Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠1...

Av MysticTalia

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Jimin is confident, bold, sexy, a little arrogant oh- and bisexual. He doesn't care what other's think or say... Mer

Words to you


971 70 10
Av MysticTalia

Song recommendations:  Dynamite- BTS 
                                                     Army- Ellie Goulding 

Half a year. 

He had been asleep for half a year!!

It seemed impossible. 
It felt like it was yesterday, that day in the cabin. 
And for him, nothing had happened in between, but for Jimin... for his mother and his friends, half a year had passed. 

When his mother first told him- he hadn't wanted to believe it. 
To imagine what he had put them through. 

He thought she might be fucking with him, but not only was his mother someone who wouldn't do that, but he felt it in his body. 
He felt so incredibly weak and fragile. 

In those first few hours, he had barely been able to lift a finger, nor speak, the world dizzy and far away. 
So he had lain there as his mother stroked his hair, cried next to him while she told him about his missing half year. 

Jimin had come every single day, bringing him flowers and taking care of his withering, weakening body. 
And he moved in with his mother. 

He couldn't believe the changes. 

His parents were divorced, Jimin's mother and brother moved to Japan, his boyfriend was living with his mother, Han-Gyeol got a life sentence and the other men from that video were locked up too. 

He could feel all the pain and grief and hardship Jimin had gone through because of his state, his small body shaking and he kept staring at him. 
He only closed his eyes for a few seconds, the dizziness and drowsiness not yet gone from his head, and he would find Jimin's panic filled eyes in front of him, scared he was in a coma again. 

He wanted to hold the other boy close and never let him go, but there were a ton of procedures and tests the doctors had to put him through. 

Except for the occasional dizzy-spells, the fact that everything he did left him breathless and exhausted, he was fine. 
No headache, no memory gaps and nothing hurt. 
Nothing except the knowledge of how much the other's had cried over him, not sure if he would ever wake up. 

And yet, despite it all, he didn't regret it. 
He would do it again. 

He was just getting back from an MRI-scan, being rolled through the halls while feeling like a complete wuss.
But it wasn't just his mother and Jimin waiting for him. 

All hell broke loose as his six Hyungs stood in the little room and upon seeing him broke out in both tears, laughter, screams of joy and then threw themselves at him. 

It seemed they couldn't get enough of him as they surrounded him, hugging him, squeezing him tight.

His heart was about to explode. 
They had all waited. 
They had never lost hope and kept planning for his return. 
And those plans were now announced loudly, the six of them talking simultaneously which finally did cause him a headache. 

He chuckled and gently pushed them away. Well, he didn't have the strength to push any harder anyway. 

"Okay, okay, whatever you said, we'll do it all. But not before every single one of you tells me exactly what happened while I was out."

And the noise kept going, all of them starting to speak at the same time again. 

"Stop it, boys."
Sharp, final and strict. 
His mother, but not. 

This woman was someone he both knew and hardly recognized. 
She still had that steel in her: than cold fierceness which could sent anyone trembling to their knees and follow her orders without question. 

But she was also the woman who had put her son over her religion- over her husband and the orderly, neat world she'd lived in. 
She had taken in Jimin, sat with him during the nights when he cried and made sure he ate well, had a warm bed to sleep in and not have to go back to that wretched house. 

And he saw it in the way they interacted. 
For Christ Sake, Jimin was calling her Eom-ma which, according to the small boy, had been something she'd insisted on. 

There was love between them. 
They were a family. 
All of them. 

And now that his friends were there: complete. 
His life was utterly, absolutely complete. 

He watched with a little sympathetic smile as all six of them fell into line at the three words out of his mother's mouth, lowering their heads and whispering a "Sorry, Mrs. Jeon" under their breath. 

His mother shot him a little knowing smile too, then straightened her back. 
"Okay. Now, I talked with the doctors earlier. Jungkook has to stay in hospital for a couple more days but it seems he can go home after that. I will head home now and make us all some dinner and will be back later. I'm leaving my two sons in your hands, so you better behave!"

His heart stuttered at the mentioning of two sons, and Jimin had to come stand beside him, interlocking their fingers and smiling down at him. 
He was his family now too. 

His mother came over, kissed his forehead and let a hand run over Jimin's white hair, smiling at them both adoringly and there were tears shimmering in her eyes as she glanced down at their interlocked hands. 

"You two... I'm so happy for you." 

And she meant it with her whole heart. 

Jimin only beamed at her, but for Jungkook this was still so new. 
It felt like only a week ago, that day in front of the café as he saw Jimin stumble down the steps, face pale and wobbly lips after what his mother had said to him. 
And now there was love between them. 

Maybe his coma did have something positive.
It was like Yoongi always said: even in darkness there can be light.
Even when life is cloudy and rainy, there is a rainbow just behind the horizon. 

