kotlc oneshots

By completekeefitztrash

136K 1.7K 2.5K

what the title said ✌ More

author's note
Before Sophie-Dex
Before Sophie- Marella
Before Sophie- Keefe
Before Sophie-Fitz
Before Sophie-Biana
Before Sophie- Jensi
Before Sophie- Tam
Before Sophie- Linh
Council Christmas
The Fair
Custard Bursts
Just a rant
The Final Matchlist
Manifesting (Part 2)
Too Late
Lylie wedding
A perfect date
burn it all down
Empaths always win
Kiana superhero au
sokeefe thing
baking one with fitz and alvar
sophiana movie night
Biana pines over Linh for almost 8K words
I'm sorry
um, quick sokeefe thing
"We'll work it out"
tiana, when they're grown up
girls like girls
keefitz au
keefitz coffee shop au
The Girl™
some dark au idk man--
"i'd rather be with you"
"its fine"
fitam enemies to lovers thing for lynn
"love you too"
cracking like ice
"let's ditch"
its a mermaid au and its gay (part one)
"i love you, i love you not"
an angel shrouded in darkness
"she's so pretty it hurts"
a smile like sunshine
domestic linhiana
sophitz airplane au
stone cold heart
a strange turn of events
slinging snowballs in the cold
never enough
sokeefe sickfic
made of memories and regrets
thought you were gone and lost my mind
dance the forbidden waltz with me
beautifully brokenhearted
never do this again
all those secrets just to keep you
screaming secrets in the storm
all the words i left unsaid
my hate is beautiful, at least
cause i don't like a gold rush (pt 1)
loving you in secret
where it all starts
blood on a broken mind
the truth hurts but secrets kill
crushing kisses
it's a masquerade night
the soulmates we made along the way
a million dreams
he can't see the smile i'm faking
as the fireworks paint the sky
as the years pass
i̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶
twisted memory lanes
love is found in takeout
secrets on the ocean floor
thinking of you (every time summer says goodbye)
drowning roses
return to me (always)
run away with me

enchanted (solinh)

751 12 9
By completekeefitztrash

solinh songfic to Enchanted by Taylor Swift

uh. yeah that's all--

tw: alcohol, loneliness? at the beginning?

word: 2107 including the song itself which was a little more than 300 words

There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place

Sophie sighed.

Right away she covered it up with a laugh, feigning amusement as the rest of the table roared with entertainment, banging their fists against the table and hooting in laughter. She couldn't sigh, it would seem like she wasn't having fun—which she wasn't but Sophie would have to pretend for then.

She doubted anyone would notice her anyway; no one ever did. She'd been coming here for many nights but still, no one knew her as anything but the young blonde woman who sat on the edge of the table, staring off into space vacantly. She never interacted with the other regulars, never spoke a word. They'd tried talking to her at the beginning but she'd ignored them, and eventually they'd given up.

Sophie didn't know how she felt about that.

The table she was sitting at was loud, boisterous as ever. Yet the whole restaurant, small as it was, seemed to radiate a deep sadness. The paint on the walls was peeling, flakes of grey falling down and only adding to the thick layer of dust everywhere. Each time someone banged the table, a thick cloud of dust would appear in the air, unsettled by the disruption.

Outside it was dark, the moon and stars invisible as shadows shrouded every surface. The streets were empty, silent in the night. No one came to this part of town, not if they valued their self-worth. 

There were only five people at the table, people Sophie met almost every night but people that still seemed alien to her. They were so different, so free and uncaring about the consequences of the world. They'd order beer from the waitress and laugh at their own jokes, eyes slowly closing and speech blurring as they downed glass after glass of alcohol.

They probably did have worries, Sophie supposed. Everyone did, everyone had insecurities lurking beneath the surface. No one was completely carefree.

But it didn't seem like the other customers at the restaurant did. Sophie envied the way they could push it all aside and enjoy themselves, forming friendships with each other. Maybe they had no life other than coming down to this beat-up restaurant, ordering rounds, and gambling their heart away, but they were happy. Content.

Sophie wished she could be so carefree. But she came here not to escape her troubles, but to dwell on them. 

Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face

The large woman with long, curly black hair who sat near Sophie ordered another glass of alcohol. She was clearly drunk but continued playing cards with her friend, evidently losing but not caring.

Sophie sighed, heavier and louder this time, turning her attention back to staring out the window vacantly. The faint glow of streetlights was the only light outside, softly illuminating the streets and run-down buildings in the area.

The door swung open with a long squeak, and Sophie glanced at the entrance, curious. It was rare that someone came here. There were the regulars like Sophie of course, but newcomers would come in once and never come back. It would most likely be the same with this person, whoever they were.

The person stepped inside, a hood covering their face and hiding their features. They lowered the hood, revealing their face.

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

 Sophie momentarily stopped breathing.

She was always a disaster lesbian mess, but pretty girls had a way of enchanting her. And this girl was definitely very pretty, with her silver-tipped short hair framing her face perfectly, a glowing smile on her pink-glossed lips. 

Your eyes whispered, "have we met?"
Across the room, your silhouette starts to make its way to me

The girl's eyes were a warm brown, soft and sweet. They swept the room and arrived at Sophie, an invitation to talk shining in them.

Sophie only tugged out another eyelash, her eyes immediately darting to the floor and she stared at the dusty and scuffed tiles. The girl was pretty, no denying it, but she really did need to get ahold of herself.

A shadow was coming closer to her, and Sophie felt her breath quicken, not daring to look up. A light voice said from above, "Is this seat open?"

