Cursed or Not (I don't care)...

By hanahimitsu

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This is a romantic ShigurexOC fan fiction based in the series Fruits Basket. All the characters and elements... More

01. Back to where all started
02. Reunited again
03. The calm before the storm
04. Getting to know you
05. The Storm
06. Retreat
07. Unrequited feelings
08. Stay close to me
09. Confession
10. Tangled
11. Too late
12. Paying off the debt
13. Kept away
14. A little haven of peace
16. Giving the cold shoulder

15. I can't stand it anymore

334 10 13
By hanahimitsu

Important note: I'm not a native english speaker (nor a professional writer), and though I feel kind of comfortable with it, my level is far from being bilingual. Even so, I wanted to write this story in english so it can be reached by more people (specially Furuba fans). Please let me know any typo or mistake that I can have done in the comments of each chapter so I can polish it as much as possible. Thanks in advance and please enjoy it!

* * *

Before Nao and Tohru could continue talking about a bit of everything, Nao's mother briefly interrupted them arriving with the long-awaited cake. Once Tohru got introduced to Hanako, and noticing they were having a good time catching up, she let them be alone for a little longer claiming she needed to buy some groceries and run some errands before dinner, and invited Tohru to spend the night there since there would be no classes the next day. Nao considered that a great idea and begged her to accept, so Tohru was unable to refuse.

The three of them spent a nice time having dinner together, and Tohru thought that Nao and Hanako reminded her a lot of the times she was living with her mother. She treasured that moment a lot, and felt very grateful to them for sharing it with her. As expected, Hanako immediately felt affectionate for Tohru, finding her to be a really sweet girl.

Once finished, Nao urged Tohru to change into a pajamas she lent her and continue the talk they were having before. They got into Nao's bed and started chattering about a lot of stuff.

Nao listened enchanted to everything Tohru told her. She wanted to hear every single detail of their lives in the last couple of months. For what she narrated, it seemed like everything went pretty smooth for everyone and this made Nao feel relieved. Tohru told her about the school trip to Kyoto. About how Uotani suddenly changed all her part-time jobs. About Kyo and their plans to spend New Years Eve together at his step-father's house. And also about Hana-chan being interested in that man, Kazuma. Too much seemed to have happened in a short period of time. Nao felt a bit sad for having missed everything.

- And... what about Shigure? - asked hesitant - I realized... you never talk about him.

- Ah... sorry - apologized Tohru - He warned me... that you might became sad if I talk to you about him... - she doubted for a second - Could it be that... because he forced you to come back... Are you mad at him, Nao?

Nao couldn't help but laugh because of the funny conclusions of her friend.

- No, not at all Tohru. It has nothing to do with that. It's complicated to explain... But I'm not by any means mad at him.

- Ah... I'm relieved! - exclaimed Tohru, more lively now - You know... I think he misses you a lot...

- ... - Nao thought she missheard her - W-what? Me? W-why would you think that?

- You see... I don't believe he has a someone like you said... Because since the day he brought you here he hasn't been doing much more than working and attending some obligations, and I realized he is still using his studio as bedroom... - she made a little pause - What I think is... he's waiting for the day you can come back, Nao.

Nao felt a squeeze in her chest and involuntarily pressed it with one hand, like trying to stop it from hurting. Tohru noticed and thought she should add something else.

- That other thing in the bag I gave you is from him. That's why I told you to open it later... I don't know what it could be, but I feel it's something you should treasure especially.

Nao covered her face with her hands, hiding a silent cry. Tohru hugged her and a few minutes later, both of them fell asleep while still embracing each other.

* * *

Next morning, Nao walked Tohru to the train station where they said goodbye with another big hug. Before Tohru got on the train, Nao gave her a little piece of folded paper.

- Give my regards to everyone and... please, give this to Shigure-san.

Tohru contemplated it for an instant and then nodded and smiled to her. Then got into the train waving her hand. Nao ran back to her house as soon as the train left the station.

When she reached home she went upstairs all the way directly to her room, and there she opened the drawer where she had left the envelope and the other things. She had actually already opened it that early morning while Tohru was still sleeping as she couldn't contain her desire to know what was inside. She found three things on the envelope: another draft with a few more chapters of the story of the little robin, as well as a note and a small flat box. First, she wanted to read the handwritten note over and over:

"To Izumi-san,

I'm sorry we haven't been able to celebrate your birthday in a proper way all together. We all, specially Tohru (as you can imagine), feel your absence every day.

You probably had noticed already that there're a couple of things along with this note, one is the continuation of the story I gave you last time and the other one is a little gift. But feel free to not use this last one it if you don't like it, I don't have a particular good taste chosing this kind of things.

Happy birthady, little robin.

From Shigure Sohma"

Nao covered her face with the letter, wanting to scream and cry and laugh all at once. It was too good to be real, and she had the recurring thought that she must be dreaming. To corroborate that it wasn't an illusion she touched the pendant that hung around her neck at that moment. That early morning, inside the small box, she found a fine silver necklace with a tiny and elegant figure of a bird on it. It was too small to know what kind of bird it could be, but she knew it was meant to be a little robin.

