
By ttfantasystorywriter

213 38 57

After fleeing her orphanage, Aelia finds herself in an entirely new world. Literally. Where is she, and why... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Eight

Chapter Seven

4 2 0
By ttfantasystorywriter

Picking through her salad, Aelia slouched forwards, resting her head on the palm of her hand. Jaspa and Leilani had begun grilling her on why she left so suddenly after Core-Gifts. They were upset that she left them, ditching them straight after class, although Aelia believed in no way did they feel as annoyed as her. The stony expression on her usually bright face left the people eating around her with looks of worry on their faces.

"Because it's no fun!" She cried as her tough demeanor cracked, waving her hands in the air and leaning back into her chair. "All I do is sit there and twiddle my thumbs, hoping that the others stop throwing me dirty looks because I don't know my gift!"

Clatters from around the dining hall brought the fact that the volume which she was speaking was loud enough for others to hear. And the fact that she just admitted to almost the entire student body at a school for the gifted, that she had not yet acquired hers.

Perfect, just perfect. She screamed inside her head, the tips of her ears glowing a deep red with embarrassment.

Dropping her utensils on her plate, she shoved her chair backwards and rose, students still immersed in watching how it played out. Ignoring their gazes, Aelia snatched her plate off the plastic table and placed it by the bins at the exit as she left. Opening both the glass doors, she stalked out of the cafeteria, leaving it so silent you could hear a pin drop. The entire student body watched her leave, Aelia's fists clenching and unclenching, students mouths open wide with shocked expressions. Only the sound of the doors slamming with such a force that student's jumped out of their seats removed them from their silence.

Through the crisp night air, Aelia trekked her way towards an unknown destination. With no certain place in mind, she wandered around the campus, winding around trees and buildings, no students in sight. She had hoped that somebody might follow her, to reassure Aelia that she did have a gift. Reassure her that she would find out what it was. Reassure her that Headmaster Solomon was right about her having a gift.

Headmaster Solomon! Redirecting her course, Aelia turned and headed towards the headmaster's tower. Luckily, she didn't have to pass the open dining hall on her way, as students would be finishing their dinner by now and leaving for their dorms. Her stomach grumbled from the memory of her uneaten dinner, and Aelia looked around feverishly, glad nobody was close enough to hear her.

But there had been days at the orphanage where she was left unfed. The grime and crying from the younger girls, and the arguing from the older ones, followed by the repetitive sounds of slaps on the face with harsh words had only made it worse. Never ending. Endless.

Pushing the thoughts out of her mind, breathing rapidly, she fastened her walking pace, reaching the Headmaster's tower as quickly as she possibly could without drawing attention. Wearing only light clothes, she began to shiver, regretting not eating something warm for dinner. Aelia quickly hustled through the door of the Headmaster's tower, smiling in greeting at Mrs Forsythe, receiving a generous slab of cake in return.

Unable to say no to the gracious offer, Aelia accepted as Mrs Forsythe passed them to her, rambling something along the lines of "How sweet you are dear, enjoy the last day of school for the week!" and then returning to her squeaky office chair.

Forcing herself to complete the climb up the many sets of stairs, Aelia groaned as the pounding in her head returned. She had not told Jaspa and Leilani what had happened during training, not wanting to relive the pain and frustration she felt towards her roommate. They were uncalled for, Nerissa's actions. Aelia didn't understand, no. She wasn't able to find a reason for Nerissa's hateful attitude towards her.

Landing on the doorstep of Headmaster Solomon's office, Aelia hesitated. Was this the right thing to do? Was asking him for advice right? Shaking away her doubts, Aelia took a step forward and raised her hand to knock. As her fist neared the door, it swung open, revealing the Headmaster.

"Perfect timing," He announced, glancing down at Aelia with twinkling eyes, before turning back around and sitting at his desk.

Aelia tentatively padded inside, wary as to where she was, taking every step with great precaution, planning her spiel.

