Dracula Finally At Peace; Tru...

By EmmaEdwards732

91 5 3

This storyctells the tale of how Dracula finally finds his one true love agyer 600 years of waiting for her... More

In The Beginning... Chapter 1

56 5 3
By EmmaEdwards732

It has been over 600 years and still I rule the night like the Sun rules the day. 

I watched caustiously as the sun sets and the twilight mist absorbes into the stark night and I feel even more of a surge of power course through me as I waych from the tallesy tower of my Castle. I rule Transalvania even after all these years it is a terrifying place to live. I am more powerful than any living thing, man or beast, creature or cretin, disease or plague. All of which I have seen and all of which are non comparable to me.

I am the night terror of over 600 years that still plays of the lips of the modern world. I am Dracula, Vlad Tepes, The Dragon, The Undead.  Always there like the sun in the day time even when the clouds mask its radiant power. I am there in the shadows just like Our God condemed me to. Oh how I miss the sun. How I miss the orange and pink glaze over the horizon. How I miss the battle cries of my war lords as we charged at first light to flaw, pillage and mutilate our eneimes like the true chapions of the world. How the sun was our leader back in those happy days! Now the sun is just a constant reminder that I am powerless during its happy presence.

Not so powerless that I will turn to dust or burst into flames. The sun only drains me of my power surges but just like any of Gods creatures I can walk around in the day even if it is in a weaker state. You humans are funny with your superstious ways and your terror talk and your rumours. Nothing really changes though, only mild context. Even after 600 years the stories only get more hilarious but there is a truth behind it all. That's how any rumour starts. Its starts with the truth, like Chinese whispers. The further it reaches the more confused it gets or elaborated it gets or even at times it becomes dissipated. 

But what ever you believe the stories are laced with some truth for here I am alive and well as you all say.

600 years of endless living can take its toll. The first hundred years or so I was just finding my way, enjoying the power and the vengence and the revenge. I enjoyed the poqer I had and the steengthcand the fact I cpuld still punishe my enemies future generations but once theycdied out I had no purpose any more. It didnt matter when I ripped out the throat of the five year old child to condem and earse the last name line of my prolonged nemisis. It wasnt going to bring her back. The soul reason I am who I am today....

 So when that was accomplished I had to look further afield. So like any man in my prime I fucked, pillaged, killed and drank my next 2 centuries away. Naturally like any humanoid I got lonely and so had to make a friend or two along my way. Not just any friend of course. Hektor is my minion, a simpleton of a man in his human days but strong and lean  in physicallity as well as highly devoted and trustworthy which only exemplified when I let gim become part of my dark pact. We have traveled together all over the place really but I always came gome eventually. But oh! the sights I did see and the beauties I did fuck and the tastes of some forgein lands was quite exquisite. But eventually it all becomes so mundane. The world modernises, and as a leanered student I do love to keep up with the latest sciences and discoveires. I bet you wouldnt belive that I was one of the first centuary of men to travel over to the Americas as it was called back then. The Dutch were a good breed of people but the Puritants tatsed awful. And then there was the unfortunate event of the  so called 'small pox' that broke out over there. Well you have to come up with some story to cover your tracks. Even history needs to be changed so I could remain unnoticed. I was playful and undead and adventorous, I just wasnt stupid. Here is another interesting factoid about myself that History has to leave out, I was actually hypnotising Alexander Graham Bell the night his first light bulb worked. I was  draining one of his mistresses and trying to get a deal in his new found research.  He was such a tight old bore that man. Oh and Jack the Ripper, yes, that was me. I was bored and London was full of stench and down trodden people and it was getting so laborous and painful for the under class that I thought it my duty to have these destitue people noticed. I decided to shake awake the higher archy and cause a stir. And I do believe  I made quite the impression back then because people still talk about it today. I do believe they cast Johnny Depp in a movie about it too.

The shame is though  I still see war and death and destruction and carnage. It doesnt repulse me but it does disgust me that nobody fights like a real man should. You know, fave to face with the enemy, sounding gornns and riding into battle in full armour to claim a REAL victory.  Cutting throats and slicing off limbs and spearing torsos and ripping out eyeballs. Its quite satisfying in the heat of a good battle. Its not like that now however. Not like in my time, the good old days when a man could go months in war but still come home a mans man and be noticed and heralded for his actions a d bravery but still plough a field for a  Autumn harvest and father 10 children only to be recalled to go back into war at a moments notice.  There was none of this medal nonsense. All these pussies being  hailed a hero for just venturing out into the desert for five years just to kill a few starved forgein people livong in make shift tents.  There was skill to war back in my time, not like now. But what hasnt changed are the tactics behind it. The greed for more land, money, power and of course what ever lies in the grounds of the earth thay make it valuable. Oh the greed of man in any continent doesnt change over time, only the fashion does.

