Sleepless - A BFB Grimdark

By cym-k1125

29.2K 438 795

[WARNING" Contains descriptions and illustrations of violence, unreality, death, and body horror. Viewer's di... More

Part One - Just a Prank
Part Two - Concern
Part Three - A Sickness Brews
Part Four - The Fall from Grace
Part Five - Doctor
Part Six - Her
Part Seven - Finders Keepers
Part Eight - Over the Edge
Part Nine - Plans
Part Ten - Back to the Lab
Part Eleven - Old Friends and New Fiends
Part Thirteen - Enough is Enough
Part Fourteen - Regret
Part Fifteen - Rest

Part Twelve - Together

1.3K 30 59
By cym-k1125

Winner sat on the couch, looking over the plans on the whiteboard. Their lips were pursed tight.

"Are you sure you want to help?" Barf Bag asked. "I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do," She stood leaned against the wall and arms crossed. Winner nodded.

"As scary as this all is, sitting around like this won't help anything," Winner admitted. "We're sitting ducks. The murderer's bound to come after us," Winner bit their lip. "That, and my friend has an idea of who we're looking for,"

"Wait, what?" Donut stood up straight. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked. Winner curled up, making Donut back off.

"I didn't want to start a witch-hunt," They said, burying their face in their collar. "Ice Cube said it was her, that the people she was going after was way too convenient..." Barf Bag blinked, her brow furrowing as she looked out the window. "Say...didn't Golf Ball and Tennis Ball leave early today?" She asked. Donut and Winner both looked up at her, then at each other.

"Yeah?" Donut said.

"Then...Lollipop and Gelatin..." Barf Bag rubbed her chin, her brow lowering over her eyes.

"Barf Bag, what do you mean by that?" Winner asked, a pluck of worry tugging at them.

"It's just...they've been gone all day..." Barf Bag looked out to the woods as the sun set over them. For a moment, she could've sworn she saw the bushes below rustling.


"Coiny, we should really get back," Pin rubbed her arms as she watched the setting sun. "You know what happened with Gaty, and I would rather not be next..."

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for that worm I saw earlier..." Coiny dug through the bushes on the edge of the forest. Pin looked over her shoulder. Despite her being the stronger of the two, having Coiny around made her feel much safer. Was it his optimism? Or perhaps his comforting words? Or maybe...

A warm blush graced her cheeks. His copper hair shone so nicely in the evening light. Without much thought, she reached over and gently stroked his hair.

"Oh! H-Hey!" Coiny chuckled, intertwining his fingers with Pin's. She blinked out of her trance and blushed.

"Ah! Oh, s-sorry!" She stuttered, pulling away and shrinking back. Coiny stood up and brushed his knees off, chuckling.

"No need to be sorry, I consider it a compliment," He reached up and stroked her shoulder. His hands were so gentle and warm, despite him being mostly metal. Pin relaxed and gave him a warm smile. At that moment, all her anxiety vanished, and it was just the two of them out there.

A faint yell came from the woods. Pin and Coiny stiffened, eyes darting to the woods in near synchronicity. Another yell, though this time, it drifted off, growing quiet. They stood, frozen.

"D-Did you hear that?" Coiny asked. Pin nodded, eyes wide.

"We need to leave," She said, already turning to go back to the hotel, Coiny stopped her.

"Hey, wait! What if they need our help?" Coiny asked. Pin paused, looking between him and the hotel.

"What if the killer's already got them though?" She asked, her hands beginning to tremble. "They might turn on us, and they might hurt you! I-I can't..." Pin stopped and took a breath in. Her body was trembling. Coiny held her hands.

"Hey, hey, don't worry," Coiny spoke in a soft voice. "Look, you and I are tough as nails. If the killer wants either one of us dead, they're gonna have to get past us together," Pin looked him in the eyes, a tinge of worry still there. "Besides, what if the person out there's still alive? We could save them, and it'd be three against one," He smiled.