He watched his mother leave and then all hell broke loose again, the Hyung's swarming him once more. 
He looked at them more closely.

Taehyung had his wide, rectangular smile on his face, his eyes alight with the joy and happiness he carried around him like a ray of sunlight. 
Still happy- still innocent and sweet. 

Jin had changed his hair to black again, and while he kind of missed the purple, it made him look a little more mature and he wore a proud and self-assured smile on his face. 

Next to him, Namjoon looked possible even thicker, his arms bulging out under the tight shirt and like Jin, he changed his hair color. He never imagined light blue could suit anyone, but Namjoon rocked it like nothing he'd seen before, standing next to his boyfriend with an adoring smile. 

Hoseok was beaming down at him brighter than the sun, warming his heart and his soul even more.
Trapped in a half hug was Yoongi with a gummy smile playing on his lips.
It made him look younger, his face no longer as pale and ghostly and he held Jungkook's eyes with no trouble. 

"You really waited for me," he choked out, overwhelmed by his emotions. 

"Of course we did." Namjoon immediately replied, his expression that of a big brother. 

"We would have waited as long as it took." Yoongi continued, then widened his smile. 
"Although, you really could have hurried a bit."
"Sorry," he choked out, tears glistening in his eyes. 

"You better be!" Hoseok called out with a smile, but his eyes were shimmering too. 
The gratitude, relieve and love in the room was heavy and he didn't know what to say. 

Jimin noticed and came to his side, sitting down on his bed and wrapping his arms around his neck. 
"So, you want to know about what you've missed?" 
He could only nod, holding the small boy close as they all sat. 
And then they talked for hours. 


Jimin was half-asleep in his arms, his head on his chest like he was listening to his heartbeat. 
He imagined Jimin had lain like this a lot of nights, begging him to wake up.

The hospital had made an exception today, letting the young boy stay the night. 

Jungkook couldn't sleep. 
He was wide awake, leaning against the bedpost and he couldn't stop himself from stroking the smaller boy's hair. 
Jimin was exhausted from staying up and drinking with the boys last night, then driving his mother and brother to the airport, and then finding Jungkook awake. 

It was the same for him. 
Everything since the moment he opened his eyes this morning had been a hassle and a series of loud crying, screams of joy and doctors bombarding him with questions and poking him with stuff. 

 This moment right here, was the calmest he had been all day, and yet he couldn't close his eyes- couldn't look away from his half-asleep boyfriend.

As if sensing Jungkook watching him, Jimin slowly blinked his eyes open and when he met the younger's dark eyes, the happiness and relieve left him dazzled and beyond words.

Jimin was just so damn beautiful. 
After everything that happened, there were still moments like theses were he couldn't believe he was his.
That Jimin loved him and chose him and then waited for him for half a year without a fault. 

He swallowed hard, and Jimin's face grew more serious by what emotions he saw flash over the youngers face. 

 "I... I hadn't meant to ask you this tonight. I was going to wait, but I suddenly feel this will choke me if I don't do it now..." Jimin started, his voice carrying such deep emptions, that Jungkook wasn't sure he wanted to hear it, but he still nodded, his throat bobbing. 

Jimin let his soft, tiny hands run over his chest, keeping the eye contact as he whispered: 
"Why did you do it JK? You saw the gun- you knew what would happen and you still pushed yourself in front of me."

So that was it. 
He had felt Jimin's wish to say something all evening, felt it in his glances and the fumbling fingers. But with the other's there, he had kept quiet. 

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the small boys shoulder, holding him closer. 
"Yes, I saw the gun. I knew what would happen and no matter how things have turned out, I would do it again."

Jimin's head snapped up at that, his mouth parting. 
He chuckled at the obvious question, then raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the true curiosity in Jimin's expression.  

He let out a sigh, then made Jimin get up and sit next to him, pulled his head close and made sure their eyes were reflecting each other and their breath becoming one. 
"How can you ask me why, Jimin? It's because I love you." 

"And you didn't think I loved you too? You didn't think I would rather catch a bullet than you? Did you think of that?"

"There wasn't much time to think, love. I reacted more out of instinct. But the reason I said I would do it again, is because I'm selfish."

It was Jimin's turn to raise his eyebrows in confusion and it made Jungkook smile a little. 
It dropped a second later, as he reached out and slowly traced Jimin's puffy, lower lips with his index finger, the dim light in the room throwing everything into a low glow. 

"Yes. It was selfish, Jimin. Because I would have never been able to do what you have done. It would have broken me if it were you in that bed. And I'm sorry for making hat selfish choice. I'm sorry that while I was asleep, you were in pain. You are so much stronger than me Jimin, you always have been. You're strong and brave and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." 

A little choke left Jimin as he reached up too, tucking a strand of thick, black hair behind his ear.
"You owe me now, you hear me? You'll owe me for the rest of your life, just like I will owe you my life forever too."

