Jeffthekillerxreader (Smut In...

Par CarrotTopAspen

98K 1K 861

This will contain some smut, this story does not consist of what you would normally read from the other stori... Plus

Chapter 1: Meet and Greet
Chapter 2: Her Hidden Power
Chapter 3: Trust and Robbery.
Chapter 4: Sweet Sweet Love.
Chapter 5: A visitor?
Chapter 6: New Home. New People.
Chapter 8: Forgiveness
Chapter 9: Mission
Chapter 10: Celebration.
Chapter 11: Risky
Chapter 12: Break You Out
Another book

Chapter 7: Seductive.

8.6K 84 122
Par CarrotTopAspen

Jeff's POV:

After (y/n) fell asleep, I scooted out from under her to go and eat.  Walking down the halls I was suddenly pulled into a room.  A very familiar room.  Her arms wrapped around my neck pushing me up against the wall.  It was Jane.  "I haven't gotten to feel you in forever~!" She said.  I pushed her off me knocking her to the ground.  "What the hell is wrong with you?! Did you not see (y/n) CLEARLY move into my room? Shouldn't that give you enough information that I don't want or need you?!" She pouted and fluttered her eyes at me. Crawling slowly with her face at my crotch.  "Oh come on Jeffy~ I bet she's nothing compared to me~" she cooed.  Slowly unzipping my pants.  "Just let me get a little taste~" I kicked her zipping my pants back up quickly.  "I already declined." Then I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

I don't care about all she's done for me.  The only thing she's ever done was have sex with me when I got horny.  I didn't need it and I didn't need her.  I could have always done the shit myself.  All she did was favors.  She will never be worth more than (y/n) in my eyes.  I was still storming down the halls.  I was still hungry anyways.  Eventually, it became a problem. Day after day, she would end up turning me on leaving me like that all day.  Of course I wasn't going to tell (y/n)..

One day, I gave in.

"If I give in this one fucking time will you leave me alone?" Her eyes lit up as a said that.  "Finally!" She locked the door and we got to business.  It was the worst mistake.

Y/n POV:

Walking through the halls to get to the living room, I passed Jane's room.  I heard moans and groans.  I laughed to myself.  I just continued walking not to bug them.  "Jeff~!" I heard her moan.  What? Why would she be moaning Jeff's name?  Is Jeff in there?  I froze.  My thoughts running in and out of my head.  Attacking me.  I stood there.  I wanted to get to the bottom of this.  I waited by her door.  Through all her moaning, I heard him. I heard Jeff.  My heart had shattered.  I couldn't help but cry.  The tears streamed down my face.  Eventually.  He came out of the room.  I looked at him, his glare starred back at me.  I ran back to our room, him chasing after me.  "(Y/N)! WAIT!" He yelled.  I didn't want to hear a single thing he said, if anything I ran faster. 

Making it to our room, Jeff was just a foot behind me.  I grabbed my axe and stormed past him.  Once again, running in the halls.  Storming out of the house I heard a static behind me.  Jeff stopped chasing me after I left.  I wanted to kill.  I wanted to kill everyone I saw.  Even if a was crying.  I was going to slaughter everyone in this forest. 

Jeff's POV:

Slender had his hand gripping my head.  He was angry with me.  His static was so aggressive.  His tentacles where swishing around, seemingly uncontrollable.  He teleported us to his office.  "What the fuck did you do to make her storm out like that Jeffery.  I leave to go on a mission and come back to this?" It was Jane..  She pushed herself  on me every single day.  I just wanted her to stop so I gave in...  Of course that one fucking time.  (Y/n) saw.. I had my story ready.  As I opened my mouth to speak he spoke again, I forgot he could read our minds.  "If that was the case why didn't you tell me?" He asked, he sounded slightly concerned for once.  "I didn't want anyone to know sir.  Nobody." He sighed at my dumb decisions.  "(Y/n) is going to end up coming back.  She's out killing everyone she can find in the woods.  You made her awfully upset." I felt a tear start to form in my eye.  Hearing Slender tell me I had hurt her just broke me apart. Nonetheless, he was right.  It was my fault, I should've told someone.  "You are going to wait here." He said.  "WHAT? SHOULDN'T WE GO OUT AND FIND HER?!" I yelled.  "Do not scream at me Jeffery.  And no. She is going to be fine.  She needs to blow off the steam anyways.  It's what's best." He was right once again.  He teleported out of his office, leaving me there.  I sat down, and cried.  I hadn't cried like this sense I was just a kid.  Gripping onto my hair at the scalp.  She hates you. She hates you. She hates you. Those words just repeating in my head. I sat there for what felt like days.

Y/n POV:

I found a camp for a school field trip.  It was perfect.  I floated the axe to the center of everyone.  Swinging it around violently.  I made sure to get rid of the adults first.  They all screamed and ran in fear as the blood of their friends splattered everywhere.  I couldn't help but giggle.  Everyone was dead.  I bursted out laughing on the forest floor.  I saw behind me and it was Slender.  He watched the whole thing.  "You where quite angry weren't you?" He asked.  "Indeed I was.  Jeff is a cheating dickhead and I wanted a few kills before going back.  I know it's against the rules to kill someone living at the mansion so I came out here." I cooed.  I was happy with that I did.  I didn't break any rules, I killed people, lots of them.  Flawlessly.  "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself (y/n), however I do need you to come back to the mansion when you are finished." He said, he was calm with he whole thing. "Did I break a rule?" I sat up completely.  "I'm sorry!" "No no, you didn't break any rules.  I just need you to come back to sort things out." Suddenly, I dreaded coming back even more now.  "Yes sir.." I said, sorrowful.  He teleported away and I continued to my killing spree.

Once I made it to the mansion, I saw BEN standing at the door waiting for me.  "Head to Slenders office." He said.  I nodded as I started my walk there.

Jeff's POV:

Slender had teleported back to his office.  Seeing me be a huge crybaby.  "Jeff you need to calm yourself down.  It's going to be sorted out." I forced the tears back trying to relax my body.  I felt awful.  I should've turned Jane down like always.  I should've told Slender to get her to stop.  I was a fucking fool.  Then, the door opened.
Her freshly blood coated axe, laying on her back.  Her (e/c) eyes not even looking at me.  They looked at Slender.
Not a single emotion was shown on her face.

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