"...Alright, but let's stay close," Pin said.

"Of course. If we're going down, we're going down together," Coiny beamed. "C'mon, every moment we spend out here is another moment wasted!" He charged into the bushes with Pin following close behind. She wondered how Coiny could always have such high hopes, how he could stare death in the face and laugh. Maybe it was irrationality or stupidity, or perhaps it was courage.

Either way, Pin loved that about him.


"Filthy..." Book muttered. She rubbed her metal spear clean of the sticky blood using a page she had torn out of herself. She stared at the makeshift grave in front of her. Two mounds of dirt, side by side. She looked down at her purple and green hands.

"She left less of a mess with you two, and yet you both still bleed like fountains," Book sighed and brushed herself off. She felt for her eye but only met a deep gouge in her face.

"Funny...I don't even recall what she did," Book mused. "Was...Was I there? I remember hearing and seeing you two but..." Book trailed off. "Clones. Right, right, there's clones abound. Mustn't get distracted," Book patted the space between the graves.

"I'll avenge you, don't worry...It's the least I can do." She looked back towards Pencil's head and glared. "As for you..." She walked over and planted her shoe on her cheek. "You'll pay for this, for all of this. I don't know what you did, but when I find out," Book shuddered in pleasure. "Ohhh, it'll be a well-needed relief," Book dug her heel further into Pencil's head, and with a crunch, it caved under her foot. Book gazed up at the stars above, watching them twinkle into view, and took a breath.

"Soon, I'll be able to rest again, and then everything will be right."


Taco and Liy sat in the main hall, looking out towards the front doors. The twilight was settling in outside, and a comfortable silence filled the air. Liy sat on the back of the chair, her feet resting on the cushion, while Taco sat in her chair backward. She leaned against the back of the chair, looking up at the blue-haired woman as she thought to herself.

"Okay, first things first, what are her weaknesses?" Liy asked. Taco leaned her chin on the chair's back.

"Well, she's really flammable," taco started. "I remember she would always get Saw and me to put stuff in the oven 'cause she was scared of burning herself," A slight smile came onto Taco's face. "And then there's water. She told me about the time she and her old team went through the canal, she complained about her pages being soaked for days," Taco's smile grew, and she sighed. "...I kinda miss the old her, y'know?" Liy looked down at Taco.

"...Uh...yeah?" Liy said.

"She was...she was kinda like a mom to the team. She'd always get so worried about everyone. It was was cute," Taco ran her hand through her hair. "But then I was trapped in that jawbreaker and she changed. She wouldn't even look at me for a long time. She turned on everyone around her..." Taco folded her arms in front of her. "S-Sorry, I just...everything that's happening now is just reminding me of all that. Even if we're on better terms now, it's still scary," Taco fell silent and stared at the rug. Liy sat atop the chair, shoulders squared.

"," Liy said, drumming her fingers on her thigh. "...Look, I'm not good with feelings, like, at all—"

"Oh, crap," Taco sat upright again. "Sorry, I know we should be focused on the plan, I just.."

"Hey, I get it. I got my own issues with friends too," Liy waved her hand. "So, she's prone to fire and water, right?" Taco nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much. She's not real strong or fast too, a lot of her...advantages, I guess? Her advantages are mostly up here," Taco tapped her head.

"And currently, her brain's fried to the moon and back," Liy said. "Sounds like an easy job then! Just gotta figure out how the super-drug's affecting her, and we'll be good to go!"

"Yeah, good to go..."


Coiny pushed through the shrubs, listening for the shouts again. The trees were quiet, too quiet. Behind him, Pin followed, ducking under the branches that Coiny was too short to hit. The deeper they went, the more nervous she felt. She glanced back, watching the treeline grow dimmer and dimmer. Shadows enveloped the two, leaving them in the dark.

