Zodiac Highschool

By lynncisco

143K 2K 3.7K

In a universe called Zodea, these twelve individually different teenagers had been accepted into a "normal" h... More

°• Character Descriptions•°
Chapter 1- New School
Background characters
Chapter 2- Adult drama
Chapter 3- Sleepover time
Chapter 4- Caught
Chapter 5- Library Of Secrets
Chapter 6- Sports day out
Chapter 7- Familliar face
Chapter 8- Bittersweet
Chapter 9- News
Chapter 10- Practice
Chapter 11- Costumes
Chapter 12- We Meet Again
Chapter 13- Hacking Help
Chapter 14- The life of a teacher
Chapter 15- Day Out
Chapter 16- Suspicion & Reveals
Chapter 17- Newfound grudges
~☆The Halloween Special☆~
Chapter 18- Mystery
Chapter 19- The Play
Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy
~☆The Christmas Special☆~
~☆New Years Special☆~
Chapter 21- Attempts
Chapter 22- Who?
Chapter 23- Amusement Adventures
Chapter 24- Only For You
Chapter 25- Near demise
Chapter 26- The Unknown
Chapter 27- Insignificance
Chapter 28- Ambivalence
Chapter 29- Evanescence

~♡Valentine's Special♡~

4.6K 59 304
By lynncisco

Multi pov chapter! I swear Valentine's day is the day I get to be cheesy sometimes and I'll probably cringe looking back on this but the more embarrassing, the better. There's also a million love songs on the internet so I just went with a Selena Gomez song since I used to be a big fan 😂 (still am but I like other artists aswell) This is a veryyy long chapter

Chapter's song:

~Love you like a love song~

A little background on why Valentine's day is special in their universe:

On Valentine's Day specifically, a red string appears a long a little heart which can't be seen by anyone else but the couple. This is to represent soulmates, but as I said before it only appears on Valentine's Day, and the string also has steps of it appearing. The couple must be aware of their attractions in order to call it 'true love' and as it progresses the string will start to slowly form and fade itself into appearingly ever so faintly. Again, it is NOT guaranteed for it to appear this chapter as the signs except for Libra clearly are oblivious about their love interests.

Venus' POV

It was my most favourite time of the year! Valentine's Day. I've been waiting for this certain holiday to come for ages! I loved everything about love, the emotions, the butterflies you'd get in your stomach, the need to be near your lover, gazing lovingly into their unique-like eyes as you admire them, the closeness, the clingyness, I adored it all!

Every year on Valentine's day I'd constantly tease everyone about their love life's, especially my two siblings: Libra and Taurus. Libra didn't mind the teasing as he was a player, just like me. Taurus however, hated it the most. She wasn't someone to suddenly get into a relationship, she was always extremely loyal towards her 'crush' Gordon Ramsay. We've told her before that it wouldn't work out because he was way older than her and not to mention, married.

What is funny is that I teach them the entire day since all the other teacher's are having a Valentine's day break, including the ones I flirt with sadly. But that wasn't the point nor my plan for today, I was here to attempt getting couple's to start interacting with each other, or well, who I paired my partial students with.

I'll start with my all-time favourite, the adorable, sweet, poetic, creative, artistic & most kind: Pisces. He was bestfriends with my little sister Taurus for a very long time now, I found them quite adorable together knowing they cared for each other a lot, it made me smile as Pisces was a good guy and knew how to treat girls respectfully. Taurus herself knew how to protect him since she wasn't the regular 'weak girl' in the stereotypical relationship, she was always ready for a fight and most of the time is ready to defend her loved ones, it showed her loyalty and gratitude towards us.

Onto my brother Libra, it was quite clear who I'd couple him up to. Aries. Don't think I haven't noticed the way these two interact with one another when they get the chance to. Aries and Libra aren't friends, nor do they talk or see each other either, they were quite opposite if I were to compare them. The only times they'd talk would be caused by Libra flirting with her or them being put together in either a group or assignment. What I loved about this pairing is that they were sort of like opposite's attract, one liked violence while the other restored peace. I'm not quite sure on how they've met, Libra told me he had seen her before but she never saw him, either way, I liked this ship!

