Chapter 3

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Ok I'm back! So here we go....


Cap leaded Peter through the hallways and floors and explained where everyone lived and where Parker needed to go if he needs anything or if something happens. "Ok and that is the training area. Here are the most of us." Steve explained and opened the door to a big room with many training equipment, a little ring in the middle, a ballet room and a free-training-corner. "If you go through that door on the right you get to the changing rooms and the showers and the left door leads to the 'magic rooms'. They are most likely for Clemens, Loki, Thor or Wanda because there is no one getting hurt if they use their magic." Peter nodded at the explanation and the two turned around back to the hallway that leads to the common room and living area. 

In the common room they met with Sam, Clint and Scott, who are sitting on the table and eating dinner. Steve waved at them but Peter only stood there awkwardly next to the Soldier. "Hi Cap, who that?" Scott asked and Steve smiled friendly.

"That's Peter. He is going to live in the guest room for now." Steve explained and Scott smirked. 

"Oh ok, Hi. I'm Scott-." Scott wanted to introduce him but a voice from behind them interrupted him.

"Hi is a bug and his nick name is P***ant." The two males turned around and behind them stood their host Tony Stark. Peter got very uncomfortable. That were to many people for his sense to handle and he started playing nervous with his hands. "You good kid?" Tony asked the obviously nervous kid. Peter only nodded. 'Everything is ok..' 

"I can tell you aren't! Steve get him out of here, he clearly isn't comfortable with the situation." That was a new voice. Peter turned his head to see who spoke and met eyes with a young man. He was about 23 years old, or at least he looked like it, and had dark brown hair and green/red eyes. Next to him stood a girl with dark blonde and brown hair and green eyes as well and then there was another boy with light brown hair but still dark enough to fit in the group. All of them had black, red or dark blue clothes and a white stand in their dark hair. 'Really more people?!' Peter though but sighed when the smaller spoke.

"Hey K, we have a meeting with the training room! Come one"

"Wait we do?" The girl asked confused at the sudden topic changes.

"Yes we do now come on." And with a black smoke both of them were gone. The last boy only rolled his eyes, disappeared and then appeared in fron of the boy and the soldier with a 'puff' again. He then touched both of them with the pointing finger and black smoke formed around them. 

Not even a second later all of them, so Cap, Peter and the man, stood out of the room in a hallway. "Hello Cap, Peter! I have things to do and so please don't fully rage my floor." The boy said without any sound of happiness nor friendliness. 

"Thanks Clemens." Steve thanked. The man only nodded and disappeared again. 

"Who was that? I have never heard about them." Peter asked Cap. 

"Oh that were Karma, Nero and Clemens. The boy that teleported us were Clemens, the boy from the common room were Nero and The Girl is named Karma. They are triplets but Still, do all of the act like they are different ages." The Super Soldier explained to the small boy. He just nodded. "I think it's better if you go see what Pepper wants from you, so come on I'll show you to her biro." 


"Hello Peter, I want to know how old are you?" Pepper asked the boy that was sitting in front of her on the small chair. 

"I'm 16..." he answered hesitantly and slowly.

"I- what school did you used to go to?!" Pepper was horrified. How could someone like that get homeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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