Sunflower (HS) *PAUSED*

By Nsandhu_falling

3K 84 39

Sunflowers sun·flow·er /ˈsənˌflou(ə)r/ noun noun: sunflower; plural noun: sunflowers *includes mature langua... More



128 3 1
By Nsandhu_falling


August 18th

"Nothing." I tell her as I look a little down to her lips.

The plump shape of them.

The redness of them, such a contrast from Sriena's light thin lips-

No Harry. She left you and it was your fault.

Stop thinking about her.

"I'm sorry" She snaps me out of my thoughts and back away a little.

I just smile "I wasn't planning on doing anything, it's ok." I say, even telling myself that.

She doesn't need to get attached to me.

I've already hurt one girl. No need to hurt another.

Just do what you always do.

Have some fun then leave before it gets serious.

I snap my self out of my thoughts again and look down to my right.

I pick up some of the crisps.

"You want some?" I say smirking and she looks back at me and smiles.

Her teeth are so pearly white.

"Sure!" She says and I take one out to hand her but at the last second I take it back cheekily, and plop the cheesy flavoured crisp in my mouth.

She bites her lip slights, still smiling, and she rolls her eyes. "Rude."

"You're welcome." I tease back, giggling like a toddler.

"You know what-" she cuts herself off and almost climbs on top of me to get the bag.

I hide it behind my back as she tries to get it. "Nope!"

"Give it! Pleaseeee...?" She pulls puppy eyes on me.

I look in her eyes.

After a second I smirk again.

"Um....I'm good." I tease again.

She just groans.

She keeps laughing and looks behind me and the car.

She stops laughing. Her eyes grow wide and I instantly get worried.

"H-Harry..." she says, her voice shaking.

I quickly turn my head back.

There's nothing there. Just mountain.

I realize what happened a bit too late, and when I turn back, I see her with the dark red bag in her hands, munching away.

"Thank you!" She mumbles with good handful in her mouth, giggling a bit.

She plops back on her seat and I huff.

"Aw is someone upset that I got their Doritos?" She teases and keeps munching away.

I just scrunch my eyebrows and pout playfully.

Then I get an idea.

If she isn't ticklish this is going to be awkward.

I smirk to myself, and I wait for her to finish the portion in her mouth.

Don't want her to choke right?

She swallows and looks up at me again and smirks.

I just pout, pretending like I don't know what to do.

I slowly turn the pout into a smile as I climb towards her.

Her eyes grow wide again and she moves her arm away from me. "No."

I stick out my hands, wiggling my fingers a bit as she already squirms away, knowing what I'm going to do.

Well at least I know she's ticklish now.

"Aw cherry. You shouldn't have taken those crisps away from me." I say, playfully being evil.

I immediately attack her stomach with my fingers.

She bursts out laughing, but still holding onto the bag.

"Give me the bag!!" I say and don't give up.

"Ne- NEVER!" She says between laughs, not even being able to get a word out.

"Oh you're going to regret this..." I say and don't give up.

She starts laughing even harder, dropping the Doritos in the process.

Even though she dropped the crisps, I keep tickling her.

Her giggles being contagious, I start chuckling with her.

"Ha-Harry y- you can ha-ve the c-chips!" She says, trying to pry my hands off her waist.

She's practically laying down on the seat, me hovering on top.

I let go of her and pick up the bag from the seat.

I hop to my side again and immediately start eating.

"Thanks." I say as she rolls her eyes and huffs, getting up.

She yawns a bit and I look at my phone.


It's not that late but she seems tired.

"Do you want me to take you home now?" I say completely changing the mood.

"Um.." she looks like she wants to ask something, but is shy. "Do you want to have a sleepover here?" She blurts out. "Well just in a friendly way, I mean you don't have too it's just a thought. Actually-"

"Sunflower, you're rambling." I laugh. "But of course, if you want too." I say casually but then realize. I gasp. "Sunflower! New nickname." I say and she giggles, but yawns again.

