The Dragon's Gem (supernatura...

By Auseda12

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The undead roam Ceford Valley with a lust for mortal flesh, as they search for one thing. The Dragon's Gem an... More

CHAPTER 1; The Banes
CHAPTER 2; Forever Enemies
CHAPTER 3; Tryouts
CHAPTER4; The Morgue
CHAPTER 5; Battle In The Morgue
CHAPTER 6; We Killed Them All
CHAPTER 7; What Is The Gem?
CHAPTER 8: The Flesh Eating Beauty
CHAPTER 9: Family Dinner
CHAPTER 11; What Happened
CHAPTER12: Emotional Support
Chapter 13; To Kill Or Not To Kill

CHAPTER 10: Apologies and Deaths

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By Auseda12

After Reese and his family left, Aric got a thorough scolding from both parents "how could you beat him up?! And say all those things about him?!" His mother screeched "I thought I raised you better!" She yelled as Aric, as he stomped into his room he could hear his parents retiring to their rooms his dad no doubt packing to leave the next day, as Aric stripped down to his boxers and flopped on his bed. Aric couldn't sleep, Reese's face kept flashing in his head, his face as he yelled all those things at him, he felt incredibly guilty, Reese looked so sad, no not sad, hurt, pained Aric remembered Adriàn's words 'he hasn't forgotten either and even though he doesn't look like it he's still struggling' Aric could remember when Reese always wore baggy sweaters to school because of the way most guys mad fun off his feminine figure, he remembered how Reese always looked on edge and seemed to have absolutely no self esteem until Adriàn befriended him which everyone found weird because Adriàn was literally the one of the  most popular guy in their grade, with his good looks nice caring and silent attitude most girls were head over heels for him and to top it off the guy could cook, he attracted girl like honey, after that Reese slowly started to gain more confidence in himself and that's when things went down, Aric shook his head trying to rid himself of the horrible thought.
Aric woke up early the next morning, he took a shower and slipped into a light gray tee and blue jeans with white sneakers, he grabbed his car keys, he planned to look for Sarina and take her out for breakfast and maybe ask her for some advise. He managed to find the small cabin, he knocked on the door and Sarina answered it she was wearing something similar to what she was wearing yesterday, a baggy plaid button down long sleeve t-shirt tucked into slightly baggy blue jeans the outfit was weird but Sarina still made it work "hey Aric, what brings you here?" She asked "I came to take you out for breakfast" he replied she raised an eyebrow "you're not the type I'll date" she said as Aric rolled his eyes "I don't want to take you on a date I need advice" said Aric as Sarina sighed "okay, buy me breakfast" she said.
Ben's cafe was filed with customers as usual so Aric didn't notice an angry fourteen years old storm up to him until Sarina poked him "do you know that chic?" she asked "kinda, she loves on my street" he said as Irena marched towards him, she was wearing a dark blue short sleeved dress that clashes with her pale skin tone, her ash blonde hair was done in a simple fishtail braid as it usually was her pale bangs were brushed out of her face, her eyes as usual were ice blue and cold narrowed at him as she stomped towards him, even though she was wearing flats Aric could still hear her approaching him she grabbed his wrist in a vice like grip and dragged him away from the prying eyes of the public Sarina behind him. Once they were hidden Irena wacked him across the face with her purse fast that Aric barely saw it coming, Sarina gasped trying to bite back her laughter "I know something went down between you and Reese I saw his face this morning,  you better apologize to him because right now he looks like a his suffering from depression" she said her voice harsh "this morning the things he said, Adriàn said something about him relapsing into God knows what, by Hina told me you're hurting much as he is so you better go fix it with him or next time I will literally bend you over my knee and wack you with my purse" said Irena her voice softer than it was before as she marched away, "want to tell me what all that was about?" Sarina asked.
Aric told her everything right from the beginning, "you were a total douche" she said as she sipped her coffee, "but you were jealous and heartbroken, I understand that" she said, "but that doesn't justify the things you said to him so you better fox it with him next time you see him" said Sarina Aric sighed "I doubt he wants to see me" said Aric, Sarina shrugged "both of you are hurt you have to settle it or you'll both be hurt for a long time" she said. He spent the rest of the day with Sarina, they went shopping, then to the arcade, then the park and after that Sarina helped him work on what he would say to Reese, "thanks for today" said Sarina as he dropped her off "no problem" he replied.
It was seven thirty when he got home, his dad had already left and he was exhausted, it seemed he and mom managed to work something out because she was in a good mood baking pie for tomorrow's breakfast, he climbed upstairs to his room and promptly flopped on his bed as the voices began chanting growing 'The dead are coming! The dead are coming!' he popped his pills in his mouth effectively shutting out the voices as he drifted off to sleep.
Gordon Thames made his way down the empty streets of Ceford Valley be planned to spend the rest of the night at a hotel he had booked downtown Maine. He was humming along to the song on his radio when his car engine spluttered and then his car stopped he climbed out checking the engine,he called the mechanic and gave him his location as he leaned against the seats of his car. A high pitched hunting horn blared through the empty streets as Gordon sat up, the putrid smell of rotten flesh embraced the air as Gordon choked on the smell he got out of his car searching teeth street at the a clanking noise echoed down the street, he whipped around and came face to face with a druagar it was huge with bulging biceps, it was four times Gordon's height as it towered over him easily "where is the Dragon's Gem and it's wearer?" It asked "I don't know what you're talking about" said Gordon as the Draugar asked the asked again "I don't-" his sentence was cut off as the druagar grabbed him by the head with it's massive fist, it squeezed and Gordon's head popped spraying his car and it's rusty amour with flesh and brain matter, the Draugar threw the limp body and staggered away.

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