More Than A Melody (H.S)


265K 6.6K 1K

At sixteen years old Aurora Wilson spent a few hours in her mother's cafe, with a trapped Harry Styles, his f... Еще

Chapter 1 - Aurora
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 3 - Aurora
Chapter 4 - Aurora
Chapter 5 - Aurora
Chapter 6 - Aurora
Chapter 7 - Aurora
Chapter 8 -Aurora
Chapter 9 - Aurora
Chapter 10 - Aurora
Chapter 11 - Aurora
Chapter 12 - Aurora
Chapter 13 - Aurora
Chapter 14 - Aurora
Chapter 15 - Aurora
Chapter 16 - Aurora
Chapter 17 - Aurora
Chapter 18 - Aurora
Chapter 19 - Aurora
Chapter 20 - Aurora
Chapter 21 - Aurora
Chapter 23 - Harry
Chapter 24 - Aurora
Chapter 25 - Harry
Chapter 26 - Aurora
Chapter 27 - Harry
Chapter 28 - Aurora
Chapter 29 - Harry
Chapter 30 - Auroa
Chapter 31 - Harry
Chapter 32 - Aurora
Chapter 33 - Harry
Chapter 34 - Aurora
Chapter 35 - Harry
Chapter 36 - Aurora
Chapter 37 - Harry
Chapter 38 - Aurora
Chapter 39 - Harry
Chapter 40 - Aurora
Chapter 41 - Harry
Chapter 42 - Aurora
Chapter 43 - Aurora
Chapter 44 - Aurora
Chapter 45 - Harry
Chapter 46 - Aurora
Chapter 47 - Harry
Chapter 48 - Aurora
Chapter 49 -Aurora
Chapter 50 - Aurora
Chapter 51 - Aurora
Chapter 52 - Harry
Chapter 53 -Aurora
Chapter 54 - Aurora
Chapter 55 - Harry
Chapter 56 - Aurora
Chapter 57 - Harry
Chapter 58 - Aurora
Chapter 59 - Aurora
Chapter 60 - Harry
Chapter 61 - Aurora
Chapter 62 - Aurora
Chapter 63 - Harry
Chapter 64 - Harry
Chapter 65 - Aurora
Chapter 66 - Aurora
Chapter 67 - Harry
Chapter 68 - Aurora
Chapter 69 - Aurora & Harry
Chapter 70 - Epilogue
One Shot - 1 - Aurora

Chapter 22 - Aurora

3.8K 105 112

I hope you enjoy this chapter!
The next chapter has a little switch to Harry's POV!

I wake up early the next morning, way before the alarms we set were due to go off. It's only 6am when I check my phone, I don't know what woke me, the alarm was set for another hours time.

Harry isn't in the bed beside me, I assume he's gone to the bathroom but I here no sound at all, I wait for a few minutes until he comes back, but he hasn't yet.

I get a bit worried, I climb out of bed and pad across the room, switching on the light.

"Harry?" I call out and check the bathroom, it's empty.

It's still dark outside so I turn on the light in the hallway too, I yawn as I walk down the stairs, listening for any sound.

"H...?" I call, something he likes that rather than his full name.

There's no answer, I start to feel really nervous, I grip the bannister type as I go right to the bottom of the stairs. I turn on the light and frown, my bag is sitting at the side of the sofa, "Harry?" I call again, sounding desperate now.

I walk over to where my bag is and see a note, at first I think maybe he's just went out to get something he'd forgotten, or he was just in the car rearranging our things.

But my stomach drops when I pick the note up.

Ror, I'm sorry. I can't keep doing this, living this life that isn't mine anymore, I came here for a breather, I thought a week or two and then I'd go back to it all, but I didn't expect to have this connection with you.
I'm so sorry to do it this way, when you're sleeping right upstairs, I know I'm a coward but it's not fair on you, I need to get back to being me and I don't think you can fit into that life.
I know this makes me the biggest dick in the world, I wish I didn't have to do this, you deserve so much better.
Thank you for everything over the past six weeks, you've made me feel myself again and I'll be forever grateful.
Take care, Aurora.
This place is still booked for two more weeks, the keys are hanging on the hanger, stay if you want, please. Love, Hx

I read it again through tears soaking the pages. I feel so many things, immense sadness and confusion, as well as anger.
What the hell happened since last night? Why is he gone?

Why did he do this?

I sit down on the sofa and crumple the note in my hands the tears are spilling down my cheeks, I never cry. I haven't had a reason to cry like this in so long.

I stay there for I don't even know how long, just letting myself cry, I feel like I have a right, I'm so hurt, and upset, and confused honestly.

I finally get up and gather my things and take them to my car, I'm pretty sure my eyes are red from all the crying but I don't care enough to check, I don't even care enough to get changed out of my pyjamas. I don't bother to take the keys, I make sure I have all of my things and then I close the door behind me, hearing it lock into place and locking me out forever.

I get in my car and I leave, driving home in silence, I don't dare turn the radio on incase I hear his song or a song that reminds me of him.

Pathetic, I know.

I get home and sigh, parking at the side of the cafe where I usually park and letting myself in the side door, there's no way I'm walking through the cafe like this, but then I remember it's Sunday, and the cafe is closed anyway.

Which means my mum will most likely be home, and here I am walking in with red rimmed eyes and in my pyjamas looking like I've just had my heart broke.

Which I guess is true.

"Aurora...?" She says immediately, her voice full of concern.

I look at her and try my absolute best not to break down into floods of tears.

"Aurora, whats wrong?" She asks.


"Left? What do you mean?"

"I mean he snuck out in the middle of the night and went back to his life."

"Are you sure...?" She asks cautiously.

I nod, "he left a note." I say, my voice more of a croak.

"Oh, oh love. Why... why did he leave?"

I shrug, "he said he couldn't do it anymore... I imagine he got what he wanted out of me and missed his million pound mansion too much. Maybe he even has a girlfriend somewhere."

My mum frowns, "I'm so sorry, Aurora..."

I nod, "so am I, I'm so fucking stupid."

"You're not, love. You're not stupid at all."

"I am!" I snap, "he left me just hours after having sex with me! What did I do so wrong?!"

She looks at me, I'm mortified, she did not need to know that, I'm so ashamed though and I want her to tell me how stupid I have been, not to show my pity or sympathy, I don't need that.

"Aurora sweetheart, you do not have an ounce of stupidity in you, you are a wonderful young lady, what you did or didn't do with him does not make you stupid or anything along those lines. I've seen such a change in you these last few weeks and I know Harry played a big part in those changes, he made you happier than usual and excited to spend time with him, I had thought that something a little more was going on..."

I stare at my hands, I feel so awful for snapping at her, I never speak to her like that.

"I am so very sorry that he has done this to you, it sounds... like he's ran away from a situation that was getting too much for him, you were becoming a constant in his life and that's probably scared him. I am in no way defending him, I think what he's done is so wrong and you don't deserve that, but you as a person have nothing to do with that. He was lucky to spend all this time with you, because you are so great, Ror."

I sob then and nod my head, wiping at the tears now pouring from my eyes.

My mum pulls me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry my girl, if I ever see him I'll punch him square in the face, I'm so angry he's hurt you like this."

I just nod and hold her tighter, squeezing my arms around her, hoping she'll stop the sobs wracking my body.

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