* * *

Shigure awaited for Tohru and the others to leave the house, so he could be completely alone, to sit at his desk and finally read the note Tohru gave him earlier.


I'm very grateful for your gift, I love it and I promise I'll always treasure it. I'm writing this fast so I can't thank you properly, but I want you to know that I changed my cellphone number so it can not be tracked... I wasn't sure if it was safe anyways so I didn't dare to call you, I leave that decision to you... The new number is xxx-xxx-xxx

I really want to see you.

He took a brief look to the old phone he had on his desk, and for an instant felt like pressing those digits, but then reconsidered it for some moments and then acknowledged that he should not be taking that risk. No matter how much he wanted to hear her voice.

* * *

When she took the draft with the new chapters on her hands she noticed them shaking. Now that she was certain that the little robin was actually her she wasn't feeling prepared to know how the story developed from now on. But it was just a couple of chapters so she gathered the courage to turn the pages.

The story continued from the point it ended last time. The grey wolf got used to the company of the little robin and even confided his secrets to him. To the surprise of the grey wolf, the little robin wasn't scared of his sorrowful and violent nature and it started to fly closer and closer to him each time. But one day... in a fit of rage, the grey wolf accidentaly bit the red robin causing him a fatal wound. The grey wolf got so scared that did nothing but run away, far from there. The grey wolf decided to hide in a cave and, convinced that he had killed his little friend, starved himself until he was practically dead. "This is what I deserve" was his last thought.

The story ended there, leaving uncertain the true outcome of both characters... When Nao finished reading the last lines she noticed how the tears had been hopelessly falling from her face into the paper. It took her several minutes to compose herself, and she was still sobbing when suddenly heard herself exclaiming:

- I can't stand it anymore! I really want to see you.

And like as if someone had just gave her the last push she needed to take action, Nao decided to carry out a plan that had been around his head for already a while. it was a bit reckless, but she was now determined.

* * *

New year's eve finally approached. All the zodiac members excepting the cat, that was always excluded, gathered in the main house of the Sohmas complex to had a private celebration with the 'God', Akito. Actually, Yuki had been also absent from this kind of celebration for some time aready, but this year he unexpectedly decided to attend. This produced a certain restlessness in Akito, as it meant that Yuki was no longer afraid of her, or at least not as much as in the past... On the other hand, Rin (the horse of the zodiac) didn't appear at all, she had her own reasons to not face the God. These unusual changes, summed to the cold atmosphere generated by some of the members, including not only Shigure, but also Hatori and some others zodiacs -each one for their particular reasons- caused that the mood of the feast wasn't cheerful or festive at all. And Akito could perfectly notice that, making her feel uneasy about it. Was she losing the cursed bonds that tied them to her no matther what? "No, that's impossible, right?" Said to herself, but then took a glanze to Kureno-san and a shiver ran through her body at the moment she remembered about the secret both of them have been keeping for a long time now. "... right?"

Both Tohru and Kyo -later also accompanied by Rin- spent the last evening of the year at his step-father home -Kazuma Sohma- where they had a traditional japanese dinner together. Kazuma was surprised when Kyo asked him about inviting Tohru to spend the day with them, but he felt deeply relieved to see how much Kyo had changed in so little time, until the point of bonding that much to another people. Having Tohru with them felt even like a gift for him, who always worried about Kyo and his sorrowful future being the cat of the zodiac... Maybe... there was some hope for him, after all.

* * *

The next day, as it's common during the first days of the year in Japan, Nao went to visit the shrine with a couple of friends dressing the traditional kimono. The place was packed with people and that bothered her a bit, but praying to the gods and making a new year's wish was mandatory for her that year, as she was in need of extra courage for what she was planning to do in a few days.

After tossing a coin and ringing the bell, as dictated by the customs of hatsumode*, Nao put her hands together and did her best effort asking the gods for good luck. "I know I don't pray much, but please lend me your luck on this matter"

- Hey, what did you wish for this year Nao? - asked one of her friends - You don't usually have any interest in this kind of things and this year you even insisted in trying omikuji**

- Yeah! I'm intrigued too. What's so important for you this year? - insisted her other friend, giving her a little nudge to encourage her to confess.

Nao sighed, acknowledging that her behavior regarding prayers and wishes has been a bit naive, at the same time she was unfolding her luck prediction to discover an "uncertain luck" message.

- Who cares anymore about these things... it's not like a little piece of paper can magically solve my problems... - and threw it at the first trash bin she found, a bit disillusioned by the gods' response to her prayers.

Her friends looked at each other confused, but without being able to avoid finding amusing the strangely dramatic attitude of their childhood friend.

- Hey, let's go somewhere to eat something delicious. That's the definitive secret to start the year on the right foot! - said one of them while grabbing the other two by their arms.

- Agreed! - Answered the other.

Nao smiled. It has been definitely a good idea to spend some time with her friends before facing other responsibilities. She decided to stop overthinking about the near future and to just enjoy the time being, she still had a few days to relax before her next move.


* religious tradition in Japan about visiting a shrine the first days of the year and offering prayers.

** a fortune-telling paper usually bought during hatsumode.

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