"It will be forever, Jimin. You and me. Together. Until the stars fall from the sky and the moon stops shining, we'll be together." 

"Yes," came Jimin's breathy, trembling answer. 

He leaned down to gently nip at that puffy lip, then let his tongue run over it, delighting in the small hiccup it pulled from Jimin's throat. 

Something rose in him, awakening his body fully and letting a rush of hot desire rush through him. 
His hand on Jimin's chin found it's way further down, grazing the skin on his neck.
Jimin had gone completely still in his arms, staring at him like he had totally forgotten what it felt like.

He held his gaze- then slowly lowered his head, aware of the other boy's eyes following his movement. 

He stopped his lips a millimeter from his skin, teasing Jimin with his breath. 
"I am curious, Jimin-ah." 

He smiled, then shot out his tongue, licking upward. 
Jimin sucked in a sharp breath which was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. 
Another thrill went through him. 
He would never be able to get enough of this- of him.
"I've been gone half a year..." 

Slowly, Jungkook let his hands drop lower, drawing small circles over his chest with his knuckles, the white linen shirt offering little resistance. 
He felt the coiled muscles there, beneath his fingers, no doubt a result of the dance lessons he told him he took every week. 

He drew away from Jimin's neck to look into his eyes again, meanwhile reaching the hem of his shirt, playing with it with a smirk before he run his hands back up, this time on his bare skin.  

Jimin's breathing came out quicker, his cheeks heated and blushing as he kept still, those eyes wide and lips slightly parted. 
"Does that mean no one touched you like this for this whole time?"

Jimin finally snapped out of his stupor, snorting at him. 
"You think I would let anyone else touch me?"
"Not really, just wanted to make sure."

No, there really was no doubt in his mind, especially when he received a tiny moan when his fingers cupped one of his nipples, already peaking through he shirt, hard and ready. 

"We shouldn't be doing this..." 

He chuckled at Jimin's half-hearted try to sound reasonable. 
"And why not?" 
He nipped at his lower lip with his teeth, biting slightly.  

"Because this is a hospital?"
Jungkook only said: "So what?" and then pinched his other nipple, Jimin's back arching towards him. 
"A-and... there are probably nurses walking outside."
"Then you better be quiet." 

He shut him up with a kiss.
Not the soft, slow kisses like before. 
He opened his mouth, letting his tongue explore his while he pushed him down on the bed. 
Jimin let him, even grabbing the back of his head and pushing their lips together. 

Those small sighs, the little wriggle with his hips, the way the small boy fit so perfect against him- it drove him crazy. 

He kissed him harder, pushing Jimin's legs apart to slide in between them. 
He hated the way his hands were shaking, his arms barely able to hold him up as he leaned over Jimin. And his hard breath- only partly because of want, but also exhaustion. 

He wanted him- all of him, now, no matter who walked outside in these halls. 
But every single move, even just kissing him felt like climbing a mountain, his vision blurring with exhaustion, 

And Jimin knew it. 

He pulled away, managing to ease Jungkook off him too easily, like he barely weighed anything while he was heaving, trying to catch his breath. 

He let him, mostly because he didn't have the strength to do anything else. 
He let out an annoyed growl to which Jimin chuckled. 

He lay on his back again, Jimin half raised on his elbow, looking down at him with a soft smile. 
"Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?"
He scowled at him which caused another rumble of laughter to fill the small space. 

"Stop looking like a toddler whose favorite toy was taken away." 
He leaned down to nuzzle his nose against his cheek, planting a soft kiss there a second later. 
"We can play again soon JK, but for now you'll have to get you're strength back."

"And I will," he immediately shot back. 
"I will, and then your gonna wish I wouldn't have." 

Heat bloomed in Jimin's cheeks at the promise and a wild grin appeared a second later. 
"Can't wait. I already decided to drill you until you drop. I want all those muscles back as soon as possible."
He poked Jungkook's chest, then sighed and leaned his head over his heart once more. He felt the small body drape around him, their legs tangling and a small hand rubbing his stomach in comforting circles. 

"There is no reason to rush this. We have time, Jungkook. We finally have time and no one to worry about. No more hiding, no more being hurt, no more being apart."

He let out a long, long breath. 
Jimin was right. 
There was no Han-Gyeol anymore and his mother was more than accepting of their relationship. 
He would need time until he could fully grasp that this was true and real. 

He let his hands run through Jimin's hair again as the little act from just now finally summoned that sleepiness. 

And when he would open his eyes in the morning, the first thing he wanted to see, would be Jimin. 

And the day after. 
And the day after that. 



Sorry for taking so much time with this chapter...
But finally there is a happy ending in sight... even though I'm getting really emotional because it feels like this story is coming to and end and I'm not ready to let go... 
Is there anything you guys definitely want to see in the coming chapters? If so, let me know :D

Keep loving, be kind and find your own way.


-your Talia

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