"Something's wrong." She started, plopping down in one of the lush velvet chairs set up.

With a nod from the Headmaster to go on, she continued, ducking her head down to avoid eye-contact. His eyes seemed to be staring right through hers, and it made her feel uncomfortable, as though he already knew her, inside out.

"My Klove shines a bright white colour," She spoke, voice trembling as she tried to keep her emotions in check. "It shines so bright even those in the heavens would not be able to resist looking upon it's blinding light." Aelia paused, hoping he understood what she meant. "It caused tension between my teammates and I- I don't know why."

Headmaster Solomon sighed lightly and placed a hand on his desk, reaching out to Aelia.

"As I told you earlier, Aelia, I believe you have been gifted with the ability to control and guide the Iliana pathways. You could only possess this gift if you have the purest light inside you, along with DNA of the eldest race in Lundor. The Aeonians." He explained.

The Aeonians. Aelia wondered, the name reminding her of a warrior. Someone who persevered through the toughest times, and no matter how bloodied or beaten they emerged, they always came back proud. But somewhere in the back of her mind, Aelia also envisioned a jaw-dropping person, tanned with muscles and tall. With a smile, they radiated peace and kindness, coated with warmth. However, with a single frown, they could intimidate you, and reinforce a stone-cold tension.

The vibrant images that flashed across her mind caused Aelia to shudder, blocking them out. It almost seemed as though she had been viewing them as memories, but she blocked out that thought as well.

"The light inside you enjoys flaunting itself in the most obvious and joyful ways. It protects you from any serious harm, once you have learnt to use it. The light wants you to claim it as your own, Aelia."

Confused, only one thing ran through her mind.

"I have Aeonian DNA?" She wondered aloud, narrowing her eyes with trepidation.

"If my suspicions are correct, then yes, Aelia, you have active Aeonian DNA within you. It's what allows you to harness the light."

Harna ti Iliana.

The words flashed across her mind, a warm tingling over her body. Was that what that building was for? It helped you in the act 'harnessing the light'.

Not the light. Aelia thought, Your own light.

"So I have family?" She gasped, eyes lighting up with hope.

"The Aeonians are an immortal race, Aelia. They are immune to illness and disease, however can be killed by fatal injuries. Their pride is one of their greatest weaknesses." The Headmaster explained, blatantly avoiding Aelia's question.

"Why do I need to know this?"

"Because when the time comes, Aelia, you will need your family."

Trying not to cry with happiness, Aelia's mind focused on the word continually ringing through her mind. It had been every day in the orphanage and out.


Looking up from her hands, she smiled. And opened her mouth to speak. Absolutely speechless, she was. Even just the prospect of having a family, somewhere, brought hope to Aelia. After years upon years of being tortured endlessly by the desperation and mourning of having no parents, it was all she could do to keep herself from jumping up and screaming with glee.

"How do I find my family?" She asked, placing her hands on Headmaster Solomon's desk and leaning forward, eyes wide with excitement.

Hanging on to every word, Aelia settled back into the plush chair she was sitting on to focus on what she was being told. The Headmaster began by reminding her about the time she had met Tynon, whom lately, she had heard no news of.

"You had been looking for an adventure, were you not?" He asked, pausing for a nod of confirmation from Aelia before continuing, "And you got one. Say you were to look for your parents, now that your inner light is more... present, ready to be used. Maybe, just maybe, you could guide the path towards your family. For other people, animals or objects, you might need something more prominent. For example something with their DNA on it, or something that vividly reminded you of it. For certain places, all you may need is a memory of it, or an idea of whereabouts you are heading geographically."

Once again, Headmaster Solomon paused, checking that Aelia was following along. Seeing as he didn't continue, she took it upon herself to explain how to find her family.

"So, if I were looking for my family, I'd be able to find them, right? I might not know them in the flesh or have anything from them, but because their DNA is active within me, proven by being able to guide the Iliana pathways, I'd be able to find them through that."

