Filthy - Draco Malfoy FF (+18)

By 1-800-HOGWRTS

11K 130 66

"You're right Nevaeh.. who could ever love a death eater like me...but keep in mind forever mine you are & ne... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
1K READS?!?!?!?!
The Night We Met
Draco Malfoy
Pain. Confusion. Darkness.

The Start of Something New

463 7 1
By 1-800-HOGWRTS

A/n: keep in mind that the story now takes place in 4th year. (Goblet of Fire) you shall find that things are different maybe you'll like the changes maybe you won't either way the book is definitely going to be elevated from here on out.

WARNING: Vulgar language, Suggestive content, Bullying, Emotional abuse. If you are sensitive to such topics please skip over this chapter as the rest of the book will not contain these topics. You've been warned!

EDIT: If you guys know anyone who does covers please let me know!!

Hehe. Just kidding there's no emotional abuse in this chapter that'd be a suckish way to begin the start of 4th year. :)

Nevaeh's pov:

Another dreadful day in this school. It feels like I've skipped all other years and now all of a sudden I'm in 4th year. Crazy how time passes by when you spend your days reading books and writing. I guess I should be grateful though. Without this school I wouldn't have found Blaise. My bestfriend above all else. Well, of course Hermione definitely is also close, but I have a sort of special connection with Blaise. Nobody knows he's gay and I feel so appreciative that he trusted me with such a secret. He's definitely been the constant variable in my life of equations.

"Hey girl." Speak of the angel. Blaise popped up crumpets in hand. "I come bearing delicious muffins-or are they an English muffin? Or are they a griddle cake- whatever the fuck they may be I come for you to enjoy them." He sighed. I laughed at his usual dorkiness.

"So. What you've been up to? Keeping your nose in other people's business I assume." I smirked up at him as he feigned mock shocker.

"I-what-gasp- that is not true. I mind nobody's business except my own thank you very much." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone whilst sticking his tongue out at me. So dramatic.

"Yes. And I'm Billie Eilish's wife. Merlin, it's fun to be delusional." I shoved him while taking a bite into my crumpet. Damn, these things give me foodgasms. Unt unt, don't judge me, nobody can take over my love for food. Food comes first. My life comes second. Simple.

"Anyways... The Yule Ball is coming up. How you're feeling about that?" He asked inconspicuously as if proceeding with caution. See, relationships have not been my forte for some reason all the boys in this school avoid me like the plaque and I have no reason why.

I shrugged. "May just go with you because you see that everyone of the opposite gender doesn't associate with me." I picked at my nails that all of a sudden became very interesting.

Okay. It's not like I absolutely needed a male figure in my life. Like as a boyfriend I mean because I need my dad. Aside from that, it is kind of lonely being one of the only teenagers in this school who doesn't have a significant other. It's implausible to think that I can be attractive to anyone because if we're being honest I look like a potato. Now, I don't need a man to make me feel confidence. There's times where I feel confident in my looks, but usually it gets shot down by the one and only...

"Well well. Look who it is. The odd looking girl who doesn't belong in Slytherin. The Yule Ball is coming up and it's quite obvious who WON'T be having a date to escort them there. Pitiful isn't it?" The voice laughed. I didn't bother to look up because I already knew who it was. The familiar scent of Dior Sauvage filled my nostrils.

"Malfoy." I seethed. The boy with platinum blonde hair just smirked at me. He used to be somewhat nice to me. I don't know why he's acting like this all of a sudden. I don't recall doing anything to him that could have made him hate me as much as he does.

"Please keep my name out of your mouth. It sounds quite disgusting falling from your lips." He feigned a gag. "It's no wonder you didn't get into the house you wanted to. Your destiny is to be tortured by me. And Merlin knows I'll have so much fun with you." He boisterously laughed and came up to me until he was in my ears, "After all... I meant what I said in first year. I'm going to ruin you and there's nothing you can do about it whore." He shoved past me while boisterously laughing.

I wanted to feel disgusted. I wanted to feel annoyed. I wanted to feel like dying. Anything but turned on. I didn't even know I had a degrading kink. The rasp in his voice made my knees weak, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I refuse though. He will not see me become submissive. Not if I have anything to do about it.

"Woah. Way too much sexual tension for me. I felt like I was watching mind porn or something of the sort. Merlin, I need to get laid." Blaise fanned himself dramatically. Funny, I almost forgot he was there and he just witnessed that whole scene with Malfoy. I rolled my eyes at him. Hoping to control the rapid beating in my chest, I subtly took deep inhales and exhales.

"Whatever dork. Now can we get something to eat?And look at dresses for this shitty ball. I'm quite parched if I do say so myself. While also interested in finding myself a dress." I tried changing the subject, which worked thankfully. Blaise, fashion and food is the equivalent to moving on from the topic of unnecessary bullshit.

"Yes definitely. Your ass has to look like the most baddest bitch in that room and I don't care how much money its going to cost me. You're worth every dime." He ran past me out the school.

