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By bakug0uswh0re1

19.3K 707 1.6K

𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝔸𝕌 "𝙎𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚." 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙨, 𝙡𝙖𝙪�... More

O n e
T h r e e
F o u r

T w o

4.6K 176 625
By bakug0uswh0re1

Two: I Thought I Recognized Her.

Your POV

"Y/n, wake up we have school you idiot!" Katsuki booms in my ear as I groan, shoving his face away from my ear as I roll over and grip the sheets. He sighs and quickly yanks the sheets off of me, grabbing my ankles and pulling me off the bed as I catch myself before I hit my head on the floor. "Katsuki!" I yell, grabbing his ankle and pulling it out so he lands on his ass on the floor.

"I graduated you fucking dick, let me sleep!" I groan, sitting up as he laughs, remembering that I don't go to school with him now. "Whoops.." I smack him up side of the head and get back into bed, jerking my blankets back over my body as he lays across the edge of my bed near my feet. "What do you want." I mumble as he sighs, "it's gonna feel weird going to school without your mean ass." He grumbles, flicking my foot.

"Oh yea? I don't miss it one bit." I say, my voice muffled from under the blankets. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it just a little bit. Being able to tease Katsuki in the halls and see him get all embarrassed in front of his little friends. "Oh by the way, Todoroki wants us to hang with him after school today so pick me up at school." He says as he sits up, hitting my leg before leaving the room. "Shut the fucking door, Kat!" I yell as he quickly slides back and shuts the door for me.

"Damn isn't it a bit early to be yelling like that?" His low raspy voice calls out and I flinch. "Fuck don't scare me like that." I sigh, holding my chest from him scaring me. "Yea well I have annoying siblings, asshat." I say as I roll over onto my back and huff, my eyes locking onto the black vibrator resting on my nightstand. "I love the little nicknames you're giving me." He says sarcastically as I start tasting fruity pebbles. "Oh god you're one of those..." I say as he chokes on his cereal.

"What?" He asks, and I laugh. "You like the fruity pebbles? Coco pebbles all the way." I say and he scoffs stuffing more into his mouth as I taste it. Disgusting. "So why are you up so early?" He asks, stuffing his face more. I gag before talking again, "my little brother woke me up for 'school' forgetting I'm graduated." I groan as he laughs, "what about you?" I ask as I hear keys dangle and a lighter flick. "taking my little brother to school actually." He says, a door slamming after he talks.

"Oh fuck I probably have to do that too!" I groan, jumping out of bed and getting ready quickly. I leave my h/c h/t hair down, grabbing my keys and heading out the door. "C'mon Kats!" I yell as I walk past his door in the hallway on my way to the living room. "Morning baby, happy birthday again." Mitsuki greets me in the kitchen as I grab an apple smiling at her. "Thank you!" I say as she nods smiling back. "We're gonna do something tonight so make sure you get home at a good time." She says as I nod, watching Katsuki walk out of his room in that nasty old baggy uniform.

I honestly don't even think he ever washes it, but I mean, all it smells like is caramel not like his BO smells bad. "Make sure you behave today Katsuki!" Mitsuki says as he waves her off nodding in annoyance as he follows me out of the house and to my car.

"I don't understand why you get a car and I don't." He huffs as he swings himself into my passenger seat, me doing the same in the driver seat. I scoff, gently shoving his head. "Because 1, I'm older and more responsible, and 2, you can literally bum rides off of me, dipwad." I say as he rolls his eyes, plugging his phone into the aux cord. I always let him have the music just cause if not he'll have a little hissy fit the whole ride to school.

I pull my pack out of my hoodie pocket and light a cig remembering the time at school when I got caught smoking in the bathroom. Nezu had a field day with my ass, making me clean the whole bathroom like I ruined it or something. Katsuki holds his hand out towards me like he wants me to hand him one and I smack it away as he groans, I don't know what that kids obsession is with smoking but damn he needs to stop.

I park and he jumps out, rushing to Kirishima and that little group he hangs out with. I call it the bakusquad, that's his little friend group in the morning classes but then afternoon classes is him, shoto, and izuku. "Good morning, y/n." I hear shotos voice say as he gets out of the black car beside me. "Oh hey, morning, thanks for my present." I say as his face gets bright red. I get out and walk over to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and pulling him towards me, rubbing his hair around.