Just stay with Coiny, she thought. You're stronger together. Even with the words of comfort, Pin's stomach continued to drop like lead. The two broke out into a clearing, too dark to make out anything. Coiny squinted and looked around.

"Ugh, Pin, can you see anyone?" He asked. Pin placed a hand on his shoulder and looked around.

"Nothing, it's all shadows here," She said. Coiny groaned and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Hey! Anyone h—mmph!" Pin put her hand over Coiny's mouth.

"Ssh! We can't let the killer know we're here!" Pin whispered, eyes darting among the shadows. A moment of silence fell over them, and Pin's heart settled. Alone...they were alone.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The pair stiffened and whirled to look behind them. In the darkness, they could make out the shrubs moving.

"...We need to go," Pin whimpered. She grabbed Coiny and tried to turn back the way they came, but found that they were surrounded by darkness.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The crunching grew louder, and Pin held Coiny close to her, fear gripping at her chest. He squeezed her hand, trying to hide his own nervousness.

"Remember, stronger together," He said. Pin hesitated.

"S-Stronger together," She muttered. The crunching grew louder and louder, and a pair of eyes emerged from the darkness. The familiar heterochromia glanced up at them and froze. A shuddering gasp, followed by the sound of something metal dropping to the ground. Before Pin could stop him, Coiny spoke.

"Uh...Book?" He asked. "Are...Are you okay? I think—"

"Of course."


"Of course you're back," Book giggled. Though they couldn't see her face, they could tell she was grinning. Pin gulped.

"Coiny, I have a bad feeling about this," She whispered. Book's eyes shifted, darkening.

"Coiny? Please, I know damn well who you both are, clones," Book's voice dripped with venom. "Can't leave me alone, can you?" Whatever Book had dropped was picked back up, and she thumped it against the ground. She came closer, bringing her form into focus. Coiny held onto Pin and stepped back with her. "Aw, don't be shy. The last few times weren't that bad, were they?" She chuckled. "I mean, you do keep coming's rude to come back when you're not wanted, Pencils. Even if you are just clones, I thought the memo would've been sent by now," Coiny smiled at her.

"Yeah, cool! Uh...y'know, you're right. We should go, shouldn't we?" He looked up at Pin, letting the facade drop. PIn nodded.

"Yes! Yes, we're leaving now. Goodb—"

"Ah, ah! No, don't think you can leave that easily," Book growled. "Since you just want to keep coming back, I think I ought to make it really hurt this time," Book came into view, and in the darkness, they could make out the blotches of purple blood all over her blouse. Pin cupped her hand over her mouth, muffling a gasp. Coiny squeezed her hand, and in a glance of mutual understanding, they turned and sprinted. "Hey! Get back here!" Book shouted. She jammed the spear into the tree and ran after them, tearing through the shrubbery and growling.

"What the smelter was that?" Coiny asked, desperately trying to keep pace with Pin. She rammed through branches and leaves, letting thorns and sharp twigs tear at her.

"I'd rather not find out!" She called back. They broke out into the field, graced by the cool evening air biting their skin. Behind them, an inhuman scream filled the air, echoing off the horizon. "To the hotel!" Pin grabbed Coiny by the jacket and pulled him along.

"Wait! Wait! She's just gonna go after everyone inside!" Coiny tugged back, stopping her. "We need to find another way!" Pin looked around, panting and huffing. The field was barren, with nowhere to hide or fight back. Pin looked back to the hotel, her eyes resting on the fire escape.

"Get on the roof," She said. She continued running, dragging Coiny along.

"What!? The roof?" Coiny asked. "But she—"

"We can trick her into jumping off," Pin said, quiet enough to not be heard by anyone else. "She'll die, then this whole nightmare will be over," Coiny blinked in shock.

"Y'know, you always stun me with how quickly you come up with this stuff," He said, now running along with her. Behind them, the treeline smashed open. Book rampaged out, stumbling and clawing at the ground ash she ran, her limp hardly keeping her down. She honed in on the two escaping, vision swimming and distorting. She screamed to the sky and bolted after them, drool dripping from her mouth. The two reached the escape and began to climb. Coiny caught a glimpse of Book and squeaked.

