The Nanny Affair (Ezra Fitz)

By tsyhtema01

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You were just hired as a live-in nanny, but you're growing dangerously close to your new boss. Can you handle... More

The Characters
Chapter One: The Boss
Chapter Two: The Fight
Chapter Three: The Birthday
Chapter Four: The Fiancee
Chapter Six: The Toast
Chapter Seven: The New Rules
Chapter Eight: The In-Laws
Chapter Nine: The Ride-Along
Chapter Ten: The Company Picnic
Chapter Eleven: The Shopping Trip
Chapter Twelve: The Gala
Chapter Thirteen: The Morning After
Chapter Fourteen: The Flight
Chapter Fifteen: The Beach
Chapter Sixteen: The Deal
Chapter Seventeen: The Fitting
Chapter Eighteen: The Accident
Chapter Nineteen: The Breakup
Chapter Twenty: The Wedding Day

Chapter Five: The Engagement Party

859 9 0
By tsyhtema01

I'm in Robin's office, trying to clean up my spilled drink when Ezra walks in on us with Robin's hands all over me. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Ezra says in his stern tone. 

"Ezra! It's not what it looks like!" Ezra looks between me and Robin. "And what, pray tell, does it look like?" His arms are crossed against his chest. "Relax, Ez. We were just trying to clean a stain. Y/N spilled on herself, see?" Robin points to my soiled shirt, which I'm not sure is helping.

A strange hardness gleams in Ezra's eye as he looks at his brother... but finally, he clears his throat and turns to me. "So... how's party planning been going?" I smile softly at him. "We're actually all done. It wasn't easy. Sofia had some very... specific instructions." He nods, "Ah, yes. I'm familiar with Sofia's lists. She's..."

"... Obnoxiously high maintenance?" Ezra smiles at me. "As her betrothed, I think I'd better plead the Fifth." Robin chuckles, "How diplomatic of you. If Dad does end up disowning you, you've always got a future in politics." Robin teases Ezra. "And now I'm certain I've left you alone with Robin enough for one day. I hope he hasn't spilled all of our family secrets already." Ezra smiles. 

I think back on all those personal questions I asked Robin and feel a pang of guilt. "Don't worry, Y/N still doesn't know about the band we were in—"

"Oh wow, would you look at the time?" Ezra quickly interrupts Robin. "I actually came by to offer Y/N a ride home. Unless..." His eyes dart over to Robin, and I see a flash of something I can't quite put my finger on. "... You still have some unfinished business here?" Ezra says, with a hint of jealousy.

'Is Ezra... jealous? Maybe I can use this to get closer to him... There's only one way to find out.' I smirk to myself. "Well, Y/N? Are you coming?" I smile politely at Robin. "We're done here. I'd love a ride home."

I put my drink back on the try and gather my things to go. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think I caught a weird look between Ezra and Robin. "We'll see you later, Robin. Try not to work too hard." I turn to Robin and smile. "Yeah, catch you later cutie." I throw Robin a playful wink.

"How's the old adage go? I hate to see you go... but I love to watch you leave." Robin smirks. "Aren't you supposed to be on the clock right now?" Ezra glares at Robin. "You know I'm salaried." Robin smiles. Ezra glares again and moves into the hallway. Robin reaches out and takes my arm, drawing me back. "What are you doing?" I whisper to him. He furrows his eyebrows. "What am I doing? What are you doing? I've never seen him so wound up over my flirting before. It's my new favorite thing." He smiles.

"...Y/N?" Ezra calls out from the hallway. "Coming!" I call back. Robin's words still echo in my mind as I follow Ezra outside to meet Carter. I slide into the backseat of the town car with Ezra close behind. "Hello there, Ms. Y/L/N. I trust your engagement party brainstorming was productive?" I chuckle, "Surprisingly yes, despite working with Robin."

"I do see the conundrum there. Would you like some music, Mr. Fitz?" Carter looks at Ezra through the rearview mirror. "Yes, something soft, please."

Ambient music quietly fills the car as Carter rolls up the tinted partition to give you privacy. Ezra turns to me, his gaze darkened. "Now that we're alone, you can tell me how your day with Robin really went. I hope he didn't bother you too much. Was he that flirty with you all day?" Ezra frowns.

"Honestly? Robin behaved himself. I think he just likes to see you squirm." I giggle. "Was I squirming?" Ezra looks at me surprised. "You tell me." Ezra stared at me thoughtfully, considering his answer. "Maybe a little bit..." Ezra casually puts his hand on my knee, and my lips part with surprise.