"That's a very nice gift, Shoto." I say, trying to tease him. I think it's funny when he gets flustered or nervous he starts getting as red as his hair. A taller black haired boy gets out of the driver seat of the car shoto just left, grabbing something out of the trunk before getting back into the car. he's beautifully decorated in purple scars and staples holding it all together. Hella ear piercings and three small nose piercings. Oh man he's fine...

"Who is that?" I ask as Shoto looks back where I'm looking, once he notices who I'm looking at he groans.

"Thats Touya, my brother.. older brother." He explains and I nod slowly, "yea I'll come hang out today." I say, not taking my eyes off Touya. I pull shoto in closer for a hug before parting ways and getting back into my car, driving off to the bar I work at. All of a sudden I taste a cigarette in my mouth. "Damn you smoking early this morning huh?" I say, flipping through the songs.

I hear him chuckle, "you were earlier than me, sweetheart." His nickname catches me off guard and my face turns red. "Shut the fuck up." I groan, turning onto the interstate as I flip through my playlist, landing on some Eminem. "Good taste I see." He says, I flinch not realizing I could hear him over the music. "Of course, gotta have good taste in something, men is one of em." I say cockily, he chuckles.

"Oh I'm a piece of work, just wait till we find each other." He says as I start thinking about it, what if he's some crusty looking motherfucker? What if he's nothing like me and we don't get along? Plus, I wanna put off finding him as much as possible, I wanna figure out who that Touya guy is. I mean, it's not cheating on your soulmate if you don't even know who it is, right? Shouldn't hurt to explore a little....

"So, whatcha look like?" I ask, I hear him hum for a moment before he speaks up, but this time when he speaks it sounds like the parents on Charlie Brown, like it's English but it's not? I can't understand a word. "Dude, I didn't hear a damn thing you said." I say as he gasps, "huh?! You try then!" He says as I start to think of how to describe myself. "Well I'm s/t, I have h/c h/t hair, I'm a little on the (height) side." I say as he bursts out laughing.

"W-What?!" I say as he sighs, "I can't hear a damn thing either, are we not supposed to be able to?" He asks and it hits me, it wouldn't be that easy. Fate is supposed to do it's job and just bring us together, we can't just tell each other who we are. "That's not how it works, we just have to wait." I explain and he groans, "yea I guess that makes sense."

The rest of my car ride we spent talking, we actually do have a lot in common, he loves all the bands and rappers I do, well except for one. He thinks that Miguel sucks, which I'll punch him for once I find him. I finally make it to the bar, getting out of my car and rushing towards the back where they have an employee locker room. I notice shinso getting his shirt buttoned and tucked as I clock in. "Wassup ugly." I say as he turns and winks.

"Happy birthday grandma." He says as I sit down beside him and I groan. "If I hear one more person call me grandma because I'm 18-" he cuts me off by smacking my back. "Chill, I don't want you getting a heart attack because of your temper." He says bursting out laughing as I give him a fake 'ha ha' back. Ever since senior year of high school me and Shinso have been best friends and so we decided on working together after high school as well.

Only problem is, my ex, Keigo decided to work here as well so I have to deal with him plus drunken perverts on the daily. All of a sudden a pair of hands cover my eyes as I sigh, keigo. "Guess Who~" he coos as I grab his wrists, taking them off of my face and turning towards him to see he now has a purple box in his hand. "What's that?" I ask as he raises a brow. "Oh this little thing? For you." He smiles, handing it to me.

I slowly unwrap the ribbon off of the purple box, opening it up to a charm bracelet. It has a guitar, Angel wings, a heart and a key. I rub my finger over the Angel wings, remembering how many times keigo stayed at the cemetery with me just sitting there and talking to her headstone. We became best friends once I moved schools to live with the Bakugous and then eventually we got together when I was a freshman, it's been about seven months since we broke up.

So he knows all about my mother and how much I wish I would've gotten to meet her. I turn around and give him a hug, thanking him instead of being the usual dick I am towards him. Don't get me wrong, I miss our bond, me and keigo. But after he cheated on me it was kind of hard, so I built tall unbreakable walls.

After the little sappy event in the locker room me and Shinso start working behind the bar, our regulars already sitting there waiting for their usual preferred drinks. Mr. Hato always wanted rum and Coke, bright and early in the morning since he had night shifts at the hospital near UA.

All of a sudden the bar door opens, the hot black haired guy walks in and sits at the bar, a couple stools away from the old guys, keeping to himself. "Shinso..." I whisper, nudging at him as he looks at me. "Over there." I say again, cocking my head to the side where Touya sits looking at his phone. "That's the hot guy from this morning, he's shoto todorokis older brother." I explain as he raises his brow and looks at me with a disgusted face.

