AC/DC One Shots 2

By Power_Age

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Just a few short stories about the cool boys part two! More

Baby ~ Bon X Malcolm
Cheating ~ Bon X Malcolm
Little lover ~ Bon X Angus
Sick ~ Angus
Shower ~ Phil X Malcolm
I will always love you 1 ~ Bon X Malcolm
I will always love you 2 ~ Bon X Malcolm
Who wants to live forever? 1 ~ Bon X Malcolm
Doctor Bonny ~ Bon X Malcolm
Big balls ~ Brian X Angus
Little blue lace ~ Bon X Malcolm
Mother's day clumsy ~ Young brothers
Anniversary ~ Cliff X Phil
Never too late ~ Malcolm
Our little baby ~ Brian X Angus
The first time, we met ~ Bon X Malcolm
Birthday ~ Brian X Angus (Project work)
First school day ~ Cliff X Phil
Whole Lotta Malcolm ~ Bon X Malcolm
Love can hurt ~ Bon X Malcolm
Behind blue eyes ~ Cliff X Phil
Growing up 1 ~ Young brothers
Growing up 2 ~ Young brothers
The prank ~ Cliff X Phil & Bon X Malcolm
I wanna have a child 1 ~ Angus and Malcolm
I wanna have a child 2 ~ Angus and Malcolm
I wanna have a child 3 ~ Angus and Malcolm
Could have asked ~ Cliff X Phil
The accident
Long searched love ~ Malcolm
Six years 1 ~ Bon X Malcolm
Six years 2 ~ Bon X Malcolm
Scared ~ Young brothers
They said: Lost! 1~ Bon X Malcolm
I said: Found! 2~Bon X Malcolm
Baby please don't go ~ Bon X Angus
Day at the pool ~ Malcolm X Linda
Fever ~ Bon X Angus
Adopted ~ Bon X Malcolm
Day at the sea
Surprises 1 ~ Malcolm X Linda
Surprises 2 ~ Malcolm X Linda
Caring for the boyfriend ~ Bon X Malcolm
Brother where are you? 1 ~ Young brothers
Brother where are you? 2 ~Young brothers
The good surgeon 1 ~ Bon X Malcolm
The good surgeon 2 ~ Bon X Malcolm
Son and father 1 ~ Malcolm ( x Bon)
Son and father 2~ Malcolm (x Bon)
Love at first feel ~ Angus X Ellen
Family Secrets ~ Bon X Malcolm
Shot down in flames ~ Bon X Angus
Wild boys ~ Angus
Safe 1 ~ Bon X Malcolm

Who wants to live forever? 2 ~ Bon X Malcolm

243 5 61
By Power_Age

Sorry, this is really long;)

Evening, September 11th 1981, Sydney:

A whole year had passed. Malcolm didn't feel human anymore. He hated himself. He hated the way he looked, he hated his personality, he absolutely loathed himself. He almost never slept, hardly talked, and his only food was alcohol. Nobody could get him to eat. Not even Angus. Nobody. Nobody came near him. He had built kind of a protective wall around himself and didn't let anyone through. The only situation in his life that he tried to be sober about was at concerts. But it just hurt so bloody hell to be sober. And these pictures. God, the pictures never stopped. Pictures of Bon that his brain had saved and just couldn't let go of. That summer, Phil and Cliff had announced they were gay and a couple. Nobody minded. Not even the new singer Brian Johnson. Malcolm's mind broke even further when he realized that no one had anything against Cliff and Phil. So nobody would have had anything against him and Bon either, right? God, they were so stupid. Malcolm had been so stupid. He took the blame and didn't allow himself to be changed. It was his fault that Bon died. His alone. The little guitarist mostly spent his evenings alone in the nearby pub. The barman knew him very well and knew exactly what Malcolm wanted. The young rhythm guitarist was sitting at a table in the far corner of the bar, staring into his half-drunk glass of scotch. His mind whirled around Bon. That beautiful face. But ... why was Malcolm thinking about it? Bon had made it clear that he didn't want him. He didn't want to be tied to Malcolm. Malcolm felt tears in his eyes as he thought about it. Suddenly someone sat down next to him. He raised his head to see a beautiful young woman sitting next to him. Her makeup was blurred and she seemed to have been crying.

"May I sit next to you?" She sniffed. Malcolm nodded.

"Has something happened?" The stranger nodded sadly. "What happened, little one?" She smiled weakly.

"I ... my boyfriend broke up." Malcolm nodded understandingly.

"When?" He asked then.

"Yesterday." She sniffed. Malcolm reached into his pants pocket and took out a handkerchief that he gave her. "Thank you." She mumbled softly, blowing her nose with it. "What about you?" She asked quietly. "You look pretty sad too." Malcolm sighed.