There's a possessive glint in his eyes I've never seen before. "Let me know if Robin ever does anything that crosses the line. Or anyone else, for that matter..." Ezra's voice deepens then softens. "...Myself included." I bite my lip, "Ezra... I can take care of myself. I've been handling guys like Robin my whole adult life." Ezra pauses a little, "You shouldn't have to..." I shrug it off. "No, I shouldn't. But as much as I like your protective side, you should save it for your fiancee. I don't need a knight in shining armor."

Ezra's grip tightens on my leg, just a little, and a thrill runs through me. "I'm not trying to ride in and save the day, Y/N. I'm just..." I smirk, "Trying to keep me for yourself?" I meant it as a joke, but in light of the intensity in his eyes, the question comes out completely sincere.

After a long moment, Ezra finally admits, "Maybe..." I lay my hand over Ezra's and gently guide it up my leg. I shiver as his fingers brush my inner thigh, tracing delicate circles across my skin. "Ezra..." I lower my voice. He stares into my eyes, "Tell me to stop." He whispers back to me. His fingers slide further up, leaving a teasing trail of fiery touches. "I don't want you to." He tilts his head, "Y/N..."

My eyes flutter closed as I moan, willing him to keep touching me... begging him to apply more pressure...

"Please, don't stop..." Ezra visibly gulps, "God, I want to taste you..." Ezra's fingers finally reach the apex between my thighs, lightly brushing against the fabric of my panties. "I want to make you say my name." His fingers slip beneath the remaining fabric, and I gasp. "...Ezra..." 

Suddenly, I realize the music has stopped, and the car is parked. "We're home!" Ezra quickly disentangles himself from me. The partition rolls down just as the two of us settle on opposite sides of the backseat.

"We've arrived. I'll let you out here and then park the car. Unless you need something else?" Carter smiles at us through the rearview mirror. "No, that will be all." Ezra clears his throat. "Thanks, Carter." I smile back at him.

Ezra steps out of the car, then reaches back to help me out behind him. I take his hand, feeling the spark ignite between us. "Shall we?" He smiles at me. I nod, trying to shake it off and act like nothing happened, but I just can't...

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Before I know it, the day of the engagement party has finally arrived. With the afternoon off, I met up with Bela to shop for the perfect look. "Okay, I know you've been holding out on me. Spill! Where did it happen? How long did it last? Is he good as he looks?" Bela smirks at me with a nudge. I felt my cheeks flood with heat as I try to shush her, frantically looking around to make sure no one heard.

"Bela! Nothing like that has happened." I give her a small glare. "Yet! Don't you stand there and lie to me. I took two trains and a taxi to get here." She smirks at me.

With a sigh, I lower my voice and fill Bela in on everything... the close calls, the jealousy, the engagement. "I'm going to have him no matter what." I smirk. "I like your spunk! Do you have a plan? Posing naked in his bed always works." Bela teases. I roll my eyes playfully. "Bela..." She gasps, "Hold that thought!"

Bela races through the racks and picks up a gorgeous gown. "Y/N! This is the one. The one the prophecy foretold. You've got to try it on!" She shows it to me. I look at the beautiful lace and the flattering silhouette that shows just enough leg. I smile, "Hand it over."

I look at the blue lace dress and then run to the dressing room to try it on. It stops at my thighs and the straps are spaghetti straps with a lace outline. "Well, what do you think?" Bela smiles at me, "You look amazing. Ezra won't be able to peel his eyes off of you." I wink at her, "Perfect." I walk back into the dressing room to change back. 

The two of us grin as I head to the register to pay for my dress.

─── ⋆⋅That Evening⋅⋆ ──

I arrive at the hotel for the engagement party in style. The paparazzi start snapping my picture as soon as I emerge from the limo with the twins. "Whoa. I guess this party really is a big deal." I hold both the twins' hands. "Is that why we had to dress up? Again?" Mickey frowns. Mason looks up at me. "At least there'll be cake, right? Right, Y/N?"

One of the paparazzi waves at me, trying to get my attention. "And who is this newest member of the Fitz household? Tell us about yourself, honey." The paparazzi smiles at me. "Uh... I'm Y/N Y/L/N, the new nanny."

"Did Sofia Russo approve this development?"

"I'm pretty sure Ezra doesn't need permission to hire someone to look after his kids." I chuckle at this question.

"Ooo, do I sense some tension there? Is Sofia nice to you? Is she happy with Mr. Fitz? Do they fight?"

I look at the paparazzo with a questioning look, "Come on, kids. Let's get inside." Mason frowns, "Yes, please!"

I enter the party with the twins, and my eyes fall on Ezra immediately. He stands on the other side of the room, receiving congratulations from visitors with Sofia. My heart thumps in my chest at the sight. 

"Dad!" Mickey runs up to Ezra. He smiles at the twins, "Hey, boys." I give Ezra a small smile. "Congratulations on your big night."

