Love Hurts

By Leonettaxx_Jortinixx

375 0 0

Martina Stoessel: Rich very smart girl who moves a lot around the world because of her father's job. Jorge Bl... More

Party Part 1
Party Part 2
Party Part 3
Party Part 3

The Begining

84 0 0
By Leonettaxx_Jortinixx

Tini Pov:

It was the first day here in Buenos Aires. I decided to surprise my best friend Mechi to go visit her because I live in the same house that I lived in before I went to Madrid and our houses are very close. Our dads are also very good friends.

I knock on the door and a strange woman opens the door.

???: How can I help you, Miss?

Tini: Mechi is that you?

???: No, I am their housekeeper. My name is Anna

Tini: Nice to meet you, Anna. Do you maybe know where Mechi is?

Anna: Oh, they didn't tell you?

Tini: Tell me what?

Anna: Mechi is at boarding school.

Tini: I didn't know. Do you know maybe know at what town the boarding school is?

Anna: Actually *She couldn't finish her sentence because some man cut her off*

???: Tini is that you

Tini: Yes, that is me, and who are you?

???: I am Mechi's dad

Tini: Oh, nice to see You again Mr.Rodeiguez

Mr.Rodeiguez: Please call me Jose

Tini: Okay Jose do you maybe know in which town is Mechi's boarding school

Jose: Actually it's here in Buenos Aires. I can give you the address if you want to visit her?

Tini: Yes please if I can have it

Jose: Here you go and please tell her that we miss her a lot.

Tini: Thank you and I will, but I thought that you visited her.

Jose: We are but she said that she wants us to visit her every week 3 times and this week is at the end of the month, so we have to give her some space.

Tini: Did you have a fight?

Jose: We didn't but she wants to have her own space.

Tini: Well I understand her. Thank you for the address and goodbye

Jose: Goodbye Tini

Mechi Pov:

The receptionist told me that someone wants to visit me so I thought my parents are but I got surprised when I see my best friend.

Mechi: I missed you so much

Tini: I missed you too. Here. *She gave me a box with something in it. I opened it and I see beautiful earrings*

Mechi: Thank you so much for the earrings. So how are you?

Tini: I'm fine. How are you?

Mechi: I'm fine too. So what brings you here?

Tini: Well my dad's job had to come to Argentina and you know that  I always have to come with him.

Mechi: I almost forgot I have to introduce you to someone

Tini: Mechi do you have a boyfriend? *She asked with a smirk on her face*

Mechi: Maybe?

Tini: Well who is he?

Mechi: I don't think you know him, but he is very sweet and he is the best friend of the captain of the football team.

Tini: I think that I already like him.

Mechi: Yup, that's what Ruggero is like.

Tini: He is the captain of the football team?

 Mechi: No, he is his best friend.

Tini: I think that I would like the captain of the football team

Mechi: You think you would like Jorge?

Tini: If he is the captain of the football them then yes

Mechi: Well just don't make a mistake that every single girl on campus is making.

Tini: What are you talking about?

Mechi: Well Jorge is a great friend, but he's a player.

Tini: Too bad you know how I like footballers.

Mechi: Yes I know you were only and dating them at elementary school.

*We continued chatting until I asked a question that would change her life*

Mechi: Do you want to go to an actual school like here.

Tini: I would love to, but I'm not sure what my dad would think about that.

Mechi: Oh come on.

Tini: I will talk to my dad. Know that we are on the parents topic I want to say that your parents miss you and that they want me to say to you that.

Mechi: I know they miss me a lot, but this school is one of the best in Argentina.

Tini: Well I have to go, but maybe I can see you tomorrow?

Mechi: Yeah sure and then tomorrow you can meet my friend's

Tini: Yeah I'll meet them tomorrow

Tini's Pov:

I reach my house and when I walk in everyone are like they saw a ghost

Alejandro(Tini's dad): I was so worried about you.

Tini: I called you, but I couldn't reach you.

Mariana(Tini's mom): I see right now that you called me.

Alejandro: Where were you.

Tini: I went to Mechi's house but then I found out that she is at boarding school so I went to visit her there.

Mariana: Oh I see

Tini: Dad can we talk?

Alejandro: Sure. What's on your mind?

Tini: I want to ask you could I go to boarding school with Mechi? That's one of the best Argentinian high schools.

Alejandro: I will see what I can do

Tini: Really?!

Alejandro: Really

Tini: You're the best dad in the world

Alejandro: And you're the best daughter in the world

*Since it was already night I decided to take a shower and go to sleep. I was really tired so I fall asleep very fast but before that, I wrote in my diary*

My dad said to me that I can maybe go to the boarding school with Mechi. I think that would be great and also I get to meet... I fell asleep after writing that

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