She cocked her head, waiting for an answer of confirmation from Headmaster Solomon. His twinkling eyes told her she was correct, but she wanted to wait for verbal confirmation before allowing her hopes to rise once more.

"That's it," He agreed, nodding his head gently and pushing back his chair. "Look, I know this is all so new, and all different opportunities are darting around inside your mind, but with the Annual Combat Competition nearing, and soon, end of term tests, I say you'd better wait until tomorrow night until you... try anything."

Wishing it wasn't true, but silently agreeing, Aelia grimaced.


"Good luck, Aelia. I daresay you'll find what you're looking for," The Headmaster finished with a kind wink and gestured towards the door.


Making her way through the dewy grass, Aelia's mind wandered over everything she had discovered. She was eager to find her family, but as she had descended the stairs from the Headmaster's study, he had called out to her, advising her to bring her friends with her.

At first Aelia believed he meant only Leilani and Jaspa, who were probably still annoyed at her after she stormed off during dinner. However, as she filed through her disorganised thoughts, she also believed that Headmaster Solomon may have meant other friends. From her Klovitch team. Regretting telling him about what had happened during her training session, she tried to decide who she might want to bring with her. Sure, she loved Maysie as if she were an older sister, but would she really understand what was happening?

Yes, she would. A voice in the back of Aelia's brain told her. She understood enough to take away her own memories.

Malcolm was a good person, strong and fit enough so if they encountered any danger along the way, she and her friends would have protection.

Nerissa was a certain no. No way in hell was Aelia about to take someone who hated her into a possibly dangerous situation. If there was a fire, she'd push Aelia into it without a thought of remorse.

Asher was also friendly towards Aelia, and she felt comfortable with him. Nerissa had blurted out that he was an oracle, who'd made some sort of prophecy about her - so he probably knew everything anyways. Whether or not he wanted to, he would be more than helpful.

Strolling through the doors to the Sir Maximus Ward, Aelia checked to make sure nobody was around before running upstairs. She desperately wanted to escape to the comfort of her own bed, but the thought of Nerissa being there, waiting to pounce on Aelia again, sent shivers up her spine.

As she reached for the finger scanner on her door, Aelia paused. Was Nerissa really that much of a threat? Was she less, or was she more? Or was she not a threat, but trying to protect her friends and family? But what from? It's not as if Aelia had done anything wrong - she couldn't help what her gift was.

A burst of confidence led her to pushing her finger onto the scanner, a resolute click signalling her decision. Stepping inside, she tilted her head and smiled at Malcom, who was in the middle of brushing his teeth. He quickly bounded over to Aelia, toothbrush in hand, toothpaste froth around the sides of his mouth - quite a sight. She laughed and moved the remaining distance towards Malcom and smiled, leaning into the hug. Warmth spread through her body - Aelia hadn't realised that the crisp evening breeze had chilled her so much.

"Where have you been?" Malcolm asked tenderly, pulling back from the hug to look down at Aelia.

She shook her head and leaned back into the hug, craving the warmth of Malcom's hug. He didn't push her to answer, but when she finally let go, she looked up to face him.

"On Friday night, I need your help." She stated firmly, searching his eyes.

They clouded with confusion, and just as Aelia was about to explain, Nerissa entered the dorm. She quickly a sharp look pointed at Malcom, saying 'I'll explain later'. Nerissa's face immediately hardened after spotting Aelia. Her eyes flicked between the pair, suspicious. Aelia removed herself from the embrace and rushed to the bathroom, calling out that she was going to brush her teeth. Taking as much time as possible, she waited until Nerissa was done getting changed, and slipped out of the bathroom, avoiding eye-contact as they passed each other.

Aelia hurriedly got changed into her pajamas and slipped into bed, feeling the penetrating glare from Nerissa on the back of her neck. Shivering slightly, Aelia pulled her covers up higher, and turned to the side to face away from her.

"Tomorrow I find my family," Aelia whispered to herself, calming down and trying to relax - only to fall into a restless sleep.

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