Only you (Niall Horan Fanfic)...

By OhSnapItsKaitlyn

653 7 2

How would you feel if you we're just in the x-factor and got kicked off then when you get home your step-mom... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

53 0 0
By OhSnapItsKaitlyn

Chapter 4 (pic to the side is of the hoodie she wears to bed)

Lizzy's P.O.V

To tell you the truth Zayn was scaring me. He didn't talk to me all night and he wasn't looking at me at all i mean what is his deal?i kept thinking until Niall shut me out of my thoughts.

"Liz? Liz?" He asked waving a hand in my face.

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a weird look on my face causing him to laugh.

"I said where do you want to sleep?"he asked while still laughing a little.

"Oh erm i don't know." I told him i think I was blushing a little too.

"Well there is only a king size bed in Zayn's and I's room so who do you want to sleep with?" He asked while getting a little mad at mentioning Zayn's name.i thought about it for a while and thought well Niall is my best friend so i will stay with him.

"Erm i would like to stay with you if that's fine?" I asked him while blushing.

"Yeah of course it is." He said while smiling and blushing as well. Did Niall fancy me? More importantly do i fancy Niall?

~30 minutes later of playing 20 questions with everyone~

Everyone went to get there pjs on and i was stuck with the dishes well i volunteered but still its boring, the only person that was in here was Zayn and he was just sitting at the bar staring at me.

"Erm Zayn do you want to help?" I asked him getting really uncomfortable with him here.

"No but I want something else." He said while getting up ou of the chair and coming towards me i started backing up against the wall and then sooner or later i was up against the wall.

"Want to know what?" He said while smirking.

"W-What?" I asked.

"You." He said while getting closer to me this reminds me if the time my dad raped me when I was 8.


"GET DOWN HERE YOU LITTLE SLUT!" my dad shouted to me this was the first time he called me that and this is the first time i got hurt since my mom died a week ago.

"Yes daddy?" I asked from the stairs.

"DON'T YES DADDY ME BITCH! GET DOWN HERE AND GET ON THE COUCH!" He yelled at me. So i went down the stairs as scared as ever of coarse i didn't want to show that or i would get hurt even more. Of course i knew he was drunk.

"NO I MENT LAY DOWN!" he said.

"W-Why?" I asked right as i said that i knew I shouldn't of have he got a evil smirk on his face.

"oh you don't wanna know." He said without yelled then all of a sudden he took my arms and pinned me down and started to undress me i was crying the whole time. Who knew you dad would be the one who took your virginity away when you were only eight years old.

-End of Flashback~

I dropped the bowl i was holding and screamed like my life depended on, then we heard footsteps and Zayn pretended to pick the pieces up like he was helping me i have tears in my eyes threatening to fall i tried keeping them in but i just couldn't keep it in. Niall rushed over to me i was now on the floor in a ball with my head in my knees.

"What happen i am gone for 10 minutes and she is crying on the floor Zayn what did you do!?" He asked while stepping away from me.

"Nothing she dropped the plate and i stepped closer to her to help cause she cut herself an she screamed!" He lied back to him. I looked at my hand and sure enough my hand was bleeding then i looked back at Niall and mouthed 'let me explain' and he mouthed back 'ok'. Then Niall and i said our goodnight and went upstairs to bed. I sat on the bed and he closed the door and sat next to me in the bed.

"Ok Liz would you like to explain what happen down there?" He asked in a sweet voice. I tried not to cry but i just broke down and out my head in my hands. He noticed and put a hand on my back and rubbed small circles.

"What happen?" He asked again.

"Z-Zayn he lied- he didn't try and help me i asked him if he wanted to help with the dishes and he said no i anat something else and trapped me up against the wall and i said what and he said you and then i had a flashback about my past an he scared me and I just flipped and dropped the plate and I-I I'm sorry." I said in a rush then buried my head in his shirt. Then i realized where my head was and i took it out.

"I'm sorry." I said with a fake laugh.

"Stop apologizing its fine." He reassured me.

"You do believe me though right?" I asked then hiccuped. He laughed a little.

"Of course Zayn has been acting weird lately ever since Perrie was his new girlfriend."

"Yeah well he has been scaring me lately like my dad did when i was little..." I said then trailed off. Then Niall got up and started to bandage up my cut he finished up and stripped his shirt and pants and put sweats on and asked if i wanted to borrow some and I gladly excepted, then we both sat down on the bed again.

"Liz what did your dad do to you when you were little?" He asked i froze. Should I tell him i mean he is my best friend well here goes nothing.


"You don't have to tell me if you don't to." He said quickly blushing a little. I giggled a little.

"No it's ok i will tell you." I said then started my story about my dad abusing me and my mom then 9 years later my dad got remarried then her treating me like a piece of shit too by the time i was done i was crying my eyes out.

"Shhh its okay shhhh." He said while rubbing circles on my back ,Then there was a silence until he broke it.

"Lizzy did your dad ever sexually abuse you?" He asked, i gulped and looked the other way while biting my lip.

"N-No." I said while looking the other way.

"C'mon Liz i know your lieing you can tell me anything I promise." He said convincing. Then i nodded telling him that I was.

"Wait so you were just sexually and you didn't tell anyone." He said sounding angry.

"No Niall i was sexually, physically , and mentally you see these scars?" I asked showing him my wrist where i cut myself. "This is what my dad made me do because everyday he would call me a worthless, ugly , slutty , bitch , or a whore. When I don't act like that at all and guess what when I went to school i got called those things all over again Niall! And you know why I couldn't tell anyone cause if i did then i would go home he would find out and there would be no more Elizabeth Paige Miller!" I yelled then fell to the floor and bringing my knees i my chest and crying my eyes out. I then felt someone come over to me and kiss my forehead and tilt my chin up so i could see them.

"Look at me." He said quietly when I tried to refuse his welcome. And I listened to him this time.

"Look Niall i didn't mean to sn-" I said but he cut me off.

"No i should be the one who is sorry i shouldn't of told you what to do I'm sorry Liz." Then I smiled and gave him a hug and said, "how did I get so lucky to have a best friend like you?" He just laughed a little.

"Well anyone who is my friend is lucky." He said with a smile that made me laugh.

"Now there is the laugh i like to hear c'mon let's go to bed." He said then i nodded but stayed where i was.

"What are you doing?'' He asked while getting into bed.

"Um sleeping here." I said looking down.

"No you not come here." He said while patting the spot next to him i gladly excepted. Slide in next to him and he wrapped his a around my waist and pulled me closer i was lucky it was dark i was probably blushing as red as a tomato.

"Goodnight Nialler."

"Goodnight Lizzy.' He said then for the first time in 10 years i fell asleep with a smile on my face

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