The Iron Predators, Part II [...

By Ellie_N82

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

14.9K 422 13
By Ellie_N82


I know that they have church right now, but I don't care. I'm pissed.

"Hey, you know better than to disturb church, Katie," dad says when I come barging in, making all heads turn to me.

I don't look at them, I just keep walking towards dad with angry strides. "You threatened Liam, really dad, just because you saw me hug him. How the hell am I supposed to get a boyfriend when you scare them off?"

"That's the thing, Princess, you're not supposed least until you're 30."

What he doesn't know is that Liam already is my boyfriend, but he definitely doesn't need to know that. He would kill him.

"Ugh!" I say frustrated.

"Now, can you calm down. We're about to welcome Beast home."

"Who's Beast?" I say and turn around to the others...and there he is, more handsome than I remember him, but still that teasing smirk on his face, making his dimples show...Nate. He's become hot as hell, though. Those years in the Army did him good. Ripped as hell and tattoos all over his arms. His dirty blond hair is buzzed on the sides and a little longer on top.

Fuck, I'm staring.

I quickly look at dad, narrowing my eyes at him. "Well, I'm still pissed at you. I'm hitting the gym." I turn around on my heels and walk towards the door, really restraining myself not to look at Nate...or Beast...or whatever the hell his new name is now.

"Love you, Princess," I hear dad say before I slam the door shut.

I hear them chuckling in there. Assholes.

I love my dad and all my 'uncles', but they piss me off with their overbearing protectiveness. It's always been like this, but being older and having all these hormones, makes is so much more frustrating. Auntie Amy knows what I'm talking about, having dad as an overprotective brother all her life. She and mom know about Liam being my boyfriend, but they keep it a secret from dad and the guys. They want me to be able to live and not be a princess stuck in a tower for the rest of my life. I'm 18 for God's sake.

Me and Liam met when I started college 3 months ago. He's a quarterback of the football team and is good looking and nice. Not as ripped as Nate, though, who seems to be on steroids. He's got some muscles, but is more on the leaner side.

Why the hell am I comparing him to Nate?


We have some classes together and started out as friends since I knew that there was no point in me having a boyfriend, but he didn't give up and here we are. We're taking it slow, though, and we either see each other at school or at his dorm since I can't bring him home and let him be executed by dad.

You're being overdramatic, you think. Well, I'm not. Dad would probably shoot him, lock me up until I was 30 and make me wear iron panties with a lock on them...that only he has the key to.

Mom and Amy cover for me even if mom doesn't like lying to dad. We say that I'm with one of my friends when I'm actually with him. Not that often, though. I'm with my friends too.

Me and Molly went to preschool together and have known each other ever since. She lives in town with her parents. Ivy lives in Fort Adams where my college also is, and where Liam lives.

It's a 20-minute drive and mom and dad bought me a car when I turned 16, so Molly rides with me to school. I'm glad that they bought me a normal car even if it's armored. At least, I don't have to embarrass myself in Tank III.

You see, dad bought mom an armored truck several years ago. She didn't want to drive it at first since it looks like a freakin' tank, but dad convinced her that it was for her safety. I'm glad that he did because without it, she and Amy would've gotten hurt...or worse. Five years ago, dad bought mom Tank III. It's an upgraded version of Tank II, but it's still a freakin' tank.

I know what my dad does, being the President of an MC. I haven't seen the worst parts of it yet, but I agreed on having an armored car, as long as it was a normal car. I got an Audi RS7 Sportback that I'm really happy about. I know that I'm blessed with wealthy parents, but they're as far from snobs as you can come and they didn't raise me to be one either. I cherish what I have and my life could've been so much worse if I had stayed with my biological parents or had been placed in a not so caring foster home.

"What's up Kitty cat? Got your claws out today?" Ghost says, walking into the gym while I punch the bag.

I spend time in the clubhouse a few times a week. I use the gym and take out my frustrations towards dad, and Cruz helps me to keep my fighting skills up once a week. Not that I need it or would ever fight someone if I really didn't have to, but dad insists and it's kind of fun.

Mom taught me how to distract Cruz to get him down. She told me how she did it once and he went for it this time too. I guess he didn't remember what she did all those years ago...or he's just too excited about seeing boobs that he forgot.

I didn't flash him my boobies if that's what you think. Eww! He's like 47 or something and he's like an uncle to me...and dad would kill him. I know, a lot of killing, but that's my dad.

"Shut up, Casper!"

"It's Ghost, not Casper," he says a little offended.