"You really switched up your taste in men," he chuckles, wiping down a shot glass as he glances over at him. "You went from country club daddy's money to hey I work at hot topic and I sell drugs to minors." He mumbles as I smack his arm, walking over to Touya. "What can I getcha?" I say, leaning against the counter with a smirk as he flicks his eyes up to me from his phone. "Whiskey." His deep, raspy voice says, catching me off guard.

My face turns a bright red as I turn around and nod, pouring him a shot glass with whiskey and sitting it in front of him. I walk back towards Shinso and mentally squeal as I give him a look trying to tell him what I'm thinking with my eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Touya watching us, my face gets red as Keigo comes out of the locker room and up to the counter, serving people and casually flirting with me. "Shinso..." I whisper nudging him to look at Touya. He looks over and quickly looks back at me. "He's staring isn't he." I say as he shakes his head. "Yea, at keigo, maybe he's gay." He shrugs as I punch his arm. "Shut the fuck up!" I whisper as Touya motions for another drink.

"More whiskey for you?" I ask as he shakes his head, motioning to the old bottle of vodka on the shelf behind me. "Flaming shot please." He says before smirking, Jesus this dude likes hard drinks. I nod, pouring the shot before setting it aflame, watching him down it without cringing at the bitter taste.


"You agreed to go to Todorokis today!?" Katsuki yells as we get in the car to head to his house. "Yea? You're coming with me, I wanna figure out more about his older brother." I say, handing him the aux as his jaw drops. "Are you gonna fuck Touya's crispy ass?" He asks as I punch his arm. "Are you insane?! No!" I growl, knowing full well I would if he offered.

After a couple blocks, Katsuki points out a nice Japanese styled home with a gate. I pull in and see the same 1970 black Dodge Charger sitting in the driveway. I pull up beside it and park, watching Shoto walk out of the house to greet us. "Hey, Bakugou and y/n!" He says, leading us into the beautiful house. It's styled so nicely on the inside as well. "My father and other siblings are out working so we can just go to my room and chill." He says, leading us down a hallway.

A room on the end is open, music coming from it. As we walk past I see Touya laying on his back on the bed with a guitar in his hands. He notices me looking as we walk past and he does the little 'salute' fingers, my face goes red and I wave back before going into Shotos room. "Wanna play some games?" He asks as Katsuki already grabs a controller in his hand, already pumped to play. I nod, grabbing the black camo controller and sitting on the bed behind the two on the floor.

After a couple of rounds of me and shoto going back and forth winning, Katsuki rage quits, putting a different game in. As they put Mortal Kombat I watch as Touya walks past the door, probably heading towards the kitchen. "H-Hey I'll be back, I gotta use the bathroom." I say quickly getting up and shutting the door behind me, sneaking my way to the kitchen where I see Touya's bare muscular back facing me. I lean against the door frame into the kitchen as I watch him. "Were you checking me out at the bar earlier?" I speak up as he turns around, I bag of chips in his teeth, a monster and ice cream in his hands.

He sits the stuff on the counter as he gets a good look at me, scoffing. "Yea, you wish." He smirks, his pearly white sharp teeth coming out. As he grabs his things and starts heading out of the kitchen I stop him, my hand on his chest as I look up at him. Once I touch him it feels like a spark lights itself under my hand. "Ya know, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." I whisper, his blue eyes burning into my e/c ones. He raises a brow, his hand reaching up towards the wall I was leaning against, now leaning over me.

"I don't think your boyfriend would like you flirting with me." He says low, leaning towards my face. "Boyfriend?" I ask, my brow raising in confusion as he chuckles. That sounds so familiar... "Keigo Takami, you two were all buddy buddy today." He says as he questions me. I cross my arms and huff. "That is not my boyfriend, I have good taste." I say and he gives me an evil smile.

"Oh, so does that make me apart of your said 'good taste'?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "Yea whatever you wanna call it." He leans down close to my ear, sitting his things back onto the counter. "So why did you follow me in here." He whispers into my ear, his lips grazing my ear as I shiver. "Why do you think?" I whisper back, hoping to god it's going where I think it's going.

His big rough hand makes it's way up to my neck, gripping it as he brings me close to him connecting our lips. The second our lips touch the spark happens again, a little more ticklish than before. His cold wet tongue licks across my lips as I open my mouth, our tongues dancing together as he pulls me into the kitchen, picking me up and putting me onto the counter. His free hand rubs down my body, gripping my thigh roughly.