Ah, the argumentive ones. Capricorn and Virgo. They could deny as much as they wanted and I'd still not give a fuck, continueing to ship them whether they liked it or not. I am Venus, meaning that absolutely no one was spared. I don't show any mercy on a special occasion such as today, even these two would get pushed by me. Their dynamic is so unique, lovers and enemies at the same time. Reminds me quite a bit of Romeo and Juliet, but that wasn't the point. The way they argue with each other is fascinating as Capricorn doesn't give into fights often, he'd carelessly leave. It seemed as if Virgo had done something to give him the urge to respond to her immediately whenever they argued. I'd like this couple if they didn't constantly argue over every little existing thing, otherwise they would've been a great match together.

Leo and Aquarius, I've personally got some faith in them. Leo is so loyal and patient for having to keep up with oblivious Aquarius friendzoning her all the time, I felt an enormous amount of pity for her. She'd always stay by his side, there to defend him from anyone criticising him. It was a pain seeing Aquarius being so clueless towards Leo's affectionate actions, tho I did notice him slightly blush and stutter near her recently so I'm definitely onto something, watching their bodylanguage carefully along their expressions and reactions to certain things, I definitely ship them, they'd make an amazing and fascinating pair.

I guess I could say the same about Scorpio and Cancer, they make a great couple but once again there's the friendzone phase, I absolutely despise the types that would friendzone, the girl isn't going to get with you magically by itself, do something to flatter her or atleast get a reaction out of her! Other than the friendzoning issue, I've heard that he's like a personal therapist to her whenever she's struggling to keep her emotions in. It's great how they connect on an emotional level, health is important both physically and mentally so I appreciate that these two consider their emotions. Tho Scorpio doesn't talk about his, which I guess I shouldn't question as it may be a sensitive topic to him.

Last, but not least, Sagittarius and Gemini. Sagittarius is actually my shipping buddy but ofcourse, I don't show mercy to anyone, she's obviously targeted aswell as Gemini and everyone else is. In all honesty, these two act as if they were still children, innocently running around everywhere, causing messes and pranking each other as they don't take one little thing serious. I've got to admit, I'm extremely excited to tease these people into romance! It's been killing me seeing them all act so oblivious

Not to mention, the stupid excuses such as the "I hate [insert person" or "we're just friends". I, Venus Scales-Bullar, make it my priority to get these oblivious, idiotic, loud but friendly teenagers to get their love life's sorted out and make them realise what love really means! It's not just holding hands, it's having a deep connection, a strong unbreakable chemistry, the fuzzy feeling of warmth that you get when you look at them, enjoying spending every little moment with that one special person. Love is infinite and can be found in many different ways, but most importantly: love who you desire to love. Don't force attraction, love is a natural feeling, whether you like a guy or girl, regardless their gender, love is supposed to make you happy.

I deeply sighed in annoyance, I know I can't push them right at this moment to confess, but the least I could do is atleast get them to spend some alone time together in certain situations, something to bring them closer.. I smugly smirked as I knew exactly what to do, the thought striking an amazing idea. I got out my phone as I immediately texted a certain philosopher, giggling at what was about to come. I've always enjoyed being a type of Cupid~


Sagittarius' POV

I hung up the phone, smirking to myself as Cancer & Taurus raised a brow being utterly confused at my actions. It was best if I weren't to tell them, otherwise they'd refuse to cooperate and stay in their dorms til the rest of the day. If that ever happened, the planned activities that I had planned would've went to waste.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Taurus asked in curiosity, Cancer nodding in agreement

"Pft! Me? Smiling like an idiot? Taurus, have you seen yourself drool over a gelato?" I lightly grinned

"Hey! Gelato's are really delicious!" Taurus said in defense

" Who doesn't find icecream delicious?" Cancer pointed out

"The lactose intolerant because of their dietary needs due to medical reasons" I stated

"It also depends on their taste buds" Taurus added

"The best flavour is vanilla" Cancer smirked

"Vanilla?! Pshht. It's clearly chocolate" Taurus proudly said

"It's strawberry for me, sorry not sorry but vanilla and chocolate?!" I exclaimed

"Sagi, you need to renew your tastebuds. It's always been chocolate! Who eats that strawberry shit anyways?" Taurus wondered

"I do thank you very much" I sarcastically said

"I'm sticking with vanilla because it's simply enjoyable to eat vanilla flavoured icecream" Cancer shrugged

"I wonder what the others are up to, it's Valentine's Day today" I curiously asked

"Probably spending time with their Valentine" Cancer suggested

"Do any of you two have a Valentine?" I smirked as they immediately nodded no

"Nope! Nobody has asked me and in all honesty, I don't want a valentine. I'm kind of.. hoping for this certain person but.. I don't think they'll ever see me that way" Cancer frowned

"What about you Taurus? Have you got a Valentine?" I asked

"Nah, I'm fine with myself" Taurus said

"Right. Did you guys hear that Pisces might have a Valentine?" I crossed my arms as it immediately caught Taurus' attention

"Where- who- what? Who is this girl?! He never told me anything about this and he usually tells me everything!" She exclaimed, wanting to know more information on the topic.

