New life for Spider

By Marvle_Is_cool

43 11 2

Peter had nothing left. His Parents, Uncle and later his Aunt died. He becomes homeless and lives in an aband... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

11 4 0
By Marvle_Is_cool

Peter's POV.

Peter was in pain! This Agents blow up the building so that nobody could escape or come into the debris. Something stung in his side and he couldn't move. The pain in his head because of the ear killing sound the building made when it collapsed was giant and he was not far from having a sensory overload. But then he heard someone shout.

"He is still in here and definitely still alive so stop being selfish and help me get that Kid out of here!" But who was that and how did he know someone was in the ruins? Peter couldn't ignore it anymore and screamed.

"I'm here!!" Out so that if anyone was out there to help him they would find him and get him out of that. Something moved and Peter let out a loud cry when the pain shivered down his whole body. He screamed again and then...everything went black and Peter was send into a peaceful silence.

He woke up in a med bai room with a headache and a little pain in his leg. When he looked up he saw THE Bruce Banner and Captain America in the door. Peter made a little sound so that they would notice he was awake. 

"Wha- how a re you awake already?!" He heard Bruce say while he got up carefully. He couldn't really remember what happened and what him exactly caused to pass out but he was happy that he was alive. "How do you fell, kid?" Bruce asked and Peter looked up at the men in front of him.

"Headache and a pain in the legs..." he answered truthfully but it hurts for him to speak. Bruce smiled and nodded and so did Cap.

"That's understandable because of the weight you had on top of you..." Steve laughed carefully. Peter was confused. 'Weight on top of me? Was that the reason I passed out?' "You don't remember?" He asked and Peter nodded. 

"I have a question. To be exactly three questions. First, what were you doing in that warehouse?" Bruce asked.

"My Aunt died a few weeks ago and I became homeless because the orphanages only take kids until 17 in queens." 

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss... anyways second do you know why This men were after you?" 

"..No I have no idea!" 

"Mhmm.... ok and third, why do you have so fast healings? Mainly all your wounds were healed when we got in the tower." 

"I- ehh, I'm sorry but that is private. It is something about my past and I really hate my past." That was very true. Even the slightest mention of his past caused Peter to have a panic attack. That was already in his school like that but no one excepted MJ and Ned cared about it when Peter sank to the ground, holding his ears and having a raised heartbeat. Not even the teachers. That was what hated on on his school. That nobody cared. 

"Do you know anyone who could take you, like family or good friends?" Steve asked and Peter thought for a little moment.

"All my family members that I know are dead and the only friend my Aunt introduced me to hated me..." he answered truthfully again. The friend was one of the parents from a classmate and he hated Peter with all he had.

"So that means you have no one left?!" Steve asked shocked and Peter nodded slowly. 'Exactly!!!' 

"We could ask..." Bruce started and Steve nodded violently.

"Yes I'm going to ask him. You better check on him again to see that really everything is ok." Steve said to Bruce and the kid on the bed. Bruce nodded thankfully and turned to Peter again. 

"Ok I'm going to do a little check as you already heard from Steve. And so that you don't wonder, we want to ask a good friend of ours if you could life with us."

"Why?" Peter was confused. Why would somebody want to live with a homeless teenager like him and on top of it heroes.

"Because one of our members seems to like you. And for that person it isn't normal to trust or like anybody. He still doesn't trust us, even through we life with him since over one year now. He always shuts us out and the only persons he really trusts are Wanda and Loki.." Bruce explained while he controlled his papers. "Ok I need to do a scan on you to see if you have any inner injuries from the crash, is that ok?" Peter nodded. 

After the scan it seemed like everything was ok. "Ok I don't think there is anything that is really bad for you. You only have a little injury on your leg and the headache should be gone when you start eating again. When was the last time you ate three times a day?" Bruce asked.

"Ehh I think for two and a half week, but I not quite sure about what." Peter answered and Steve came back to the room. 

"Stark says it is fine but he needs an introduction." Steve said and smiled at the boy that was sitting on the bad now. Bruce nodded and explained Steve that everything was ok with him and that he only needed a little time to get used to the normal food again. 

"Oh also, do you have anything that we need to know before you can meet the others?" Bruce asked while turning around again. Peter was kind of stunned. 'I'm fact yes but... I'm not ready.'

"Only that I'm very sensitive with light and noises and that I really hate it when there are to many people in the room.." Peter explained without wanting them to find out that he had spider powers and they technically already know him. Bruce nodded and wrote it down on the papers. 

"Ok then... Steve will show you the room where you sleep for now until we have a proper room for you and then we are going to introduce you to the main people in this house. Tomorrow we will get you better clothes so that you don't have to wear our clothes, ok?" Bruce explained and Peter nodded slowly. Bruce smiled and started again. "Ok then, I'm Bruce Banner or the Hulk. And that is Steve Roger or Captain America." He nodded to Steve. Peter smiled and said: "I'm Peter Parker." Then he stood up and follow Steve to the guest room.

They went to an elevator which lead them to an higher level. After two or three levels the elevator opened and they stood in a big hallway. "You are going to sleep on my and Bucky's floor. My room is next to the guest room and this door over there is Bucky's room. Bucky is the White wolf or the Winter soldier." Steve explained.

"I know. James Barnes, he was in WW2 but got taken from Hydra." Steve smiled at the small boy. 'He knows much..' He opened a door and let the boy in.

"Ok.. this is your room from now. The bathroom is this door and behind it is a little closet with a few clothes." The room was at least as big as the apartment he lived in with May back than. The room was white and had a couch with table, a mini kitchen and a bed stood behind the little living room. Peter's mouth was open like an o. 

"And you think this isn't proper enough I mean that is as big as the apartment I used to live in..." Peter asked the grinning hero. 

"Our rooms are even bigger than that and you haven't seen Game room, common room or living room yet. But how about you change first and then I can show you around and introduce you to a few people that live here." Steve laughed and closed the door behind him, leaving Peter space to change. 

After fifteen minutes of showering and changing Peter got out of the room again where Steve talked with a red haired woman. He turned around when he heard the door and noticed that Peter was a little uncomfortable. Peter wasn't used to so many new impressions in such a small time. "Ahh Peter this is Pepper Plots. She is Tony Starks secretary and kind of the mother in the team." Steve joked and Pepper smiled at the boy. 

"Hello, I'm Peter." He said short, not knowing what to do in this situation. 

"Hello Peter. I heard you are going to live with us now so I think it's better if Cap shows you where everything is. And after that you should came to me because I want to know a few important things but that can wait. Just please come after the dinner to my biro." She was very friendly and Peter nodded with a smile. "Good and now is Steve going to show you around the living area." Steve nodded and leaded the boy away from the Woman back to the elevator. 


Ok that's it...

Bye Peasants 😂🙃🙂🙃

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