"You calling me Kitty Cat was cute when I was 4. As long as you call me that, you'll be Casper."

He huffs and I see the rest of them come in, and also Nate...or Beast...or whatever.

"Hey, Shorty," he says with a smile, walking past me to the weight bench.

"H... hey. And it's not Shorty," I mumble and keep punching the bag.

"You'll always be Shorty," he says with a smirk.

I put my hands on my hips. "Well, everyone's short compared to you."

He just keeps smirking and pull his shirt off and all his bulging muscles are flexing. He definitely must have taken steroids. He lays down on the bench and starts lifting.

"Hey, Kitty Cat. Are you going to keep punching or catch flies with that mouth open?" Ghost says teasingly.

"Oh, shut up!" I say, feeling my face heat up. I quickly unwrap my hands and walk out of the gym and they chuckle at me again. Assholes.

I meet dad in the doorway. I'm glad that he didn't see me blush.

"Are you already done?" he asks surprised.

"Yeah, the assholes are distracting me. And I'm still pissed at you. Stay away from Liam."

"Only if you do," he says sternly and cross his arms over his chest.

"Ugh!" I stomp away out the door and walk home to shower and change. I'm glad that it's walking distance.

Bear, Ghost and Dagger have their old ladies since a few years back and they all built houses down the street. We have our own little community here, just right out of town. Bear has a son that is 12 and Dagger has two sons that are 7 and 5.

I know, a lot of guys. Like we need even more testosterone around here.

Cruz and Snake are still single. Couldn't have guessed that, right? The eternal ladies men.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yell, walking through the door.

"Hi, sweetie. Did you see your brother at the clubhouse?"


"Well, he's probably still with his friends then. I'll send him a text."

My brother, Jake, is 3 years younger than me. Mom didn't think that she was going to be able to have a biological child after what happened to her, but 1½ years after they adopted me, she got pregnant. They love me just as much anyway and I've never felt like I'm adopted. I never think about it either.

My biological mom died from an overdose just 2 years after I got adopted. My biological dad was, and probably still is, a drug dealer, if he's not in jail somewhere. I don't really care since they both chose drugs over me. I'm happy with the life I got.

I go upstairs to my room and take a shower. I love having my own bathroom. You never have to wait for someone else to be done. Not that I take a lot of time in there. I usually just run a brush through my hair or put it up in a messy bun or ponytail, and put on a little mascara. I'm blessed with smooth skin, long lashes and thick wavy blond hair. That's the only good thing I got from my biological parents.

When I'm done and walk back downstairs to the kitchen, Amy is there, sitting at the kitchen island.

"Hey, Katie," she says, giving me a hug. "How's it going with Liam?"

I sigh and sit down next to her. "Well, dad saw me hug him the other day and threatened him. I just found out, got pissed and walked in on them having church just an hour ago."

"Oooh! I bet he wasn't too happy about that?"

"No, but they were too excited about having Nate back, so he didn't say much about it."

"Yeah, I heard that he's back. I saw him briefly when I stopped by the clubhouse earlier. Girl, he's been filling out. I get why he's called Beast."

"Gunner has been talking about him coming back non-stop for the last week," mom says while making dinner. "I bet he's missed him, being gone for so long."

Nate and his dad, Gunner, moved here when I was about 5 years old, so we kind of grew up together. His mom died from cancer and his dad was a member of another chapter then, but decided to move here and join the mother chapter to start over. Since it was just Nate and his dad, he spent a lot of time here in our house when our dad's and the guys went out on the road.

Nate has always been teasing me. Not bullying, just being constantly annoying. He's always had my back, though. When some guy was picking on me in High school, Nate beat him up and almost got expelled, but dad, who donates money to our local school, talked to the principal and only got him detention instead.

He wasn't the one starting fights just because, but he got in a lot of them. He's calm until provoked, and being a big guy even if he wasn't as fit then, other kids either feared him and stayed away or wanted to poke the bear and see how long it took until he snapped. Amy says that dad was like that when he was younger too, but he's got more of a hot temper than Nate. Nate is calmer. It's scarier in a way because sometimes you don't know that he's angry until his fist comes flying. He would never do anything to someone who's innocent. He's a nice guy, but so totally annoying. I hope he's grown up a bit.

3 years ago, he left for the army, so maybe that taught him some manners. After that, he joined another chapter for about 7 months until he came back here, which was today. That's why he's already patched in as an enforcer. He wasn't a prospect for long from what I've heard from Gunner. His skills from the Army made him the perfect enforcer and he hasn't disappointed or slipped up once. He was born into this.

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