"Say.. are you jealous?" Cancer asked in suspicion

"No! I'm just looking out for him" Taurus huffed

"Right! Let's just go already" I said


Capricorn's POV

I stood here absolutely bored, as we had Venus with us for the entire day. What was worse that it's Valentine's Day today. I wasn't stupid, I knew exactly what this was leading to, and I wasn't going to be apart of it, absolutely not. I refuse to engage myself into this loving shit stuff, besides, I don't desire to love anyone. I'm simply not interested, matter who they attempt to pair me up to, I'll leave without any care in the world, nor would I feel guilty. Tho.. I guess I could atleast drop by a rose to someone. It's only a thought tho, it's not like I'd actually consider doing it.

"Ah, you're all here! Perfect.." Venus grinned

"I don't want to be here right now knowing what today is" Scorpio mumbled

"It's a regular day?" Gemini raised a brow

"Sorry to burst your bubble but it's Valentine's Day" Leo pointed out

"Pft, I totally knew that! I was just testing you all" He said

"Yeah, you 'totally' knew" Aquarius snickered

"Hey! I really did!" Gemini said in defence

"Yeah right, as if even the most idiotic person in this room would believe you" Ophiuchus rolled his eyes

"You are the most idiotic person in this room, pack it up Ophiu-shit" Libra shot back

"Get burnt!" Taurus laughed

"I usually try to be nice but.. he's uh kinda right" Pisces hesitantly said

"Whatever, you're all idiots except for my Aries" Ophiuchus rolled his eyes

"Possessive much?" Leo said

"Look, O-phee-crust isn't the reason why you're all here today" Venus sighed

"It's because you're our teacher for the day?" Cancer raised a brow whereas Gemina rolled her eyes

"Ah yeah, that too- hold up! Where is Virgo?"  Venus said in realisation as the thought struck her

"That's strange? She's usually never late" Gemini gasped

"She's simply practising Violin, it's not like someone died" Gemina facepalmed

"Hmm.. I'm going to need someone to get her.. Capricorn." Venus smirked as I looked up in irritation

"And why should I? Do you want an earthquake to form? You know that bitch always disagrees with me." I scoffed

"Ah now, don't you want.. this?" Venus pulled out 50 dollars

"You're playing with quantity and quality.. I'll take the offer only because I'd make a profit out of this." I said in a matter-of-fact.

"Great! Go on then, take your money and get Virgo to come here" Venus smirked as she handed me the dollars, leaving me to get on with my task.

I wasn't bothered to get that perfectionist, besides, I only ever did it for the money. I didn't really think that she'd even listen to me either considering she's my rival, also for the fact that she tends to be a bit stubborn sometimes. I wouldn't of had a problem with her if it weren't for her trying to constantly pick a fight with me. Tho that wasn't the reason why I was annoyed, I simply don't get how Venus would send me out of all people to go and get Virgo. Didn't miss hopeless romantic know that Virgo and I weren't on good terms? The constant arguments were quite clear enough already, everyone could tell we were enemies so it was no use for Venus to even consider me attempting to get Virgo off of her pathetic violin.

I stopped as I heard faint melodic noises, getting louder and louder as I inched closer in order to find out more about the source that caused such fascinating instrumental harmony to occur. I looked to my right as I saw a certain ravenette gracefully playing the violin, her eyes closed as she peacefully held her bow against her violin, in tune with the melody of the song piece she was playing.

I stood there in awe, shocked at how she played her violin with ease, as if she effortlessly could play any song without a doubt. I'd have to admit, it did sound quite nice, the piece only ofcourse. It had such a.. how do I put this to words.. unique. It had a unique tone to it, something I had never heard from other violinists that probably had more experience in the industry rather than the dimwitted perfectionist.