We walked into the piercing cold. The wind cursed us with its harsh blows. My feet felt as if a bunch of ants were scattering across my toes. Is this what Americans call "falling asleep" because if so then this is very much so painful... and weird. But at the same time soothing. A thick blanket of snow crunched with each footstep placed in front of the other and I released a sigh of contentment. A day in the life of Nevaeh Soto. I remembered the day my mom died as I walked past a bunch of snow covered hydrangeas.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Blaise waved his hand in front of my face. I must've zoned out while thinking about my mom. I shook my head at him.

"Nothing. I'm alright. Was just thinking about mom. She would have loved you by the way." I laughed because it was true. She indeed would have treated Blaise as if he's her own very son. She never judged anyone for whom they loved, they say the perfect person doesn't exist but I dispute. She was the poster woman for perfection.

"Of course she would love me. I'm lovable." He smiled hard as if he was so very honored that he'd get my mother's approval. "But girl it's okay to not be okay. You don't have to live your life with a smile on your face you can cry every now and then." (little deep but that's alright it's going to be more comical from here on out I promise)

"Cry for why? I have a dream.... that one day my cock will one day be the size of Martin Luther King Jr. and not the size of like a man I once knew; Chittaphon Lechaiyapornkyul. He was a nice dude but his penis not so much mate." I stared at him with the most blank stare I could muster before we both simultaneously started boisterously laughing.

"Girl. I'm laughing because you don't even have a cock to begin with." Suddenly coming to that realization I stopped laughing making him halt as well. "What?" He asked after catching his breath.

"I know you think because I'm a woman I don't have a dick, but I have a pink dildo in my dresser." I pushed at his chest and winked at him. Which emitted another series of giggles to erupt from his lips. This is why he's my best friend. In my darkest thoughts he manages to get me out of such a terrible state of mind.

One thing that always surprised me about Zabini from the first time we met was his small talk skills, we didn't even know each other yet he still managed to get a conversation out of me somehow. Maybe it was the gut instinct that he was going to be someone I could trust with no hesitance... maybe it was his good looks and humble attitude. Whatever it was... I'm so very grateful it was him.

"Suddenly I don't even want to go to Hogsmeade anymore. Let's head back to the school." I kicked at the snow beneath my feet. "I don't even know why I wanted to leave in the first place. I don't give a shit about the Yule Ball. Though, since it is mandatory watch me arrive with a pair of sweats and hoodie. That oughta turn some heads I'll tell you." I joked but Blaise seemed disappointed in my joke.

"Girl no. You're going to turn heads because you're going to be the best looking female in that ballroom. You're gonna have everyone- including Malfoy on THEIR KNEES wanting a dance with you and I'll make sure of it. So let's go toots there's no getting out of this one. Plus your add promised me food and I'm holding that against you." Merlin, Mr. Zabini could be quite demanding when he wants to. Scary for sure. Still doesn't change the fact that he's a *coughbottomcough*

"Let's do it then. But can we get food first? A bitch is hungry." I stated and ironically my stomach let out a mean growl when the sentence fell from my lips. 

"When the fuck are you NOT hungry? I mean, seriously when are you not? But your wish is my command- until we get that dress then I'm back to being a pain in your ass and never doing anything you ask of me." He moved to the side and opened his am like those scenes in the movies. "L-" I cut him off. 

"If you say ladies first I will personally deliver a package to your doorstep from you to yourself. If you ever seen the movie, "The Package" you know what I'm talking about. Please don't test me." I smirked as I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down. Well, obviously I was joking? But his face is too funny for me to tell him right now. 

"Pfft. Whaaat? I wasn't going to say that... I was going to say love you so much best friend." He gave me a fake smile but I know in his head he was cursing me out. 

One time I did a prank on Blaise, Okay so basically, he has Xanthophobia. Which is the fear of the color yellow. (I don't know if this is even a real phobia but I saw it on Google so) So I painted his room yellow, his sheets, and even his skin. He saw himself on the mirror and MERLIN his reaction was fucking golden. I had never laughed so hard in my life but hearing his screams and curses about how the devil is out to get him? My, my, my, that was one of the most legendary of my pranks. 

"Who you trying to convince? Me or yourself? I ask because that was not convincing... whatsoever." I smirked at him again. 

"Merlin, stop fucking smirking it's unbecoming of you. You look like your face all crooked and shit," I snickered. "Anyway, we are getting off topic. The point was I wasn't going to say the phrase you oh so hate so much." He clenched his jaw shut as if holding words back. I was going to bother him some more but he seems very irritable, so I decided against it. 

"Let's go dork. We've a dress to look for and food to eat so let's get going shall we?" I linked my arm with his and started walking.

A/n: Ahh the long awaited chapter. so so sorry guys! My update schedule is kind of sorta really terrible and as much as I don't want to admit it.. I had writer's block. I will start drafting my chapters in a notebook from here on out though. So that I can further prevent the such delay in chapters. Anyways, this chapter wasn't going to get cut so short but I owed you a update and I already passed 2,000 words (including this author's note) but thank you so so much for 2.1k reads I deeply appreciate it. I love seeing the amount of people adding my book to their reading lists as well. Don't be a silent reader!! Comment. I promise to reply to all comments. Plus I want to know what you think :) 



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