And Then She Was Gone

By CerrahQuack

112K 5.8K 647

A perfectly planned and coordinated cross country trip sends a young woman's world spiraling out of control w... More

The Departure
Goodbye Alex
Heading West
Small Town Vibes
Coffee For Two
So Awkward
So What's The Game Plan?
Forward Down The Path!
Adapt and Overcome
Into The Wolves Den
Old Friends
Your Color Lacks Conviction
Tell Me More...
One Condition
On Our Terms
Happily Ever After
Sharing Spaces
The Guest Of Honor
Did He...?
Check Mate
A Challenge
Alpha Mathias
A Tense Exchange
Let Me Explain
Ground Rules
Candelit Dinner
Night Night
An Exercise
Cleanse Yourself
Time For A Lesson
The Mess Hall
A Change of Pace
A Fresh Start
Barbie Girl
Missing Pieces
Ying and Yang
A Compromise
The Beast
A Storms Coming
An Irregularity
Gentle Hands
Can We Go Already?
Home Sweet Home
More Chocolate Please
You're Beautiful
What Happened?
So Now You Need Me?
Baby Steps
Carried Off To Sea
Testing The Formula
What's the problem?
You Wont
Wounded Pride
A New Assignment
You Called Her?
A Fresh Start
Building The Foundation
Some Time Apart
Ill Be Waiting
A Long Day
Don't Make Me Change My Mind
It Takes Two To Tango
Gal Pals
Mathias: The Beginning
Pay Attention To Me
A Hard Lesson
It's all bullshit, right?
Little Wolf
The Alphas Kryptonite
Pick One
Disappointed Expectations
Routine Followup
She Took The Stairs
Thoroughly Spent
The Alphas Best Friend
Time To Change
House Warming
A New Routine
A Surprise
A Blonde, A Brunette and a Red Head Walked Into a Bar...
We Meet Again
Eat Your Words
Mr. Sensitive
You're So Annoying
Girl Time
The Domino Effect
The Betas Dilemma
New Developments
Measured Steps
I Got You
Whats Happening?
Alpha Mathias: July 1763- Trouble
The Past Meets The Present
Running Theories
The Rumor Mill
The Mad Queen
Set In Motion
Phone Date
Package Received
Elena: July 1763
An Error Of Dissociation
A Slight Delay On Pay Day
Internal Struggle
A Heavy Burden
A Perfect Night
First Watch
You're Not Forgiven
A Firsthand Account
Baby Sitting Detail
The Perfect Storm
It's Over
Battle Ready
Green With Envy
An Alternative Perspective
Growing Pains
Show Me
Boys are from Mars, Girls are from Venus
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Tangled Webs
Divided Interests
The Lazy Luna
Party Crasher
The Lunas Guard
The Missing Piece
Thank You
It Puts The Lotion On The Skin
The Love Of A Mate

You Need To Wake Up

575 38 8
By CerrahQuack

It was the middle of the night, Elizabeth had drifted in and out of sleep with the same taunting dream that left her more fatigued from its experience than she was prior to her troubled slumbers. Jason was wrapped around her and very much contented in his own deep rest. He lately had spent all of his energy and focus on her and had neglected his own physical needs. It seemed his body was now playing catch up, which was evident from how heavy his arm rested across her waist.

She couldn't shake the visions, she was restless. Feeling an internal drive pushing her, as if she needed to go and seek out the answer to the question she did not know. For what seemed like hours spent in her troubled dream state, she had been walking through darkened fog laden woods, following the flickering length of blonde hair as it would disappear behind tree after tree. She tried to call out to the elusive owner of the long bright locks, a deep internal longing to speak with them, to touch them, to become one with them. However, she could never get close enough. She could not muster her own voice, she felt that her body was not her own in its endless pursuit.