I never even expected such skill from her, sure, I knew she could do a few 'easy' things with that piece of wood, but never had I thought she was this experienced. I carefully listened in admiration, getting too attached to the sound as I even refused to interrupt her which disgusted me at some point. I wasn't known to just 'ditch' my job, I was only ever here to convince the bitch to show up to Venus' ridiculous meeting, nothing else. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for her bribing me with money, but then again, I'd take any currency that would atleast equal to being worth to something. Virgo slowly ended the extrodinary song she was playing, as she stood there in peace and quiet observing the energy and mood she had brought into the room during her violin practice.

"Well, well, well, look who we've got here. I must say, your playing was beautiful, but don't let that get in between our rivalry, I still despise you." I walked into the room as she flinched, spanning her out of her daze.

"You heard my violin practice?!" She exclaimed in shock whereas I nodded

"Only a bit of it, but that's not the point. Venus sent me to get you, so I expect you to cooperate and go." I reasoned

"Tell her I'm busy, I refuse to go!" She glared

"Listen right up you perfectionist, I got paid to do get you to snap out of your ridiculious practice so you have no choice but to cooperate or things might get a little ugly between us." I glared, walking towards her as she backed away until I pinned her against the wall. She lightly blushed as her eyes widened in shock, looking up at me in astonishment.
I backed away as I realized what position we were in, crossing my arms whereas I didn't even dare to glance back at her, definitely not after the misunderstanding she must've thought of.

"Let's.. just go back to Venus." I paused for a moment to think

"But before we do, I'll just admit to you that your violin practice sounded exquisite" I continued

"Thank you.. I guess. Would you like some help on the violin? Since you always help me" Virgo offered

"I mean.. sure?"

"But we'll still remain enemies, this means nothing" She huffed

"Ofcourse. I despise you to the point the level is unreachable" I scoffed

She handed me her violin with care as I carefully took it, holding on firmly onto the neck of the instrument. She inched closer to me in order to guide me, gently placing the bow of the violin in my hand. I felt her nervously brush her hand against mine which caused them to touch, Virgo quickly pulling hers away in embarrassment as if she were afraid of my reaction.

"Sorry.." She muttered an apology. I glanced at her, as she looked down in shame which caused me to slightly smile. Seeing her look so shy infront of me was quite.. cute. It gave me a peculiar feeling by just looking at her, one I couldn't describe. Only as a one time thing though, I'll never get along with the enemy and never will.

Pisces' POV

I felt quite hopeful today knowing my intentions were purely genuine. I was going to ask Taurus to be my valentine. Now.. this was only meant to be as friends, I always knew Taurus hated the way everyone around her had atleast something to do but her on the day of romance and love. I personally didn't know why she wasn't asked out yet, she is so friendly towards everyone and only ever judged people by their actions, she is incredibly sweet aswell, sure, a bit stubborn but never meant to ever offend anyone on purpose unless she despised them. She was truly a beautiful soul.

"Capricorn hasn't returned so this must mean something!" Venus smirked

"Well you paid him, but you're right" Cancer agreed

"Imagine he skipped the entire thing" Aquarius wondered

"If he did, then I'll forcefully drag him to Virgo myself!" Sagittarius said with a determinded face

"This is odd, he'd usually get the job done" Scorpio said

"Talking about dragging people.. I'd like to drag Taurus to this special place!" I smiled

"How come? This better not take long" Taurus muttered which got me confused, she wasn't usually as moody as this

"Girl how come you're so salty today?" Leo raised a brow

"Ooo I think I might know why!" Cancer exclaimed

"Why then? Someone please explain, I'm confused as hell" Aries said

"Some things are better left off untold. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go to whatever Pisces wanted me to see" Taurus sighed as I grabbed her wrist, leading her to the mysterious place I've been dying to show her, it had a special meaning behind it and I sort of hoped she would've remembered why.

As we nearly arrived, she stopped walking whereas I looked confused to why. She really has been acting odd throughout the entire day, I'm not sure of why. Usually, if there was something to be wrong she'd immediately tell me, we really were such close bestfriends that whenever I'd see her look hurt, I'd feel the exact same way. Our friendship bond was strong and it would sadden me whenever she felt down about something and wouldn't tell me about it, she really wasn't the type to hide anything from me.

"Why'd you stop?" I questioned

"Why do you care? What if I just wanted to rest" She mumbled

"What's up with you today? I don't like seeing you be so salty for no reason" I glanced at her

"How come you never told me that you were going to ask a girl to be your valentine?" Taurus crossed her arms

"You usually tell me everything so I feel a little offended that you never bothered to atleast let me know" She continued

"It would ruin the purpose of asking the girl" I reasoned

"What? Am I not trustworthy enough? I've never snitched on anyone"

"It would still ruin the purpose because.. you were the girl I was going to ask. As friends ofcourse" I shyly said as her eyes widened, her cheeks heating up a little.