Nevertheless one shouldnt complain and the world needs to keep moving on.  I could easily bore or enlighten anybody with my tales if there was anybody that had the time to listen to my centuries worth of stories. Or the the story that matters the most. The story of how I became to be a Vampire. 

Love. That is the soul reason I became a Vampire. Not because I was cursed by God for pillaging the Muslim Turks in the name of Christianity or for becoming a psychopath on the battle field and raging fear and terror through what ever land I claimed. Or the brutal mutilations of my own people and nemisis. It wasnt any of that though I do lay claim to those actions as formidable and demonic as they were, theycwere all my own doing and I still have no regrets. I was punished to become a Vampire becuase I fell in love. I was punished as a good Christian man, who only rampaged through wars and did unspeakable things  becuase i thought stupidly that I  was doing the right thing by God in trying to spread the word of Christianity and to innahilate the false idols of the world. I was one of Gods men supposedly! What a fucking joke that was! . And this is how I ended up. Even though I lost thousands of good men to Heathens in trying to spare the world of selfish men. Personally giving them a dose of torture to help them experience before hand whay Hell was going to be like before I  killed them, yet it is me who is tortured still. And most of all lonley.

The year was 1455 and I was out hunting with my men in the forests beyond my castle. The year had  been kind and fruitful so any stags and rabbits we caught were only going to benefit us further even if the coming winter was going to be harsh and long. 

The deer where plentiful thay summer and so me and my men took off in assorted directions and being the good Christian I was back then I promised whom ever caught the most would recieved their hunts weight in gold. 

I knew the forest like the back of my hand. It stetched for hundreds of miles back then and right dead set in its centre was a fresh water lake that led from the Carpathian moutnains. It was so pure and crystal clear one would not think it was water at first but more of a looking glass for it was always so still. If it easnt for the fish in their swarms underneath any man would say it was made of barren glass or that it was too covered in massive foliage that no life could exist in it. Oh but it did. And on thay particualr aafternoon I first saw Mina.

I rode into the forest clearing after chasing down my third stag,  the other two I had already skinned and had adorned my horses hide with. I had to stop catching the rabbits becuase my satchels where full to bursting. The deer I had been pursuing already had a   arrow through its hind leg and one hanging out its back and was running senslessly into the opening ahead. It was becoming too much of an easy kill but still I had made the effort to carry on. And  by God I am glad I did becuase not only did the deer drop from exhaustion not a few feet away from me but I saw the most spectacular vision of beauty watering her white horse by the lakes edge. 

Do you know how hard it is for a man like me to be made to feel weakc in any form? Its degrading and intollerable and that was a new experience to me. Even the years I suffered malice and torture as a child on behalf on the Turks id not compare to the draining feeling I encompased as my gaze caught the beauty in the open meadow. Yet here she stood, a vision of purity and perfection just mindlessly whispering to her watering horse whilst she made a fool of me without even relasing it! Oh how wicked she was for not noticing my mere essence of a heart crumble and my will bow to her. This would not do. I became infurriated by this change in my usual callus and obstinate nature, I am Vlad Tepes, barbaric and crazed, people fear my very name! Why I even make  the dead tremble.

I stopped my horse abruptly the way her very existence stopped my heart. I didnt care any more about the stag even though it died right infront of me and would have laid me claim as  the winning hunter. All that mattered right then and theire was the beautiful woman watering her white horse. I knew straight away she was of novel birth by how well dressed she was. I could.make out the gold and diamonds that shone from her pierced ears as they caught the suns rays and the matching bangles she wore on her dainty wrists as she stroked her horses face. She wore a pale blue and gold threaded gown with matching slippers and an azure blue hooded cloak that fluttered in the summer breeze. She reminded me of a Grecian Water Nymph. I was in love. 

 I dismounted my horse silently  and crept up towards her. I was smirking wickeldy to myself about how I would snatch her away and make a claim upon her. No house of nobility would dare reject my advances and I was in need of a bride. I just hadnt suspected I would take one so young and beautiful and oh so utterly irrestiable. Nor one thay I had fallen in love with at a  mere glance.

She wasnt  a fair  distance from me and surpsring hadnt heared the thud of the stag falling to itss death. As I got closer I cpuld see her features more in detail, like the favt her eyes where the same colour as her cloak and her lips where plump and pink and jusy peeping out from her hood I could make out her hair was pulled back into long and thick golden braid that messily hung over her right shoulder. 

The very look of her brought out the beast in me. I growled lowly and licked my lips at the thought of ripping off her fine dress and raping her into submission. But thay wasnt to happen kisy then for she looked yp as the rustling of the long grass outed me and she turend swiflty to the noise. 

Her mouth made the perfect circle of shock and her large blue eyes widened even more as she clung onto her horses reins. She recognised me.

I smirked at her and then bowed lowly and charasmatically then stauntered over to her getting closer and loser as sshe shrank into her es side. Even her horse whinnied and stamped as I stood next to it patting it firmly.

