Chapter Eight

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Eric give me and cup of hot tea and sit down next to me.His house is so nice.He has a fireplaces in the wall that divide the kitchen and the living room.You can see through to the kitchen.The walls are creme tan and has picture of landscape..Are you feeling okay Renee.I look up to Eric and smile at him.And continue to drink my tea.I sit there not saying nothing and thinking about what would have happened if Eric wasn't there.What would John do to me.The door Bell rings and Eric goes to see who it was when I see a pizza delivery guy.When I realize when did Eric call for pizza.He closes the door and put the pizza on the counter.Renee Do you want pizza and salad? Yes please I kind of yell so he can hear me..I walk into the kitchen to see Eric cutting vegetables and putting,them in a medium size serving bowl.Hey where do you want me to put teacup at.He turns and points toward the sink behide me.Do you need any help I ask Eric.He shacks his head no put you can grab two plates in that cabinet above the coffee pot.I reach up and got two plates and put them on the counter. And where are the forks. He turns and open a draw behide him and give me them to places next to the plates.Renee want would you like to drink? What do you have here.Well I have wine,Dr pepper, and Lipton citrus green tea.I would like a Lipton tea places.he walks to the frig and got two bottles and some salad dressing for our salads.We sit next to each on the bar stool eating our pizza and salad.We eat in silence.I have so many things on my mind right now.Stop doing that Eric says in a whisper. I look at him confused to what I was doing until I notice that I was just playing with my salad.Sorry I just feel,like eating right now I thought I was but I'm not.I'm more tired then hungry right now.It's okay Renee there no reasoning to be sorry for. It not your fault that your ex boyfriend was going to do that to you.But you got hurt because of me.So it's my fault So I'm very sorry. Renee it's fine don't worry I been in much worse fights then that.At least let me clean your cuts and bandages them up.Okay if that make you feel better,the first aid is in the bathroom down the hall on the right.I go grab the first aid kit and return to the kitchen to see Eric with no t-shirt on.His body was so perfect.his back is perfectly shaped.He turns to see me and sat down on the stool waiting for me to clean his cuts.I open the box to get the alcohol whips and clean the cut and put neospron on the bandage and the same to the other ones.I looked to see his shirt had dried blood on his shirt.Where your washer so I can wash that and get the blood stain out.Don't worry about it Renee I'll do it later. And plus this shirt can only be dry clean.Oh okay then let me pay for it to be clean.He laughs and tells me that I don't have to.Please Eric it will make me feel better and plus my friends dad owns one in town. So pretty please I give him my puppy eyes And start whimpering like one.He couldn't help but laugh. You did that all the time to me when we were kids when I wouldn't let you do something. So I take that as a yes then. I give him a sweet smile in return. Yes Renee it is.I jump up and down in my victory. So Renee should I show you to your room for tonight. Yes please Eric I'm so tired.I follow him down the hall to this massive room with light purple walls and a pure white bed. This is your room for tonight and their a bathroom room in here through this door.He open the door to the bathroom. And omg it looks like a picture from magazine. Thanks Eric Well I'll see you in the morning Renee good night.He walks out of the room and closes the door.I take a steam hot bath.It feels so good. I stay in there for no idea how long.when I finally get out and put on my Pjs and turn,on my Pandora.Once I get comfortably in bed I drift off to sleep.

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