she was 9 years old about a certain boy. She remembered earlier this morning how she was reading the events of yesterday when they trained together.

She remembered how much detail she put into the notebook when she talked about how attractive the boy looked as he carried heavier objects and how she could imagine what his body must look like by now.

'I can't let him get near that thing!' She thought to herself before she stepped in front of him.

"W-Well yeah actually! B-But you can't see it cause they're personal songs!" She shouted in a panic, doing her best to make sure he doesn't see anything.

"Really? Are you sure I can't take a look at one of them? I'm sure they're really good." The boy requested as he kept looking at the notebook and saw that it had '#7' on the front of it. "Wow, you have 7 of these? That's very impressive, I'm sure one peek couldn't hurt."

"N-No they're not that good anyways! If I'm going to show you a song then I want it to be good!" The teen girl exclaimed as she outstretched her arms.

"Oh isn't that one of your diaries Kyouka?" Mika asked as she smiled at her daughter.

Izuku's face then got a little red as he heard that and looked at his friend. "D-Diary? Umm never mind then... I don't want to have to see anything too personal in there..."

This was a line he wasn't willing to cross, going to her room was kind of difficult even with her mother around. But going through his best friend's diary would certainly be too far and he would feel guilty if he read it without her wanting him to.

Kyouka sighed in relief as she placed her hand on her chest and nodded. "Yeah... it's one of my diaries. Sorry if you wanted to see a song and got disappointed."

The green haired boy shook his head and gave a small laugh as he rubbed the back of his head. "No don't be sorry, I'm glad you stopped me so I wouldn't have to cross any boundaries."

Her mother laughed as she crossed her arms, looking at both teens. "Alright, I think that's enough of the tour for now. Let's continue celebrating my daughter's birthday."

Mike then started to walk back downstairs as Izuku followed right behind her, neither of them noticing the purple haired girl staying behind.

Kyouka walked over to her notebook and smiled as she skimmed it. 'That was too close, I have to be more careful. If he comes over again, I have to make sure these are well hidden first. I can't let him know what these notebooks are really about.'

She considered each of her notebooks a masterpiece, but it's too bad no one can ever read them. People deserve to know just how amazing Izuku is, but there's nothing wrong with being a little selfish and keeping everything for herself. She held the notebook close to her chest and closed her eyes as she sighed. "Perfect..."

"Kyouka, are you coming?! We don't want to cut the cake without you!" Kyoutoko shouted from downstairs which made the girl open her eyes.

"Sorry I was just fixing some stuff! I'll be right there!" She replied before slipping her notebook under her bed with the rest of them.

The young girl then walked downstairs as she joined her parents along with her hero.

All of them enjoyed the rest of the day together, with some stories being shared about Izuku like when he tried to save Bakugo which caused Kyoutoku to call him hardcore.

They had even talked about U.A and how both parents believe in the two teens. Kyoutoko gave Izuku the task of taking care of his daughter if they both get in and the green haired boy agreed with zero hesitation.

The party ended with Kyouka reluctantly playing the new guitar her hero got her in front of him and her parents. Luckily, he enjoyed the way she played and showered her with compliments which of course embarrassed the girl immensely. But of course, she couldn't be any happier right now knowing that her hero loved the way she plays music.

It was now late at night and Izuku had left only a few minutes ago as Kyouka walked to her room with the guitar in her arms. She closed the door behind her and laid on her bed while holding the guitar close to her body.

She began to close her eyes with the biggest smile on her face as she kept her grip on the guitar before whispering to herself.

"I love him so much."

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