"I'm fine." He looked back into his glass. She carefully put an arm around his shoulders.

"I know we don't know each other, but... we're both obviously sad. Do you want to talk about it?" Malcolm sighed softly.

"I ... I'm bisexual ... do you mind?" He asked quietly. She looked at him in shock before she recovered.

"No. Of course I don't mind. It's just ... first of all surprising and secondly, I've never met anyone who told this to a stranger. I mean... my best friend is gay and he didn't tell me until after 8 years." Malcolm nodded a little.

"You know ... I ... I had a boyfriend. And we really loved each other." She nodded.

"What happened?"

"Well ... I made him a wedding proposal. I know that gays cannot marry. But ... I wanted to have an unofficial wedding. So I can still call him my husband. But ... he didn't want to marry me. In his opinion, marriage meant becoming attached to someone, which it ultimately is. But he didn't want to bond with me." Malcolm started to cry. She stroked his shoulder.

"Hey. It's good. What happened then?"

"The next day, he was found dead in a car with alcohol poisoning." Malcolm sobbed.

"Oh my god." She whispered. "Crap. It's awful." She hugged him tightly. "Crap. I'm so sorry. How long ago was that?"

"One year." Malcolm sniffed.

"The love for him must have been huge." She whispered. Malcolm nodded, whimpering.

"But ... let's stop it." He wiped his nose. "What's your name?"

"Linda." She said softly. "What's your name?"


"Are you... are you ACDC's guitarist? You look like him." Malcolm smiled.

"Yeah. I'm Malcolm Young." She checked her watch.

"I have to go, Malcolm. It was wonderful to meet you." She got up and wanted to leave, but Malcolm grabbed her arm.

"When can I see you again, Linda?" He asked. She smiled and wrote her phone number on a piece of paper.


And as the time wanted, the two fell in love. They married and were happy together. They had children too. A boy and a girl. Ross and Cara. Linda loved her husband very much. She also knew that Malcolm loved her. But she also knew that her husband was striving for a certain man who was no longer among the living. Sometimes Malcolm would wake up crying and screaming and thrashing. She always reassured him and told him everything was fine. She knew that her husband was still grieving for the singer. But she accepted. She knew she couldn't get Bon out of his head. You couldn't choose love. Malcolm loved her as much as he loved Bon. His heart ached every time he thought of him. But life went on, right? He now had a wife, two children, a dog and a house in which they all lived. Life went on. With or without Bon. Malcolm would often cry himself to sleep and think about the singer. But ... why did he actually do that? He wore his wedding ring on his left hand and Bon's engagement ring on his right hand. He had asked Linda if she wanted to marry him and she had happily said yes. He knew she loved him. But he had hoped for this love from someone else. Unfortunately he couldn't have it.

Evening, May 8th 2001, Sydney:

(That's Flora, Mal's puppy)

Malcolm lit another cigarette and took a drag from it. He held the cigarette in one hand and the dog leash with the other. His Golden Retriever puppy was sniffing on a street lamp enthusiastically. His old dog had died and now he and Linda had bought another puppy. It was a girl and was called Flora. She was six months old and very curious. Malcolm smiled at the little puppy. His children were long out of the house. I can't believe how fast time can go, thought Malcolm. Flora wagged her little tail excitedly and looked up at him. Malcolm crouched down smiling and stroked her tiny head.

"What's wrong, Flo?" He asked. She wagged her tail enthusiastically and rested her head on his thigh. Malcolm smiled. He caressed her behind her small ears. "Do you want to go home? It's cold here, isn't it? You don't have any hair on your stomach yet." And it was true. The little puppy was still completely bald on its stomach. Malcolm held the green leash a little tighter and stood up again. "Let's go back." Flora excitedly wagged her tail and the two started their way back. Flora loved to play with Angus's dog. Angus had an Australian Terrier. The dog was very old, but liked to play with Flora. Even if he often got out of breath because he was so small. Soon the two arrived back home. Malcolm unlocked the door and released Flora from her leash. The little puppy started running immediately. Malcolm giggled as he took off his shoes.

"Malcolm?" Asked Linda, walking towards him. He kissed her gently.

"What's wrong, honey?" He stroked her cheek.

"We have visitors. There's someone who wants to talk to you."

"Now? At this time?" Malcolm wondered when he checked his watch. So he went into the kitchen, where an older man was sitting. He was older than Malcolm. Flora happily hopped around him and let herself be caressed. Malcolm ran over there quickly. "I'm sorry sir. She's still a puppy and loves to play." He pulled Flora away from the man.