Ezra's gaze darkens as his eyes slowly lift to mine, taking me in from head to toe. "Y/N, you look stunning." Ezra flashes his infamous smile at me. "Thank you."

"Hmm. You do clean up surprisingly well. Thanks for bringing the boys to this event, Y/N. I know all this glamour and excitement probably isn't your scene." Sofia looks me up and down.

"Sofia... You're right, this is a huge burden. This means I can expect a bonus in my paycheck next week, right?" I teased but Sofia frowns. "Oh. It's a little uncouth to talk about money in public... but I like a woman who's not afraid to negotiate. Done."

A waiter swings past the kids, lowering a tray of spinach-stuffed olives on skewers. "Do we have to eat that?" Mason frowns at the sight. Sofia smirks a bit. "Oh, come on, you need to learn how to eat fine cuisine eventually. It might as well be tonight."

Sofia plucks a skewer off the tray and hands it to Mickey. "Here you go, Mason." He scowls, but takes a small bite... then spits it violently back on the tray. "Mickey!" I offer the shocked waiter an apology as I grab a napkin to clean it up. Sofia sighs. "At least Robin did as he was told. That's more than I expected."

"Speak of the devil..." Robin approaches our group, arms wide. "I guess we shouldn't be surprised that you're fashionably late." I chuckle. Robin looks me up and down. "Damn, Y/N. You lookin' to get laid tonight?" He smirks.

"Really, Robin? Must you be so uncivilized?" Sofia scowls at his reply.

"I've always been a maverick." Robin chuckles, "So drinks, anyone? Just me? Be right back..."

"Good to see you too, Robin." Ezra mumbles. Mason tugs on my elbow. "Uncle Robin left before I could ask for water." Mickey looks up at me, "I'm thirsty too!"

"I'll go tell him. Two waters, coming up." I smile at the boys.

Robin watches me approach the bar on the far side of the dance floor. "Couldn't resist following me, huh?" I roll my eyes.

"That, and the boys asked me to grab them something to drink." I grab two water bottles from the bartender. As I turn back, Robin lifts his hand and tenderly strokes my cheek.

"What are you doing?" I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Seeing if I can turn Ezra Fitz fifty shades of red. Just look at him." 

I subtly glance over my shoulder. Sure enough, Ezra is watching intensely, his jaw tight and his eyes hard. Robin smiles at me. "Fun, isn't it? I bet we could make him positively explode if we kiss."

I look back at Ezra, trying to gauge his reaction, when I realize, "Ohmygod, where are the twins?"

At some point during the drink distraction, the boys managed to slip away into the crowd. I frantically scan the room for any sign of them. "Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure they're around here somewhere." Robin tries to reassure me. But I ignore him as I hurry to hunt them down.

Eventually, I tracked them down in the hotel kitchen. I frown at the boys. "What are you two doing in here? You had me worried sick!" Mason jumps up.

"Sorry, Y/N! We just wanted to do an experiment!" I take a deep breath to calm down then notice the balloons tied up behind them.

"This can't be good... Dare I ask?" I turn back at the twins. "We want to see how much icing flies onto Sofia when she cuts into our prank balloon cake!" Mickey excitedly says. I try to maintain my stern expression as I picture it.

'Okay, I gotta admit, that'd be hilarious. But I am their nanny, and I should be a good role model...' I thought to myself and paused a little to think. "...I'm in. Tell me what to do."

Mickey and Mason grin at each other, then turn back to me. "We've already blown up the balloons. We just need you to help us make the cake look realistic. Then we'll hide the real cake and swap 'em out." Mason smiles at me. "I'm only doing this because Sofia needs a little wake-up call... And this prank will be just the thing."

Within a matter of minutes, the three of us had made something that resembles an engagement cake. I make the swap. "All that's left is to watch and wait." I smile at the boys.

I leave the fake cake in the kitchen and return to the party, trying to act as casually as possible as I rejoin the others.

"Ezra, Sofia... the crowd is starting to get restless. Maybe you should cut the cake or something?" Robin suggests. "Wonderful idea, Robin!" I said quickly. "Uh... Sure?"

Ezra gives us an odd look as Robin herds him and Sofia to the center of the room. One of the catering staff wheels out our prank cake. "Oh my! This cake sure is... different." Sofia glances at Ezra.

"But I bet it tastes great." I smile softly. "I know I'd sure like to try it." Mason chipped in. "Cake! Cake! Cake!" Mickey chants. Sofia glares at the boys. "If it'll keep you quiet..."

The boys and I share a smile as Sofia picks up the knife and leans close to the cake. I hold my breath as Sofia slices into the cake and icing explodes all over her!

