
By Justmacymo

269 43 122

It is a high school story that just follows Nightmare and Dream's lives both in school and family life, are... More

Into n/a
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chaper 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 - Final

Chapter 7

11 1 9
By Justmacymo

<Nightmares POV>

I woke up to the morning light shinig through the blinds on my windows, I try to sit up but am unable too for 2 reasons. 1 there was something heavy lying on my arm causing it to be completely numb and 2 whenever I tried to sit up something on my waits pushed me down. I use my free arm to turn on my bedside lamp and see Dream and Drista. I remember now they fell asleep in my bed, Drista was lying on my arm, turned towards me, and I had one the other arm around her ( although not anymore as I moved it ), and Dream was lying on the other side of Drista with his arm over the top of her resting on my waist.

"Nope your not getting up." Dream says his eyes still closed as I try to get up again.

"Fine what time is it we have to be at school by 9:00 so I am going to get up at about 7 and it's currently...?" I say reaching for my phone.

"6," dream says, "it's 6 so you can't back down and cuddle with me and Drista until 7 then you can get up. I feel safe for once in this house and I don't want to lose that."

"Ok" I say giving up fighting against Dream.

We stay like that for the next hour drifting in and out of a light sleep.

"Huh where am I and why are you two cuddling me so tightly?" Drista says her voice heavy with sleep.

"Last night mum went a bit off, Dream had an episode and you had a panic attack so we stayed with you tonight" I say, pulling my arm out from under her head as she sits up.

I stretch and head into the bathroom to have a shower, I undress and step into the cool water letting it run down my back. I stay in there for a few minuets letting the cool water run over all the scars and bruises.

I get out, wrap a towel around me, brush my teeth and calling to Dream so he could shower and walked into my room to get dressed. I walk over to my wardrobe (I think Americans call it a closet) when my phone vibrates in my nightstand. I walk over to it to see a snap from Sapnap, I laugh at the fact that Snapchat is snap chatting me, I open it to see a half face picture with the caption
"Morning Night, how are you after last nights episode?"

I snap him a picture of half my face and add the caption "Yeah but I have a few things to talk to you about either at lunch or after school"

Snapnap 🐼
Wait are you naked

No I have a towel but you interrupted me getting dressed

Snapnap 🐼
Oh sorry
Get dressed I'll see you at school :)

Yeah see you at school :)

Sapnap 🐼
Oh wait one more thing Dream told me that you sang for the first time last night I'm so proud of you <3

I did it felt good thank you

I get dressed into black combat pants with many pockets and added a few chains for decoration and tuck the bottom of it into some black lace up combat boots. I put on a lime green waterproof jumper, put a price of metal shoulder armour on that has a strap that goes around my chest and wrapped my arms in my classic black bandages. I grabbed my holster and hunting knife strapping it to my waist. I put on some black winged eyeliner and mascara. I don't normally wear make up but I was feeling it today. I pack my bag and walk down to the kitchen to make myself some marmite toast I also make Dream some. Drista had hers earlier whilst we were showering so I don't have to worry about getting her some. I sit down to eat, Dream sits down opposite nodding an 'are you ok' to me I smile in response, we finish our breakfast yell goodby and leave the house for school.

"Wait before we go do you have stuff for PE? You need some form of change in clothes I recommend combat trousers and a t shirt." Dream says stopping in front of our house.

"Oh do I? One second let me grab something." I say as I run inside the house back up to my room grabbing a pair of black cargo pants with less pockets than the one I'm wearing, a fitted black crop to and some deodorant (just in case).

When I get back down I see Punz is there too chatting to Dream, "Hey Punz, I though we were meeting you at the corner?" I say.

"Well I got there really early this morning so instead of waiting I walked over here." He replied.

"You two got everything you need like PE kit and books and all" Dream prompted, "I'm taking the silence as a yes. Alright let's get going."

Me and Punz follow behind him catching up. We made small talk the way there, just chatting about what is going to happen today like lesson wise and also Minecraft.

"DREAM MA FRIEND" someone shouts from behind us, we turn around to see Tommy, Will and techno walking up to us.

"Hey Tommy!" Dream says.

"So Big-D do-" Tommy starts but Dream cuts him off.

"Don't call me Big-D just Dream please"

"Fine Dreeam, anyway as I was saying before I was interrupted do you wanna ditch these boomers and go see Tubbo and the others with me?" He asks,

"Er yeah sure. Sorry guys Tommy is cooler I'll see you in double Pe and Will at lunch." He says gives us a little two finger salute as a goodby before walking off.

"Well, the nerds have gone how is everyone?" Techno asks.

"Yeah I'm good" I say with Punz and Will agreeing as we walk towards the main group of people.

