Beautiful Joy

By ChapterT

291 17 2

Fifteen year old Joy just went through the worst months of her life after the unexpected death of her mother... More



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By ChapterT

The school week passed quickly, some of the work was new but not too challenging.  I spent most of PE and lunch talking with Casey. I learned she had 1 older brother that was away at college and both her parents were elementary teachers. They had moved here in the middle of the last year, she explained she was shy and hadn't really made any friends.

Before I knew it, Friday was here. I had talked to my dad this morning and and couldn't contain my excitement when he told me they were planning to visit in two weeks. This week was turning out to be great. Even Kent seemed to have accepted us having class together.

Walking in the gym for PE, Coach handed out our new uniforms sending us to the lockers. I learned earlier in the week that Mr. Henley aka Coach, our PE teacher was also the schools beloved football coach.

After changing, he divided the class in teams of 6 to play volleyball. I'm no star athlete, but I have always loved volleyball so I was excited. Casey and I huddled beside each other, excited we got called on the same team. Not paying attention to who else was on our team I was surprised when Kent was right in front of me. Like he does anytime we're within 6 feet of each other he looked angry.

Casey whispered "What did you do to Kent, he keeps glaring your way". I learned quickly in the week that my brothers were popular. Often hearing about their 'mad skills' on the field or how attractive the girls thought they were.

Use to his dislike for me, I shrugged my shoulders and whispered back, "I was born", causing her to give me a puzzled look.

She knew I had four older brothers that I lived with and two little sisters back home but to be honest I kinda zoomed thru all the details. Casey had a basic nuclear family and I was a little worried of what my new friend might think of my drama filled existence.

She looked like she was about to question my response when Ben, another teammate interrupts. "Red, we meet again! Are you following me...should I be worried?" Ben and I have a lot of classes together and he says the same thing every time he sees me. He can be super flirtatious, and enjoys making me blush but under all  that he is kind and funny.

I tend to be a little quiet and shy until I get to know you better but Ben doesn't seem to mind always filling in the silence with chatter. After 1 week I could probably write a biography on the guy.

"Yeah, run why you can" I joke. He laughs and I send a quick smile his way. Ben has brown buzzed hair, he looks to be about 5'9 and though shorter than most the guys in gym he makes up for it with a wide muscular stance.

Coach blows the whistle, getting our attention for directions. Quickly following direction our group forms a circle warming up before we get called to play. Casey warned me she is not athletic at all, and you can tell because she looks super uncomfortable every time the ball comes near her. I stand closer to her to intercept some of her bumps and she gladly steps back, sending a appreciative smile my way.

Casey is on one side of me and Ben is on the other. Not being able to be silent long Ben breaks the silence, "Red your good, do you play volleyball"?

"Not on a team or anything, but it's fun to play". Kent sends a little spike Bens way and he easily digs it up towards me and I bump it across the circle.

Coach calls our team up for our first match. Ben and Kent are both on the football team and naturally seem athletic and competitive. We win the match quickly and leave the court so the next teams can compete.

"So are you girls coming to the game tonight?" Ben ask as we walks besides me and Casey.

"No, family plans" Casey answers.

He turns towards me, "Yeah, maybe" I had planned on going with Sean tonight to see Paul and Kent play.

"Good, I know we will win with a pretty girl like you cheering us on" he flirts. I shake my head but I can feel my cheeks heat. I've already determined that Ben is a hopeless flirt, I'm not sure he can talk to a girl without flirting. He continues "There's a party after, you could ride we me-Ow...." Kent had spiked the volleyball right at Ben heads, causing an instant red mark to form on his cheek.

"Stop talking and pay attention, we're up again" Kent said before walking to the court.

Ben shrugged it off, as we followed Kent back on the court. We played a few rounds winning easily, between me and Ben covering for Casey, she was thankful when it was over and didn't have to touch the ball once.

As the rest of the losing teams had to run laps, coach let us relax. "So what do you say Red, wanna ride to the party with me"? Ben comes closer, and tugs on a strand of my hair. Before I can answer, he is pushed back in a blur by a very angry Kent.

"Dude what's your problem"? Ben demanded his flirty smile gone and replaced with a face of anger directed at Kent.

"Keep your hands off of her" Kent said loudly surprising me and everyone else in the gym.

Ben points to Kent and than me, confused "are you two....."

At the same time I say "gross, No" Kent's loud voice booms "That's my little sister".

Ben lifted both his hands in surrender "Dude, calm down, I didn't even know you had a sister. Joy and I are friends."

Until now, only a few people that were at the house knew that I was Paul and Kent's sister. I don't think we were trying to keep it a secret but everyone knew my brothers and family and it seemed awkward explaining my existence. Realizing the attention his outburst caused, Kent sent me a glare before storming off to the locker rooms. Looking around I could see all our classmates whispering and staring at me.

Ben's easy going smile was back and directed at me. "Red... you got some explaining to do", Ben said in his best Ricky Ricardo imitation. Thankful for his distraction I couldn't help but laugh at the guy.


The boys had to stay for football warm ups before the game. Casey had offered to drive me home so I didn't have to call Sean to pick me up. Casey had a bunch of questions at lunch and I was so relieved with how supportive and kind she was.

Getting into her car I let out a a huffed breath, the day had been long and emotional. The classes after lunch were filled with more stares and whispers. Ben acted like nothing had changed, treating me like he had all week and I was thankful.

Hearing the school gossip, Casey sent me a sympathetic look before trying to cheer me up "Hey why don't you skip the game tonight, come to my place instead. I told my parents about you, and their excited to meet you." Avoiding school kids sounded like the perfect idea.

"I would love to, let me text David." I sent a quick text to David, he was still out of town and I hoped he said ok".

"I have to warn you though, my parents spend all day with elementary kids and I think they forget I'm a teenager. We have family night every Friday. Pizza, games, movie the whole thing, you've been warned" she joked.

My phone ringed, I pulled it out seeing a call from Dave. Answering the phone, "Hello".

"Hey, dads in a meeting he asked me to call. I thought Sean said you were going to the game tonight."

"Well, I was hoping just to have a calm night. My friend Casey invited me over, her parents will be there. Is that ok instead?

"I guess, but I want to talk to her parents."
I thought his request was a little ridiculous but was too excited to question it. Telling Casey his request she nodded, saying we would be there in about 5 minutes.

He agreed, saying he would have Sean pick me up after the game.


Casey's parents Lily and Theo was thrilled just like Casey said they would be. They were more than happy to talk to my brother, assuring him that I was welcomed there.

I learned that Lily was a kindergarten teacher and Theo taught 2nd-5th grade science. Casey and me went to her room and hung out for a bit while waiting on the pizza. It didn't take long and before I knew it we were sitting at the table.

"So Joy, Casey told us you were new here. How do you like it so far?" Lilly asked. Like Casey, she was beautiful, with long blonde hair, bright eyes, and a big smile.

"I like it" I answered hoping not to go into details.

Thankfully Casey changed the topic.
"So, what's the movie tonight"?

Casey parents were energetic and fun, you could tell how much they loved each other and Casey. We played a couple of games and than watched a movie. Her mom went all out baking cookies for us and her dad popped popcorn. It was the most fun I had had in a long time and I was a little sad when Sean had texted me he was on his way.

"We're so happy Casey made a friend" Lily said.
"Mom... thanks for making me sound pathetic" Casey grumbled.

Lily waved her off and gave me a hug, telling me to come over anytime.

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