I look to her arm and see small goosebumps forming.

She brings up the blanket and looks off to the sunset again.

"Do you want me to put up the roof?" I ask, referring to the car.

I already go reach over to the front seat, knowing she's cold.

"No, it's ok." She says and I look at her shivering a little.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask, not even wanting an answer as I start the car, pushing the button that makes the roof close.

When it's up, I close all the windows and pull out the key.

I climb back to where Sunflower is sitting and I plop down.

I look at her with my crisps, eating away cheekily.

"You little-"

"All done!" She says and shows me the bag. "You're welcome." She mocks my words from earlier.

I shake my head, pouting.

"You're so mean!" I whine.

"I'm mean!? You used my ticklish-ness against me to get a bag of chips!" She exclaims.

"Why do you guys call them chips. That's what the long potato things are." I say, knowing I'm right.

I mean how do these even look like chips.

"You mean fries?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What the fuck are fries?" I say, my accent getting heavy.

"The 'long potato things'" she quotes me. "Also you say fuck weird." She swears, catching me a bit off guard.

"Ok one, I know what fries are, it's just a stupid name. And two," I playfully glare at her. "I do not say fuck weird."

She giggles. "Ya you do. You say it like fook." she imitates my accent.

"I'm not afraid of tickling you again.." I warn and her eyes grow wide and she closes her mouth.

"That's what I thought." I smirk and grab a bottle of wine from the small cooler.

"Well since we're having a sleepover, do you want some wine?" I ask her, and she throws her head back, groaning.

"Yes please, I haven't had good wine in so long." She says and makes adorable grabby hands towards it.

"Hold on, I have wine glasses." I chuckle as I take them out and start pouring the liquid.

"Here you go m'lady." I say and she giggles.

"Thank you golden." She says and takes a sip, keeping eye contact with me.

You're so beautiful.

She bites her lip cutely.

Shit. I said that out loud, didn't I?

"Maybe, but thank you." She says shyly and looks down to her drink.

"I mean, I'm not wrong." I smirk and look out the front window, not looking at cherry. I can see from the corner of my eye, her eyes grow wide and she looks away.

I'm fucked, aren't I?

The sun is long gone, the stars shining away.

"You know, I wish we could see more stars from LA. There's so many city lights that it takes away from the actually lights in the universe." I say, looking out my window now.

"Same. I wish I had a car, Anna and I went to this one place about an hour away from my house, and you can see so many stars. It's so beautiful." She says, and I look at her, zoning out while looking out her window.

"I love star gazing. I can barely go do it when I go on tour because once I'm in one place, I do a concert and I'm on a plane to the next." I say, sad that I never really got to sightsee in one direction. "I used to go a lot when I was a kid." I laugh, lightning the mood.

"Me too. There weren't as many city lights where I lived in Nova Scotia, so I could watch the stars every night from my balcony. I used to study all the different constellations I could see." She says and looks down.

We stay silent for a bit then I decide to speak up.

"Hey cherry," she lifts her head a bit. "Are you tired? I can sleep in the front seat, so you don't feel uncomfortable." I say, already climbing over. My shoes have been off for a while, so I don't worry about it getting dirty.

"Harry, let me sleep in the front. You planned all this, so you should get some proper sleep." She says and reaches over, so we're both just in the middle, reaching over to the front seats.

"I am going to tickle you until you agree to sleep in the back." I threaten and she rolls her eyes.

"You can't just say that so everything will go your way." She says and giggles.

"Oh really?" I say, playfully being intimidating.

I can see her gulp. "Um yes." She says, unsure and I just smirk.

"Well then." I say and basically start attacking her with my fingers.

I gently push her so she's laying on the seats and I'm hovering over her.

"You're going to regret saying that."

- - -

Word count : 1594

Hope you guys enjoyed, just a cute little chapter.

The next one is probably going to be way longer, I'm hoping for it to be a couple thousand words at least.

Also plsss point out any mistakes!

But enjoy!


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