"She looks like a rabid dog!" He yelped. Pin grabbed him and pulled him up the ladder, another scream filling the air.

"Don't stop!" Pin yelled. She clambered higher up the ladders with Coiny on her heel. Midway up the escape, the metal ladder rattled as Book shook it, frothing at the mouth and eyes wild with rage. She didn't bother going up the ladder, however, now just pacing below. Pin looked down and cursed. "She's not coming up!" She said. A spark of thought flashed through Coiny, and he grinned.

"Keep going up! I got a plan!" He said. Pin gave him a look of curiosity, but continued upwards, climbing up to the roof. At the top, Coiny turned and chucked a brick down at Book. She dodged it, yelping as it struck the grass. "Hey, well-read! Up here!" He called down. Pin shot him a look of bewilderment.

"What are you doing? We're gonna get killed!" She said. Coiny smirked at her.

"Not if we push her off the roof, like you said," He winked. "Yeah! Come up here, stupid! Unless you're too chicken~!" He jeered. Book grabbed the ladder and shook it, foaming at the mouth.

"COME DOWN HERE!" She screamed. The ladder creaked from the shaking. Pin glanced between book and Coiny, then took a breath for courage.

"Why? Scared you'll break the ladder under yourself?" She called down. Another shrill of fury rang out, and Book clambered onto the ladder, climbing up with a fire blazing in her eyes.

"Yeah! Come on ya coward! Show us how well-read you are!" Coiny continued. Pin picked up another brick and dropped it down.

"Throw stuff at her! Maybe she'll fall!" She said. Coiny nodded and ran around the roof, picking up whatever he could find. Book flinched from the rocks and bricks flying down, but they only enraged her further. She flew up at the ladder, growling and spitting. Pin grabbed Coiny and pulled him away from the ladder as Book scrambled up onto the roof. Her face was bright red, and her eyes were nearing the same color. She stared at the two, eyes steady, and grinned.

"Not so bold now that I'm up here, are you?" She asked. Pin stayed silent, still holding onto Coiny. "...Go on, got anything else to say?"

"...Fatass!" Coiny stuck out his tongue, and the two ran in different directions. Book screamed in rage and charged after Coiny.

"Hey! Over here, dorkwad!" Pin called from across the roof. Book's attention turned, and she charged like a raging bull.

"What about me, blindy?" Coin jeered back, Book spun around, only to be jeered once more by Pin, then Coiny, then Pin.

Pencil, then Pencil, then Pencil, then Pencil.

In a surge of fury, Book turned to the sky and shrieked.

"SHUT UP!" She wailed. She held her hands over her head and trembled. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" She curled up on the ground, shaking. She sat like that, whimpering and rocking herself back and forth. Pin stopped, now concerned for her.

"Alright, now!" Coiny called out. However, Pin only stared at Book. She walked over to the huddled mass and leaned down. "Pin? Pin! Pin, no!" Coiny ran over to her.

"Book? Hey, no, d-don't cry, we didn't..." The weight of guilt sunk her heart. Even in such a horrid condition, Book looked so helpless, so meek, so—


Coiny's scream knocked Pin back to reality, but before she could do anything, Book grabbed her and thrust her back. She felt her slam into Coiny, but they didn't fall to the ground.

Instead, she felt her heel trip over the edge.

Book stood above them, arms outstretched, a mad grin stretched wide across her face.


They were weightless.

They were too shocked to speak or even scream. The wind howled in their ears as Book shrank along with the roof. Rows of windows shot by, and Pin looked back to see the fence just under them. In a split-second thought, Pin wrapped her arms around Coiny and spun to be under him.

"Y'know, you always stun me with how quickly you come up with this stuff,"

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