"Infact, the place I wanted to show you was where we first met! Remember..?"


A young Pisces was seen to be focused on his drawing with nobody around him to disturb him, as he didn't really have much friends to talk to or play with. Suddenly, a brunette with emerald-like bright eyes approached the lone boy, smiling in happiness as she then looked over to what he was up to. "Ooo, what are you drawing?!" The little girl looked at him in curiosity as the boy flinched, not having had expected anyone to ever approach him. "Oh uh.. it's just a little sketch" he shyly looked away. "May I please see?" She asked in hope, staring at the hopeful boy infront of her. "..Sure" He said, allowing the girl to see what he had been working on. "This is amazing! You're really talented you know" She exclaimed in joy as he stared at her in shock. He had never had anyone ever compliment him, not even with the amount of excitement the girl carried with her.

"My name is Taurus, would you like to be friends?" She asked full of hope. It took the boy some time to respond, not sure whether to trust this stranger or not. "Sure.. my name is Pisces" he replied. "Yay! Let's play pretend chef!" She smiled "What do we do in it?" He asked in interest "Just copy what I do" She explained. The two spent their time having fun, enjoying each other's company in the multiple minigames they've playes.Young Pisces didn't feel so alone anymore, he finally had someone to share his thoughts and emotions with, domeone he could consider as his bestfriend. As time past, their mothers came to pick them up knowimg it was quite late, the two said their goodbye's and just like that, a friendship had formed.

End of flashback

Taurus stared at me in shock, unable to form words as her expression had softened. I wasn't quite sure of what she had thought of before, it wasn't as if I were going to ask another girl. I wasn't one to be unloyal, we had promised to tell each other absolutely everything as we had a close friendship.

"I'm sorry.. for the misunderstanding. I really hadn't expected this" She began as a pang of guilt washed over her

"No, no! It's completely fine, it wasn't your fault! You didn't even know" I reassured

"I turned into a sea salted crispy jerk, again I'm so sorry!"

"Taurus, it really wasn't your fault. I would'vd reacted the same way if I were you to be honest" I chuckled

"Soo.. what do you say, want to be my valentine?" I asked in hope

"Yes!" She immediately exclaimed but paused to realise at what she had said.

"I mean uh.. sure!" She continued.

We then spent the past few hours reviving old memories as we laughed at how silly we used to be. We had known each other for over 10 years now and not once had Taurus failed to make me smile. I insisted on carrying her as we used to when we were 7. At first she denied the offer so I then managed to convince her that it didn't matter and that I'd be completely fine. She slowly got on my back as I stabilized myself making it okay for me to walk. I carefully carried her to one of our favourite memorable places, grinning to myself as I felt this feeling of warmth in my chest.

Sagittarius' POV

I slyly smirked to myself, hiding from Gemini knowing he wouldn't be able to find me. I decided to give him a little revenge for last time, so if he wanted me to show up, he'd have to come and find me himself! I made very sure that I hid in a spot that nobody would've ever thought to find me in as I intelligently applied the quote he'd always say "expect the unexpected". It was definitely something that'd work out, especially in this situation! He wouldn't expect me to be at the place I am in right now, unless he really is that intelligent to the point he could've figured out my intentions in just a split second, I doubt it however. It's not like he'd immediately know, that's practically impossible unless you're Einsten!

"Boo!" An unkown voice said which caused me to flinch in panic. I slowly looked to my right to see a grinning Gemini as I mentally facepalmed.

"And you really thought I wouldn't find you?" He cockily said

"This is impossible! I was literally hiding in such a great spot!" I huffed

"Like I always say, expect the unexpected" He smirked

"Oh really?" I smiled as he nodded

"Well don't expect this then!" I ran away in a fast pace so it would be unable for him to catch me that easily. I could hear him mutter a few words in the distance causing me to laugh at his reaction. Before I knew it, he had almost caught up to me which got me to attempt to even run faster than my own legs could carry me! Not even Debby Ryan would try with this much effort just to run away from some equally troublesome lunatic as I am

I suddenly tripped, which caused me to collapse onto the uncomfortable floor, Gemini fell down too aswell since he was closely behind, which I hadn't know but could've if I just sneaked a glance. I then blushed as I realised what position we were in, him being on top of me. The feeling I described as 'weird' once reappeared as it captured most of my attention. I wasn't used to this, and probably never would be, I didn't think that I would ever be someone to physically feel this way, this wasn't me in the slightest bit.