A sigh erupted from her throat as she slowly began to push Jason's arm over her body with a gentle finesse, taking care not to wake him. She was too energetic, her body had received too much rest and her mind was unable to shut down due to it. She needed to take a walk, she needed to burn down some energy. The doctors had been pushing her to move around and Jason had been pushing back not wanting her to overdo it. Now that he was fast asleep, she was going to use her small reprieve from her overprotective mate to seek out some exercise.

The soft socks with the slip grips affixed on the top and bottom, gently reached the cool tile floor. She ensured she was careful leaving the bed, as to not wake Jason, because he would put a stop to her movements in a heartbeat. She figured a few paces up and down the hall would do her good, and then she could return with him being none the wiser.

Her muscles very much appreciated the new found activity, they seemed to groan with pleasure within her as she stretched them and warmed them with her quick steps. Not a soul stirred around her, the night staff seemed to have busied themselves in other rooms or in the staff room procuring coffee in the early morning hours. It was so peaceful.

Elizabeth was on her fourth back and forth down the hall, when she heard a soothing melodic feminine voice from down the hall towards the stairwell exit. Come find me... I need to wake up.

"Hello?" Elizabeth whispered back, her steps moving slower in that direction as she looked around for the voice.

Im lost.. I need your help to wake me up. The voice sounded as if it was getting further away, and held a sad tone in its depths.

"Are you alright?" Elizabeth asked as she continued to make her way to the stairs.

I need to wake up. The voice replied, as the young blondes hand reached for the handle and opened the stairwell. I can't wake up. It said in more dejection as Elizabeth looked down the stairwell in its direction and saw the flicker of gold hair disappear
down the last visible view of stairs.

"Hey! Wait!" She said as she began to rapidly descend them in pursuit of what she now realized was the woman in her dreams. "Wait! Come back!" She said trying to catch up with the form that owned the whipping blonde hair that was always outside of her searching gaze.

You have to help me. Come find me. Come, come. The voice continued to prod her, leading her out a side entrance of the hospital. Over here. This way. It called out from a line of trees, and a shadowed female figure with bright blue eyes glanced for a few seconds before darting into the woods depths leaving the long hair to flicker as a guide behind it.

"Can you just wait?!" Elizabeth pleaded, quickening her pace to a jog and following the woman into the woods. "Just stop!"

You have to help me. I need to wake up.

"I'm trying!" She said in frustration, not knowing why she was so drawn to pursue the woman, but she couldn't stop her feet from now pounding against the twigs on the woods floors. "Please! Stop!" She said with heavy breaths as she pursued at a run for fifteen minutes.

You're almost there. You can wake me up. Keep going.

The voice echoed all around her and Elizabeth suddenly lost her bearings, walking blindly without the direction of the voice. Her arms extending out to push away branches and shrubbery as she walked through the cold dark of the night. She was about to turn around and give up when she saw a clearing up ahead, and her nose was filled with the overwhelming scent of vanilla, laced with cigarette smoke.

Once she pushed through she immediately saw a lake surrounded by a beautiful view of the mountains glistening under the moonlight, her nose following the direction of the smell and landing on a very different form. It was not feminine and it did not have long blonde hair. It was tall and tightly molded with lean muscle exposed on its upper body, the forms defined back was facing her as it lifted a cigarette to its face and exhaled another round of smoke, on the head of the males form was mid length brown hair in a disheveled state.

Elizabeth froze as she stared at the male in front of the shimmering water line, watching him carefully as his free hand ran through his hair and his shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh. She even took the initiative to hide herself behind a bush and watch him for a few more minutes before her night vision grew more sharp and she could clearly define who it was.

It was Alex, and he seemed to be rubbing tensely at his eyes with the cigarette laden hand. She felt it was safe to approach him, standing to her full height and taking a step forward, a resounding snap of a stick underneath her foot alerting his attention over to her.

They both just stared at one another for what seemed like a long moment, his bright blue eyes staring with a deep visual acuity and taking in her mostly gold ones. Her eyesight grew sharper by the minute and she could see he had been crying by the streaks in his face and redness muffling down the white surrounding his blue orbs. Her feet seemed to lead the way to him, as he dropped the cigarette in the ground and stubbed it out with his boot, one hand going into his pants pocket as the other rubbed tensely at the back of his neck.