"That's not bad. I like dogs." The man smiled. Malcolm paused when he heard the voice. He lifted his head and looked up. A man with white hair sat in front of him. He had gray eyes that looked at him lovingly. His face was a little wrinkled, but that wasn't very bad. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans. His hair was buffered on.

"What's wrong, darling?" Linda asked as she stood behind Malcolm and looked at him worriedly. "You're very pale." She ran her finger over his cheek. Malcolm stared the man in the eye. Neither of them moved.

"You're dead." Malcolm whispered.

"Who's dead?" Linda asked worriedly, taking his hand tightly in hers. The man grinned at Malcolm.

"Hello baby." He said. Malcolm started to shiver.

"Who is that?" Linda asked in shock and looked at Malcolm. "You have no right to call my husband like that." Malcolm sat panting on the kitchen chair.

"This isn't possible. You're dead." He whispered to himself.

"I'm not dead."

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Linda. She didn't know what was going on.

"I'm Bon Scott." The man said, holding out his hand to her. Linda paused.

"You're dead. You died 21 years ago."

"No. I'm not. I faked my death." Said Bon.

"Why?" Malcolm asked with watery eyes, looking up at him.

"I didn't want us arguing anymore and I wanted you to be happy, honey." Bon bent down and kissed Malcolm. Malcolm froze. He pulled back and slapped his face. Tears ran down his cheeks.

"You're crazy! I wanted to marry you, you wretched deceiver! I loved you! I mourned! Every damn day I thought of you and put the blame on me! I was an alcoholic! I could never love Linda the way she deserved it and now that I have finally come to terms with the fact that you're dead, you're coming here!? How can you!?"

"I love you, Malcolm. Nothing has changed that. And I would like to marry you."

"Fuck off, Scott!" Malcolm screamed in a high voice. "I wanted to marry you 21 years ago and you told me that marriage means nothing else than being locked up! You wanted your freedom! You broke my heart and used me! You intended to be dead and now you show up here!? Now, after I have two grown children and a wife!? Now!? After two decades!?" Malcolm sobbed loudly. Linda and Bon were both overwhelmed. They stood there and stared at him in shock. Flora whimpered softly and pressed herself against his legs. Malcolm ran into his bedroom sobbing. "I never want to see you again!" With that, the door slammed.

"You are ..." Said Linda quietly.

"Bon Scott? Yes." Bon sighed.

"But you're dead."

"No. I'm not." The ex singer muttered. "I ... I faked my death. There's a plant. When you eat it, your pulse stops. At least it seems so. That's why the police thought I was dead. But I was alive. They never burned me, and they never buried me. That was just wood ash." Bon sighed and wiped his eyes. "I've been watching him. All these years and I thought about coming back to him. But then I saw how happy he was with you and didn't want to ruin it."

"You ruined him." Said Linda. "He cried himself to sleep. Nightly. He had panic attacks and anxiety attacks. All these years. He was an alcoholic and had bulimia. He hurt himself. At the same time he was the father of our children and my husband. He was always there for us when we needed him. We were there for him when he needed us. Where have you been? You were..." She swallowed. "I know he loved you more than he can ever love me. He often cried over you and you don't know how hard it was to comfort him, when I asked myself what you had that I didn't have. It was so hard to make him a normal person again and get him to live normally. And now, after it finally got better, you come here. Do you have any idea what you did to him?" Bon sighed.

"I know what I did to him." He said quietly, looking up the stairs to where Malcolm had disappeared. "My poor little Malcolm." Linda started laughing.

"You're violently wrong. This is my Malcolm. Not yours. He is my husband. You didn't want to marry him. I immediately agreed to him because I love him. He's my husband." Bon swallowed hard and began to cry.

"I'm so sorry. The last 21 years have been so difficult for me. So hard. My heart ached all the time and I just wanted to see him. I wanted to lie next to him, kiss him, hold him. I wanted to love him."

"And now you want pity, or what?" Asked Linda coldly. "He wanted all of this. He loved you. He still loves you. You broke up. You're the one who didn't take your chance." The door opened and a young and well-dressed girl came in. She took off her high boots, as well as her coat.

"Hello mom." She said cheerfully and kissed her mother on the cheek. "Who is that?" She then asked, looking at Bon.

"That's your father's lover." Linda sighed and crossed her arms.

"Dad cheated on you?" Asked Cara in shock.

"No. No, of course he didn't, honey." Linda reassured her daughter. "This man here, is Bon Scott."

"ACDC's famous singer?" Asked Cara, her eyes wide. "The man dad always told stories about?" Bon felt more tears welling up in his eyes.

"Yes." Linda nodded. "Your father loved him. They were together before Dad and I met. And now he's here because he let your father suffer for 21 years and has now decided to tell him that in reality he isn't dead at all."