"Hey uh, could you get off now?" I muttered as he obeyed my orders, eventually helping me up aswell.

A silence flew past us as we just stood there thinking to ourselves, not sure whether to speak or not. He then looked at me which got me to panick and quickly glance away, as I didn't know how to react at that point. I felt my face heating up, curse human emotions! I didn't want him to see me like this, definitely NOT in this state! If only there was a way to control them, I'd be left off better. I always made a fool out of myself infront of others, yet the situation I've been put in right now is internally killing me!

"Say.. why do you always get so gloomy whenever I get close to you or you accidentally touch me?" Gemini asked in curiosity

"I don't get gloomy, I just feel a bit weird sometimes" I said in honesty

"Infact.. I'm never gloomy! I'm the optimist remember!" I pointed out

"Lies, a few minutes ago was proof! And you're even blushing" He stated

"It's probably makeup powder" I rolled my eyes

"But you don't even wear makeup" he smirked

"Well everyday is a new day, so now I do" I said in a matter-of-fact

"Sagi, just own up to your crimes" He grinned inching closer as he grabbed my wrists, making it unable for me to escape

"You can't go now, admit them right now"

"I simply erm- don't blush or get gloomy, it's my makeup powder I swear!" I blabbered

"Then how come your face is redder than before? You don't have your 'makeup powder' with you to apply it in a millisecond, do you?" He pointed out

"Pft, it's probably melting off" I made an excuse

"Melting? In winter?" He raised a brow

"You're not owning up so expect a tickle attack" He playfully glared

"Wait wha- don't you dare using my weakness on me you malicious sou-"

He interrupted me, tickling me as I laughed like an idiot, unable to stop knowing I was weak to such attacks. How dare he! Gemini knew very well I couldn't take being tickled, it was a weakness I never showed unless I told so. I couldn't stop laughing to the point my stomach hurt which was where he decided to stop and pause to simply look at me in admiration, seeing my current state. I sneakily glanced back, not even caring of feeling surrounded by the weird feeling anymore.

Libra's POV

We were locked in a unusual room as Venus had partenered me and Aries up together. We usually never really communicated much, so I sort of appreciated what Venus had done. She was truly a good sister, a good person? I wouldn't really call her that, she has had done a couple of past few mistakes, tho I didn't care much right now. All I cared about now was atleast spending spending time with my little ram, who was quite angry at the moment but that's what made her even cuter. Sure, people described her as 'scary' and wouldn't even dare encountering her whenever she was livid, but to me, she really wasn't that scary.

"Let me out Venus!" Aries banged on the door in rage

"Not happening! I know that you'd run away if I left you alone with him, it's valentine's day so that certainly must not happen!" Venus scoffed from the other side of the door

"Let. Me. Out." She grit her teeth

"Like I said before, you'd run away. Well guess what? Not on my watch! You'll be very grateful, now suck it up future sister-in-law" Venus giggled

"Besides, wouldn't you like some alone time with your boyfriend? I've heard you two don't speak quite much to each other so I figured this may help" She continued

"For atleast the thousandth time, he's not my boyfriend, and never will be!" Aries shouted

"Ah my mistake, let me correct myself, your future husband! I could already imagine you two at the altar, how sweet!" Venus teased

"He isn't my future husband either, I'd never marry him, get that through your thick skull! Wait until I once get out of this room, you're absolutely going to get it!" She argued back

"Mhm, I totally believe that. Now don't have too much fun as I'll be going now, ciao~" Venus left

"I hope you and your sister burn, I hate you both." Aries muttered under her breath

"Aww, how kind of you to even consider me princess, I feel honoured that you'd even mention me" I responded

"Are you deaf? I said hate!" She glared

"Well listen up chica." I said, capturing her attention

"You've said you hated me multiple times now" I slowly walked up to her as I pinned her against the wall

"So much, that it made me think the word 'hate' equals to 'love' in your dictionary" I grinned whereas her eyes widened as she lightly blushed

"First of all, that is false! It means I wouldn't want to even be near you! And besides, your fangirls absolutely annoy the death out of me. One even attacked me for no apparent reason" Aries stated