Sapnap notices us walking over and runs towards us, "Oh thank god you guys are here George is just spouting tired rubbish." He says.

"What you left Gogy for us how could you the beauty that man holds how could you leave him." Will says walking over to George, "Oh to be as handsome and Goggy."

"Well he's love sick." Punz says.

Earning a laugh from all of us. We chat for a bit longer a couple of others in the group join us before the bell rings and we head over to the Gym for Pe, forming a little group of people in our class.

I turn to Niki, "Do you have any idea what we are are doing this lesson?"

"I believe we are combat training so like fighting and stuff. But don't worry about that the teacher will tell us about it." She reply's

I follow her into the changing rooms, "Just put on the clothes you brought and put the ones you've changed out of in the locker." She says smiling at me.

I changed into the clothes I brought putting everything in a locker. I was just lacing up my boots when Niki came over and sat next to me lacing up her trainers, "You look amazing." She says pulling her hair up into a pony tale.

"Thank you Niki you look very pretty yourself."

"Just a quick pointer the teacher may give you a hard time about the arm..." she says motioning to my bandages.

"Oh," I say, "That's a bit annoying as I won't take them off if they tell me too."

"If you don't mind me asking why do you have them on is it for style or are they hiding something?" She asks looking at me with kind eyes. "You don't have to answer in depth just so I can stick up for you if you need it, I figured that there is many things your hiding from us Night. Not that I mind I just want to be your friend." She finishes.

"I understand," I say, "the bandages do hid something I don't really talk to anyone other than Dream and Sapnap, but unfortunately for me your very perceptive so have probably already guessed what they are hiding."

Niki just noddes in response as we walk toward the bleachers to see the boys already there we join them at the back. Me and niki sit next to each other in between Punz and Dream as they had moved aside to give us room to sit.

<Punz's POV>

I got changed quickly into the sports gear I brought and sit next to Dream on the bleachers in the gym.

We are just chatting with each other and a couple others from our friendship group.

I saw Night and Niki walking from the changing rooms towards us on the bleachers they seem to be in a deep conversation probably about the bandages on Nighst arms as they both keep looking at them. I move over slightly giving them space to sit in between me and Dream.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm doing ok I hope we are doing something interesting or I'll probably fall asleep." She giggles.

"You only have to run two laps of the gym minimum normally but the teacher said last lesson that we will be doing something different today that he would like us all to join in on for the whole lesson." I reply.

"God I'm so tired I was looking forwards to PE as I used to be good at it like before, but if this is dull then I'm walking." She says resting her head on my shoulder and making fake crying sounds.

I laugh at how dramatic she is stoking her head a little, " I didn't know you could be so dramatic."

"Tell me about it she's the worst for dramatic." Sapnap says.

Night acts offended lifting her head off my shoulder to stick her tongue out at Sapnap.

"Ok class so today's lesson is going to be a bit different normally you have to run 2 laps to get participation then you can chose to join in with the rest of the lesson or not. But today, today I want everyone to join in as I will be teaching you some important self defence skills," I see Night sit up slightly more at the words self defence, "it's important to know how to defend yourself so I will teach you a few simple but effective moves that you can practice and then if you want at the end we can have a little fight between the more confident people." He finishes.

I whisper to Night and Sapnap, "This sounds fun."

"Yeah it does but I am not partnering up with Night you can but I'm not, or Dream for that matter." He raises his voice slightly. Eret you want to partner with me if we have partners?" Sapnap asks.

"Sure Sapnap, I would have thought that you would have partnered with Night or Dream?" Eret says.

"No chance they'd kill me." He says.

"So punz do you want to partner with me?" Night says turning to me.

Shit. "Er is Sapnap right would you kill me?"

"God no I can partner with Dream if you want, like both of us were taught to fight by our dad when we were little so I could but I won't." She says.

"Um, Antfrost do you want to partner with me?" I say panicking.

"Yeah sure I'm not very strong tho go easy on me." He says.

"Damn you really did just say no thanks I'm scared." Night says laughing.

"I think it's valid you didn't deny the fact that you could kill me." I say.

"True, true" she says.

"Ok everyone come down and pick a mat." The coach says.

I follow everyone down off of the bleachers to a mat.

"You do know I wouldn't try and kill you your my best friend that would be counter initiative." Night whispers to me on the way down.

"I know Night but I feel safer not fighting you, until I know what I am doing." I whisper back.

"Ok that's understandable have fun." she reply's smiling before walking over to her mat which was next to mine standing with Dream.

"Ok class so I want to see first what you know so I will come round to each pair and one of you will try and punch the other, you will not actually punch them as your fist will not make contact with your partners face. The person being punched will try and dodge or block the punch as best you can do I can see as a class what we need to work on."

