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Wasuppies Baddies, since being a baddie is such a trend next to the tumblr girls, e-girls, tumblr girls, soft... More

EXES! ✖️


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Okay baddies, let's get right into okayyy!

Oh and before we begin, get you a notepad and a pen or use your notes app cause these three things are very important for you in order to grow as a person, love yourself and boss up!

Number one thing to write down: write down what you love the most about yourself, then draw attention to it. Write down what you love and write down why you love it. It could be something random like 'conversating with people', you gotta find what makes you YOU, and run with it! If you really can't find something about yourself that you like, then i want you to go sit down and really think 'what is the quality that i have, that just draws people to me', cause it's a known fact that everybody has at least ONE quality that's gonna draw people to them. You've gotta find that inner self. Like I've said a few chapters ago, you might not have a good self esteem and it's hard for you to even think good of you self. You know, i used to be that girl who just stayed quiet cause i was scared of what people were gonna think when i said even one thing, i used to always think so bad and negative about myself and put myself down. You've gotta cut that out! If you wanna learn to love yourself, you gotta embrace yourself, even your flaws! I know that sounds cliché and i know that's a thing that everyone says but if you write down what you appreciate about yourself, and start exercising that and bringing attention to that, even other people are gonna see a different glow about you. People will be wondering if something good happened to you and you'll be able to say you're starting to say youre loving yourself! When you start loving yourself correctly, you're 10 times more of a woman than you were before. (and having insecurities is always absolutely okay!) Some people like to say 'when a man loves you correctly, you're more of a woman' which is wrong but kind of right on one side. But at the same time, dont wait for a man to bring out the best in you. You got to bring out the best in you for yourself cause we have a cold world and society loves to bash and put people down, so you've gotta give yourself confidence when nobody gives you confidence!!

find a way to make more money ma'am! I'm now gonna tell you why. Extra income allows you to make BOSS MOVES and provide security so that you literally won't need a man for shit, period. Before, i used to be like 'i'm not a millionaire but i'm comfortable where im at', DONT get comfortable where you're at financially, you can always grow and be more stable. The more forms of income you have, the more stability you have so that you don't have to rely on a man. You know, a lot of women are stuck in a relationship that they do not want to be in because he's paying all the bills, he's the husband who manipulated her and was like 'i got this babe, you can just be a housewife, i got the bills' which can be cool and everything cause i myself used to be like 'i'm just gonna be a housewife cause i just hate working'. But even that was the worst mentality for me to have because, when you give a guy that much power over you financially, he's gonna use that to control you and probably try to make you feel you lower than low with the thought that you could never be shit without him. Don't ever give somebody the space and time to demean who you are, ok? Cause you are a literal gift and one thing i've noticed is that there's a lot of women bosses now, women with boutiques or makeup and cosmetic lines, this generation is such a hustle generation, this generation allows you to step your freaking game up. Don't be the type of girl to be like 'if you wanna take me out, you gotta give me a bag or money', get you that Chanel bag yourself! I don't know how you're gonna do it, but just get it done, either do hair on the side or babysit on the side, start somewhere and build that up! Bosses got money with them honey, bosses don't act like the worker okay! Bosses are the people they gotta look upto, you gotta give them that energy where they think of you like 'wow, if she can do this, i can do this!'.

Stay productive! Wanna know why? Stay productive cause too much idle time can make you very very lazy and uninspired. Take it from me, im gonna use myself as an example again, i wasn't that consistent with life and work at all. I would think working three days a week was good, no! Once i started getting my own shit together, that's where i saw a drastic change. And the reason why i was working only three days a week, back when i was still working for a boss, was simply because i was uninspired. I was uninspired because i was LAZY, i would rather watch American Horror Story and be in bed watching tv all day. I saw that i was only getting 'this' much a month so i went with the thought of 'what's the difference if i work some more, im not gonna have that much more money anyway'. I had a very negative mindset and i wasn't bossed up or motivated, i would rather overeat and go out doing useless things. I let my work take me a few seats back, i just didn't have that Boss mentality yet. Until i woke up one day and wondered to myself how i wanna be on top and what i'm gonna do to boss up to get to that level while im still here not being consistent. If you want your job as a self employed boss to be your fulltime job, you gotta treat it like a job and set the hours and step your game up. Give the people what they want and try to not be half-assed. I wrote everything i hated about myself down that year, and what i wanted to change that year, and i was able to do it!

Work out, eat right, dress nice! And now you're probably like 'girl everybody says that', no! Ever since i got a trainer, ever since i started eating right, ever since i started stepping my wardrobe up, i just have a bossed up feeling. And when you feel like a boss, when you feel like a champion, you feel like you're winning! So if you dress and feel like a boss, your gonna only wanna make boss and money moves. People are gonna look at you differently and think 'yo i like the energy she gives off and the way she dresses, her presence is so nice', you know? You want your presence to be THERE. A part of wanting to feel good and confident about yourself is definitely working out. When i wasn't working out and wasn't eating right, i stayed up later than i should've, i had insomnia for MONTHS and i didn't what was wrong with me, but now i see! I had the worst diet every, i used to eat nothing but junk. So pf course my stomach felt all bloaty, i felt unmotivated, i felt depressed, cause when you gain weight, you feel depressed about gaining weight BUT them you eat more which is such a domino effect. So this whole chapter just boils down to one thing, are you ready to make that change? Do you wanna change? Do you feel like you could change? Cause i feel like you can change! And to assure that you can change, I'm trying to shower you guys with this type of motivation. And i feel like if i give you guys this motivation, it's gonna put something in your heart, its gonna trigger something your heart for you to change, starting from after this chapter. I believe in you! And i can't wait for the day i hear you guys say 'i read @Kendallhomie's baddie glow up book and it changed my life because i was here down here and now i'm up here!' cause thats when i know i did my job right. Y'all might not even understand why i say it like that, cause i came a LONG way from where i'm at right now. And i want you guys to come a long way too, boss up! We only making boss moves, 2021! I'm speaking that into existence for ALL OF US! A pandemic shouldn't stop us from becoming a better person.

I hope you guys loved this chapter on how to love yourself, and like i said, i will definitely try to stay consistent with this book since it has been doing so good and i feel like i've been letting you guys down for quite some time. So make sure that you add this to your reading lists for more baddie glow up energy! Love you guys <3

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