The Great Unknown

By mxalexander

1.3K 86 8

This is the second book in the "It Comes With the Job" series. Captain Stone is now on a journey to find the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

82 5 2
By mxalexander

"Captain there is a priority one message coming in from Admiral Pike." Commander Harry says.
"Put it in holodeck 2 Commander." I say.
The Admiral pops up in front of me and says "Max, It's good to see you. When I heard about the accident and couldn't come...I just wish I could have been there for you."
"I know. I'm guessing you didn't call me just to say that though. What's the matter?"
"Star Fleet wants to send someone to check on your progress. Max, I know who they are sending out, he is against Genetically Enhanced people being in Star Fleet. If he causes any trouble, call me about it."
"I will and honestly Star Fleet still doesn't trust me."
"I know it's tough, mostly they do, just your hacking and computer skills....they are worried it will leave a bad mark on there ledger."
"Well, hope you come visit soon, Taylor out. And safe, I love you."
"Love you too."
The image goes back to the Star Fleet logo and I'm sitting in the holodeck alone again.
The Admiral may not be my father but he raised me for a long time and I will always think of him as a father to me.
I walk out of the holodeck and get to the bridge.
"Sir." Commander Nog says.
"Can I speak to you in my office, you to Commander Harry."
When I get in to my office I give them the news. They both give me looks of fear.
"If your saying that this admiral is coming to "See our progress" I don't believe it. He's coming to do more than that." Nog says.
"Same, if he's coming Captain it's bad. Don't worry I will make sure that everything is perfect for when he comes. This Admiral will leave regretting he even came here think we aren't capable of handling this ship." Commander Harry states.
"Thank you both. I'm going to be in here if you need me. He will be here in 2 days on the U.S.S. San Diego."
Commander Harry walks out but Commander Nog stays.
"Sir, if you need anything, just give me a call." Then he leaves.
I rearrange all my stuff on my desk, I read some of the crew reports, and then I sit down and read the rest of Sherlock Homes.
The next two days are very uneventful but well needed. My crew is getting ready for the inspection and are doing a good job so far. I go down to engineering to check on progress before the Admiral comes this afternoon.
"Chief, how's my ship running?"
"She's running as smooth as a baby's bottom sir."
"Can I check the computer core processing unit? Hopefully it's up to the Admiral's standards." I say.
"Sir, everything will be fine, I'm sure he's just giving us pressure so that we will do good when he comes. It is a tactic that the inspection Commanders always use. One time on DS9, you remember that one security chief? He had us all panicked for weeks and when he finally came he gave us a 100%! You were so worried your computer systems were not up to date enough." He says.
"I guess chief but this is my first ship, my first inspection, I want it to go right." I say then I check the computer systems and leave.
"Sir, Admiral Rozar is requesting to beam aboard. Do you want me to wait till you get down there?" Commander Nog says.
"Yes, Commander meet me down here in transported room 2." I say.
Then I call Julian and Ezri. When they all get down here and are in dress uniform I beam the Admiral over myself.
"Captain." He says.
"Admiral Rozar, it's nice to meet you." I say then I go one by one naming my officers that are here with me. He just nods and then asks if he can be shown his room or if he has to find it himself. This isn't going well.
"Lieutenant Dax here will show you to your quarters." I say.
"If you would follow me Admiral." Ezri says.
When he walks out I wait a second and then say "Oh my gosh, this is not going to go well."
Commander Nog leaves but reassures me that everything will be fine. Julian is the only
one left and he's leaning against the wall now with a serious expression on his face.
"What's the matter? I say coming over.
"I just keep thinking that I'm going to end up being cashiered from service because of that man."
"Don't feel bad, for all we know I could be the one being fired and you could get a promotion and some cushy job." I say.
"I don't want a cushy job, I want to be here, with you and the rest of the Enterprise." He says. Then he walks out looking like he might punch something sooner or later.
I go to my quarters and change into my pajamas. I'm a bit hungry so I grab a snack and then get in bed. This time when I fall asleep I don't get any nightmares, not at first anyways. I am on DS9, back in the beginning when I had first arrived. The station is completely empty, though I hear voices from everywhere. They are warning me about something, but I can't make anything out. "Hello?" I say. The station suddenly is under attack and the place where I'm standing is hit. I'm sucked into space, then the next thing I know I'm in a dark room, then it turns into a repeat of last night. Fire, running, my father, everything. I scream. I feel something wet on my face and I notice it's Porthos licking me, also Julian is sitting on the end of the bed. How does he hear me? He's all the way down the hall and I know I don't scream that loud. "Medical override?" I asks.
"No I didn't want to make noise since the Admiral is now next door. I hacked the console." He says.
"How did you hear me?"
"Actually Porthos came and got me. He scratched my door until I let him in." He said.
So that's how he always knows.
"Let me get you some breakfast." He says.
"It's morning?"
"Yeah, you slept right through dinner."
He gets me my favorite which is 2 boiled eggs, toast with grape jelly, and instead of a Raktijino he gets me a honey lemon tea.
"What, no coffee?" I say.
"You need anything but coffee right now, that will just get you all crazy again." He says.
I eat the breakfast, drink my tea and Julian tells me what he thinks will happen after the inspection.
"Honestly, I think he's going to give us a bad rep just so he can get rid of you as a Captain, so much for "Not letting personal problems get in the way"."
"He won't. What could he take me away for?" I ask.
I finish getting dressed and then Julian asks
"Do you want me to go along with you for the inspection?"
"Sure. But be carful, say one wrong thing and he might snap."
"Like a twig?" He asks jokingly.
"Like a twig." I answer.

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