The brown-eyed girl was standing above Sophie, gesturing to the seat next to her with a smile playing on her lips.

The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy

Sophie quickly learned the girl's name.

Linh, she'd said. Sophie had repeated it, marveling at the way the word flowed off her tongue, silvery smooth.

Linh had been quick to make conversation, talking to Sophie and listening to what she had to say. Actually listening, with her shining eyes fixed attentively to Sophie's, nodding and laughing at all the right parts. Paying attention to what Sophie had to say, caring for what she thought like no one had ever done before.

Linh asked questions, making slight jokes and collapsing in giggles with Sophie at certain parts. She'd lean against Sophie's side, trying not to laugh and eventually failing. Her touch sent thrills of warmth shooting through Sophie's skin, heating up her cheeks as she tried to fight back the blush.

The other customers would occasionally look over at them, curiosity and confusion apparent on their faces before they turned their attention back to their game. The bond Sophie was quickly forming with Linh seemed secret, something personal for only them two.

Sophie realized she'd never had this before, this type of conversation where they completed each other so well, where they'd laugh at inside jokes and ignore the curious stares of other people. 

Linh was the only one Sophie could feel this, this beautiful, magical feeling, with.

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

Sophie stared out the misty car window as she drove home in her battered car. A slight drizzle of rain was lightly pattering on the streets and roads, but Sophie enjoyed the soothing background noise.

A faint blush still dusted her cheeks as Linh made her way into Sophie's thoughts.

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

The only word to describe this feeling, Sophie realized, was enchantment.

She was enchanted, enchanted to meet Linh.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

Streetlights shone down on the streets, wet from the rain that was slowly stopping. The world seemed to twinkle with the light, and the moon slowly made its way out from behind thick grey clouds. The night was alive, bright and almost sparkling. It was a stark contrast to how it had been mere hours ago.

Sophie didn't want to let it go. She didn't want to let any of this go.

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Did she know? Did Linh know how Sophie felt meeting her? Did she think it was a simple meeting? Would she think about it for days to come?

Sophie knew she would.

The lingering question kept me up
Two a.m., who do you love?
I wonder till I'm wide awake

Did Linh have someone else in her life?, Sophie wondered, laying her bed that night. She couldn't sleep, try as she might, and an hour in she'd given up on having any rest. She wouldn't get a blink of sleep that night, that much was for sure. 

The haunting question was mostly the reason why she was still up. Each time she was about to doze off Linh entered her thoughts and she was fully conscious again, thinking about the girl she'd met.

Did Linh love someone else? And if so, who?

Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, hey

It was three-thirty in the morning when Sophie had thrown the twisted blankets off her bed, abruptly getting to her feet. The cool wood panels making up the floor creaked slightly as she paced on them agitatedly.

She wished Linh would show up at her door, the same bright smile on her face greeting Sophie when she opened the door. Linh's voice saying, "Hey," as she suddenly clasped her hand in Sophie's. Sophie wished she could talk to Linh again, longer, instead of a few stolen hours before Linh swept away, disappeared. 

It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is I was, enchanted to meet you

Sophie didn't know exactly what she was feeling for Linh.

Was it a crush? A minor fling? Something more?

All she knew was she was enchanted to meet Linh, more enchanted than she'd ever been before.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go

Sophie wandered outside to her backyard. Grass and weeds grew in abundance and Sophie realized how long it had been since the lawn had been mowed. Too long.

It was still dark outside, the only noise being the faint rustle of wind brushing the leaves and buzz of insects. Apparently, no one was awake at such an hour. Other than Sophie, that was. The night stars were still sparkling, blinking in and out as they softly shone down. The almost full moon illuminated the small backyard, the light catching on Sophie's blonde hair as she stood.

She absentmindedly walked around the garden, letting her thoughts wander until they inevitably came back to Linh and another blush dusted her pale cheeks.

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

There was a bounce to Sophie's steps that weren't there before. A sort of giddiness to her heart as smiles kept making their way on her face. A light feeling that hadn't been there before, something that caused her to twirl in delirious happiness and smile softly when thinking of Linh's pink-lipped smile.

The question followed Sophie though, sneaking its way into her thoughts.

Does Linh know? How enchanted I am to meet her?

This is me praying that this was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends

Sophie could only hope this wasn't the end. That there was more to come for Linh and her, that this wouldn't just end abruptly. 

She hoped this wasn't the last page of their story. And she hoped this was instead the first chapter of a new beginning.

My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

When Linh left, Sophie remembered being struck by the realization she hadn't gotten Linh's number, or really anything she could have used to see Linh again. 

She'd sighed in regret, thinking that until she met Linh again, Linh's name, her face, her voice, would echo in Sophie's mind. Their meeting had been all too short, ending before Sophie was ready. 

She was leaving this dream too soon, this dream of enchantment too good to be real.

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Please. Sophie thought. Please don't turn out to be in love with someone else. Please don't have anyone out there made for you, waiting for you. Please just give me a chance, just one is all I need.

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you


This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

The stars above were glimmering, the moon's gentle light shining down on Sophie as she stared up at the sparkling night sky. The tears in her eyes that had come for no apparent reason shone as she smiled.

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go

Sophie hadn't been this happy in a long time.  The night was perfect, flawless in every which way.

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Sophie would be wondering for a long time, it seemed. Wondering if Linh knew how Sophie felt about her. Wondering if Linh knew how enchanted Sophie was by her. 

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Wondering if Linh was in love with someone else and hoping desperately that she wasn't.

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