Luka x Reader

By Jessrxs

27.3K 469 245

Roxy Agreste is Adrien Agreste's twin sister. they haven't been to school since their mother died. A recent... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Bruh what

Chapter 1

5.2K 81 52
By Jessrxs

"Omg give me my phone back!" Adrien is soooooo annoying! Hi! i'm Roxy. Im 15 years old and unfortunately. *cough* 3 minutes younger than my brother *cough*. My brother keeps trying to find a way to get to school. He allwwwaayyysssss gets caught but never learns. He got his phone taken away from the last time he tried to sneak out so now he's trying to look at our sewer maps. I don't want sewer maps on my search history?! Who would want that?

"c'mon Roxxxxxxx" Adrien exclaimed. "Nope! paws off silly kitty"

Oh yeah i forgot about that!... I'm chat blanc. (Lets just pretend chat blanc was never an episode :p and that i'm a hero lol.) 

you snatched your phone from his hands and walked back to your room to take a shower before bed.

Missy flew from your pocket and groaned. "Its sooo annoyyinngg to be a twin...!"

"Preach! , they always think they're soooo much better than you just cause they're older by 3 MINUTES!" you said annoyed

Missy flew by your mini-fridge to grab her watermelon before shoving it in her mouth 

"is that seriously all you eat, watermelon is disgusting!" I questioned her while she stuffed her face

She flew up to your nose and tapped it with intervals.

It. Is. DeLicIoUs.

"whatever princess" you gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking through the bathroom door and locking it

you were suddenly washed over with a  flashback of when you were chosen to be chat blanc and Adrien as chat noir


"Adrien please reconsider you know what your father wants!" Nathalie exclaimed trying to catch her breath.

"This is what I wanna do!" Adrien replied turning around to walk into the school

"orugghhhh" master fu groaned reaching for his cane on the ground, failing. Adrien rushed over to help the old man.

"t-thank you young man!" master fu exclaimed thankfully.

Adrien looked over at Nathalie and Gorilla then back at the old man and groaned. He took a deep breath and walked over the his guards. 

"i just wanna go to school like everyone else! what so wrong with that?" he looked down. "Please don't tell me father about all this." he looked back up shamefully.

He got in the car and was driven back to the house. Master fu had a proud smirk on his face as he walked away.

Roxy's p.o.v

I snuck out of my house without getting caught suprisingly. I went to the Dupain-cheng bakery for them delicious macaroons. I walked in, ordered my macaroons, and i swear as soon as i collected my box i saw gorilla's car drive by so i waited for him to pass and ran out the door and around the corner.

i was still running as i look behind me to see if gorilla was following me as i bumped into someone. I felt horrible. i stand up to look at the person i bumped into and its an old man walking with a cane.

"OMG I AM SO SORRY SIR!" i exclaimed while helping him up.

"are you ok?!?" i questioned him making sure he isn't hurt

"i'm ok young miss thank you for making sure i was!" he said

"here take these as an apology" i said giving him my box of macaroons

"Miss i assure you, i'm fine you may keep them!" he said reluctantly giving the box back.

"sir" I put the box back in his hands. " take them.. please" i said assuring him to take them

"Thank you young lady.." he gave me a quick smile before walking off.

I start walking in the other direction before i realise i don't have anymore macaroons to give to Adrien for our mothers death anniversary. I walk back up to the bakery when i see the man talking to something green. i start to follow him but i end up loosing track of him and just end up getting the macaroons and heading home.


Hi guys! This was my first chapter and i'm sorry it's not the most detailed chapter ever but i will try to update and post a new chapter soon! Bye guys! <3

Btw you were only young, you were about 10 years old, i had to make a few changes due to a future chapter.

Love Jess xxx

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