Insane ~ taekook

By OiFeLiXcOmEReBrOo

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Taehyung is a psychology major who just so happens to be sent to a certain mental institute where he meets so... More

Chapter One ~ The start
Chapter 2 ~ And so they met
Chapter 3 ~ his smile
Chapter 4 ~ D-2
Chapter 5 ~ Safe place
Chapter 6 ~ Jimin
Chapter 7 ~ A gift
Chapter 8 ~ Unwanted visitor
Chapter 9 ~ kookie
Chapter 11 ~ Hurt
Chapter 12 ~ soobin
Chapter 13 ~ mistakes
Chapter 14 ~ redemption
Chapter 15 ~ Monday
Chapter 16 ~ mommy issues
Chapter 17 ~ 🤷‍♀️
Chapter 18 ~ i can show you the world~
Chapter 19 ~ rooftop
Chapter 20 ~ first kiss

Chapter 10 ~ Broken

113 6 26
By OiFeLiXcOmEReBrOo

~ S u n d a y ~

F a m i l y D i n n e r



Taehyung walked up to the pretentiously large house that he spent most of his childhood trapped in, passing by the front garden, that had multiple gardeners working in it daily, with his brother beside him

Every Sunday Taehyung stood here as terrified as always, he didn't hate his parents nor did he fear them, Taehyung believed that he should always listen to them and do as told because their doing what's 'best' for him and anything that they had done in the past was for that exact reason but still every week Taehyung was petrified to enter the building, it was the horrible memories of feeling alone and empty that made him loathe the house his family loved

Yeonjun felt extremely uncomfortable wearing taehyungs clothes but in his current predicament he needed to be on his parents good side which meant being the perfect son for the night and not setting himself up to be yelled at for wearing crop tops or anything that would set his parents off... he even had to remove his nail polish and took his earrings out for this, he couldn't even recognise himself in the mirror before he left, he looked more like Taehyung then Taehyung himself

"Ugh hyung why are your legs so short, these trousers hardly fit me" the younger whined reviving a slap on the back of his head

"Shut the fuck up it's not my fault you're literally 90% legs, do you even have a torso?" Taehyung replied making yeonjun groan and before the younger could hit him they reached the door, immediately entering

Although he would never admit he was glad to be coming here with yeonjun with him instead of waiting inside for the older, it gave him the slight bit of confidence he needed to walk inside with no hesitation


The family was sat down at the table with the food their chefs had prepared in front of them while Taehyung waited to be asked the same questions he was asked every Sunday

"So, Taehyung, how's things between you and Jennie?" The boys mother asked before taking a bite of her food

Taehyung rolled his eyes, here we go

"Things are Fine, she decided to stay with her parents for a few days since she was missing them"
He hated lying to his parents but what else could he say? Oh yeah she left because she hates my bitch of a brother who hates her equally as much he knew he couldn't even mention yeonjun once in it since he promised to help his brother try to persuade his parents to let him back home or at least get him his own apartment

"How are you yeonjun? I see that living with Taehyung has already started to influence you" his father said with a smile before their mother spoke again

"Yeah, you finally look like part of this family and you actually look like a boy-"

"Mom" Taehyung cut her off with a stern look knowing she was about to say something that would upset his younger brother

"What? I'm speaking the truth, I'm glad your little dressing like a girl phase has ended"

Taehyung looked over to yeonjun who was clenching his fist, eager to say something back

He used all of the self control he had to stop himself from screaming at his mother, something about the word 'phase' completely triggered him but he had to stay calm

Quickly changing the subject Taehyung interjected "so I have a question, you guys just sent yeonjun packing knowing he doesn't have any money or anywhere to go?"

"Pffft... I'd hardly say he had no where to go, he has you and all of them little loud annoying friends of his, we wasn't worried for a second about him finding somewhere to stay" their mother said without any guilt of throwing her son out while her husband stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved in any of this

"So he's supposed to live with me forever? I mean I'm fine with him staying for a while but he needs to live his own life"

"No he can get a job" yeonjuns eyes widened almost jumping up from his chair

"You never made me get a job, why are treating him like this!" taehyungs parents forcing him to do things he could let go but how they've always acted towards yeonjun annoyed him in a way he couldn't describe, even when they were younger and at each other's throats Taehyung would always stick up for him

"Don't raise your voice at me! if he was to study and take his education seriously for once instead of only caring about his social life then we wouldn't be in this situation... all I ever did was try to raise you boys well and it worked for one of you but somehow not the other. Honestly I swear sometimes he isn't even my son, how did we end up with such a fuck u-"

"DONT YOU DARE FINISH THAT" their father abruptly stood up from the table, having heard enough "we are here tonight for a peaceful family meal and if you can't keep your thoughts to yourself then leave, either way you do NOT speak to him like that"

As his parents started yelling at each other taehyungs phone started to ring which usually he would just decline but seeing who it was he quickly ran into the other room, only being noticed by his brother and answering the phone

"Hello, dr Jung is everything alright?"

"Actually no... there's been a problem with jungkook and I think your the only one that could help"


After not even 5 minutes Taehyung returned to the table, running to yeonjuns side before whispering to him "would you be ok if I left?"

"What?! No you can't leave me with this" he pointed at his yelling parents

Hastily, Taehyung slipped a set of keys into yeonjuns hands "take my car and go home"

He was about to leave but before he could yeonjun grabbed his arm "where are you going?"

