The 4gotten boy

By Josiebabe

342 4 1

Renee is a collage student at Uc davis.As a little girl she had a friend that she knew since first grade name... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve

Chapter Seven

28 0 0
By Josiebabe

Eric and I are walking around the park while Kim was talking to,her boyfriend James on the phone.James doesn't live to far Kim says.His parents live in Sacramento.So Renee your with that guy John.I don't know if I should tell him about John and I or what.Well Renee are you with him.Um no not really.his my ex boyfriend.Why did you two break up for.Omg please let not talk about John.John is a cheating asshole that hurt me.But now he want me to forgive him and get back together I shout at Eric.He doesn't say nothing to me for a little while until he says sorry for asking.No Eric I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you.I been keeping my feeling lock up inside for awhile. The only person I really talk to about John was my friend Thomas.Thomas was with me when I found John kissing another girl.But now John misses me and want to get back together.But I don't think I could.No I can't. I been thinking about for awhile but now I know I'm not. Was a cheater always a cheater.I just wish I could just disappear you know away from here for a little bite to relax. Yea I know how you feel Renee. I been there before with my ex girlfriend.She was having money problem though I thought until I found out that she was using drugs and was buying it with the money I was giving her to pay her bills.You know trying to help her out.But I head to break up with her and put her in a rehab to get better.Kim comes running to us to tell me that James is picking her up to have dinner with his parents and grandparent that just got here from Texas this morning. When she left me and Eric was still walking around talking about things.we talked about our high school years and what we did.who we started dating.I was telling him about my home coming when my dad made me fall down the stair cause he step on my dress.Eric laugh and tell me that his mom was crying,the whole saying that he,little boy was growing up.When I finally realized that it was getting dark .We started to head back to the car .Eric being a sweet gentleman open my door for me and as I was sliding in he shuts my door and walks so elegantly to the other side.When he slide in next to me. He warms up the car and plays some music.I hear a piano start playing over the speakers.I know this song. I turn to face Eric.You like piano music too.Of course he says while driving to get on the freeway back toward Uc davis.So Eric what do you like to do on your spare time or any hobby you like doing.Well let me think.I like to read,play the piano,and surf.Really that's a wired combo.I can see the piano and,reading but surfing.I can't picture it at all.Eric can I ask you something. Of course Renee I have no reasoning to say no.

Why did you move back to Dixon.It a small town and nothing really happens there. It more boring beside the May Fair.Renee I miss it small town .L.A was to much for me but my mom loved it.After high school I wanted,to move back but didn't have much money .So I stayed and followed in my mom career. Since then I been making money every since.I bought a good piece of land out side Dixon and built my own place.But Eric why did your mom come back here? My step dad divorce my mom and she couldn't take it being L.A. seeing him around.So she decided to move back here to start over but then she open a new office in Sacramento and left the,L.A office to him.It was more harder on my brother then my mom. He was a dad's boy.but my step dad didn't want take care of him.He wanted,to work and not watch his own son.I notice that we're close to my place.When we pull up I just stared at my place.I was hoping that today would help me remember some memory .but should give it some time.Eric do you want to come in. We could watch movie or whatever.I really don't like being at my place by myself when Kim out with her boyfriends and her mom is out until next tomorrow.She went to see Kim aunt in Napa.How about you come to my place. You can go and pack your bags. We can go do something tomorrow but your parents invited me and my family to their Christmas eve party.That does sound like a good idea Eric.I climb out of the car and walk to my house .As I was packing my bag. I hear someone in the living. Thinking it was Eric I ask him to make him self at home.But it wasn't Eric voice I heard. I turn to see John in my door way.What are you doing here John.Where are you going Renee hope it's not with,that Eric dude.cause if so I'm not letting you go.Why not John, We're over .I don't want to be with you John. That my answer to your question to your card.Why should I get back with you. So you can cheat on me again that not going to happen.You hurt me so bad John and I don't want Nothing to do with you.I hear Eric running through the the door and into my room to see John. John looks up to Eric . Eric being much taller then him.I didn't know what was going to happen. I step between them.when John steps back and turn just to trick Eric. And punches him in the face and Eric return that punch.I start to yell at them to stop fighting.John pushes Eric into my bookshelf and breaks every single glass item I have on there.I run to the nightstand to get my pepper spray. And sprayed John face just missing Eric's.John lets go of Eric's shirt and start rubbing his face.Eric grabs him and takes,him through the living room and out the front door.Eric had a bust up lip and a cut on his lower left eye.But John looked more messed up then Eric.I didn't know why John did that for.when Eric came next to me I didnt even move or look at Eric.I was in so much shocked to see that.I finally walked into my room and saw that everything I has on that shelf was broken.I started to cryed cause one of the things was my great grandma glass cat sculpture.She gave it to me before she pass away.that was the only thing I had left of her.Eric come and bends down next to me and hugs me I don't know how felt like hours.For some odd reason I felt so self in his arms and I didn't want to leave his arms.Renee let's go.your better off staying with me until you get a security system for your house. I'm so sorry Renee I didn't see him go in.I just heard you yelling at someone that why I ran in here.I look up at Eric. it okay Eric at least you were right outside.I was so scared to see what John was going to do.Here Renee sit on your bed while I clean up the glass so Kim didn't think something really bad happened,to you and get worried..Where's your dust pan And broom.I tell him that it's in the closet next to the kitchen.Even my books are on the floor. I get up and start picking up my books and put them back up on my shelf.Eric walks in and started swiping up all the broken glass and throwing it in the trash in my bathroom.Eric gets done and grabs my bag and helps me to the car still a little shaken what just happened only an hour ago.Eric open my door and I get in.he open,the trunk and put my bag in.Then he's open his door and get in. He starts the car and drive off.

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