He made his way around the class some pairs and individuals being more capable and others not so good.

Finally it was mine and Ants turn we were second to last as Dream and Night were after us. "Ok boys it's your go Punz you will attack first then swap."

We nod and start. I was trying hard to punch Ant but at the same time not punch him that was difficult. After about 3 mins the coach calls a stop and for us to switch, we fight for a bit with me dodging a few of Ants punches and blocking a few with my arm like I'd seen someone do before. He calls an end and I pay Ant on the back.

"Good job I think that went well." I say.

"Yeah I think so too, now to watch the one person no one would partner with." He reply's laughing.

I nod in response and we sit on our mat to wach.

<Dream's POV>

Well shit it's our tern. I am not ready Night is just stood there smiling like the little bitch she is, no don't talk about your sister like that she's nice really but just a little over confident.

"You ready?" I ask

"Yeah I'm ready." She giggles.

The coach walks up to us and says that I'm attacking Night first, I mean that's good I can get my confidence up a little. It's not that she's necessarily better than me we are pretty even in ability but she just is a little more confident.

I take a breath filled my fingers and punch her. She blocks it with ease and a massive smile on her face. Cocky bastard I think laughing slightly, smiling. I relax into the fight slightly throwing punches trying to catch her off guard but she never lets her guard down so that's easier said than done.

I notice 3 minuets have gone by and the coach hasn't stopped us I take a quick glance over to him and he seems impressed.

I take the little boost of confidence and continue.

"Ok you can stop now." The coach says. "So have you two fought before?" He asks we both nods in response, "Perfect I wanted someone to demonstrate something for me."

"Sure why not we can demonstrate." I reply.

The lesson drags on with the teacher talking about some basic self defence skills it was boring because I knew it all already.

Eventually we get to the end of the lesson and the teacher addressed the class. "So I have a little competition you can chose to join if you want or not it will be fighting based. So I will tell you about it then everyone who depend want to participate can sit on the bleachers until the end of the lesson. Ok so we will conduct some fights we will do them on a safety mat and use the tap out system. I will try and reduce the risk of the fight you aren't trying to nock out your partner just pin them down. Ok who doesn't want to join in you can go sit on the bleachers you won't be marked down at all this is just for fun."

All of the girls but Night go sit down along with most of the boys. Out of our group it's only me, Night, Sapnap, Punz and Techno.

After a little bit the coach looks over those of us left standing in the middle of the gym. "Ok cool so I am going to partner you up randomly and you will fight you'll fight once each as that's all we have time for before you need to go and get dressed."

<Nightmares POV>

I got partnered with that bitch Sam you know the bully from my first day. Great. Actually I was watching him earlier I'm better than him and it will be enjoyable to beat him I may or may not even do something 'accidentally' that could hurt him, only a little though.

I walk over to the assigned mat and he joined me.

"I see you just couldn't stay way from me." he says. His cocky smirk almost makes me throw up.

I hum in response.

The coach blows a whistle signifying the fight starts, he throws a punch at me which I block easily I let him throw a few more punches which I block. I'll be honest this fight is a price of cake like he is seriously shit. I got kinda bored so I did a quick little manoeuvre which left him lying flack on the floor I put my foot on him as kinda like a power move. He groans in pain, I laugh knowing what I did would have hurt a little.

The coach walks over to us looking at Sam lying flat on the floor just rolled his eyes, "I'm surprised it took you so long," he says smiling at me, "I would have thought that you would have had him floored a while ago."

"Yeah I let him throw a few punches first then I got bored." I say simply shrugging.

He nodded going to speak to some of the other pairs and I make my way towards the bleachers sitting in between Ponk and Antfrost who moved over allowing me to sit between them.

"I see why no one wanted to fight with you now." Ponk says laughing nervously.

"Yeah your a beast fighting both in Minecraft and normal life." Antfrost said.

I laugh slightly, "Yeah my dad taught me how to fight and I practice on Dream a lot."

"Practice on Dream?" Ponk says looking scared.

I just smirk in response.

They both nod and we talk a little about the lesson whilst the others finish, then me and Niki broke away from the others to go to the girls changing room.

When we had finished getting changed and were tying our shoe laces Niki whispered to me "You know the other girls have been talking about you and giving you weird looks?"

"Yeah I overheard a couple of them, they were talking about how it's not natural that I can fight like this and it's strange and all and how I'm strange. I don't mind tho I know I'm different and I'm not changing." I say.

"Good I'm glad I like you how you are" she says smiling at me and we walk out into the gym joining the boys.

I walk next to Punz as we head to the cafeteria.

———-End of Chapter———
Word count = 3225

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