"I'll tell you later I just need to go now"


Taehyung had gotten one of his family's drivers to take him to the mental institute as fast as he could and when he ran through the doors something about all of this gave him a feeling that he knew something was bad

Running through the first few doors, completely skipping through security he was met by the woman who he had spoken to just minutes prior who walked alongside with him

"What happened?"

"We aren't sure he just attacked one of the nurses and he won't let anyone anywhere near him, we would've gave him a sedative but like I said we can't get close enough without the threat of someone getting hurt, if we sent guards in all the progress we've made with him will be gone, which is why I called you"

Taehyung started running as fast as he possibly could, not even thinking about what he might see he just needed to get there

Running to the end of the familiar hallway he finally reached jungkooks room but stopped once he reached the door, frozen still

Jungkook was sat on the bed crying, hands covered in blood as well as the walls and floor along with a hole in the wall that wasn't there before

"T-Taehyung" jungkook looked up at the older, moved backwards away from Taehyung, who just stood there "go away... I don't want to hurt you please just leave" jungkook cried out

Without second thought Taehyung ran up to the younger, engulfing him in a hug, not caring about if he gets hurt or the blood that would now be on his clothes as well "I'm not scared of you kookie" he pulled him tighter, placing his chin on the top of the youngers brown hair who was clinging to taehyungs shirt

After a few minutes Taehyung pulled away and placed both of his hands on jungkooks face, cupping his cheeks "are you okay?"

"Why aren't you scared of me? Why aren't you running away from me"

"I'm not leaving you and I don't care if you hurt me all I care about is if you're okay"

Jungkook then leaped forward, arms around taehyungs body and head against his stomach "I- I... I d-didn't mean to, I don't know what I was doing"

Taehyung sat down on jungkooks bed, having to detach himself from the crying boy but soon putting his arm around him again

"What happened?" Jungkook tried to steady his breathing as he thought back, anger and sadness started flooding through his body once more but ultimately he was scared

"I s-saw her" he replied while shaking in the olders arms


"The woman that killed my parents"

"Wait what?"

Jungkook knew he was going to tell Taehyung the full story some day of what happened when he was younger although he was scared that he was going to leave him right now he needed to talk to someone

"You know you can talk to me right?" Taehyung said while running his fingers through jungkooks hair in an attempt to help calm him. Tears started to fill the olders eyes, he hated seeing jungkook like this

"I had an amazing family, almost perfect... there was so much love and happiness but there was this woman, apparently she and my dad used to date but he left her for my mom and she got angry, when I was 9 I heard my dad arguing with someone on the phone saying that he wasn't going to leave his family for her, a few days later my dad came home panicking and telling us we was going away for a while and immediately started packing our bags, before we could leave there was a knock on the door and when my mom went to answer it I heard a bang so me and my brother ran downstairs and seen blood everywhere and my mom lead on the floor when there was another bang and this time it was from the living room where my dad was, I started screaming and crying while my brother held my hand dragging me back upstairs trying to run away from the woman but I wanted to see my mum so I ran back down" he started crying even harder as he thought back to the worst day of his life, he hadn't told people about this before but something about Taehyung being there made him want to tell the older everything, he trusted him

"W-when I ran d-down my uh... m-my brother followed me and the woman she, she pointed the gun at me and i closed my eyes then hearing a bang but I didn't feel anything... when I opened my eyes my brother was in front of me and I caught him when he fell backwards... my brother died in my arms because of me.. because I was so dumb that I didn't run away and then he still tried to save me. I thought that was it but she came back and shot me... everything went black and I was so scared but when I woke up I was in a bed, thinking it was all a nightmare just to find out I had been in a coma for 3 months but my family were all dead, for some reason I got to live but my family didn't" the younger wiped his tears, sitting up

"It was 11 years ago today it happened and i saw her, she walked into the room holding a gun and before I could even think I started hitting her as hard as I could until all I could see was blood and that's when she just turned into one of the nurses, I swear I thought it was her I would've never hurt the nurse I promise"

Taehyung held him close, tightly wrapping his arms around him "I don't mean to I didn't" jungkook kept repeating until Taehyung shushed him

"I know you didn't mean to, you're not a bad person" with everything that jungkook had been through Taehyung knew that it didn't make him some monster, most people with ptsd tend to hallucinate things that aren't real but the fact that jungkook feels guilty proves that isn't some crazy psycho he's just a human who's hurt more then anyone could understand

"I should've died that night I shouldn't have lived" instantly Taehyung pulled back and looked into his eyes

"Don't you ever say anything like that, I know it's been hard for you but things will get better ok, you're still alive for a reason"

Jungkook stayed silent, not wanting to say anything because he didn't know what he even could say right now

"...where did she shoot you?"

"The uh... In my head... it grazed it so it didn't cause major brain damage just a few weird side effects" jungkook held taehyungs hand and brought it to his head where his scar was

His hair was long enough to cover the scar but jungkook never wanted it any shorter in case it would show so Taehyung didn't even know it was there

Jungkook let go and Taehyung ran his fingers over the area where he felt the scarred skin and slight dent but all he was focusing on was how jungkook was looking at him

The two stared at each other, not even blinking

Since jungkooks head injury he had always unintentionally said or did the first thing that came to his mind and acted on any impulses which is how he developed the loss of any filter when he's talking

And that's also what lead him to doing this

Without a single thought jungkook jumped forward, placing his lips on taehyungs


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