A light moan leaves my lips as his hand massages my thigh, getting closer to my crotch. "You're loving this huh." He breathes out through the sloppy kisses as I nod, my arms wrapping around his neck pulling him in and tangling my fingers into his hair. He parts from the kiss, trailing down my jaw and to my neck, biting and sucking hard enough to leave love bruises for the next morning.

I moan again quietly as his hand grips my inner thigh, his thumb grazing over my clothed clit. "What if we get caught?" He asks with a smirk as he meets my eyes, stopping what he's doing. "I-I closed the door on my way here." I breathe out, already in a lustful state. He chuckles, grabbing my chin, opening my mouth and sticking his thumb in. I start sucking on it which catches him off guard, making him shiver at my actions. "Come on." He growls, putting me back on the floor as he leads me to his room, passing the closed door to Shotos room.

He shuts his door behind us, the only thing lighting up the room is the color of the blue LEDS around his ceiling. He picks me up again, placing me onto the bed as I quickly strip away my tops, leaving me in only my bra. He pauses, getting a good look at me before pinning me down onto the bed, his big rough hands grabbing my wrists and pushing them down into the bed above my head as his other hand unclips my bra, throwing it to the side.

I look over to notice a big mirror on the wall beside the bed, full view of us in our position on the bed as I watch him dip his head down to me, flicking his tongue over my already hardened bud, making my back arch. He smirks, gently licking around it as his free hand teases my other nipple. "Touya.." I moan out as he lightly nips at my sensitive bud, his teeth grazing across it as I feel myself start to throb between my thighs.

He notices me squeezing my thighs together so he pulls them apart, resting his body between them as he coos at me. "I'll get there, be patient." His raspy deep voice whispers as he leaves hickeys around my breasts, licking all the way down my stomach to the hem of my jeans. He starts kissing down, through my jeans and onto my clit making me squirm for contact. "Damn, you're already soaking through your jeans.." his breath hits me as I shiver, watching him look up at me with a smirk.

Every time we touch i feel the same spark, every single time. He unbuttons my jeans, letting go of my wrists as he replaces it with hand cuffs, cuffing them together. "You okay with that?" He asks, tugging on the cuffs as I nod, telling him it's okay. He nods, pulling my pants down as his face lights up at the sight of my black laced underwear with the red bow on the top. "It's like you knew you were gonna get fucked today." He smirks, leaning back down between my legs as he pushes them over his shoulder.

He licks up from my leaking hole to my clit through my panties, gently rubbing the wet spot never looking away from my eyes. His fingers hook around my underwear as he pulls them to the side, gently licking up through my wet folds making me give him a light moan. "You taste so good." He groans against my throbbing pussy, diving back in. As he's licking around my clit I feel a cold ball graze over it making me quickly arch my back and squeeze his head between my thighs.

Now that he's down in there I realize he has a tongue piercing, and he's using it pretty well too. Two of his long, slender fingers comes up and circles my hole, barely pumping into me. Is he feeling the same spark I am every time we touch? "Please.." I whine, moaning louder as his fingers shoot into me, curling at the right spot. His suckling and licking gets faster as I start twitching under him and my moans become more frequent and louder.

Just before I'm about to finish he comes up, his fingers still inside as he slowly thrusts them in, slowly curling them and finally pulling them completely out, putting them into his mouth and sucking the juice off as he smirks at me. "God I could eat you for hours." He groans, unbuckling his jeans, his erection immediately flinging out, standing at attention.

My eyes widen as I watch him spit down on himself, jerking himself off for a minute. "Th-Thats not going to fit." I say, watching as another piercing shines on his big, thick dick. Jacobs Ladder piercings decorate the underside of his length, just looking at it makes my mouth water. "It'll fit, I promise." He growls, rubbing the tip against my soaked pussy, light moans falling from my lips at the contact.

He now has my legs pushed all the way back into my chest and up over his shoulders as he slowly massages my hole with the tip, making sure I'm ready. I nod letting him know he can go ahead. He slowly pushes the tip in, making me automatically stretch out, feeling the piercings rub up against my walls. "I-I'm going to rip!" I groan out as I put my hands on his chest, still cuffed together.

"You won't rip, you're taking me good, see?" He says, grabbing my neck and pulling me up to watch as he slowly pushes himself in. Once he's finally all the way in he spits on it, slowly moving back and forth as wet noises fill the room along with my moans and his groans. "God you feel so fucking good." He growls out, his hands underneath my knees pushing them into my chest more as he tries to get in deeper.