When she reached him stopping only inches away from him she just stared into his blue eyes, her eyes now in total gold and darkening in its depths. "Mate." Her voice was low and she wrapped her arms around his neck, having to stand on slightly raised toes.

"I fucking knew it." He said deeply and quickly scooped her up wrapping her legs around his hips crashing his lips against hers, the intensity between the two erupting like a volcano as he pressed her back against a tree, his fingers gripping tightly into her thighs and butt as their tongues collided.

A deep moan erupted from the base of her throat as her nails dived into his hair, pulling his head back where she could bite roughly at the side of his neck causing him to groan in pleasure, one of his hands snaking up her side and grabbing tightly at her breast as he allowed her to continue to assault his neck. "I love you, Liz." He moaned out as he pushed his bulge against her tightly digging her back further against the tree.

"It's time to wake up." She pulled away from his neck and stared intensely into his eyes, one hand continued to tightly pull at his hair as the other roughly scratched longingly at his chest. "Can you do that for me?" Her tone deep and sultry as if trying to draw it out of him.

"I've been awake, Liz. I fucking knew it." He said his breaths heavy with lust, his fingers ripping at the disposable cloth under the gown, needing to have her now. His  hand rapidly moved to his pants to undo them in haste. "I knew you were mine." He said as he pulled his long cock out and began to lovingly kiss at her neck. "Tell me you love me." He whispered lowly into her flesh as he continued to deposit kisses to the flesh on the opposite side of where her mark laid, looking for his own spot to claim. He was so overrun with passion for her that he did not care at all about the consequences of his doing it.

"I love you, Elena." She whispered back to him, her wet entrance running against his tip, waiting for him to take it.

Alex suddenly stopped, his head lifting up and his dark blue eyes almost black now staring intensely back into hers. "What did you just call me?" He moved his groin away from hers but kept her suspended in the air, as his head tilted to the side with confusion mixed with a growing anger.

"You need to wake up. It's time." She said back quickly in her deep tone, her gold eyes staring firmly but holding a pleading manner combined with a twinkle of sadness as he began to remove his affection.

He turned his head away, glaring to the side as he shoved his dick quickly back into his pants as he exhaled heavily through his nose. "I can't do this." He said with a shake of his head and his voice turning bitter. "I can't play these fucking games anymore." He said putting her back down on the ground after pulling her away from the tree.

"You don't understand." She said her own brows furrowing and her stare growing less intense and turning frantic.

"I understand perfectly clear, Liz." He said turning away from her and fastening his pants back up. "I've always been waiting for you, and now I can only have  you if you're fucking psychotic. I'm done." He said sharply, reaching into his pants pockets and pulling out the pack of cigarettes to light another from his own anger and frustration. The cigarette habit something he adopted on and off during times of stress. "You go and use your own mate the way you've used me. I'm not a fucking person without feelings, and there's a woman that wants me and I've treated her like shit, just to get treated like shit by you. I'm done. Go take some more meds and leave me the fuck alone."

"Elena, you called for m-" she reached out for his bicep only to be shrugged off in further annoyance.

"My name is not fucking Elena, you nutcase. Get the fuck out of here. Just fucking go." He said pointing towards the woods, not looking back at her to hide the angry tears that had now formed in his eyes.

Alex was done. He was always waiting for her, he always gave her the space she needed assuming she would come back to him. But she now only showed him affection if she was in another episode, using him during that time and then turning to the Alpha when she was in clarity. He couldn't do this up and down with her. He couldn't get his hopes up anymore.

"You're not ready." She said lowly with a head shake.

"No, Liz. You never fucking were." He scoffed his words sharp and harsh. His feet quickly walking away from her with tight shoulders, broad chest and his head held up high. When he was alone he would breakdown, but he wasn't going to show just how weak she made him.

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