Living my life

By i_have_feelings2

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Amelia is a 17 year old girl who lives with her drunk abusive father, she works two jobs. A waitress at a caf... More



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By i_have_feelings2

I turn to see his gaze on Max, I let out a chuckle. "No sir, but I wouldn't understand why that's your concern." 

"You're excused." He said rudely, I scoffed. I walked towards Max, he was warming up a muffin for a lady at the counter. It is Mrs. Smith, she's a regular, my favorite regular. I gave her a big smile, she's like a mother to me.

"Ah dearie! Come come." She said motioning me to her, her glasses were low on her nose as she held her phone.

"Yes Mrs. Smith?"

"Look, tell me what you think." I looked at her phone to see a cute dress "Me and Jerold are going on a date in a week. I want to look nice." I gave her a smile, her and Jerold are High school sweethearts, their beautiful together.

"Mrs. Smith, I believe you would look absolutely ravishing in it."

"Ah thank you sweetie." I felt arms snake around my waist, I turned to see Max, he rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled as he passed Mrs. Smith her muffin.

"So when'd the wedding." She smirked at us, I blushed and Max laughed. Mrs. Smith is determined for us to get married.

"Not happening Mrs. Smith, not ever." Max said giving her a kiss on the cheek as she slapped him chest.

"Now now Max, my husband wouldn't like you hitting one me now would he." I laughed at that

"Sorry I can't keep my hands off you Mrs. Smith." He winked at her as she rolled her eyes, she paid and waved good-bye. Max released me and walked to the kitchen to make some more cookies, I saw a hand wave... table 6. I walked over and gave them a smile.


"Can we have the check please Amelia?" Said the blonde hair boy

"Of course!" I went to print out their check and handed it to them. They put cash... a lot of it. My eyes widened "Uh... this is too much money. Did you want me to break it?" 

They all chuckled at my comment, "No, for you." I was in shock, I bowed my head.

"Thank you, but I cannot accept this."

I heard one of them sigh "You're quite stubborn." said one of the other guys.

"Can I at least know your names?"





I turned to him, Levi was the one that asked if I was dating Max and if I knew him. I smiled as Max appeared behind me. "Oh this is Max." I smiled, he placed his hand on my lower back smiling as well.

"Thank you for visiting, we hope to see you soon." He said politely as they got up and left.

"Pleasure is ours." Caleb said winking at me, I shyly smiled back. Once then left he released his hand from my back and yanked me to the kitchen.

"Stay clear of them Lia, I will serve their table if they come back." He looked worried, I cupped him cheek.

"Calm down. That's not your job it's mine, you stay behind the counter and in the kitchen. Plus look at all this money they tipped me, I want to share it with you." I smiled showing him the money, his eyes widened.

"No, it's for you. You worked hard for that tip I can't take it." 

I sighed "Ok... can we go shopping then? If I add this to my savings I have a little money to spare." I said smiling, he nodded. We closed he shop, Max owned the shop. It was his father's but his parents passed away 2 years ago and left it in his name. He lives by himself but his legal guardian is his Aunt Jamie and Uncle Liam, they are nice. I've met them a couple of times. 

We walked inside of a mall, it was so pretty. I only go shopping once a month, rarely, maybe twice a month. I always have to pay the house bills and groceries and the house wasn't cheap. 

When we walked into a clothing store many girls were staring at Max and glaring at me. I was uncomfortable. I told him he didn't have to follow me but he insisted. I was looking through a clothing rack as Max looked at me intensly, I ignored it and continuted to liik throught the rack. Then a blonde girl approached us twirling her hair.

"Hey.... you're like really cute." She said in a valley girl accent

"Uh.. thanks." Max said not taking his eyes off of me, I stood there awkwardly because she was standing in front of the rack that I was about to look at, I started to fiddle with my fingers knowing that Max hates that.

"Can I like... have your number?"

"No." He grabbed my hands stopping me from fiddling and walked me to another rack "I think these clothes would look cute on you." He smiled at me as if a girl didn't just ask him for his number.

"But the girl..."

"What about her?"

"She is pretty."

"And so are you." I blushed and turned towards the clothing rack and skimmed it. When i was done we checked out, the register lady kept flirting with Max but he ignored her. "You hungry?" He asked, I nodded. "I know a good place." He had a playful grin on his face, then he drove me to the café. "I heard they have really good muffins and the waitress and chef are cute." He sent me a wink, I rolled my eyes as he opened the café door and locked it behind us. 

We a lot of the pastries and just talked, he even made pizza even though it's not on the menu. I'm happy I have him in my life, without him I'd probably be dead or starving about to die. I really don't know what I'd do without him. 

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