"So what is a beautiful young Maiden like you doing roamong around my Lands?" I asked with a smirk.

"Forgive me my Lord. I strayed too far and needed to water my horse. I will take my leave immediatly. I do not mean tp cuase you any offense." She urgently replied.

"Ah so you frolick around like a woodland nymph. You water ypur horse freely, and try to leave me with just an apology? But no name fair Maiden?"

"Forgive me my Lord I mean no offense. I am Lady Whilemina Murrachvich, daughter of Lord Xeries Marrachvick from the Transalvania Vallys and Mountain River Land." She whispered as her face shrunk back into her hood.

"I leaned forward loving the fear and domunance I had over her. She was equistie. 

"Do you.know the price  for tresspassing in my lands, using my natural resources and not befitting Vlad Tpees with an acknowledgement of himslef or his standing?" I said casually as I leaned against her horse and lightly play with his mane as if this was a normal thing to do.

"Please my Lord, Vlad Tepes! I mean you no offesne nor harm! I beg you have mercy on me and my father! Peace is so hard to come by in these lands any more! I beg you my Lord. I will leave and never return!." She flaiyed and then flung herself at my feet and sobbed clinging onto my tunic and boots.

I was heartbroken that she cpuld think I would harm a golden hair on her head. I bent down quickly to brong her up to me and held onto her trembling hand as her head remained bowed but I cpuld still see the tears falling onto he ground.

"But if you leave and never return how am I to do this?" 

And with that I pulled down her hood and grabbed fave with both hands and kissed her deeply letting my tongue invade her mouth which opend in shock at my invasion.

I felt her squirm in my arms to leave me of my grip but I was so much stronger than her amd I heared her whimper ahainst my mouth.

"Please my Lord, please....please...." Her voice trailed as fresh tears sprung from her eyes.

I licked her tears like it would quench an eternal thirst.

"Please my Lord spare me!" She begged.

" Now now my fair Maiden Mina. The price any persons pays  for trespassing is death ..." I chuckled.

She clung to me desperatly as I played with a few stray curls.

"Please my Lord Vlad Tepes....spare my father any anguish and kill me quickly!" She dropped to the grlund and took off her cloack and bemt her head with her arms spread put.

She ment for me to behead her right now! Oh the sacrafical lamb! The love and devotion displayed for her father. The sheer  motion of how she  simply accepting her own impending death to save her Lands from me! She did not fear death, she feared me.

My heart burst open and a feeling of Euphroia and pleasure and possession to claim this youg Lady overhauled me and I knew right then and there I would love no other and I wpuld never lwt her leave me. I even scorned death thinking I would somehow defeat its path so the two of us wpuld remain together forever.

Three days later we werearried and she never left my lands or sight again.

The irnoy is that I got my wish. I loved her so passionalty and so deeply and so obsessivley that ten uears later when I came home from my unknowignly final battle to find she had flung herself from the very tower I stand in now I raged against God. Whst I slayed the Godless and filth in the name of pur Lord my enemies had sent word that I had been captured, tortured and killed and they were on their way to claim the castle and to claim her too. So like the brave young Lady who was going to savrfice her life the day we met, she once again savraficed herslef for me and took her own life so as not to lay shame upon my Castle, my lands or herself.

When I returned in Victory back home and to show my beautiful wife how I had missed her I instead was met by my Preists and Lay men and leqd to the Chapel where her body lay under the stone cross I had help carve and stand. And it was in that bery Chapel they told me that taking ones own life was a disgrace against God and she would never enter Heavem for the Sin she had commited against the Lord who is the oly rightful one to lay claim to give and take our existence. She was now condemmed to Hell for the ateocity she had shamed herself with.

I rember sti being clad in full armour as I flung myself over her tiny body which lay as though asleep. Ikissed her fave, her hair, and brought her cold blue hands to my face to try and comprehend what I was liatening to. But I didnt comprehend anything. Only rhe pain I felt ripping tjrpugh my body as I once again kissed her lofeless lips and cried like a new born babe. 

The Priest cpuld see and hear my cries and anguish of dispear and heartbreak but still they continued on how she would never be saved. But they did recall  how all my rriumphant battles had been in a saving grave  even though my own wife could not be saved, so she was never deserving of the cuases I had been leading for years and that I should find a new and good wife to replqce the heathen I had married.

I may have lost my wits a little at that point. I slayed ever single one of my Preists  and Laymen by hand, I tortured them slowly and painfully right there in the Chapel infront of my wifes dead body.  Then feasted upon their blood and flesh screaming out ancient matras against God and to side myself with the devil to make me immortal long  enpugh to bring justice to my one true love and to avenge her death.

The irony is I managed to try and make a deal with Devil and I defeated death.  I got what I wanted and it is exactly what happened only it was a one sided deal and immortality eas no real wish. If I could go back I would ask God to have taken me right then and there and let me join her in our own Heaven should he relent toet us both i to his own.

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