My mind is just going crazy right now, something feels so different with him doing this to me. I mean yea I've fucked people before but nothing has felt like this. Every time he thrusts in I feel that little spark between us touching and it makes me go insane. "F-Fuck, there!" I moan out as he goes faster, the slight curve of his dick touching all the right spots as the piercings help stimulate me even more.

He quickly starts going faster, gripping the top of the headboard over me as his thrusts become harder. With one had he brings it down to my mouth and squeezes it open, letting spit slowly drip down from his mouth to mine. As I feel it hit my tongue and slide down I shiver, rolling my eyes back into the back of my head. He smirks and slaps my ass hard, "Good girl." God everything this man does is just so fucking hot.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" I whine out loud as he smirks, going faster and hitting the same spot, abusing it. "Cum on me, come on." He growls, the headboard aggressively hitting the wall as he pounds into me. I clench around him and he watches as my white juices squirt out of me as he keeps thrusting. He quickly switched our positions as he makes me get on my knees facing the mirror on the wall, pushing my back down to arch. He lowers himself and spits on my pussy, sliding a finger in as he watches my fact contort in the mirror.

He smirks at my facial expressions, kissing my thighs as he watches me. "Does it feel good, Princess?" He asks, sliding another finger in as he slowly circles the metal ball over my clit from the back. I don't answer, my head just mush and a moaning mess. He stops, his fingers still deep inside me slowly curling. "Answer me," he growls, his other hand slapping my ass hard, gripping the fat.

"Mm yes." I moan out, wiggling my ass around for him to keep going. He smirks, pulling his fingers out as he spits on me again, spreading my cheeks watching it roll down into my throbbing hole. He leans up behind me, lining himself up with me and slowly rubbing himself against me before quickly shoving himself into me again, making me arch my back and yell, my tongue rolling out of my mouth with drool as he watches my face in the mirror.

He slows himself down as he snakes his hand around my neck, pulling me up to where my back hits his chest. "Look at yourself in the mirror." He growls, his other hand gripping onto my hip as he continues the slow pace. "Look how my dick makes you feel." He says against my ear as I watch the little lump in my stomach as he moves in and out, my moans never stopping and neither do the sparks.

He quickens his pace once he shoves my back down onto the bed, he smirks as he watches the tears form in my eyes from the amount of pleasure I'm getting as I feel my second release coming up. "I'm gonna-" he cuts me off by going rough, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling. "Scream my name." He growls, the pace never slowing down. "B-But the boys-" he cuts me off again as he pulls me back up towards him, groaning in my ear.

"You wanted to be a little slut and fuck me, so scream." He growls, biting my shoulder, absolutely destroying me. "Touya!" I scream out, tears streaming down my face as I release on him for the second time. He smirks and flips our position again, making me ride him with no stopping. How is he lasting so long?

"What? I can't hear you." He groans beautifully, making me yell out his name again. "Touya, Touya, yes please!" I yell, not even worried about how loud I am anymore, in this position I feel so filled up. He growls, grabbing my hips and slamming me down onto him as I feel him twitch inside of me. "Touya!" I yell out again moaning as he quickly pulls me up off of him, cumming onto the both of us as he huffs.

I lay down on my back beside him as we both catch our breaths. "Fuck you're good." He mumbles as he looks over at me, sweat dripping from his forehead as his black hair sticks to it. I laugh, sighing. "Yea, you too." Birthday sex? Oh yea, probably the best gift I've gotten so far. He gets up and wipes himself off as he throws me a towel too, letting me clean up and he throws me a pair of his boxers and a tshirt. "You can just stay here, Imma shower." He says as I change, getting underneath the sheets.

Touya's POV

I sigh, grabbing another towel and some new clothes since I practically ripped my others off for her. God, something about that girl is so addicting, every time we touched it was like there was a spark between us or something. It was so weird, but I'm glad my soulmate didn't hear me or say anything while I was getting busy, that would've been really awkward. I wrap the towel around my waist as I open the door, Shoto standing right in front of me.

"Sup sho." I say, leaning against the door frame as he tries leaning around to look into my room. "Is y/n in there?" He asks as I smile, a brow raising. "Oh, that was y/n? I thought I recognized her." I say before pushing the door open, revealing her sleeping body covered in my bed with my clothes on. His jaw immediately drops as I smirk, walking past him towards the bathroom.



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