"What.. did they do?" I asked in curiosity


Flashback in Aries' POV

I was just minding my own business as usual, simply being on my phone when suddenly Lorelei approached me. She mocked me so I decided to carelessly ignore her knowing she wasn't worth my time even tho I was slightly getting irritated by her presence. Before I knew it, slapped me as anger was slowly rising, my temper building up to the point I fumed with rage. I hadn't done anything but stay away from her, so I walked up towards her and pushed her on purpose in absolute anger. "Ooh, I'm the scary Aries! Come near me or I'll get so angry that I'll throw a tantrum like the baby I am!" Lorelei mocked "Pathetic. Stay away from my man and besides, nobody really cares about you. They never did when we were young, so why would they now?" Lorelei maniacally laughed "Just shut up you purple haired pigmented looking freak" I sighed. "Alright, bye then miss anger!" She pushed me to the floor which left me to just think to myself, I was furious, but never let it get to me. She was just someone that had nothing better to do other than practically bully people, she was no match for me.

End of flashback, back to Libra's POV

"I guess I kind of grew used to it. I've know that bitch since kindergarten so I know what to do whenever she decides to pick on me." Aries stated as I looked at her in shock. I never knew Lorelei had the audacity to even insult her, let alone attack her without a reason, she never deserved such treatment from anyone, let alone Lorelei who'd only ever manipulate people out of pure jealousy, but then again, I can't control her actions towards people, I don't hold that kind of power over anyone.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry that this has been happening to you, I didn't know" I said in empathy, hugging her as she froze for a second

"I'm okay.. thank you, I guess" She mumbled, instantly hugging me back as she pulled herself closer towards me. I could feel her heart beat as she buried herself even deeper into the hug, causing me to smile at her unusually, clingy, kind behaviour.

We sat down as we spent the past few hours peacefully talking to each other as we made the most of the time we had left together. None of us knew whenever Venus would come back, which was a relief to me knowing she wouldn't disturb the moment we were having right now. Tho I had to be grateful, if it weren't for Venus to lock us up together I wouldn't be put in the position I was in right now. Aries slowly crawled into my arms as she cuddled me until she quietly fell asleep, as it was getting quite late I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier, as I drifted off to an enjoyable sleep.

Cancer's POV

I nervously stood next to Scorpio, fiddling with my two fingers as I had built up the courage to maybe just maybe ask him to hangout or atleast do something with me.. as friends ofcourse! I wasn't sure of how he'd react or what his reaction may be, but I was ready to atleast attempt to make a move. I knew that if I didn't I'd end up spending valentine's day alone as usual, neither have I ever seen Scorpio spend it with anyone either. I thought since we both wouldn't have much to do, we might aswell hang out as friends!

"So Scorpio.." I started

"I just wanted to say happy valentine's day! I know you're not into this kind of stuff but.. would you hang out with me? We'll make the most of it! As friends ofcourse.. right?" I nervously said, waiting for a response from the silent boy infront of me.

"You don't have to if you don't want to.. I'll understand, everything is completely fine! I'll respect any decision you ma-"

"Cancer, you're talking nonsense. You're blabbering a bit aswell, it's quite amusing" He interrupted me as he pulled me closer to him which I both felt relieved about as I also panicked inside, not being sure of what to reply back with

"Ah uh sorry! I get carried away sometimes" I sheepishly smiled

"And besides.." He stopped for a moment

"I actually thought about asking you.. like you mentioned earlier, as friends ofcourse.. I even got this for you" He muttered as he got out a delicate, alluring rose. I gasped, not having expected him to even acknowledge me, or the fact that today was valentine's day. Neither did I know that he knew roses were my favourite kind of flowers out of the bunch of various ones that were out there. I felt touched that he ever considered getting me something, no one had ever before, especially on this this certain day.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, that's really considerate of you, I appreciate it so much!" I hugged him tightly as he faintly blushed, eventually hugging me back

"I guess.. it was no problem, you're a good friend afterall" He gently said

"Seriously, no one has ever done this for me.. thank you once again" I beamed with excitement as I kissed his cheek, being extremely grateful and thankful as I truly felt overjoyed at the amount of kindness such a small action gave me.

"Ofcourse I wouldn't of forgotten that you liked roses.. you talk about them all the time" He gave a small smile

I once again thanked him multiple times as he quietly admired me, appreciating my gratitude towards him. I didn't think he'd expect the amount of 'thank you's' I had given him so far, I was delighted to thank him even more as words couldn't express how overjoyed I felt, he then took my hand as he whispered that he'd take me to one of our favourite places. I blushed at the touch of his hand, as I felt this tingly, fuzzy feeling inside of me once again. My heart fluttered, him leading the way to our secret place.

