
By MrsReigns19

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 4-

2.6K 107 3
By MrsReigns19

Since the show started at 5:40, we we needed to head to the arena after lunch. I had to take a look at outfits and just observe today. Ill be doing the real work on Monday.

I opened rhe door and got out the car. I took Avery out of her carrier and left the carrier inside the car. Nobody's trying to walk around holding that crap. I set Avery on the ground and and she walked to the door. Seth swooped her up from behind and she giggled. He set her on his shoulders and she grabbed onto his head for dear life.

"If you drop my baby, so help me I will.." I trailed off seeing how happy Ava was. I reached up and poked her cheeks. She laughed so hard drool started dribbling down her chin.

Dean was on the phone and walkng a head of us. As we got inside it was calm but there were superstars walking around here and there rolling in their suitcases. The show was to start in 30 minutes and Roman and the Authority were to start off the show.

Even though The Shield was broken up, they like rooming together and hanging out, though Roman and Seth's Charecters on TV hate eachother.

"Alright." Dean said hanging up the phone he turned to us. "So you want us to take you to Sandra?" Dean asked. I shrugged.

Seth sighed. "I dont think your really going to be doing much work here. Sandra gets through all the outfits. Your probably just going to be taking measurements all day and handing her your ideas." Seth explained. I frowned and crossed my arms.

I felt uncomfortable. I actually wanted to do something more like make the outfits.

"Atleast you get to be around us all the time." Dean tried cheering me up. I roled my eyes but bit my lip.

"Doesnt matter. I get to atleast add my ideas right?" I tried being positive but lets be honest, if thats all im going to be doing, imagine how much they will be paying me. I sighed as Seth removed Avery from his shoulders . She layed her head on his shoulder.

There was slience for a bit. But I reuse to let someone pity me.

"What the hell are you guys just standing there for?" I snapped, a little to harshly but who cares? Thats just me.

"You guys can stay in my locker room, my match isnt till later." Dean offered.

"Sounds great to me." I muttered. Seth handed Avery to me and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Ill talk to you later beautiful." Seth said to me. It sent chills down my spine. He gave me a short but meaningful hug. I wanted to smile but I couldn't. I stood there shocked but excited. I havent been called beautiful by a man in a longtime, let alone Seth Rollins.

"Yeah. Later." I managed to breath out. He smiled and walked away. I collected my self and turned around to face Dean. He had his favorite crooked smile on his face. I wiped my smile clean off my face and stood there serious.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Hmph." Dean didnt reply. He took Avery from my arms. I laughed and pushed his head making him laugh.

Roman hopped over the barricade. He walked up the steel steps and picked up a microphone. He looked mad.

The authority stood their ground on the canvas. Seth,Show,Jey and Jey security, Kane, and Tripple H along with Stephanie

Roman recieved a mixture of boos and cheers. He paced around angry.

"You guys want to snatch up my opportunity dont you?" Roman asked.

"First you put me in a mtch with Danial Bryan against kane and Show? As if that wasnt enough, you put us in a two on five handy cap match. We won the matches So what the hell do you want from me. Seth. Last I checked, you lost against Bryan so thus doesnt involve you." Roman asked furiously.

Seth stepped up and chuckled.

"Roman, you are the reason I slipped up. You superman punched me giving Bryan the win. Roman my brother, I'm just having little fun." He stepped closer. "I just want you to snap." Seth put so much emphasis on the 'snap' and pushed Roman. Roman came up and speared Seth, making the rest of the authority gang up on him and beat him. After a while they held him up and Seth measured up before leaing agaisnt the rope and running to curbstomp him.

Jey and Jey security left the ring to get the steel chairs. They hopped back in, intime to see Kane and Show ripping Roman's vest off of him. Roman layed there helplessly trying to get up and fight them off. Stephanie and HHH left the ring.

The took turns beating Roman senseless, getting bood and a few people actually cheering.

I turned off the monitor and looked away. How can you lay there while someone beats you with a steel chair? Thats the only scary thing about wrestling.

As I sat there for a while the door opened and a girl walked in. She had dark brown hair and resembled..

"Sorry, Dean told me I'd find you in here." Brie said. I stood up and smiled. "Oh no. Your fine." I replied. Avery's head propped up and she stood up. I picked her up, putting her on the couch and handed her my phone to play with.

"Okay so. Are we talking in here or Sandras office?" Brie asked akwardly. I looked around and picked Avery back up.

"The office I guess." I muttered. Brie walked out first and I walked out behind her.


"So Im thinking since Nikki wears the top and it say "02 Bella," why dont you get one that has "01"?" I asked sketching a drawing on my notepad.

Brie bit the inside of her cheeks and looked at the notepad. She rubbed her arm and thought.

"It might enhance the storyline more. In the ring she's always r alkng about how she was always the scond sister right? Tease her a little more by getting this top." I explained and she smiled.

"Alright. Thats pretty good. But I dont want the bottoms to be how Nikki's are. I find those quite disgusting." Brie said. I laughed a little and shrugged.

"Maybe their comfortable to her." I replied and sat back. Avery climbed onto my lap and began playing with my hair.

"Okay so before you go, im going to have to take your measurements." I said standing up. Avery began fussing and I kissed her head.

"Give me two minutes babe." I shushed her and she calmed down a little.

I pulled out some measurement tape and unrolled it.

"Lift your hands up for me please." I asked. She obeyed and I measured around her chest feeling a bit weird but its my job. I measured it up and wrote it down. I finished up and Brie thanked me.

As she was leaving the foor to Sandra's office flung open hard and hit the wall, making me cringe with fear. An angry Roman walked into the room. Ive never seen him so angry. What was left of his vest was clenched tight in his hands, he was shirtless, just in his cargo pants and combat boots.

"What is your problem?" I asked bitterly. His chest heaved up and down as he turned around, back facing me. Roman moved his hair to the side. My eyes widened as I took this in. His back was red and marked with bruises.

Avery let out a small noise but covered her face.

"What happened?" I asked. He sucked his teeth then clenched his jaw. "Did you not see what happened out there?" He growled. I stepped back a little and he turned back around to face me.

I cut my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "Who the hell are you yelling at? You comming in here acting like I'm supposed to do something bwcause you got your ass beat by steel chairs." I raised my voice. Romans muscles flexed and be balled his fists.

"How was I supposed to fight back it was clearly one on five." He stopped and looked me up and down in disgust.

I dont like his people bwcaise they think their so bad and tough. Who the hell does this man think he is?

"Shut up and leave if all your going to do is yell and bitch in my face about you getting beat up." I mocked him. Roman let out a small sarcastic chuckle.

"I dont have time to bw going back and forth with you. Ive got a match later on tonight. Bitch, give this to Sandra to fix for me." Roman threw his shredded up vest in my face. Before I could react, he walked out, still shirtless and bruised.

I turned around to Avery who was watching me intently. "Dont worry about that ugly cranky man." I said picking her up. She giggled and clapped her hands.

"Rwoman." She said.

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Just a little update on what's going to happen next for this book. Let me know what you think in the comments box.