The Beginning (Under editing)

נכתב על ידי moon_11412

11.3K 150 102

Book one of The Twins Trilogy Audrey Skywalker is the twin sister of Anakin Skywalker. They have both been sl... עוד

Chpt. 1
Chpt. 2
Chpt. 5
Chpt. 9
Chpt. 10
Chpt. 14
Chpt. 15
Chpt. 16
Chpt. 17
Chpt. 18

Chpt. 19

466 6 1
נכתב על ידי moon_11412

Qui Gon's POV (3 years later)

"Master Yoda, "I greet the Jedi Master through a comlink.

"Master Jinn," Says Master Yoda, "Here to request another mission, I think."

I smile and shake my head, "No, Master, I just wanted to tell you that Audrey and I will be returning to Coruscant in a few days. The three years are over, and I would like her room to be all set up when we arrive."

Master Yoda nods his understanding, "Tell Master Kenobi, I will. Look forward to seeing you again, I do."

"Me to Master," I answer with a smile.

I glance at the sky, the sun was going to come up soon, and Audrey would come for first meal. I puch in another comlink number and wait for a receiving signal.

"Master?" My old padawan's face shows up in a hologram form.

"Obi-wan," I greet, smiling, " I just wanted to let you know that Audrey and I will be arriving on Coruscant in a few days."

"That's great news!" He says, " I let Anakin know, he'll be so excited."

"See you soon," I say.

"See you soon, Master." Replies Obi-wan and his hologram disappears.

Audrey's POV 

I yawn, sitting up and stretching. I pull on my robes, clip my lightsabers onto my belt, and get out of bed.

"Hey R3!" I say as I see my Astro droid rolling towards me.

She beeps hello.

"Where've you been?" I ask, frowning at the direction she had come from.

"Beep-boop boop." She beeps excitedly.

"You've been preparing the ship?" I say in confusion. "We're probably going on another mission." I shrug, " I'll ask Qui Gon."

I open the door to the dining hall. "Morning," I greet my Master.

"Good Morning," Was his response.

I help myself to some fruit," Are we going on another mission?" I ask, " R3 says she's been preparing the ship."

Qui Gon smiles, " No, we're not going on a mission." He says.

"Then where are we going?" I ask in confusion.

"We'll be reuniting some old friends, or in your case, a friend and a twin."

I gasp, " You mean we're going back to Coruscant!?"

"Yes," Says Qui Gon, smiling at my reaction.

"To continue my training." I confirm, "And to see Anakin."

"Yes," He repeats, " After your meal, you should go pack your things. We'll be leaving in the afternoon."

I smile," Yes Master."

It doesn't take me long to get all of the things I wanted to take with me. My bag is soon neatly packed with my robes, my training saber, a few books, some smooth rocks I had found by the shore, and my moonstone necklace, which I clasp on my neck.

I sling my bag over my shoulder with R3 following me. I drop my bag off on the ship and decide to say goodbye to the place that had been my home for three years.

I walk to the shore and climb my favourite boulder. I've made a lot of good memories here. I thought, it's going to be hard to leave. I visit all of my favourite places. The stream where I liked to meditate by, the forest where I had loved to climb trees, and the Jedi Temple, where I had first connected with the force.

"Padawan!" Shouts Qui Gon in the distance, "It's time to go!"

I take one last look at Ahch-to and run to the ship.

"Are you alright?" Asks Qui Gon, concerned.

I smile, "I'm fine. It's just, it's way harder leaving this place than I thought would be."

He nods sympathetically."You can come visit here one day." He grins," and you could bring Anakin along."

I smile and walk aboard the ship, setting the course to Coruscant. A few hours later, we arrive, and I watch the familiar city come to view. "I've missed it here," I murmur to myself.

"Come on, I had Master Yoda prepare a room for you. It should be all ready for you by now." Says Qui Gon, gesturing for me to follow him.

We walk down the halls of the Jedi Temple together and soon reach two rooms. "I'm the one on the left," says Qui Gon." You're on the right again."

I palm open the door. The room was simplistic, there was a desk in one corner, and the bed was in another corner, neatly made. There was a balcony that connected to Qui Gon's room and a door to my bathroom on one side. A closet stood beside the door to the bathroom and in the corner was a small couch for me to read in.

"I'll let you settle in," Says Qui Gon.

"Wait!" I say suddenly, realizing something. "There aren't any books!"

Qui Gon rolls his eyes, "You can get books at the archives, silly."

The archives. The word rings in my ears. The archives! Back on Ahch-to I only had a few books, and now I could go to the archives and get as many books as I wanted. I smile to myself.

"One more thing," I say, before Qui Gon leaves, "When can I see Anakin?" I had been wanting to ask the question for a while, and I feared the answer.

He smiles at me," Obi-wan has promised me that he will take Anakin to see you soon." 

I nod. "After I've settled down, can I go find the archives and get something to read?"

Qui Gon nods, amused," If I need to find you, I'll assume you're either in the archives or in your room."


He walks out the door, and I quickly unpack my things. "I'm going to go find the archives, wanna come R3?"

"Be-boop." Was my droid's answer.

"Okay." I say smiling," You go find some droid friends."

R3 rolls out the door leaving me alone with my thoughts. I probably should have asked Qui Gon where the archives were. I thought, oh well. I'll just have to find them myself.

I walked down the halls of the Jedi Temple glancing here and there, looking for the archives. I was looking to my left where there was a class of younglings training with Master Yoda, and I wasn't looking where I was going.

 Bam! I collided into someone else walking down the halls. I look up and am shocked to see Master Windu.

"Master Windu!" I gasp, surprised, "By the force, I am so sorry!" 

Master Windu looks surprised too but quickly recovers himself," Young Skywalker," He said in his stern voice," I heard you had returned, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for the archives, and I'm kinda lost," I blush furiously.

He nods, "The archives are straight ahead, you just need to take a left once you see the mediation rooms."

"Okay." I say, gratefully," Thank you, Master Windu."

He nods and walks off. I mentally punch myself, of all people to bump into, I have to bump into Master Windu.

I follow Master Windu's instructions and see the archives. I find a book about lightsaber forms, and plop myself onto a small couch in a corner. 

I lose track of time as I read, and out of nowhere, someone runs up to me and hugs me. I look up and the familiar face of my twin.

"Anakin!" I gasp, hugging him back.

"Oh Audrey, I've missed you so much!" Mutters Anakin into my ear.

"Me too." I say, " Me too."

I could see Qui Gon and Obi-wan talking behind us, but I was mostly focusing on Anakin. Qui Gon and Obi-wan let us catch up, and we talked about everything that had happened in the past three years. Sadly, it had gotten dark, and we had to part.

"When will we be able to see each other again?" I ask.

Obi-wan smiles, " You'll be able to see each other occasionally when you're not training or on missions." He says.

"Okay!" Says Anakin, "See you soon, Audrey!" We hug each other and wish each other good night.

When I went to sleep that night, my heart felt happier than it had felt in three years. I had found my other half.

המשך קריאה

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