"What the hell?!" Sofia gasps and then turns around. "Who did this?" She glares at us. "Sofia!" I gasp.

The laughter leaves my lips before I could stop it. She glares at me, "Do you find this funny?" I bite my lip, "...No?" Sofia grunts in frustration. "Does anyone know how to get buttercream out of Chanel? And why are you still taking pictures? Do you think I want this part of the night documented?"

Sofia stalks past the party photographers, who sneaks in one last picture. Ezra turns to the twins. "Boys. I think it's time for Carter to take you home..." I could tell he was pissed. "Yes!" Mickey cheers. Ezra crosses his arms, "And we'll discuss this tomorrow." Mason frowns. "No..."

I smile softly at the boys, "I'll go grab our coats." Ezra looks at me apologetically. "You can stay, if you want, Y/N. Carter can keep an eye on them, and not everyone's night should be cut short." I look at Ezra with uncertainty. "Okay. If you're sure..."

Soon, the twins are ushered out by Carter, elated to return home and already forgetting their looming punishment. Sofia is still missing as the band strikes up the first song of the evening. Ezra turns to me and extends a hand, eyes unreadable. "May I have this dance, Y/N?"

"Um, of course..."

With my heart pounding in my throat, I take his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. He holds me close, and I can almost forget that this is his engagement party with another woman... almost. I lean back a little so I can look at his face.

"This isn't so bad..." I teased him.

"Did you think dancing with me would be?" Ezra raised his eyebrow at me. I cleared my throat.

"Not like that! It's just... we haven't been this close since, uh... since..." 

Since his hands were on me in the back of the town car...

Since he came up to my room to apologize, and I heard him moan as I rubbed him down...

Since I found myself tangled in each other's arms in the kitchen that night, weeks ago...

Ezra cleared his throat, "Y/N... maybe we should find different dance partners." I frown.

"But the song hasn't even changed yet."

"It's not about the song. You know what it's about." He presses his lips to my ear, lowering his voice to a husky whisper. "You know how hard it is for me to resist you..."

"Then stop resisting. It's just one dance. We don't even have to talk."

Ezra meets my eyes, his own stormy and intense. I wish I could tell what he was thinking. He swallows. "I know that I shouldn't, but... my hands feel glued to you. And no matter how close I am..." Ezra spins me out, holding onto my hand. "...I want to get closer." He spins me back a little too hard, and my body presses flush against his.

"Can't get much closer than this." I smile at him.

Ezra leans in to whisper in my ear, "That is where you're very, very, wrong."

Ezra shifts his hands down to my hips and guides me back so my arms are around his neck. Even though there are only inches between us, the extra space feels like a chasm. I cast around for something to talk about that doesn't sound like foreplay... or a breakup.

"It's such a beautiful party, Ezra. I hope you're having a good time." I give him a soft smile.

"Probably not as much as I should be, all things considered." He chuckles.

"Oh? Why do you think that is?" I gaze up at Ezra, tracing comforting circles on the back of his neck.

"I suppose, deep down, I had some idea for what a night like this should be like." Ezra frowns a bit. "My fiancee and I should be all over each other, excited for our future."

"You two don't seem very... close." I pointed out.

"At least you're here. I'm not totally alone. Y/N, I know we should probably talk..."  Ezra lowers his voice.

"But this isn't the place. It's okay, Ezra. Just dance with me. Are you ready?" He tilts his head a little, "For what?"

I smirk before hitching my leg over Ezra's hip, and he instinctively grips my leg to stabilize me. I press our bodies together as I arch backward. When I pop back up, breathless, Ezra's eyes are riveted on me. "You're driving me crazy, Y/N. I'm starting to wonder if that was your plan all along..."

"I definitely don't have my life together enough for any sort of plan." I chuckle. "I'm just going with the flow, doing whatever feels good."

Ezra groans quietly, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. When he opens them, there's a now-familiar intensity staring back.

"There's something I need to ask you. I know I shouldn't... but I have to know." Ezra lowers his voice.


"You and Robin... you're not... are you?" Ezra frowns a bit.

"Me and Robin?" I looked at him surprised.

"I see the way he looks at you... He's never settled down with one woman in his life. You could do so much better." His tone of voice changed.

"I could do better? Did you have someone in mind?" I smirk.

His eyes sear into me as our bodies move together, forgetting the other partygoers completely. "Someone like you, perhaps?" I smirk.

"Y/N, you must know⁠—"

Suddenly, someone taps on my shoulder. I spin around. "Y/N, we need to talk. Now." Robin's voice is stern.

Without waiting for a response, Robin wraps an arm around my waist and sweeps me away from Ezra.

'What did I do this time?'

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