a bloody love story

By Normanshotgf

31.5K 433 37

Damon salvatore smut, from y/n pov: It starts in 1999 You go to a party expecting to get drunk and have a goo... More

31st of December 1999
When the party REALLY started
the "one night stand"
his charm or his vampirism?
the aftermath.
flash forward to 2009
back at the house
back to square one..
dirty girl
Youve changed...
good morning-
the double date.
the double date p2
living up to ones word..
the bitch is back!
who knew damon salvatore could love?

coarsing through my veins

2.3K 31 1
By Normanshotgf

His cold, icy hands began to ghost the nape of my neck, as his lips came towards my neck i felt a bad feeling deep inside me, something felt off. Once he had began sucking my tender neck i felt a prick in my skin, at first i thought it was some sort of kinky fetish he had but quickly this prick in the skin became as painful as a knife to the neck.I could feel him sucking the life force out of me. " Damon! Damon stop your hurting me!" I yelled with fear in my heart. i knew that i wouldn't make it out of this encounter alive.I felt the blood in my body going into him, i began to feel light headed and nauseous as some of the last remaining morsels of blood left my body i started to go drowsy and my eyes shut. I knew then and there that it was curtains for me.

But on the brink of death, Damon cut open his arm and pushed it to my mouth, he told me to drink from it. I was confused but submissive so i did. After this he grabbed me and snapped my neck.I had a little glimpse of hope that i'd be ok before that. But clearly he had other plans.

I was certain i was long gone when suddenly i woke up in severe shock and terror. I was in a very large mansion, an old one at that. The interior was mostly wood with a glossy finish, this place had to be centuries old. I was on a leather couch with a coffee table next to me with many different bourbons and whiskeys on it. I looked beside me to see a tall, handsome man. He had light brown hair and kind eyes, he had defined arms and a sweetness to him. "she's up... Um are you ok?" The man said gladly.
"Well no considering i just got drained for blood and murdered! Where the fuck am i? take me home!" I yelled in fear.
"hey, don't worry! i'm not going to hurt you i promise. i'm Stefan, Damon's brother..." he told me.
"where am i then?" I questioned. "you're in mystic falls, Virginia. Damon asked me to go down to LA to help him, as per usual he was being an incompetent dick." Stefan said with malice in his tone. " i don't get it... how am i still alive, Damon killed me?"I questioned. "Okay what you're about to hear is gonna freak you out, don't leave after i tell you because otherwise we can't help you through it. Your a vampire now. Damon sucked all your blood and at the brink of your death he must've felt bad so he gave you his blood, then killed you to make sure you wouldn't die." He explained carefully. I was in apsolute dismay and shock,I didn't think vampires were real, just an old wives tale but they must exist if i'm in a house with two of them.
Damon came into the room and said joyfully, "oh so my sexy stripper friend woke up then, glad to see your not dead." I was so insanely angry i couldn't look at him without wanting to rip his head off, but at the same time i was glad he saved me. I ran up to him and started screaming profanities in his face. "YOU KILLED ME AND EXPECT ME TO BE FINE WITH IT?! YOU RUINED MY LIFE JUST TO GET A KICK! YOUR SICK IN THE HEAD, GO FUCK YOURSELF DAMON !!!"  He speeded up to me and pushed me against the wall, simultaneously choking me while he said calmly "Look i could've let you die then and there and buried the body no questions asked...But i saw something in you Y/N, i felt sympathetic and saved you, i think you should thank me with make up sex PERSONALLY." I looked at him with anger yet somehow was seduced by his charm "fool me once that's on you but fool me twice that's on me.." i bartered. "do you remember what i said at the bar Y/N, you do what i say when i say it.."  Damon contemplated. Stefan shouted "Damon, don't do this, have you not put her through enough without taking her goddamn free will?"
"no no it's fine i'll do it, i'll have sex with damon again if it's what makes him happy" I said blindly. "Wait what? why would you have sex with him he just killed you?" stefan wondered.
"take it as thank you sex, he saved me from dying so now i owe him a favour,it's not a bad offer" I said with a sarcastic tone. Damon kissed me with the passion of a thousand suns. Stefan watched in utter confusion as me and damon made out. It didn't take long for stefan to figure out that i was sired to Damon. His hands ravaging every single part of my body. My hands on his slick, muscular back.Stefan couldn't believe what was happening and nor could i, I didn't want to do this, i KNEW i didn't want to do it, but my body was compelling me to do whatever he told me to. Like i was his personal slave. What was happening to me? i felt like damon was controlling my mind... but surely not.

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