Venus' POV

I stood there grinning as I watched Cancer and Scorpio leave together, holding hands. Ofcourse they only did it 'as friends' which irritated me quite a bit. Friends don't do that to friends but I let it slide, this was ever as far as I'd get with those two, tho something felt off. I've watched almost every 'couple' get together, every couple.. except for once. I glanced, seeing a troubled Aquarius stand alone without anyone. I decided to walk up to him to see if anything were wrong, I was the matchmaker of Zodea afterall. It couldn't have been that bad, and if it were, I'd be the one to fix it. I always was

"Hey Aquarius, why aren't you with Leo?" I walked up to him, immediately questioning what had happened

"Oh uh.. I've liked her for a long time now and.. I'm too afraid to confess, let alone make any moves on her.." he admitted, sighing deeply to himself

"Well you're in luck today, I'm known as a great shipper! I think I might have a solution, it could slowly bring you to confess to her" I grinned, whispering my well-thought plan to his ear as he nodded, agreeing with my ideas. I knew this would bring him a step closer to his goal, and I was definitely bound to make it happen.

Aquarius' POV

As I saw Leo calmly gaze at the twinkling stard above her, I debated whether I should approach her or not. What if she found me pathetic?! I'd be internally scarred for life! I had never done something like this before, it was extremely unusual for me to.. how should I say this..? Make a move? Especially after I friendzoned her on multiple occasions.. it was only ever because I didn't want her to know how I felt, or to look suspiciois or anything. Truth is, I've liked her for a long time now.  I held the letter in my hand, hesitating if I should really do this?

"Hey.. Leo" I walked up to her whereas she flinched, instantly snapping her out of her daze as she glanced back at me with a shocked expression

"Oh hey Aqua! Sorry, you scared me a little! Would you like to watch the stars with me..?" She offered as I nodded. We sat down next to each other in the soft, dim grass as moonlight shone upon us. I blushed seeing her ever so calmly observe the tiny-like stars above us as a comfortable silence past.

"So.. today was quite eventful" I started

"It sure was, it felt magical really" Leo smiled

"Other than the fact we witnessed our classmates getting coupled ofcourse" She snickered

"Yeah.. by the way, I'm sorry for accidentally touching your hand when we went out ice skating.. you see, I'm more of a skateboarder.. but it didn't hurt to try something new out. It was fun learning from you" I admitted

"It's fine! I attempted to skateboard today, let's just say.. it didn't end up great either. I messed up on everything to the point you had to hold me because I kept falling off, remember..?" She recalled

"Nobody is perfect, not even me.."

"You are in my eyes tho.." I mumbled

"Did you say something?" She asked as my eyes widened at what I had just said

"Oh uh.. no! I just thought of my computer, which reminds me, I have to go! I'll see you tomorrow!" I rushed as I panicked inside. 'Argh! Why did I have to say that? Infront of her aswell?' I thought to myself, facepalming in embarrassment knowing that my life would be over if she ever heard me. Atleast I managed to drop the letter, hopefully she must've seen it and read it, otherwise, I'd be internally scarred as I might aswell move to a whole different place.

Leo's POV

It was the next day already as I was sitting under a tree, with the unopened letter in my hand. I found it yesterday but never had the chance of being able to peek inside of it and see what was written. I slowly unsealed the edge of the letter, opening it as I carefully read through.

Dear leo,

Your hair shines brighter that the sun, your eyes glinster like none could be done, you are my sunshine, so will you be my valentine?

-Your secret admirer

I stared down at the letter in shock, blush covering my face as I blinked twice making sure I wasn't hallucinating. This was the most.. sweetest thing anyone had ever written.. to me.. I had a secret admirer. Someone who thought of me as the heart-touching things they had written in this one particular letter.. I promised to cherish this forever.

'I hope to find you one day, my secret admirer..' I thought to myself as I held the letter dearly, and closely to me.

And that ends the chapter, sheesh! This was 7k words, making it the longest chapter in the book! I'm so sorry this came a week later, I was busy working on the video version of this and had made the wise decision to finish that off first and then work on the chapter. Happy late valentine's day, even if you were alone like me! Atleast I managed to finish this chapter ♡

-Your Sagittarius friend♐

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