"Where's dad?" Asked Cara.

"He's in our bedroom." Linda sighed. Cara nodded.

"Flora come." The little puppy ran after her and the two of them went upstairs. Cara opened the door.

"Go away." Malcolm sobbed. Cara watched in shock. She had never seen her father cry so badly before. Flora jumped around in front of the bed and tried to get up. Cara picked up the little puppy and it twisted himself into a small ball. Malcolm shivered and stroked his puppy's golden fur. Cara sat down next to him.

"Do you love him, Dad?" She asked. Malcolm looked at her with watery eyes. "I still remember exactly how you comfort me, when my first boyfriend broke up with me. I also remember exactly how you looked after Ross when his girlfriend cheated on him. You were always there for us, dad. Let me be there for you now." Malcolm sobbed. Cara hugged her father tightly and stroked his back. Malcolm wept into his daughter's shoulder.

"He lied to me, Cara. I wanted to marry him." Malcolm sobbed. "And he told me that he didn't want me."

"Sh. It's good." She whispered, stroking his back.

"Then he died and I was so sad. You know yourself how I was. I mourned him when you were a child. I could never love Ma the way she deserved it because something inside me still drew me to him. But I knew that he didn't want me and was dead."

"I know, dad. I know." Cara sighed and stroked his back. The door opened quietly and Bon stood in it. Flora, curled up in Malcolm's lap, growled at him, defending her master. Malcolm stroked her back, trembling.

"It's good, Flo. He won't hurt us."

"Mal ... I want to talk to you." Said Bon.

"Why?" Malcolm asked, looking at him with tearful eyes. "You have been gone all these years. I blamed myself for your death and now you're back suddenly?" Bon walked over to him and sat down next to Malcolm. Cara still hugged her father and sat behind him.

"I'm sorry, Malcolm. OK? I'm so sorry. I know I made a huge mistake. I know I could have had you. And I also know that I hurt you. But... please... I love you and I want to make it all right again." He carefully took Malcolm's hand. "I faked my death because I wanted you to be happy."

"I wanted to be happy with you." Malcolm sobbed. "I was young and stupid and did a lot of things that didn't made sense. But if there was one thing that made sense, it was the proposal I made to you." Malcolm sniffed and pulled the engagement ring off his finger. "Here. This is your engagement ring. Even if you don't marry me because you don't want to. I understand that. I would have understood it too if you had told me the next day that you didn't want me. But instead you faked your death. Do you realize how little courage you have? You told me that you would not marry me because this wedding would ruin your life. So what the heck do you want here now!?" Cara caressed her father's little back worriedly. Bon sighed and leaned forward. He put his lips on Malcolm's and kissed him gently. His hand came to the back of Malcolm's neck and stroked a little. Malcolm whimpered into the kiss. Cara watched a little shocked. Two ... men kissed in front of her eyes and one was her father. Bon pulled Malcolm onto his lap and continued kissing him. His hands brushed Malcolm's sides. The younger one cried weakly. Cara watched and Flora let herself be stroked. When the two parted, Malcolm's lips were a little puffy. Tears still ran down his cheeks. Bon held Malcolm's hands in his and met his eyes lovingly.

"I am sorry. Everything I did to you. And I get it when you don't want me back. I understand. You have a wife now. I understand. But I wanted to kiss you again, Mally." Malcolm started crying again.

"I've missed you so much." He sobbed. "All these years. You're an asshole. Why did you do all of this?"

"I don't know." Bon sighed. "I was an idiot." Malcolm whimpered softly. Bon got up. "I'll go again. I love you, Malcolm. Please never forget that. And I'm sorry, that I hurt you so much. Sorry." Malcolm whimpered.

"Don't go." He whispered.

"You're married now, Mally." Bon sighed and kissed him gently on the lips. Malcolm sniffed. He didn't care that his daughter was sitting next to him, probably disgusted because two old men were kissing. Linda walked in the door and saw that. Her heart ached, but she had to smile too. Her husband finally looked ... happy? Cara quietly left the room.

"I love you Linda. I'm sorry." Malcolm whimpered. Linda kissed him gently.

"I know sweetheart. But I know you love him more and ... I love you. It'll hurt. But ... I know that you're there for me when I need you. I love you, my husband." She kissed him hard. Malcolm stroked her back. Linda took Malcolm's hand and placed it on Bon's. "Be happy my husband." With that she also left the room.

"I've missed you so much!" Bon screeched, jumping on top of him and kissing him hungrily. Malcolm chuckled, weeping, as they rolled over the bed, kissing. They threw Flora accidentally off the bed. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry." Bon gasped.

"I love you too, Bonny." Malcolm sighed and pushed a strand of hair out of Bon's eyes.


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